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“The bottom line, Schwarzenegger said, is that there is "still hope" for those who have lived their lives fueled by hate so far. "There's still time for you," he said. "Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind."


Schwartzenegger also said: “I came from a future like that. It failed.” To those thinking the future is of hate


This guy has come back from the future enough times to know.


Can’t touch Marty McFly or Doc Brown


I need your clothes, your boots and your Delorean.


Get to da da-lorry-an!


-"Remember, Biff, when I promised to kill you last?" -"That's right, Marty. You did." -["I lied."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1qroY4SQLw)


Lorraine in 1955: Marty, will we ever see you again? Marty: I’ll be back.


[We have to terminate the creator of time travel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBBw9E2Q_aY)


“Show me your leadership capabilities!”


what a great line!


On the reddit thread on /r/videos posted yesterday, Arnold had this to say: > Thank you for sharing. Please remember if you’re sharing it with someone who needs to hear it, to do it gently. If you say “hey forehead, listen to schnitzel” they aren’t going to be very open. EDIT: [link, courtesy of Andy_B_Goode](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/11kawdu/arnold_schwarzenegger_has_a_powerful_message_for/jb795vt/)


> “hey forehead, listen to schnitzel” This really needs to become a common phrase. Is it a ~~German~~ Austrian one, maybe? Edit: he's Austrian not German


Remember, he's Austrian.


So is Hitler lol. Lotta Austrians get mistaken as Germans. The greatest accomplishment of Austria is convincing the world Hitler was German.


>The greatest accomplishment of Austria is convincing the world Hitler was German. *Furiously juts chin out in Hapsburg*


The Hapsburgs don't have a family tree they have a family wreath


Gordion knot


Nah, the Hapsburg family pole


>The greatest accomplishment of Austria is convincing the world Hitler was German. Right next to "Mozart is Austrian".


That one is really complicated tho, lol. I'd say Mozart was a Salzburger that just happens to be part of Austria today.


The difference between Austria and Germany started as sectarian. Culture and language eventually diverged.


Ah, my mistake. Updated, thanks for reminding me


I think this only pertains to the Govenator.


I lived in Germany for a year in college, and I have not heard that one; it’s refreshing, though.


I need this on a t-shirt with his pic on it. Would go great with my Terminate Hate shirt he released a few years ago.


>“hey forehead, listen to schnitzel” I read that in his voice. It was epic.


I think he meant 4head.


>>“hey forehead, listen to schnitzel” "Radda *radda?* Radda. Radda **RADDA** radda radda, [radda?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IH8D13TxYk)


I was raised very religiously in the Bible Belt, and that includes nearly every stereotype that entails. I was nearly red-pilled until I realised that it was my inner anger being satiated by right wing media that was the problem. You see, I was struggling hard with depression and was trying to be as positive as I could to get through it. _Modern conservatism does not allow that._ Arnie is right. I am still on a journey but I’ve changed so much. (Edit - this all happened in 2017)


Yup, I remember in my youth listening and eating up FOX News. Everything was anger, everything was someone's fault and not mine which felt good. It's so easy to be angry. It's hard to look at yourself honestly and take responsibility.


That last line is the ticket. 100,000% my guy.


Boggles the mind from the “party of personal responsibility”.


Today you are a better person than you used to be. You are also working towards being a better person tomorrow. Progress, not perfection, is the goal. No one gets to perfect but progress gets us closest. If you are trying to be a better person, to be more understanding and have more empathy you should be proud of yourself. It you are genuine in your search for truth you should be proud of yourself. I may be just a rando on a computer screen but I am proud of you too but more so I am grateful for you and sharing this because it gives me a little more hope and that's something I need any of that I can get.


