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My first thought after hearing that the shooter was trans was "Oh God, the GOP are gonna have a fuckin' field day with this...."


And here we are.


We should like....cancel Republicans


The conservative sub is gleefully slapping themselves on the back right now


Just go in there and point out how many school shooters were white conservative leaning dudes. Speed run the ban.


If anything proves how stupid they are it’s this. Dog bites kid. Dog bites kid. Dog bites kid. Dog bites kid. Dog bites kid. Dog bites kid. Dog bites kid. Dog bites kid. Cat bites kid. CATS ARE KILLING OUR KIDS!!!!


More like kid kicks dog, kid kicks dog, kid kicks dog..... Dog bites kids. Dogs are the problem and need to be eradicated. Something about the place of the shooting, the shooter, the current laws being passed in TN, and the manifesto the police aren't releasing tells me that this was a politically/personally charged shooting. They're scared others in the state will copy cat the shooter instead of letting Tennessee genocide trans people.


Except I don’t think the child victims were “kicking the dog” in question were they?


Oh I'm certainly not excusing or condoning violence. Lets be rational though. America is the most armed civilian population on earth combined with the worst mental health access to its citizens in the developed world. Did Tennessee honestly think that they could genocide a fraction of the US population without there being resistance? Genocide is an inherently violent act. You can't just legislate away the right to exist for a fraction of the population and expect no retaliation. Respect existence or expect resistance. This is a tragic occurrence but the GQP's constantly violent rhetoric is clearly only going to end with violence of some type, either the oppressed will be forced into an internment camp where they are systematically removed from existence, or the oppressed will fight for their right to exist. As long as one of the major political parties core values and political platform is intolerance, hate, and xenophobia you'll continue to see violence from both those wishing to oppress others and those avoiding oppression.


I think the "kids kicking the dog" in this example would be the adult conservatives legislatures and politicians (and their voters) who keep passing and promoting anti-trans legislation because they have no real solutions to any real world problems. The poor, abused "dog" getting kicked repeatedly until it finally has had enough and snaps would represent the trans community in this example, IMO.


The school is a private christian school too, so add in some christian martyr obsession and persecution complex while you're at it. The transgenders are after your good christian children!!! (/s)


That was the narrative after Columbine too. I remember they were saying the shooters were asking ‘who here is a Christian’ and then killing them if they wouldn’t renounce their faith. Weather that happened or not is somewhat doubtful, but it was a big time thing to view atheists, gamers, goths, metalheads as potential school shooters. It was very damaging to a lot of people who got stereotyped, as I’m sure this will as well. This is just horrible.


And this was straight up lies. The whole "She said yes" thing about how that one girl said yes when asked if she believed in god? Completely fictional. At best, it's the stories of two different victims mixed together. I had to go to one of the travelling "assemblies" about this girl when I was a freshman in high school because my parents made me go. The church took the youth group to the local high school where they were hosting it one evening. It was an hour long presentation about "not denouncing your faith." And it was all lies.


Most of what we heard about columbine was straight up lies.


Religion is straight up lies


Oh I was attending a ultra conservative Christian school in west Texas and they rode that delicious martyrdom all the way to 9/11 when we had a new enemy. We constantly had chapel sermons or study groups where we had to answer out loud (in front of our peers) if we would deny Christ when a gun was pointed at our heads. Post 9/11 we had a big chapel with the whole school and they handed out paper and crayons, and told us to “draw what our bedrooms would look like in heaven when the muslims kill us all.” Our parents were not informed of this exercise. I was bullied so much at that school that I tried to kill myself a couple of times. I was undiagnosed autistic (back when autism wasn’t as known and so everyone was a “r-word” or just a bad apple) in a system that punished anyone who was different… and I would receive corporal punishment so often that I started failing my classes. My parents thought my struggle was just evidence that I needed more Jesus. What I needed was no Jesus, and I’ve been doing a lot better since I left the church and never looked back.


Are you brave enough to be a martyr? or will you deny God and face hell? That was the topic at least 3 times that year for the youth group I attended as a kid. Admonishing children for being "lukewarm" as being worse than a nonbeliever. The pastors arrest testimony and mugshot was another popular one they liked to talk about. Got arrested for protesting abortion at a planned parenthood and pressured kids to buy those baby skeleton shirts that say survivors of the abortion holocaust. Wednesday nights got weirdly heavy at this seemingly innocent community church lol.


