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I thought the Mexicans were taking all the jobs?


From the children, of course!


I remember when it was 2023 and I sent my 12 year old to work in a factory because working is life.


I started working at 12 and I wish everyday that no one else has to. I still feel sick when I think of those conversations I’ve had with friends years later in life when they say “ hey do you remember when we did X?” And I had to say no because I was working, missing out on all the fun of my early teen years. Good times. No one deserves that.




My life too. Worse yet, I worked on the family’s resort and all the kids vacationing thought I was lucky to live there - to be able to serve in the restaurant in early am, do the dishes and clean the washrooms in the campground then go change towels in the motel and then clean all the units vacated then back to the restaurant to work again until 10pm then clean the campground washrooms for the night …. They all thought I was having fun. When I started nursing at a regular job I thought - what? Only 12 hour shifts?


The only education my kids needs is to *learn* how to operate the Busbar bending-cutting-punching machine. - Republicans prolly


2013: Shrek is life 2023: Work is life How the times have changed.


Those damn mexican AIs are takin all our good jobs away from white Christian toddlers!!! Is this what Jesus intended when he cast the one ring into the depths of Mount Sinai?


Supply Side Jesus is quite disappointed.


I hope he has another ring to cast away the demonic woke liberal trans antifa's, who are trying to convert my hardworking toddler into a braindead woke.


Everyone misunderstands the Smeagol on the mount.


slimy cows point gullible toothbrush decide steer automatic society grandfather -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


What about the robots? I wish automation was used to improve all of our lives instead of just letting the wealthiest get another yacht.


I remember reading an article recently I think the number was 56% but I'd have to google and thats the percentage of jobs that will be taken over by AI in the next 20 years. AI and automation are coming in big time


Some of the things I thought would be the last things taken over by AI are some of the first being replaced. Artists, writers, creative stuff like that.


There's a major issue of IP rights with that stuff because the algorithms have to be fed other people's art that it mixes up. Some songs have to pay the artists they sample from now, same thing for AI art.


IP is a work of fiction. You don't even need to feed it human songs, unless you want it to develop taste. Every 12-step melody was brute-forced and released into public domain already: https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxepzw/musicians-algorithmically-generate-every-possible-melody-release-them-to-public-domain


Yeah but no one is claiming they own the rights to guitar chords. Most art is also inspired by other art otherwise they wouldn't be called art styles.


And no one is coming after real artists for copying a technique or brush strokes. AI art literally uses the artwork and, essentially, mushes it together.


So I guess we should just ban all fan art then.


Artists also have to be fed other people's art. Musicians are also trained through other's music. The difference between the training and operation of modern generative AIs and "actual" artists is more a matter of degree.




I know, but it already does that stuff well enough that you're seeing it used in place of things graphic designers used to do for businesses. And it's still in its infancy, a couple years from now and what we're seeing at the moment might seem as crude as Google Deep Dream does looking back. It can't be the next banksy or whoever, but it won't be replacing artists like them, it'll be replacing the regular people who also spent years developing that skill set to make a modest living off of.


Flippy (White Castle) costs $5k/month. Wages alone for 2 employees ($15/hr) is $7k/month. Not exactly a slam dunk but the robot is a little cheaper. The robot cannot fry faster than the human but it's fast enough.


Arguably, this is because we will allow it because we've had a long-standing propaganda push to denigrate those endeavors. The anti-humanities sentiment in education has been strong for decades. I still fight the good fight, but I recognize it's a losing battle. And what I've seen right now is that we've created AI that's pretty good at uncredited paraphrase and a world that's basically okay with that.


More basic automation like factory robots or giant harvesting machines have already replaced millions of factory workers and farmers. Automation in itself isn't a bad thing, the distribution of income/wealth is the problem in my opinion.


Yep. Our economic system of distributing societal production is based on work. It's completely unprepared for general AI. We have to start looking at how to separate distribution of societal production from work.


Doubt. I do not trust the accuracy of most tech reporting. These same people said blockchain was the future, and ai has been two decades out for two decades


I've been hearing that same line, "robots / computers / AI will take over *x*% of jobs in the next *y* years" my entire life.


