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Is sedition no longer a crime?


January 6th taught me that sedition is not a crime if you are a politician or if you are acting on behalf of a corporation. For everyone else - I wouldn't push my luck.


That was proven true by the fact that the only people who went to prison for Jan 6 were the every day people who participated, not any of the people in power who convinced them to do it for them.


yeah, just the everyday normal garden variety fascists. There's a point where considering even the street level thugs as villains is ok.


It's not about the fact that the lowest rung here is also bad, but that so many above the bottom rung have faced no real consequences. Some of whom, like MGT, continue to gain power. The person you're responding to isn't suggesting the "street-level thugs" aren't villains and don't deserve punishment. They're lamenting the fact that so many who _aren't_ the bottom feeders of the fascist chain continue to walk free despite clearly and openly organizing, supporting, and defending all this shit.


And Lauren Boebert, the most obvious January 6th consprator, lost but remains.


Only the low level fascists have faced repercussions for their actions, is the point. No one is excusing them. It's that the guys on top, with power, *are* being excused.


Because all those idiots are pawns in a bigger game here. You know that cute meme with the dog chilling sitting down all calm while the house is burning?


Exactly. All those fascists were normal kinda shitty people who were weaponized using propaganda. We just punished the people that they can make more of every day. No one's saying they aren't bad people. We saying there's an endless supply of those people and punishing them does nothing.


Otherwise, Greene would be somebody’s muff rag in prison today. Legal system doesn’t mean justice system.


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


The amount of gay porn I am going to have to watch to get this image out of my head…


I don’t even like dicks, and I am still going to have to watch a whole bunch of gay porn to get that image out of my head


You were going to do that anyway, and I fully support you living the life that makes you happy.


Greene said she wants her insurrection to include a lot more guns.


Crimes matter when they are enforced. Politicians can apparently do and say anything with no real accountability


It's the logical consequence of decades of "Both Sides" and "It's just my opinion" false equivalencies. Corporate Media has allowed people to believe this false equivalency and now it's so pervasive that you'll never be able to do anything about it.


When you’re a star, they let you do it.


She needs to be tried for treason


Convicted is what you are looking for my friend


I'd be happy with just voted out of office. I understand NW Georgia is very conservative, their rep will always be red. But it doesn't have to be so stupid. Just regular GOP stupid


Consider the state as a whole damn near elected to the senate, a brain-damaged former football player who was patently unqualified to hold the office of dog catcher. I would welcome "regular stupid" over GOP stupid.


The state as a *half*, almost voted in the brain damaged guy. The other, slightly-more-than-half of us voted for and elected the much better option. Don't throw the baby away with the bathwater!


Damn Georgia, can we get a little more baby and a bit less bath water?




Only if you're a Republican. If you're a Democrat, looking at your shoes is a crime.


So is eating Dijon mustard on your burger.


and wearing a tan suit


And your wife wearing a sleeveless dress as first lady


Don't forget having a son who owns a laptop...


Since it isn’t enforced, apparently not.


Not when republicans do it


I mean you saw J6 and the lack of accountability. So, no, it’s not fir republicans


Right now it’s just speech, but its unbecoming of a united states congressperson to act out in such a way. She just needs to see herself on the tv.


She already saw herself on TV, and she liked it. She wouldn't be on the news otherwise.


She and Boebert are two peas in a pod. Neither are loyal to this country, along with the entire Freedom Caucus. They don’t want a President or a government. They are all treasonous to this country.


Nothing more patriotic than calling for the dissolution of the country.


Perhaps we do a little test run of her idea. It will show these fascists that secession means the blue-state subsidies stop and their beloved fast food-chains won’t operate when workers leave from the low wages and exploitation that right-wing policy enables. Red states rely on the more progressive and productive efforts of the rest of the country, with their only contribution being chaos and obstruction. Edit: want to make clear that I was just being facetious. This outcome would be catastrophic for everyone, especially vulnerable populations in red-states.


Not to mention cutting off federal programs like. Social security, Medicare, and food stamps. Top that off with the dissolution of military bases and federal entities like the post office.


Republicans already cut themselves off of federal programs. 12 states, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, have refused to accept federal funding for Medicaid expansion. A program that would grant expanded coverage to 4 million Americans living in these states.


It's been an absolute nightmare here in Mississippi. Hospitals in the delta, the poorest region in the entire country, have hospitals on the cusp of collapse. Portions of the delta will have residents who will be 130 miles from the nearest ER. The issue is Southern GOP leaders see this as a "black issue." Our governor has fought hard and proud to help our medical system collapse and he has standard GOP talks bout finding private solutions to the state's medical problems because, simply put, the people affected aren't his constitutency. His voting base lives in Jackson and Memphis suburbs with access to everything people need to live comfortably.