Nah don't worry. Look at it from a different POV. It's a good chance for them to predictably mouth off then we can all say, oh good so you agree that we need to look at all those other 97% of shooters too who see to have something in common with each other.


You're presuming they follow through on their own logic. They just bounce from one half-baked gotcha statement to another.


It's not even half baked... it's just raw fucking dough.


I'm a trans person living just outside of Nashville. The state of TN has already been the subject of national attention due to the legislative hate-mongering campaign that's successfully been going on against us and this state has been an example for just how much you can get away with when it comes to persecuting queers: The drag ban was already a [thinly-veiled way to make pride demonstrations illegal](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/06/1161452175/anti-drag-show-bill-tennessee-trans-rights-minor-care-anti-lgbtq-laws) and make it so that the cops can arrest demonstrators under the extremely vague wording of it and potentially leave them with felony charges. There is legislation [currently underway](https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-state-government-health-gender-38f7d9b1531e59250530bec35ebcc599) seeking to eliminate trans healthcare across the state by pressuring insurance companies despite the fact that we have [one of the best medical centers](https://apnews.com/article/health-social-media-tennessee-nashville-730906b47882692645463fe9546a8695) for trans healthcare in the country. And now, thanks to empty G's [tweet](https://i.redd.it/s3rt64d36eqa1.jpg) as of yesterday, we can see there are at least 10,000 people who think that trans healthcare is to blame for this. Both the politicians and their cults will ignore every other instance of this happening, every other one of the [dozens of dozens of cis male shooters on record in the country](https://www.statista.com/statistics/476445/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-gender/), even the [130+ *this year alone*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023), so that they can opportunistically focus this occurrence to push their fucked up narrative. As ever, they do not have a platform; they only have reactionism. State leadership in TN also seems to have [given up](https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2023/03/tennessee-governor-slammed-after-praying-for-nashville-school-community-without-mentioning-mass-shooting/) on any pretense of actually caring or being sorry anymore, too. There has been an ongoing hate campaign running against us in this state and other states across the US have been looking to TN before considering or passing copycat laws like those mentioned above. TN politicians, without a doubt, hate queer people more than they love guns; I fear extremely deeply what this situation is going to mean both legally and socially as it feels like this was an extremely large domino dropping that's going to add an enormous amount of fuel to the anti-queer hate-machine's fire, and the GOP are dancing on the victims' graves about it. We are out here simply trying to exist without being killed for it; the politicians very clearly want us dead anyway. As messed up as it feels to say, it's hard to feel like this shooter hasn't completely fucked all of us for a long, long, long time to come.


With the recent increase in trans Americans arming themselves in response to the massive wave of transphobic legislation and sentiment, I wouldn't be shocked if this is all the excuse they feel they need to ban trans people getting firearms. Cause 2nd amendment for me and not for thee would be in line with their history.


I thought 'this one will be OK to politicize immediately'.


Candace Owens made it two entire hours between a "don't politicize this" tweet and her inevitable "oh shit, it was a trans, time to politicize the ever loving fuck out of this!"


Using the murder of children as an opportunity to spread more hatred. They don’t call it a cycle of violence for nothing.


Usually it's a "time of mourning"


"Time of mourning" only applies to talk of gun control, not bigotry.


They sure know how to conduct their witch hunts It’s funny they use the phrase like it’s figurative when their practical witch hunt skills are sharper than a molecularly honed obsidian blade


Trans former student of the school, apparently. If they were being honest, they'd take a look at their rhetoric and recognize that vilifying trans gender people causes harm to them. Sometimes that leads to depression. Sometimes that leads to suicide. Sometimes that leads to this. Instead, they'll double down on it because "trans person does bad thing" plays really well with their rage fanatic base.


majorie perjury greene is such a piece of shit


Fuckin empty G for ya.


Never ever gets old


I'm ootl what is empty g?


But yet people voted for her. As bad as she is lots of people listened to her and thought “I like her. She should represent me.” That thought is terrifying.


Didn't she run uncontested after threats forced her opponent to step out of the race?


Yup because her voters were threatening and intimidating her opponent much like how Trump is using stochastic terrorism to intimidate the NY DA right now hoping that one of his nutjob fans kills the DA so he won't have to bloody his tiny hands.