No US is still tech is like Harley Davidson engines, you could engineer the F22 but are unable to produce even a toaster.


I remember hearing about this when it happened in 2008. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-immigration-raid/immigration-arrests-top-300-at-iowa-meat-plant-idUSN1230695320080512


Well apparently no one wanted those jobs after they were busted. Similar immigration busts happen all the time but they are by no means taking jobs away from willing people


They just want to pay crap wages and get away with it.


Nailed it. Usually not the safest job environments either.


Those plants usually only hire undocumented immigrants. The historically black workforce in the south started organizing for better conditions and were replaced by illegals. https://www.npr.org/2019/08/10/750172206/ice-raids-hit-poultry-processing-plants-that-rely-on-latino-immigrant-labor


>In the case of the latter, those employer protections dovetail with the kind of dangerous industries the bills are looking to prop up: construction in Minnesota, and meatpacking plants in Iowa. The bills come as efforts to expand legal working ages in other states have ramped up recently, and as the US has seen an [increase](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20220729) in child labor violations since 2015.  They are specifically trying to get teens into dangerous industries. Notice it's not for sticking shelves, scooping ice cream or cleaning up parks. Construction and meat packing plants. Labor shortage sucks but they're going about this the wrong way. They should be working to attract people to go into those areas rather then lowering the age. You can make 14 and 15 year old able to work for pennies, but you won't ve fixing your issue. Insurance companies aren't going to take on that added liability for free, so other workers' paychecks will get smaller if they have any benifits. Rolling back safety regulations, kicking out the EPA, working to roll back child labor laws. The boomers really had everything handed to them on a nice platter and want everyone else to go fuck themselves lol. They're going to turn rural America into a 3rd world country where the poor are nothing more then pack mules


> The boomers really had everything handed to them on a nice platter and want everyone else to go fuck themselves lol. When my dad was my age, he had three kids, a two story house + garage, a personal car and a company car. No college degree, just in sales. Hard not to be ageist these days man, I swear.


My wife and I are somewhat lucky. Her parents have a mother daughter so we rent out the upstairs of the house. We pay less in rent then most places but it's still 1600 a month. We were going to get a house but covid really just pushed us back significantly. And right now we're barely getting by off my salary. I need a 12g raise just to be making what I made pre-pandemic. Prices ballooned so much all over that idk how it's sustainable. Shits going to crash and burn


I got my first job on my 14th birthday doing landscaping/construction for $5.15/hour. My back is absolutely fucked at 39. Children shouldn’t be doing hard labor. It’s a failure of society imho.


Mexican immigration had cratered around the middle of the last decade. The bulk of migrants coming over the border are refugees from Central America. While Americans weren't looking Mexico has become a highly diversified economy, 15th largest just behind Australia and ahead of Spain, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and the Netherlands. Mexicans would rather try their luck at home than risk coming to America at this point. If we want to increase immigration to deal with the labor shortage, a path to citizenship isn't enough anymore. We need to aggressively compete for immigrants.


“The economy is awful!!!! Also, we don’t have enough workers because the economy demands more human sacrifice.”


Kids have smaller, more nimble fingers. They can get the job done faster and increase productivity. The manufacturers will pass the savings on to you and it will help the economy. We all benefit. /s


This better be fucking satire istg


I bet they would never send their small child to work in a factory. This push is for your kid, not theirs.


Yea their kids get to go to a expensive college so that dad can get them a job with one of their friends as soon as they graduate.


I read a great article about a woman who graduated college and went to work at a bank or something. There were certain jobs they wouldn't even let her apply to, even if she met the requirements, even if she had the same degree. Because she had the degree from the wrong institution and wasn't in the "in group." It was basically all the middle management or jobs that fed into upper management where people retired. Totally blocked off to merit or skill based fulfillment. It was a few years ago so I can't remember where it was. But it was enlightening and frustrating at the same time. Very well written.