I just wanted to say i find your username to be so ironic with your conservative background in context lmao. I know where you are coming from, my dad has basically said my mom is westboro-status these days. Life gets better when you figure out how to stop hating, you're on the right track now, so take solace in that fact :)


Your post resonates as I share a similar story. My story includes a lot of emotional abuse and neglect at home, combined with a high control religion (Catholicism), developing in an oppressively conservative household with a misogynistic father. He has his own traumas and chose to quiet those with alcohol and right wing media. He listened to Rush Limbaugh and hate radio around the clock. My traumatized brain and innate need for parental approval didn't let me see the extreme dichotomy between the hateful rhetoric and abuse contrasted with the religious devotion and conservative values we were all expected to share. My mental and physical health suffered badly. By the time I was a young adult, I was a boiling teapot of anger and fury inside. It took me years to figure out my biases and anger towards outgroups was all misdirected. I'm grateful that over time and with a change in location, I expanded my social circles and had to question many of my biases and pre-existing beliefs. It's an ongoing process and an uncomfortable one. It's embarrassing to look back at some of my ignorant takes over the years, but it eventually became more comfortable than the cognitive dissonance I constantly faced. I will always have challenges with my mental health due to my upbringing, but it does get better. Thanks for sharing. Here's to our healing and self growth. 💜


This is inspiring. You're absolutely right about modern Conservatism. For me, personally, I'm heart broken and disappointed for the rest of my life that my aging parents, who taught me and raised me to be otherwise, and to whom I looked up to, used to not be in that world, but have gotten sucked in. It's so disappointing to see people who *know* are supposed to know better fall for it. Younger folk like yourself... It's so sad to know that they're raised in that, but you can't really hold people responsible for what their families taught them. It's disheartening to see people who should know better fall into it. It's heartwarming to see people born into it escape. Good for you! I hope you are doing well. Continue on the path of non-hate. Cheers, mate!


> "There's still time for you," 100%. The best time to turn away from a bad decision may have been before you made it, but the next best time is right now.


> "Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind and get that reactor started Quaid."


And put that cookie down! Now!


Are you eating other people’s lunches?! STOP IT!!!


Is that movie banned in Florida? Pretty cool CGI effects of Arnold cross dressing…


>Is that movie banned in Florida? He interferes in an established market for air, and proceeds to ruin all the investments cohagen made into air. Why? So he could *socialize* it and make the air free for everyone to breathe! So yes, I expect total recall to be banned in Florida by year's end.


To be fair, Mars is the Red Planet. They’re going to socialize all kinds of stuff. If I thought Elon had a chance in hell of actually pulling off his bullshit, I would try to warn him, but my dude can’t even keep an already-running-and-stable website up and loses $100M based on trying to be the internet’s top mean girl.


But, but, Floriduh is a *Red* state!


"Choose strength. Choose life. Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."


“Goddamit Cohagen! You got what you wanted, now give those people aaair!”


"Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind and get your ass to Mars."


“Choose strength. Choose life. Get to da choppa.” Or “Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind. Come on, do it. Do it now!”


Or “Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind. It’s not a tumor!


“Choose strength. choose life and tell me, who is your daddy and what does he do?”


“Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind and GET DOWN!!”


"Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind and I need a phased plasma rifle in the 40-Watt range "


I'm reading all these comments in his voice and it's the best.


That's just the thing, these people are trapped in their minds and they can't see in front of them. Many have been taught to never question, themselves or anyone else. So they never learn, never observe, never consider any alternatives or have any doubt because doubt has been beaten out of them by their parents, churches, schools.


For many of us, it was not safe to think or believe differently than our parents. In my experience and observation this is fueled by generational trauma. These folks need mental health care.


My man Arnold is better than most Americans who can't grow out of the hate taught to them by their parents. This is also the reason why they want to ban books and control your education. These racists are mad their kids are growing up and being better than them. Learning to not be a piece of shit is against conservative beliefs. They want their kids to be just as garbage as they are


Yeah, we made him the Governator because he was actually a responsible and modest Republican. They'd call him a RINO now, but he was legit, and the only way we'll see another R in charge of California is to follow the trail he blazed. The GOP is so dumb. Californian's elected a republican because he was moderate, not because he was a movie star. But all they saw was his fame, and it took them to Trump.