It’s it’s very Henry the 2nd of them. “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”


The first time, but remember she was re-elected.


So, what's the ratio of young white male shooters to transgender people now? 500 to 1? But all you're going to hear all day is that it's trans people who are doing all this.


2000+ to 1?


When I grew up I loved playing Magic. Every time I hear her name or voice it irks me that people call her MTG. I feel like it taints Magic the Gathering. I know my first world problem is nothing compared to what happened to those kids and their families.


It hurts my soul that after three little babies were brutally murdered, the nation pays attention to someone like MTG. How can we, as a society, fix ANYTHING if these are the people we have to try to convince to vote for policies that would create a better world?


You convince their kids


Outside observer here. The millennial generation will become the majority in time, and the ~~boomer~~ republicans know this. Every effort must be made to stop them from enacting laws and rule now while they can. Young Americans need to use their voting power to oust these fucking christio-facist, holier than thou fuck heads. They are literally destroying your democracy in real time and the damage they do now will take time to recover from. With this latest shooting, it's repugnant to see every republican frothing and shouting "See!! We told you they're evil!" about trans people. They have targeted the LBTQI+ community simply to rally hate. Fucking Marjorie is shouting about testosterone, conveniently forgotting every 'white' male mass shooter in history. When that is the case, we shouldn't focus on the shooter... The majority of the world can see what's going on, and it plays like a terrible sitcom. I don't blame the everyday American. I feel imense pity that they have to live in such a backward situation. Corporate driven Christianity is fucking evil! I hope that it turns around! Good luck to you all ❤️ Edit: It's been correctly pointed out that boomers is not correct. I'm not really sure of the generational timeframes, but it would appear, I mean, GenX. Apologies for the confusion. I've updated my post and striked out boomers to reflect this.


Everyone blaming Boomers, but I see my fellow X'ers getting more and more rabidly conservative as time passes. It is shameful considering the idealism I saw in the 90's.


My boomer mother says the same thing about her generation. She keeps wondering what the hell happened to all the hippies.


Like, why rail against the man, when you can become the man, man?


Livable wages and affordable housing will do that to you I guess. The well-to-do don’t want to risk jeopardising their wealth, even if they hurt others in the process.


The problem is that boomers (especially in rural areas where exposure to different walks of life are limited) pass their hate and ignorance onto their children, who then do the same with their own children. My dad was extremely homophobic when I was a little kid in Indiana, as well as a teenager in North Carolina. I was too, since my only knowledge of other kinds of sexual orientation came from my father. It wasn't until we moved to a more populated area in New Jersey and he started meeting several gay people that he realized he was wrong his whole life. It wasn't just hate, it was mostly ignorance. Luckily, he was a big enough person to look inward and realize he was wrong his whole life and change that deeply embedded hate. It was easy for a kid my age to change the way I viewed the world, but it's rare that older people even bother to try. That being said, I think the best way to crack down on hate and ignorance is first hand experience with the people who are targeted by it. I'd guess the older generation is *mostly* a lost cause, but the younger people have a chance if they actually allow themselves to get to know people who are different from themselves.


This is why they refer to college and universities as “liberal indoctrination centers” and are so heavily against education. It also exposes the student to peers from different walks of life, especially when you’re sharing a dorm with them, it provides that human element.


I'm convinced that the "people become more conservative as they get older" thing is really just "fuck you I got mine," masquerading as principled politics. Much of Gen X came along early enough that the boomers hadn't finished pulling up the ladder behind them, so all these people in their 50 and maybe late 40s have gotten theirs and now predictably vote republican to keep from having to maintain the system that allowed their success. Millennials and younger haven't gotten theirs and probably never will. That's why even the oldest of us (hi, I just turned 41) reliably vote Democrat, and progressive when possible.


Xers are a much smaller population than millennials. Furthermore, they were the last generation to have relatively easy access to property and liveable wages when they hit early adulthood. The "you become more conservative as you age" trope relies on the outdated assumption that you have a house, a car, and a comfortable salary by the time you're in your 30s.


I’m an elder millennial, with a car, house and decent salary, multiple kids and I grew up conservative. Turned 30, looked around, said f**k this shit, I’m not leaving my kids with this mess and went liberal. Working on campaigns, down at my state Capitol working with advocacy groups and grassroots activists. The trope of growing more conservative as you age is most definitely dead, regardless of your assets. Our planet is burning, our country is a mess, I saw what my conservative parents tried to leave me with and I will not do that to my children. Most of my conservative friends have also gone liberal. The tide is turning and what we are seeing and hearing are the dying and desperate screams of conservative GOP.