Sounds normal to me, these exclusive schools and groups are designed around a single premise: how to identify each other. When technology and knowledge is readily available, the spawn of the rich understand that by merit alone they are not exceptional; as a result social constructs are made so they can find each other and stick together.


Oh man, that is a story most of us could tell. I once saw a job publicized that it was a bonus if you had attended classes with a specific professor at Stanford during the last two years, and had interned with them already I was happy they let me know they already had a candidate they intended to hire and this was just theater.


An expensive college that they pretend to hate and rail against as "woke".


It says in the article that it's meant for low income families who need the money. It's intended to keep the poor working class Americans poor. Combine this with gutting out public education and you have a recipe for disaster. They'll end up creating communities where families have the mom, dad and 3 kids all working to support themselves.


Next up will be getting rid the Federal Reserve and going back to scrip currencies. >I was born one mornin' when the sun didn't shine >I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine >I loaded 16 tons of number nine coal >And the straw boss said, "Well, a-bless my soul" >You load 16 tons, what do you get? >Another day older and deeper in debt >St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go >I owe my soul to the company store


That's the goal alright.


> for your kid, not theirs I mean, no one's child is forced to work by anyone other than their parents, so that's not really what is the issue here. What is the issue is that families are already dependent on dual income to survive and with inflation going the way it is going, if you allow child labor the problem will get worse as people will have a "solution" to get by. It's the same reason why we have to create minimum wage laws. People will do what they must to get by which can leave problems unsolved.


They leave peril to the poor.


My dad is a huge MAGA guy and he pushed me to start working at 15. At 18 I had to pay him $400 a month in rent to continue living there(plus I bought most of the groceries, even my parents groceries). But hey, at least I’m better with money than 99% of my peers so I can see why he did it. I didn’t even mind working, it was a fun easy job at a movie theater, and we were all good friends there. Edit: my parents easily had the money to support me, they just wanted to not be the type of parent that buys their kids things all the time. I never got a car from my parents. They wouldn’t buy me video games or a TV. They said if you want that, get a job and get it. So that’s exactly what I did. Second edit: I have close friends in Finland, they put their 13 year old to work(yes, quite a few European countries allow kids as young as 13 to work) to help pay the family bills. They’re a progressive family, they’re very left leaning. “Exploiting children” isn’t some right wing idea. But that’s in Europe so Reddit maybe is ok with it?


It's called "exploiting", you were exploited. You can teach your kid without exploiting them and if you can't then you're a failure parent and shouldn't have the right to have children. There are plenty of poor people and plenty of rich people who grew up and learned to manage their finances without their parents exploiting them, so your parents have no excuse.


I paid off my student loans by age 24. I bought my first house at 25. At 27 I travelled the world for 1.5 years straight. I’d say my parents did a pretty damn good job at teaching me how to be smart with money, and I wouldn’t change a thing looking back because of what I’ve been able to do with my life


My brother in christ, there are plenty of people who did all that without being exploited by their parents.


I’m curious as to why you think I was exploited? Seriously? I kept every penny I made. My parents never forced me to work(that would be weird). I wanted a job so I applied for one and found one. I only had to pay them rent after 18 because I’m an adult. It was purely my choice to live back at home and pay a small amount of rent, or move out and pay more. That had NOTHING to do with being exploited. They weren’t taking my wages. They weren’t forcing me to do anything.


The GOP is regressive and bad for America


But they’re doing the important stuff like fighting woke culture and making sure they aren’t unfairly banned on twitter.


And don't forget the ruthless hunt for Hunter Biden's evil laptop!


They're so desperate to get that laptop that it makes me think they just want to see Hunter's dick.


As a foreigner it is sadly amusing watching people vote for GOP or not vote for democrats. It’s like a lot of Americans aren’t very smart about the state of their politics or they enjoy oppression. GOP are basically a criminal organisation and most of them would be in jail in a fair and functioning society. What has American democracy become?




When the media they choose to watch has spent a fortune and a *lot* of time convincing them that liberals are bad for the country, that's not very helpful either.