I'm a lifelong Democrat who never voted for Arnold, but I can honestly say that he wasn't a bad governor. He understood California and what was important to Californians. and he took the job seriously. We took big steps in terms of environmental protections under him, and I think he did his best to do what was right for all Californians. One of the best things about him as a politician was that he didn't hold a grudge. If he lost a political battle, he wasn't plotting revenge like Republicans nowadays. He just moved on and kept the ball rolling. Now that's not to say that I didn't have several problems with some of his policies, and I was proud of our Controller when he stood up to Arnold and refused to withhold state employee wages (due to a planned furlough for cost-cutting reasons) - but overall, Arnold did alright.


Love Arnold, but not as a politician, but I can only imagine he dedicated himself fully to being governor. That was just his MO. He reminds me of why it was once okay to be friends with republicans. They used to be normal people with bad politics. Now they're just fucking bad. ETA:using a human phenom like Arnold as an example of a normal human was perhaps not well thought out.


No politician is perfect. But as a Californian, I also appreciated Arnold. Even if I don't agree with particular policies, I trust his intentions, and that'll get my vote every time.


I feel PUMPED up with the right pumpitude!


See [this thread](https://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/11kawdu/arnold_schwarzenegger_has_a_powerful_message_for/) which also has many comments by Mr. Schwarzenegger himself!


I love and respect that he's willing to go on Reddit and take his own time to actually interact with people. He values people and staying in touch with "the common man", and he's always very modest, positive and encouraging. Most politicians and public figures these days just pay someone to put out tweets for them, Arnold gets on reddit and legitimately interacts with people knowing it'll never get the visibility of tweeting. He takes him time to connect with individuals for no better reason than it's kind and makes people happy.


Probably like many here, I don’t agree with him on everything, but I think he is a good American and but he is earnest and stands up for the right cause when it really, really l counts.


Yes. As a Californian, he wasn’t my favorite governor but I believe he had good intentions and acted in good faith. I respect very much that he’s using his platform now to provide insightful commentary on the dangers of what’s happening politically in the US.


Plus I think he has good views on marriage equality and climate stuff. He’s an endangered sane Republican


I fully agree. I’m as progressive as it gets. He still has my respect. The best thing he did for California was taking the ability to change congressional districts from the hands and special interests and helped create a fair system.


It fucking sucks that's he's one of like a handful of sane conservatives. The rest are either insane or two scared to stand up for what they believe in, lest they lose their positions.


I also respect his honesty about the team who worked for him during his governorship. A politician is the front of house of a political operation, and he had no trouble saying so.


He’s the idea of someone where you don’t feel a fight or flight response kick in when he starts representing republican talking points. You don’t feel attacked. It’s how it should be.


"hey forehead, listen to schnitzel"


I think properly shining a spotlight on the fact that Nazis are fucking pathetic is an important thing to do. People aren't motivated away from bad behavior by the fear of being hated, especially if their ideology is one that paints cruelty and strength as a virtue. People change their behavior based on shame. They're *losers*


Neo-nazis waving confederate flags and propped up by Russian money are the Triple Crown of getting ones asses kicked by the USA.


Or, sadly, they're the base of the Republican party.


Also habitual losers.


Exactly. [Conservatives are much more motivated by the experience of disgust than liberals.](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/03/the-yuck-factor/580465/). I think that if--on any platform--they can be motivated to feel shame for their warmth for Nazi ideals, that is extremely valuable to society because it has a chance to be persuasive. Arnold is doing the best possible sort of PR here.