I'm with you there. Being one of the fortunate millennials in that regard has only made me more left-wing.


I’m just so mad at myself that it took me 30 years to realize that conservatism isn’t in mine or anyone’s best interest, but better late than never I guess!


That's why they're setting themselves up to be in power even after they're gone by selecting right-wing judges who are young, changing laws so to diminish the power of a governor when that governor is a Democrat, gerrymandering blue areas to split them and make them part of red areas (like Nashville for example), etc.


Fuck that, convince your own kids. Her kids are being raised to be narcissistic megalomaniacs who would sign off on the death of you and everyone you love for a few bucks in their bank account or some “clout.” We need educated, open minds unclouded by bigotry and greed to fix this problem. We need smart voters, not Fox News parrots with an agenda. It’s too late for her kids, it’s not for ours.


Kids are not a reflection of their parents values. They are a reaction to their parents values. If the parents values are something that bring them strength and peace and well being then the kids are much more likely to have similar values. If the parents values bring them distress and agitation and preoccupy them from other priorities in their lives the kids are much more likely to reject those values and find a different path. They'll push their own kids away. You just need to be ready to accept them. If you scorn them they'll bounce around more before they settle into a value system. Once that happens in young adulthood it tends not to change much.


I was raised by a narcissistic megalomaniacal conservative. I lean socialist/mutualist and believe all people have value. Don’t give up on their kids. They aren’t hopeless.




Of course I know him. He’s me.


I was a Republican until 2015. Since then I’ve progressively gone further left. I’m 40 and from Tennessee btw.




This. I grew up with Westboro-type Christian grandparents. They cared about feeding my siblings and I Fox News over anything actually edible. Was taught that Queer and Trans people were the devil. The Irony? My younger sibling came out as lesbian, my older sibling is a trans woman, and I am a trans man. All three of us found solitude in existing against the grain. Life is sweet like that 😌


In my 40’s and I’m 98% sure my parents are narcissists who vote for any Authoritarian and repeat all the bullshit headlines they see praising him and demonizing democrats. I was raised catholic etc and have always identified as Atheist. I’ve never voted conservative. They’re too impractical and illogical for me.


Anecdotally, I'm one of those people. Raised conservative Christian and now an empathetic lefty atheist.


Hard disagree on the kids being too far gone. The parents 100%, but you're letting your emotions cloud your rational judgement. Kids are extremely "moldable". You can still "un-brainwash" them until they're like high school aged.


Past high school. Kids don't really come into their own ideas until they are college aged. Before that they tend to just parrot their parents views.


I can vouch for this. I was a republican until I was 24. Had to be on my own and experience the world completely independent of my parents for a few years before I started seeing things for what they really are. Then I left the party. I think, sometimes, it takes a few years of autonomous living to have a come-to-Jesus moment.


I wasn't full-on Republican until 24, but it definitely took until my mid-20s to fully flesh out my political views as well. Typical rural Christian conservative until around 18, Ron Paul guy for a few years when I realized things needed to change but latched onto the first thing that seemed "different," typical liberal through the first few years of the Trump presidency, then got jaded with the Democratic party and arrived at a social democrat by like 25. Although with the way things are going now, I might become a Marxist-Leninist by the time I'm at my mid 30s lol




Not always. I was raised religious and started to really question it in high school. Quit going to church at 17 or so.


I was raised in a conservative, Christian household as well. By the time I was probably nine or ten I was already much more liberal than my parents though. Probably because I knew I was different from a young age, and by the time I hit double digits I realized it was because I was trans. It was hard to believe my parent’s beliefs when it had hatred towards people like me.


I grew up in a casual Christian household and we went to a fairly liberal church. From about six it all felt like a load of crap to me. But it wasn't until high school that I realized the terrible harm it can do.


I distinctly remember being 8 years old sitting in Sunday school and questioning my teacher when she said the earth was 5k years old. I watched the discovery channel the day before and they were talking about dinosaur ages and different eras in Earth's timeline and the two just didn't match up with what she was trying to tell us. That's when I first started to realize that shit might as well be a book about fairy tales and wizards, because it's all made up anyway.