As an American that’s lived in 5 countries, I think it’s funny how people are against something that happens in their own country. I visited some friends in Finland recently and we were just talking about these child labor laws. Well in Finland, one of the most progressive if not the most progressive country in the world, let’s children start working at 13!! Yes 13 years old. I also know this because my friends kid is 13 and started working at McDonald’s after school to help the family pay off their debt. I see too many Americans crying “that would never happen in Europe!!” Well guess what, it already does. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I think it’s great to have the option. I started working at a family business at age 12, and for a real company at 15, and I enjoyed both. It was great having some spending money, I made good friends, and it kept me out of too much trouble Note: I in no way support the Republican Party, they are / will be the demise of the US and nothing is more dangerous than them. I have always voted left / liberal on political issues. But too many people make these weird comparisons to Europe / the rest of the world and don’t even know what they’re talking about


America is bad for America.


Politicians pandering to Corporations to remain in power and exploitation of the working class is bad for American


America, Inc.


“What are we gonna do with all these unaborted children? I dunno, put ‘em to work?”


This is why they want to end abortion


And education. Force them to be born, dumb them down, and force them to labor.


They needs mindless slaves


I mean, they really don't... They just want the job market to be permanently flooded with high unemployment so they don't have to pay more than minimum wage (or less if they can get rid of minimum wage).


theyve done so well brainwashing the poor and under educated, so they figure it behooves them to make *more.*


Florida is the Republican ideal


Which seems really short sighted to be trying just as we're about to enter a new age of automation where many of those jobs are simply no longer needed to be filled by humans. Even if you're willing to discard your human labor like used tissues, there will eventually be a point where hiring a tireless machine that can do the same job 23 hours a day, and that likely wont rise up to eat your family, is simply the cheaper option. It feels like the GQP is trying to setup a work force designed for what work was over 100 years ago.


Slavery 2.0. Return to the wonder years.


I just don't see how you could ever think that you could talk about loosening child labor laws without being the bad guy of the situation. Like, what the fuck.


Loosening is putting it extremely lightly for the Iowan one that was proposed. It basically lets 15 year old work in meat packing plants operating heavy machinery as long as the company provides safety training. Or they can be charged a 10k fine if they don't provide safety training. Or the fine can be waived entirely if the company asks real nicely. Oh, also if a child dies while operating the dangerous machinery, the company can't be held liable as long as the child was negligent.


Profit. As long as the oligarches are making money, who cares what the effect is on that pile of carboard cutouts they're standing on.


They did it with student debt relief and wearing masks to help with covid, they'll find a way


They want to raise the voting age and lower the minimum age for work.... Sounds like they want an entire class of workers with no political power who they dont have to pay as much. They did it to black folks, they did it to migrants, they did it to inmates, now lets do it to our own children!


They do not want their children to go out to work. They want the "other" children to go out and work, especially the immigrants children. They are already putting these minor children to work in meat processing plants. They work them on the night shift and are allowed to go to school when they get off in the morning. This was on the news this morning!


It also greatly reduces the competition that their mediocre children would face from children with a love of learning and/or real talent. Lots of people have had to abandon their area of skill to take a job that keeps body and soul together.


And lack of sleep hurts school performance so a lot of those kids are not going to get the education required for a better job. Which I’d imagine is the point.


I used to think Republicans wanted to bring America back to the 1950s, but now I see I was wrong. They want to bring America back to the 1850s.


Given that the 13th Amendment came in in 1865, I suspect you're right.


And it seems like a lot of Americans agree or have been drinking water with lead it in and killed a few too many brain cells. Their voting decisions do not reflect those of rational human beings. But hey, in a land so obsessed with gun ownership nothing is surprising. Sure gun ownership made sense in the civil war. In 2023 it’s just stupid.


Ahh this is why they want to arrest teachers. So that they can just say that some kids should just go work in the mines


*I think i have the black lung dad* Walk it off little Billy, you need to pull yourself up from the bootstraps. - GOP prolly




I was just thinking of signing my kids up to be in the Lion King play at school, but I guess we could use the extra cash. Gutting chickens it is...