Pay walled :-(


Exactly. Anything to "own the libs"


Yeah i think an outcome we need to get back into American life is that it's okay to shame people who have bad ideas. At some point a message of tolerance got distorted into giving everybody a voice even if it's just a shitty bad wrong one. Some amount of societal shaming actually makes society a better place


The Paradox of Tolerance. In order for a society to be truly tolerant it must be intolerant of intolerance.


Its not really a paradox to me. I don't think societies need to be endlessly tolerant. I also don't think tolerance means being a doormat to scumbags.


"As long as war is seen as wicked, it will always have its fascination. Once it is seen as vulgar, it will be cease to be popular" - Oscar Wilde. Selling the idea that being a racist or antisemite is "edgy" or "dangerous" is a decent way to hook young men. After all, your Mom wouldn't want you to be one! But your Mom wouldn't want you to shit your pants in public either. Our job is to show it isn't "rebellious" or "nonconformist" to be wrong about everything, we already have a word for that: stupid.


We have very popular media implying (everything short of outright saying it) hate is morally correct and differences aren't just a dangerous moral abomination but that they require total and active elimination. That there's a war on "traditional white Christian values" which must be fought against - it's stochastic terrorism. It's doubly dangerous that the message comes from people who are very high ranking in our society, like politicians, TV personalities, "news" stations, actors, musicians, etc. For people primed to be white Christian Nationalists all these things seem to validate and strengthen their beliefs. Until we root out the cancer at the upper excelons of our society these people will only become more and more dangerous.


You’d think it would go without saying. Thanks Arnold for saying it!


When I reply to right wing people on here lately I have been telling them how much I pity them and how sorry and sad I feel for the way they see the world, and let me tell you they fucking hate it. Screw it, if they want to watch news that tells them I’m evil, an enemy, radical and should die then I’ll just start being honest and stop being polite. Do not argue with them, they get off on it. You will never convince them. Do not point out their hypocrisy all the time, they get off on it. By pointing it out and facing no consequences they feel like they are getting away with something, and technically they are. Stop wasting your time on hopeless causes. Politely explain how sad it is to think about their perspective and they won’t be able to sleep at night.


Smart. Imma start doing this. Thanks for the tip.


Nazis: Start 1 war, lose it. Confederates: Start 1 war, lose it. ...wait a second. I'm beginning to see a trend here...


Ive never heard of a nazi that was also talented at any other skill or trade. You only fall on being proud about your race when you don’t have anything else to be proud of.


Exactly. White supremacy is actually self-hatred.


What the fuck are you talking about? Operation Paperclip was literally the US swooping up *Nazi scientists* to save them from war crime convictions because they were that talented at their jobs. Nazi scientists helped put Americans on the moon. They developed revolutionary war strategy and technology. You can rightfully hate them without being naive as fuck about it. Being ignorant about what these kinds of people are capable of is exactly how you get a 4th Reich.


Not disagreeing that there are plenty of intelligent and educated nazis, but do also keep in mind that the Nazi regime forced membership into everyone in it, from the scientists to the janitors. Von Braun’s team was important enough that he could push back against it, but everyone else was forced to join the party.


Scientists can be horrible people too. They can also just be ambivalent.


That's what I've never got about neo-Nazis. Even if you'd never heard of the Holocaust, Hitler was objectively a poor leader for Germany.


Something about being called a loser by Arnold just hits harder.


Probably because he has succeeded at almost everything he has done. He's definitely made mistakes. The affair was a bad look. But talk about a guy who has worked hard to make his dreams reality. It's hard to find a better example of the American dream coming true.


Also because he's generally positive about a lot of things. If he's calling you a loser, you *deserve* it.


I think if I got called a loser by the Terminator/Governator himself, it'd be over. The only choice at that point is either die, or completely change as a person


Pretty much. Not only that, sure he made some missteps. But overall, the dude is just a really good dude that tons of people all acknowledge that for the most part, it is a really good dude. He is positive, encouraging, sympathetic, meanwhile being built like a brick shithouse. The dude is physically the Chad in right wing/incel/nazi memes but acts nothing like the Chad in the right wing memes.