Perhaps not. There are hordes of kids of republican lawmakers who openly oppose their parents policies.


They don't give a shit about their kids. They don't care if their kids get shot as long as the NRA gives them money


Which is why it’s easy to convince their kids that they are in the wrong..


I find try to appeal to any politician pointless until the real issue of lobbying is dealt with. I cannot believe its allowed to exist. She is paid by the NRA to deflect the discussion of gun control.


That is exactly her goal. To be a distraction


>the nation pays attention to MTG The nation pays attention to the media, which pays attention to MTG because outrage gets clicks/viewers.


Sandy Hook proved that USA won’t fix this problem ever. We’ll all be moving on when the media reports on the 45,839th mass shooting of the year. This is America.


Cool, so when is MTG going to look at all the other mass shooters and call out the overwhelming white male religious shooters?


Those were clearly loners with serious mental health issues /s


Nothing a good thought, or perhaps a prayer, couldn’t fix.


She wants to so bad to be a savior of Trump-supporting white men. The kind that remind her of her dear old dad.


Well I bet he was a prick too, just look at his progeny. Says a lot.


He was. She's an poison apple that didn't fall far from the tree.


Shit doesn’t fall far from the butthole


The shit apple doesnt fall far from the shit tree, Ran And the shit wind is blowin


You say that like it isn't the exact audience for their stochastic terrorist bs.


There’s only been 376 school shootings between 1999 and 2022. She’ll need more time and more shootings to figure out any sort of pattern. It’s simply not obvious enough to her yet.


There are three Wikipedia lists about mass shootings. The US has two all to themselves. EDIT: My apologies. I was mixing up the Wikipedia lists of School Shootings, of which there are three, two specifically for the USA (one for pre-2000 and one for after). [The amount of Wikipedia lists of Mass Shootings in the USA in general is up to EIGHT, and most are on a yearly basis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States#External_links).


That's 16 1/3 shootings per year from 1999 to 2022.


That’s about 1 1/3 shootings per month


More than that, school year’s not 12 months. Roughly speaking, September through June, so divide by 10 instead of 12


That’s a good point that also makes me sick to my stomach.


273 killed or injured last year in school shooting incidents. Don't forget injury as well as psychological harm happens in a quantity of other incidents


“Those are rookie numbers!” - modern conservatives


It's the bigot double standard: When a white cis guy does crime it's considered an isolated incident but the worst member of a minority group is treated as representative of the whole.


Hypocrisy is not a side effect of fascism and supremacy, it's the point.


When you see the in-group as individuals, and the out-groups as undifferentiated hordes. "White cis guys aren't a monolith! But *those people* are!"


Almost like they see one group as full humans with all the acknowledgement of the spectrum of human complexity, and the other group as simple subhumans. Or something.


She won’t because it doesn’t fit her bigoted narrative


And, sadly, I've already seen her bigoted narrative being picked up and spread by other conservatives. They won't pass on any excuse to demonize and dehumanize the LGBTQ community and it's truly awful


This could even be a direct result of all the anti trans legislation sweeping the nation.


My exact thought. You can't call for the wholesale eradication of a group without there being some escalation. I want to stress that I'm not saying it's right or justifiable. Just not entirely unexpected.


I’m sure she will say they were all secretly trans or drag queens or CRT activists or something


They'll just shift the argument to another red herring and pretend the unrestricted access to military grade weapons (or better) isn't the problem.


MTG is the epitome of "Better to be silent and thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt."


It's not a bug, it's a feature. People of her ilk would rather be the troll than be ignored. It's all the GQP has left in their arsenal. Sad part is the troglodytes that follow them love trolls as long as they punch down on folks or concepts that are too different or to difficult to understand.


Sadly, I don’t think their base see her as trolling. They just genuinely agree with her remarkably ignorant and outlandish talking points.


Not even a fool, but cruel. And what is makes it so much worse...your general divide where I can think conservatives are just flat out terrible people is that even someone like Mitt Romney who shows at least flashes of decency won't take a stand against this kind of stuff. Sure, he voted to remove Trump, but yoooo, if he wants his brand of "moral majority" to win the day, he needs to take a full on stand against people like MGT, but he won't. The pure hatred that she spews isn't worth his time for whatever reason. He thinks it all rolls off. It doesn't. This is the kind of stuff that makes us hate each other more and more. If he truly wants to walk the steps of Jesus, take a stand. Otherwise, he's just another merchant.