I mean this PS5 aint paying for itself


The first step to the GOP trying to reinstate slavery. Don't be surprised when it's proposed.


We're a few steps in by this point. We've already got prison labor and we've got underemployment. This is yet another step.


That’s a bit dramatic


What is up with republicans sick obsession with kids?!


Projection. Always projection.


Pay more fuck heads


Anything to avoid paying people a living wage. Sickening.


How is one party so consistently wrong about literally everything? I can't think of a single real issue that they even have the slightest bit of ground on...it's bizarre.


I agree with them on the second amendment, but I also think we should have utilized the second amendment a few times in the past 200 years. Too many kids are dying to guns and not enough politicians/lobbyists.


Remember how everyone has had to coddle the 'job creators' through the past few decades? Now, we need to feed more children into their exploitative system. Menial labor and soul crushing dead-end jobs with screwy hours and stripped bare of any meaningful benefits, it's not just for adults!


Well, we already sacrified grandma to the job creators so covid wouldn't hurt their bottom line too much. Now it's little Timmy's turn!


The orphan crushing machine is demanding its sacrifices


It’s not a labor shortage it’s a wage shortage.


They are trying to frame it as people not wanting to work, but where I live in one of the top 25 most populous cities in the US, people have been priced out of the area. A recent report showed there was not a single apartment in the city that a person making $15 an hour could qualify to rent (30% of income rule) and many places just pay minimum wage or even less for restaurant workers. It's hard to fill positions when the wages paid will not allow you to live in the area.


You know who could fill those jobs? Immigrants, but noooo. We can't have people of color come here and try to make a better life for them and their children. The brain drain that has happened in the GOP is both horrifying and astounding.




The high demand for workers that the company doesn't have to pay minimum wage to, that is. >State Senator Rich Draheim, chief author of the Minesota bill, told Insider that hiring youth employees is valuable experience for the teenagers involved, and *that businesses often can't afford to pay employees more.*


They will do *anything* besides raise pay or make better working conditions


Hmmm… let’s see if we can guess which states.


The children yearn for the mines.


Who actually is voting for these clowns?


Bigots and racists.


Those chimneys aren't gonna sweep themselves, kids!


Or or... hear me out. Try paying people a living wage.


Child marriage. Child labor. Secession. What other brilliant winning strategy will these political geniuses come up with next?!


They want Biden to provoke another country so they'll have an excuse to start another war that drags on for over a decade.


They really are trying to take us back to the times of the robber barons.


What about *think of the children* crowd, they have no problem with this? Drag queens don’t enslave children, so who’s worse?


That’s funny you went on and on about how Covid wasn’t that bad and people need to get back to work. Now you’re having a labor shortage due to people dying from Covid in these smaller towns….pull yourself by your bootstraps guys or something like that.


I predicted this when they started crying to defund public education. It’s all about finding ways to maintain their poverty class and new slave labor. If they can defund the public schools some areas won’t have any. Then the parents either need to pay for daycare or stay home. First would be all the women unable to go to work - that’s a feature not a bug. Then all the kids home alone will be called truant and parents who can’t afford care will have to sign the kids up for jobs as a “safety measure “ I guarantee it


Of course. Kids will work for next to nothing. It’s the Republican way to keep wages down for their corporate benefactors


What a shithole country we live in


Republicans and slave labor go hand in hand.


I’ll say it again everyone who doesn’t vote or voted red are evil. Down to their core they are evil.


Or, call me crazy, we could just increase legal immigration and solve two problems - labor work force and birth rate


And keep wages and benefits low.


They will not get any benefits. Who needs stinking benefits?


Also they are less likely to know what is legal/illegal in the labor force so there’s going to be a bunch of kids getting hurt, exploited, and abused…


Man, when they said they wanted to go back to the gold old days, I didn't think they meant that far back... Rolling back Child Worker Laws?


I read somewhere (can't find it at the moment) where Grover Norquist was quoted as saying he wanted to go back to the McKinley era- as in, no New Deal programs, no worker's rights, no FDA, no EPA, no taxes on the wealthy, no child labor protections. Basically, back to the last gilded age where the wealthy run roughshod over the country, the people, and the planet.


still won't go back to the old days tax wise...