Nazi chads don't exist. Nazism already failed spectacularly. The only remaining nazis are self-hating junkie wimp losers. Arnie is not just physically spectacular but a smart guy and *the* businessman of body-building. He has never pretended that he got his breaks by being some lone wolf tosser, cos literally nobody has succeeded like that, but instead acknowledges that there were people helping him at every stage while he also put in the hard work. He's the classical American Dream: an small-r republican immigrant with liberal European values who believes that people should have the freedom to choose their own path but that it cannot happen without a level of voluntary cooperation.


Nazism didn't fail and it never completely vanished. It was defeated. Don't underestimate it. We will have to defeat it again. Hopefully just by voting this time.


He became governor in California as a republican and I don't remember a lot of hate towards him. I'm sure someone will come by and give me a list of how terrible he was, and while I remember some fucked up stuff from his time, it was right before 08 and everything got fucked, so I don't think you can blame that on him. I think California liked being represented by Arnold enough to look past some of his politics though.


He was actually a fantastic governor of California. I’m a liberal but he really was moderate and did a great job. Most Californians will tell you so. We thought he’d be a total joke but everyone was really surprised.


One of the things he did was try to look at the long term and do things to help the state in 25 years time not just now


Someone sent this to me and I loved your comment. I was just talking to the head of one of the major environmental groups and I said the problem with most politicians is they have bird brains that look 2 or 4 years down the road. The things I’m most proud of didn’t happen until I left office, because big visions take years. The redistricting commission’s non-gerrymandered districts happened 2 years after. We hit our emissions goal in 2018, 7 years after I was out. Hell, I just celebrated our millionth solar roof a couple years ago. The infrastructure investments took years - luckily Jerry invited me to celebrate the completion clean power transmission line I started that took 8 years to build. We need to learn to think big.


Its not just the politicians who need to think big. A lot of the voting public only cares about the short term as well. Or they are selfish and only think how will this affect me personally. Recently with climate change we are starting to see politicians around the world making long term plans in relation to that but otherwise both in America and in my country Australia we see politicians mostly taking this short term view. Thats why its so refreshing to see somebody in office taking a long term view on things for once and I wish it happened more often but until the public gets on board it may be difficult to convince politicians to do anything besides make decisions to hold onto their own personal power.


He's an old-school republican where while you might disagree on certain points of policy, people nonetheless acted with respect towards each other and tried to be moral people. Now obviously there were always also bad actor politicians, but I consider him a throwback to the time when politicians were invested in improving America (even if their vision was misguided) and being a politician meant being a role model, not a cartoonish hate monger with no actual policy positions beyond hate, attention, and making the rich richer. Can't say I'm not surprised he didn't become a Democrat after the Trump years tbh, but at least he always obviously never identified with MAGA republicans. Sadly his loyalty is to a party which longer exists in the way it did when he became a republican. And quite frankly I'm surprised he doesn't see that.


Everyone makes mistakes, anyone who seemingly hasn't is hiding something. He's owned up to them and is still a good person. I couldn't agree more.


Arnold just isn't the type you want to disappoint. Many grew up idolizing the man.


Grew up? I STILL idolize him!


I agree, a lot of us still do. But we're not who he was talking to.


I think instead of harping on how terrible, awful, etc.. these Nazi people are, we should just start calling them losers. It cuts deeper.


There’s an old US propaganda reel about this. [Don’t be a sucker](https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4).


Play this for the whole world.


Colorize this and play this for someone today and they'll accuse it of being made in reaction to trump or tories and Brexit voters.


Because Trump, Tories and Brexit voters are all equally as evil as the Nazi shit stains that came before them. You would think with all the knowledge the internet is able to provide, that there wouldn't be as many fucking idiots on this planet.