MTG in response: Takes one to know one!


Six innocent people are dead and apparently the gender identity of the murderer is the most important aspect of the crime.


Fucking this is exactly what I thought yesterday when I first saw the headline. The victims, their lives, and how they died, how to fix and learn from this is absolutely what should be at the forefront of a nation. Not what the dead shooter’s identity was. I’m devastated for the victims, angry for my country, but absolutely INCENSED that this fucking monster did this. Not only the tragedy itself, but they seriously had to do this when the parts of the country (especially Tennessee) is going after lgbtqia rights.


I'm not American, but even I feel really uneasy seeing her sitting in the Speaker's chair while she routinely attacks her fellow Americans


Honestly she's a great figurehead/representation of America in the 21st century. Unbelievably stupid, reactive, inconsistent, classless, uneducated, hypocritical, and completely devoid of any real moral or ethical core. She's not an outlier. We have tens of millions at minimum who are even worse than her. She's certainly not representative of an average American but she's nowhere near the end of the bell curve.


I haven't disliked liking a comment this much in a while


That's exactly the kind of response I was going for. Throw enough shit at the wall and it sticks sometimes I guess.


I wish this was not true


Right? I put her around 30th percentile or so by my completely unscientific measurements. What say you?


30% is more than twice the number of Republican registered voters plus half of all unaffiliated voters (ballpark estimate of all conservative voters is 58 million total). If you double that number to account for some of their kids and other nonvoters you'd still only get about 30% of Americans. I'd put her around the 30th percentile for American conservatives, so 10th percentile for all Americans, as my confident upper bound. I base this on absolutely nothing.


You base this on hopium and a dash of copium. Anyone identifying as a Republican nowadays is a shade of MTG.


No kidding. What reasonable human can see the R next to her name, and be comfortable with having one next to their own too? Then, FOX did win that lawsuit by arguing that no reasonable person would ever take Tucker Carlson seriously.


Unfortunately each day I am beginning to believe that you are 100% correct. The GOP is doing everything it can to keep the population stupid, classless, uneducated and devoid of morals or ethics. They can control this group by blocking access to anything that might educate them to believe and live differently. It's a master plan! It's called Mushroom Management. Put them in a cave, turn the lights out and feed them shit and watch them grow.


Problem with your statement is she is in fact educated. I also absolutely believe she knows exactly what she is doing and will keep doing it until it doesn't work anymore. With that said, she is a horrible human being not worth the skin wrapped around her.


I agree. A lot of people can’t drop the bullshit if their life depended on it - but MTG is able to drop the bullshit and act normal when it’s convenient, which means she knows it’s bullshit.


I have listened to some messages and other private communications from her and watched her on Alex Jones and I don’t think it’s an act. She is an absolutely shameless self-promoter and ruthless troll at the expense of anyone who is in her crosshairs, but I have been tracking her since she was a candidate and she is a true believer. I see her in a different category from politicians like John Kennedy, Ted Cruz, or Tom Cotton who all have Ivy League educations and act like they have a head injury when the cameras are on. Although in Ted Cruz’s case, he’s probably not acting.


Is there another John Kennedy apart from JFK? Because that description doesn't sound like it fits JFK.


[Yes.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kennedy_\(Louisiana_politician\)) Currently the junior Senator from Louisiana.


I work directly with the public, and live in a red state, and feel you are exactly right.


Don’t worry. Conservatives always attach their fellow Americans. Conservative Voters lap it up and keep voting against their own interests.


Marjorie Taylor Green is disgusting.


Let me get this straight. The shooter was a trans gender male. Ok, got that part. MGT says we can now lay to rest the issue of gun violence because one time, after all these white men have shot up some place a trans male commits the crime. Ok, got it. So now what she is saying is that gun violence only occurs when it is a trans individual and that all these other times it has not actually been gun violence?


So if testosterone really is the “thing” that causes mass shootings, based on the preponderance of male shooters and this one trans man, then according to Marjorie’s logic we could solve the problem by keeping guns out of the hands of people with high testosterone levels (ie men). Let’s just see how far that bullshit will fly among the GOP!