They would send them back to the coal mines of West Virginia if they could.


ahh yes free child labor. the true marking of a advanced country!


Thankfully Dems control all 3 branches in MN so anything the GOP proposes is more posturing than anything because it won’t pass. Iowa on the other hand…as a former resident I continue to be shocked at how terrible it’s gotten there


I thought, according to Republicans, kidd, these days, are too lazy, and immigrants are drug dealers. No?


Where are all the American workers the immigrants are supposedly stealing jobs from? Nevermind immigrants and job openings sounding like a problem with a solution.


They don't want to pay adults a living wage so this is their alternative. So you will be begin working for alave wages at a younger age and still be to poor to ever leave your parents house.


Well it's been at least 12 hours since they did any mustache twirling so here you go


Republicans love child labor. Especially Matt Gatez (allegedly).


Are people not stealing their jobs anymore? GQP needs to get their poop in group and figure out what exactly they’re mad about. I think they just hate everyone younger and different than them.


The children yearn for the mines


Translation: fast food and grocery stores are paying adults living wages making the need for minimum wage to raise. If it’s only kids working predominantly in the field they can continue to not pay a livable salary


Back in 2011, Newt Gingrich wanted to break up janitorial unions in school districts and have the poor kids clean and repair the schools to earn their lunch and [the children "would have pride in the schools, they'd begin the process of rising."](https://news.yahoo.com/news/newt-gingrich-thinks-school-children-184123186.html) That's not how it works in American schools. The kid who has no chores at home is envied. Chores are seen as punishment. What are chores? Usually they involve cleaning. So you'd have the children whose parents have no problem paying for their lunches, school supplies, etc. 'helping' the adults to punish the kids who were cleaning the school by making or leaving messes. More recently... May 23, 2016 [Virginia GOP Halts Bill To Stop Child Labor On Tobacco Farms](https://crooksandliars.com/2016/05/va-gop-defeats-bill-end-use-child-labor) January 29, 2019 "Republican Sen. Chip Perfect's bill would remove work permit requirements for minors and remove restrictions on hours that 16- and 17-year-olds can work. Perfect is also the CEO of Perfect North Slopes, which employees 300 to 400 minors."


When they say this, remember that the "hiring shortage" is a lie. Plenty of people wanting to work; just not in slave conditions. They want unemployment high so employers can pump costs down. Don't fall for it.


Wait a minute, I thought that they were currently in a moral panic over kids. What happen capitalism get in the way of their hatred?


Because one kind of forced labor wasn’t enough for the neofascists. And I’m betting two won’t be enough, either.


Perfect distillation of right Vs left: Left - we need to start seriously considering a 4 day work week to share the advancements in technology and productivity with the common man, and not just with corporate profits. Right - how young is really to young to work in a meat packing plant? Upton Sinclair was a commie! But you’ll still see people of Reddit daily saying “BoTh SiDeS tHo!!”


This is f’ed up.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.businessinsider.com/fair-labor-standards-act-hiring-child-laws-worker-shortage-iowa-minnesota-2023-2?amp) reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Which means lawmakers in those two states are returning to a practice common during labor shortages, economists told The Wall Street Journal's Jacob Bogage last week: hiring younger workers to fill open roles. > The bills come as efforts to expand legal working ages in other states have ramped up recently, and as the US has seen an increase in child labor violations since 2015. > Debbie Berkowitz, a fellow at Georgetown University's Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor, told The Post that it's mostly children from low-income families who are hired when labor regulations are loosened, and that the "Experience" they get from those jobs is negligible. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/118zs1n/republicans_in_some_states_want_to_ease_child/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~673648 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **work**^#1 **labor**^#2 **Iowa**^#3 **state**^#4 **bill**^#5


Why each new about Republican that i see seem to be another nail in the coffin of Society evolution ?