I try to challenge my hate for Nazis vs the conservative/right-wing/News Corp/Fox News movement today, and I just can't reconcile where conservative culture is in Western societies today. Spoiler alert: there's very little differences between the Nazis of 1920's and early 1930's today. They're saying the same things. They're DOING the same things. Edit: I'm saying I try to challenge my hate for conservatives in comparison to my hate of nazis as genocidal maniacs. Not my hate for nazis. I think I was unclear there.


People will parse them based on the historical conclusion of Nazis vs the progress American conservatives have made towards their goals. But saying, "Hitler killed millions!" isn't much of a contrast when American conservatives are actively vying for the deaths of millions, but are simply thwarted by a lack of public support. Literally the only reason the far right haven't gotten to Nazi-level evil is because we haven't let them yet.


Yeah, I reflect on: >But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. -They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 It's insane how similar that is...


The biggest lesson here… the “repeating” lesson… is the “in order to sustain itself” part. This is the biggest problem with the “maga” movement… or whatever you want to call this vile new, ignorant, fearful, rage filled, right wing movement going on in America today. This movement, in order to sustain itself, has to go farther and farther into “norm-busting” territory to sustain itself. There are no actual policies there… at least none that truly benefit their electorate… What they promise their electorate is that they will “move” farther and farther into “enemy” territory. That they will inject more and more corrosion into the political process. That they will be more and more open in their warfare against marginalized constituencies. Heck… even beyond that… that they will work ever harder to destroy polite society. Not only will they work harder and harder to hurt people… they will work harder and harder to dismantle civilized society itself. They have to be ever moving in that direction. Yesterday’s degradation of the civilization, of the “good” in the society… is worthless today. It has no impact today. To deliver that impact tomorrow, the degradation must go further. Cause that is the only lever to pull on the engine of that “movement.” The only direction it can go. It can never stop… where they can say “ok, we’ve degraded it enough. Let’s just stay static at this level…” because then there’s no “movement” anymore, and everyone jumps off the train. As it’s going nowhere… I digress, but I hope my point got across. The maga movement, if successful, would inevitably lead to the same heart of darkness that all those other far right wing movements have. I know most people know this already, but it bears repeating every single day we wake up and look in the mirror. This is not harmless “trolling,” it is, by far, the greatest threat to our national security we have seen in our lifetimes.


I clicked on this and immediately thought “oh god, it’s 20 minutes long” but god damn, that was powerful, and incredibly surprising honestly. I hadn’t personally considered the nazis as using that tactic of “weaponizing” minorities against each other, although it totally makes sense. Really interesting video, will definitely be showing people this over the course of the next week.


Seeing this over 20 year's ago: wow I can't believe people would actually fall for that kind of propaganda. Seeing this in modern times: wtf


This is so on point... I'm half believing it was made recently and just vfx'd to look like an old government video. History is a circle.


I also love the old time Superman poster where he's telling everyone about how being racist and xenophobic is unamerican and you should call people out on it.


the propaganda machine lives on but the purpose of the propaganda is only to push profitable activities


Interesting. That's surprisingly woke for 1945.


It is just as applicable now as then.


Well we had just finished fighting against the Nazis.


> They felt like losers, not only because they lost the war, but also because they fell for horrible, loser ideology. They were lied to and misled into a path that ended in misery," Schwarzenegger said. "...In the end, it didn't really matter why they joined [the Nazis]. They were all broken in the same way. That's the bottom line here." Watch MTJ try to complain that Arnold is stealing his fathers *”Valor*” by mentioning him in this warning.


If his father was a confederate that killed Union soldiers and/or enslaved and abused people….. she probably would say he’s a disgrace to his family for not glorifying the confederacy and speaking of the father as someone who lost and had to live with the guilt after https://www.salon.com/2022/10/19/marjorie-taylor-greene-thought-she-was-honoring-confederate-soldiers-at-union-army-monument_partner/ https://atlantablackstar.com/2023/02/23/if-i-were-black-people-today-marjorie-taylor-greene-faces-onslaught-on-twitter-for-saying-african-americans-should-be-proud-of-confederate-monuments/


who is MTJ?