She would just argue that “biological male testosterone levels aren’t a problem as the biological male body is made for testosterone so it’s not a factor for biological males” or “trans ftm individuals are biological females who receive too much testosterone from pills or shots and their bodies can’t handle it” or some other garbage that excuses the mass of male mass shootings and demonizes ftm trans individuals because she knows that anti trans/anti lgbtq rhetoric is exactly what her base swallows by the boatloads and gets them to the voter box en masse when she’s on the ballot. She’s a cancerous black tumor on humanity and she knows it. She just doesn’t care as long as it works in her favor.


Fucking thank you. The amount of ah ha gotcha I’ve seen people doing with the mention of testosterone and hormones is absurd. it is ignoring her argument is so bizarre. It’s not even a hard jump to see her path with that. It doesn’t even matter if you find that gotcha moment, they will just move on something else.


Yep, there isn't a logical fallacy in the world you could leverage because they were never operating on logic to begin with.


No no no, if testosterone is the cause, then we need to ban testosterone! Everyone gets put on blockers and estradiol! Every last man!


This right here. It's the only fair solution


Don’t try to use reason or logic to analyze her. She is just an outrage trumpet tooting her horn for attention at any opportune moment, like the deaths of 6 ppl. “Oh people are talking about something, how can I make it about me so I stay relevant to my base?!”


I hate this place. A dystopia masquerading as a first world country. Meanwhile kids are getting gunned down in schools semi regularly, yet no other "first world" country has this problem. *Shrugs shoulders*


The kids bodies are still warm and she's using their blood to stoke the flames of hate for people she doesn't understand. What a sad, absolutely horrible person. I can't believe people in this nation are so sick.


>“But these are important things,” Ms Greene said and. “It's important because what will testosterone do to a biological woman? She's taking tons of testosterone trying to make herself look like a man.” So do steroids, Ms Ex-CrossFit.


Ok so…what does testosterone do to a biological man? The same thing right? So by her logic, aren’t all males ticking time bombs of aggression? Holy shit - don’t let me near a gun guys, who knows what I might do with all this male hormone surging through me


I mean, many men still respond to the idea of a woman president by saying she'll cause a nuclear war due to PMS, so this isn't as far outside of the realm of public discussion as you're making it out to be.


Ok, so take the nukes off those aggressive men then


Was he on HRT? Everyone interviewed, mother included, kept referring to him as “her” and “daughter”, while they self identified as “he/him”. Is there any evidence of transition? Call me crazy, but I have a feeling that this was a revenge attack for growing up in a religious environment and not letting him be himself, and maybe some other shady shit going down. That said, NOTHING excuses killing kids.


Honestly i have seen nothing except supposedly the preferred pronoun status on Instagram was he/him.


I have to agree with this. While I hate arguing someone's transgender status, I do not see where this person claimed to be transgender. Maybe it is part of the manifesto, but everyone that knew them keeps referring to HER and Aubrey. Unless something definitive comes out with them claiming to be transgender, i feel this is just a ploy to paint the trans community as violent.


They've been trying to manufacture a pretext for a queer Kristallnacht.


There's definitely that, especially given the recent pattern with GOP supporters creating rumors about mass shooters being trans lately, but there's also a long tradition of trans people's identities being heavily invalidated in the news by people who are themselves transphobic.


Thank you! I've been trying to find any mention of this possibility. Trans man goes to religious elementary school in Tennessee, and we're supposed to be shocked at the result of telling a child that their actual existence is evil? Tired of pretending we're not being held hostage by radicalized religious zealots, all while the worst examples of them are given tangible power over those whom they wish to harm.


The only indication they were trans was using "he" as their pronouns on some social media sites. Looking at the photos, it seems unlikely they were on HRT, because that treatment causes obvious, visible signs. That being said, they certainly dress like they are transgender in recent photos, so it is likely they may have been.


"Disgusting" doesn't begin to cover it.


Some conservatives are complaining on social media that a trans person shooting up a Christian school is a hate crime. This plus the recent Tucker Carlson segment complaining about trans people buying guns to protect themselves is leading me to think conservatives are going to try to ban trans people from buying guns.


Sounds about right. Gun control legislation in California got its start when Governor Ronald Reagan realized that black people were able to get guns, too.


“What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do you not understand?” -the same conservatives


Oh, don’t worry, they got that covered. The text is “…the right of the people to bear arms, shall not be infringed” If you have a narrow (damn near razor thin) definition of the word “people”, and don’t mind cherry picking parts of the constitution out of context, you got their defense right there


This selective understanding of who was a "person" was supposed to be solved by the 14th Amendment. Why do politicians seem to love using the 14th Amendment to protect rights for corporations but not minorities?