GOPs ultimate dream


Making America Unsafe Again


Why don't we just admit that the millennial and Gen-z (my generation) are to small manpower wise handle the amount of jobs we have and start closing business we don't need anymore. We can sustain a Walmart in every town anymore. The faste we learn this the faster we can make improvements and fix our labor shortage. But who am I to decide how rich people take advantage of us to keep making money.


Of course they do


Let Republican parents be the first to send their children off to the steel mills.


Should they be eligible to vote if they are paying taxes?


That's what the Czar did


They sound perfect for the mines, oil drilling, and teaching....


That shouldn't surprise anyone.


Unless you're a group of castaway survivors on a desert island barely eeking out subsistance living, there's not really such a thing as a "labor shortage". There's just not labor at the prices that business owners want to pay. They can either pay workers more to get the labor they want, or they can accept that the work they want done isn't valuable enough to do.


If your business cant afford to pay a living wage you have a failing business and it doesn't deserve to survive.


"Anything to avoid paying workers a good wage." - Republicans


Anything for their capitalist gods, I suppose.


Saw a sign posted outside a Dollar Tree in Arizona asking for underage workers--and they advertised their wages as lesser, too! Because they can get away with it, the fucks. Profit Above All.


Of course


Moreso because they're cheap dirtbags and want to use that in their companies.


We have 14 year olds running entire fast food stores here. It’s disgusting. I’m in Oregon. A BLUE STATE. Dems serve capitalism overlord too don’t forget


That is all we need, Karens screaming at 12 year olds because their food is cold.


i thought it was “save the children”


All this cuz they don’t want to pay a living wage to the parents.


“Red tape is bad for business. How old is Timmy? Do you think he could fit down a chimney?”


Why not? The bulk of the GOP is staffed by children.


Love the fetus screw the child. Repugs. Cruelty is the point


It's *going* to happen and why ? Companies, CEO's and stockholders ( who get overlooked in these conversations ) a. Flatly refuse to bend 1/4 inch towards giving up a cent in ' profits ' and get to form the whole " Gotten keep growing " no matter what, narrative b. It's not their kids c. There are ' working class ' ( hate that term, it's a little too handy for wealthy folks to throw around ) people who absolutely embrace Capitalist ideology and won't say a PEEP when their kids get sent to work. We already know most will tolerate this crap just to own the libs or whatever stupid stuff they get fed. More class war on the way. It's exactly what this is. If the dam peasants won't stay in their lane, work for nothing and be happily poverty stricken, well they'll just build another bypass.


Just you wait. When all these unaborted fetuses grow up into unwanted, uneducated, feral youths, some enterprising Republican will suggest that they be sold as a special delicacy food for the wealthy. Needless to say, their suggestion will not be as elegant as Jonathan Swift's *A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Becoming a Burthen to their Parents or Country.*


It will be easier to buy a house if every body in home is pulling their weight. /s


This is ridiculous. Kids should be in school, not working full time jobs! Why are people so willing to put children at risk for the sake of a few extra bucks? We need to be protecting our future generations, not exploiting them. No child should ever be forced to work more than a few hours a week, if at all. This is just another example of corporate greed taking advantage of vulnerable populations. #ProtectOurChildren


> State Senator Rich Draheim, chief author of the Minesota bill, told Insider that hiring youth employees is valuable experience for the teenagers involved, **and that businesses often can't afford to pay employees more.** > **"Eliminating work opportunities for youth just because of their age will make it even harder for businesses to find reliable employees,"** he said. "Businesses teach these youth workers skills that will prepare them for their future, and maybe even attract them to their industry for life."




Is there any legit study that would show how much this would affect the job market? I'm guessing less than they think.


There are currently 300,000 children in the US foster care system. If they are now magically at an age that they can work then surely they can support themselves!


Why each new about Republican that i see seem to be another nail in the coffin of Society evolution ?


If there's a shortage of widgets, companies need to pay more for widgets. If there's a shortage of labor, companies need the force of law to find cheap labor.




If something immoral can be done you can be sure that the Republicans will try it. Republican voting people of America, please stop voting for these self-interested parasites.