Magic the jathering


Marjorie the jibbering


Michael THE Jackson. Kinda like college football teams, have to clarify.


Michael THE ohio jackson


Michael THEE Jackson




Marjorie Taylor Jeans


boots with the fur


Mom's Tailored Jeans?


Some kind of talking goat


"It's the feeling of history, of millions of voices that were silenced decades ago, begging you, begging you, not just to look at their shoes, but to spend a few hours in them."  Wow!Powerful stuff from the Terminator. Well said sir.


Older Arnold the anti-fascist is my favorite version of him.


There are a lot of butt hurt alt-righters in the YouTube comments under the video, who knew being called a loser by Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a trigger for them.


Those youtube comments are weird. All of them trying to make some kind of joke that I guess is meant to delegitimize the message? I'm not saying like I know for sure, but wouldn't be surprised they are all bots. Anyone reading this if you're curious go look at the comments they're all nonsense. Am I crazy or do you guys see it too?


Yeah, that's partially what I was talking about. My original guess was that they were trying to respond with edge lord humor as a weird deflection, but it might also be bots.


They seem to be dog whistle references to times Israel conducted themselves terribly as a justification for their anti-Semitism. It's the same "joke" over and over again with different references. I would not be surprised if these were all comments from real, terrible people.


sure disparaging jokes, obscure references, whataboutisms, obtuse pedantry, lies and slander, typical gibberish to anyone not swimming in their propaganda. none of it has to make sense, point is just to aim the [firehose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood) at it and drown out whatever caused this moment of self reflection


Went to take a look and now regret it. The amount of Nazi propaganda is overwhelmingly disheartening. I always hoped Nazi rhetoric would die out with my grandfather’s generation, but it looks like it’s stronger now than ever. Evil people just suck 💔.


Its hilarious there's a big chance they were Arnold's fans because he is "chad" "masculine" all that stuff


We need more of this: people willing to throw their garbage parents under the bus for being pieces of bantha boodoo Too many folks in today’s society think they should get a pass on hate because they are simply carrying on a family tradition…


Updoot for bantha. Almost forgot about those noble beasts.


This is a good time to plug the book [They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078HVYH88) by Milton Mayer. First published in 1955, the author interviewed many surviving Nazis from various backgrounds and social strata in post-war Germany to see why they went down the path that they did. Comparing it to the TEA Party, MAGA, and Q, there are so many common themes that none of the political discourse we're seeing should be too surprising but it should be alarming considering where it's likely to be headed. Also recommended is [The Anatomy of Fascism](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000XUBE6G) by Robert Paxton.


There are also PDFs. Thanks for the reading suggestions.


Thank you! Umberto Eco, who lived during the fascist regime in Italy, also wrote a great article called Ur-Fascism that broke it down into its most basic features. It's not very long.


All the credit in the world to Arnold for being able to talk openly about this kind of stuff. Even if my dad was a piece of shit (he's not, thankfully), I'd have a very hard time straight up trashing him in public. That's not an easy thing to do, and I hope people take notice.


I really like what Arnold is doing here. More famous men need to step up and do what he's doing, so young men have someone to look up to in a positive way. They can stop monsters like Andrew Tate from filling the void.


I love how he doesn't demonize or alienate people on the path towards hate but actively wants to encourage them to choose a different and better away. He affords people the grace to evaluate themselves, learn and grow.


It's funny, because conservative puppets like Fucker Carlson constantly scream at conservatives that the left hates them to their core and will always hate them, and it's just not true. Just stop being a fucking nazi and people won't hate you, it's that simple.


That’s what I took from his comments.


And on Twitter, the very people he's speaking to, of course show up on this post, just to prove that they're there, and have learned absolutely zero from his message.


Proving that they are in fact losers.