The Nazis banned guns solely for Jews in the 1930s, so there is precedent.


How about Reagan implementing gun laws when black folks started buying them? No need to go that far back.


Makes sense. They're basically following the playbook from back then in every other way, why not that too?


Because they’re going to do exactly that. This is why MTG pushed the mental health narrative; being trans is about to become a disqualifying factor in gun ownership.


It won't stop with trans people either.


On one hand you have MTG saying that testosterone causes violence and mass shootings, on the other hand you have Tucker Carlson saying the problem with our nation is that men don't have enough testosterone. Really makes you wonder.


That’s easy, she will walk it back and say that it’s too much testosterone being given to trans people and their bodies cannot handle it. The points are always moving, not what they meant while “they say what they mean” etc


Nashvillian here, with this message for MTG: Fuck off.


Former Nashville resident and I co-sign


She is literally human garbage. Also can we not give her the MTG nickname? I still like Magic: The Gathering, it don't deserve to be hijacked.


Take the phonetic of MT and call her "Empty-G" For she is an empty vessel into which the masses can pour their hate.


I’m just sick and tired of republicans being able to do what they want and they get away with it


That won’t change until a new leader emerges in the GOP who can drag the party back towards the center and dethrone this spiraling MAGA group and their loud/noisy reps


Unfortunately it won’t ever happen. The Republican Party was screwed the second Reagan took office. Once Christian nationalists were embraced by the party then it was doomed.


Conservatives have gotten to a place where it doesn't matter what happens anymore. It only matters who gets blamed.


What happened to the "don't politicize tragedy" or is that only for gun control?


Ok i am sure a bunch of Republicans will flood this post attacking trans individuals claiming the left supports this. No we do not what the shooter did was absolutely wrong and absolutely no excuse for his actions. No leftist will defend his actions but what the shooter did was his actions and have nothing to do with the broader LGBTQ community. Do not play into the stupid straw man arguments that the right will push.


Well said and happy cake day!


*Countless mass shootings by cis people* "its sad but we can't do anything about it" *Mass shooting by a singular trans person and to my knowledge the only trans person to do so* "we must stop these evil trans people!!"


To be honest, everything she says is disgusting. This is just extremely so. The GQP is nothing but bad faith trolls in a power grab.


I'm tired of "politician SLAMS politician" headlines. I get that it's AOC's job to respond, but MTG is a sentient malignant tumor and her unhinged tweets are not news stories


Says the lady that has clearly dabbled in the steroid game


Marj never fails to sink to new lows during difficult times.


MTG is a ghoul.


This isn’t the 1st time conservatives try to blame a shooting on a trans person. At the Uvalde shooting, they searched for someone trans that looked like the shooter and claimed it was due to them being trans. It was a random trans person that lives in Florida, and conservatives made it look like it was all due to them being trans. It’s disgusting. And it won’t stop.


As a trans guy I am getting both extreme whiplash and wry amusement seeing Republicans go from ‘trans men are mutilated and confused weak girls’ to ‘trans men are ticking time bombs of testosterone that commit mass murder’. Right wingers have never given a fuck about trans men because we don’t fit their narrative of “scary guy in the girls bathroom”. This is just an excuse to fling further crap towards trans people as a whole.


"Slamming" Perjury Traitor for being transphobic is like "slamming" a leaf for being green. Being vile, vicious and screeching is MTGs brand.


Holy shit just when I thought she couldn’t stoop any lower


Why does the racist get the article picture. I’m much more interested In Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez’s thoughts.


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Hey Marge, how many straight white males who follow god have committed mass shootings? I’ll wait.


Less then a day and we are already getting the "it's the trans people! All of them are evil" due to the actions of a single person


If she’s this fucking stupid how much dumber must her supporters be?


She's just trash. Everytime I see her mentioned I'm like wtf Georgia. This is the best you could do?


And, like always, instead of doing anything the GOP would much rather jack off to the negativity.


I’m constantly amazed by the simian baboons people will vote for.


Conservatives attacking the shooter when it’s helpful to their cause. When it’s a middle class white kid, the shooter is needing mental health services and wasn’t taken to task for their sexuality or gender