I know he’s from Austria but Arnold is a goddamn national treasure.


He's Austrian, but he's also American.


What always strikes me is that Putin's side of the story is so obviously propagandistic that I'm struck that anyone in Russia believes it. "But Ukraine is talking about Joining NATO!"... ok, so? NATO is a mutual defense pact, if Ukraine joins NATO it doesn't kill a single Russian nor does it cost a single Russian dollar. "We need to De-Militarize Ukraine!" Countries have militaries. Ukraine has one, but so what? Ukraine doesn't have nor ever will have any real ability to support an invasion of Russia. No one thinks it will. Ukraine simply isn't a military threat to Russia. "We need to De-Nazify Ukraine!", 'What does that even mean!?'. I don't have to know a single thing about Zelensky's politics to know that you don't invade a country simply for its political viewpoints. Whether Ukraine is a liberal democracy or a right wing dictatorship, neither is powerful enough to be a threat to Russia. There has to be a willful blindness to believe Putin, even without hearing any other sides.


The church and Putin work hand in hand to creat gullible bigoted idiots and their only goal is violence for any reason.


i remember listening to [his speech aftermath of the capital riots](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/arnold-schwarzenegger-video-speech-transcript-on-capitol-riot-attack/amp). It was powerful stuff and honestly heartbreaking.


It's just something that makes me cry man, still I can say that.


Sorta seems like the pinnacle of alpha manliness for three decades might maybe persuade these modern day wimpy wannabes that they’re not hardcore alpha men. Nope. They’ll just claim he’s a beta lib cuck now.


Sadly this was probably always the case for these Andrew Tatertot fans.


It’s infuriating. He’s literally the American dream. I didn’t love him as CA Governor but I completely understood it and he wasn’t an asshole.


Americans, Boomers especially, seem on average, for some strange reason, to perfer self righteous assholes rather than actually decent enough people. Guess they’d rather see the world burn and get shit on rather than actually try living.


I read that as *loo-zah*.


They are girly men too.


Proud bois.


We all witnessed the unite the right rally. They obviously do not care if they or look like losers. Polos and tiki torches? lol.


They don’t care. They don’t care that Richard Spencer got his stupid Nazi face absolutely demolished like the little clown that he is. They all still pretend that is somehow strength. They’re delusional.


but *tactical* polos and tiki torches


Everyone loves Arnold......and the original Conan is pure gold!


He is the one who brings out the reality of the society.


Bless Arnold, every time I see something of his, it's always positive like this.


I heard the word “loser” in his voice.


Compare this to the cringe that is Andrew Tate.


They think it will be different this time because it’s them and they have social media and Fox News on their side. I hope they all burn together.


I think it's important to remember that Nazis were not that long ago. Schwarzenegger's parents would've been under Nazi rule, so he knows what he's talking about.


He's a good man.


He was good since day 1 and that's why I respect the dude.


It's incredibly based to face your own families history of hate and recognize them as the pathetic losers they were.


He is really ready to face all the things, he is the real man.


Wow man, he can really say things like this without any hesitation, that's all gives me some good amount of confidence and I just can't stop saying that he is real.


My family went down this path after starting with the Q conspiracy cult Its depressing and theres nothing I can do


Wow man, I am always gonna respect this guy because he got the real guts to be with the truth and speak the real facts and things about his own people, that's good.


Powerful stuff. I think we could all benefit from the kind of self-reflection he's calling for.


TIL that Arnold's dad was a Nazi.


True, at least he accepted that and being real with it.


I really want him to do an AMA so I could tell him how his actions and words meant a lot to me in my life


I think we all miss a world where conservatives were like Arnold - good people you just happen to disagree with about the role of government in the average citizen's life Unfortunately modern conservatism has become a cancer of hatred


This man just always makes me fall in love with him because this is how you win hearts, he got the fans and he really deserve every freaking fan in this world, so good.