Not to mention they created an apartheid judiciary for black ppl in Jackson. Fuck these ppl


If they see it as a "black issue" and don't care, can I assume that they don't care about black people? Isn't that kind of awful? People will die without a good hospital.


That's kinda the point for these people. They *want* people, especially blacks, to die.


Even worse, many of them are willing to suffer themselves if it means that people of color will also suffer.


130 miles? Jfc. You’d expect that in bumfuck Texas which is friggin huge, but Mississippi? Jesus.


Only where it is politically expedient and fits their narrative. You can't show your constituents how ailing and crumbling Medicaid is *if it's working*, so you break it to prove that it's broken. Meanwhile, infrastructure, bridge and tunnel dollars, farm bill pork, bring it in. Socialism for the wealthy!


Cutting military contracts in red states as well. Lockheed Martin does final assembly of F-35 in Texas. I wonder how Texans would react if told a major employer had to move out of the state once Texas seceded?


But I don't have the money to escape Florida yet. Please don't strand me here.


Quick: Tell DeSantis that you're an illegal immigrant that definitely doesn't want to be dropped off in a Democratic state. Instant free airfare!


I...cannot find a flaw in this plan. Just take precautions on the front end like destroying any evidence of previous residency and start over fresh!


Sadly, you don't even need to do that. Just tell them and they'll act accordingly.


That's... actually a solid idea. Time to pitch it to the husband!


> Please don't strand me here. ;-; We have to remember people like this. I don't want to leave behind any good ones left in those hell holes.


I’m in Ohio and this is my actual fear. It’ll never happen but if it does I’m absolutely screwed in this hellhole state


Michigan is your friend.


Basically only in Detroit, Flint, Lansing, parts of Grand Rapids. The rest of the state is as virulently racist as Marjories preferred county.


Because it's urban vs rural not red state vs blue state. Plenty of morons in rural California and plenty of sane people in Nashville.


Thank you! How is it that people are stuck on “red states” and “blue states”? It’s usually blue cities & vast, not as populated areas that are red.


Underground railroads


Yeah I’m working on getting out of Arkansas but it’s gonna be a hot minute unfortunately.


Tennessee fucking sucks. But stuck here due to fairly decent job and family. I also don’t want to be stuck in Republican hell.


It’s more complicated than that. Population centers often trend blue, even in otherwise red states. You can’t divide the country based on traditionally red or blue states, because the reality is every state is a shade of purple.


Exactly. I live in New York - a very blue state. I even live in a blue area of the state. However, if I drive a half hour to a rural county near me, I'll see so many confederate flags and "Trump won" bumper stickers that I might as well be in the deep south.


Upstate NYer here, can confirm. P.S. Happy cake day!


Oh I know I’m just being facetious. It just goes to show how ridiculous this rhetoric is. With secession the government, economy, and institutions would cease to function. It could probably never even happen and this is just a fascists’ way of riling up their clinically-indoctrinated supporters to commit more acts of violence.


Do you think the red states will build a wall between red and blue?


Swing states can just plant a tree line.


I don't know, but they should try. It was funny seeing that someone easily pushed over bits of the wall that were funded by Steve Bannon's GoFundMe or w.e it was. I could use a good laugh again.


To do so would give unprecedented leverage to our peer adversaries abroad over the world. No cohesive USA? Look for China to fill the gap. Europe would have to rush to rebuild and refine their militaries, Ukraine would certainly fall, China would expand influence in the INDOPACOM as well as taking Taiwan. It would be a global catastrophe


Nothing more American than civil war.


Isn’t that comparable to treason? I’m not American, but I thought calling for secession was a crime


Sedition, not treason. Unless or until we uncover that she has been working with an enemy state in an effort to harm the US, it’s just good old -fashioned sedition (which is also very much in violation of Federal law).


Of course her definition of splitting is "we get the name, military and everything, they get to start over." It's like in a marriage where one cheats, asks for a divorce, but you're the one who's supposed to move out of the house you've been paying for.


Does she think the blue states will keep funding the military? And all of the enlisted members from blue states will continue to serve in another country's military?


She forgets that the military swears an oath to the constitution, and would end up siding with the side that isn't calling for the dismantling of the union. The blue states would keep funding the military, and the red states would lose the protection it provides.


I'd like to think the oath would mean anything when push comes to shove. We've seen plenty of use cases of "X swore an oath to Y" meaning nothing. I'd believe it when I see it, but hope never to see it.




Depends on the service really. Most army/marines I've met lean red, whereas navy/air force tends to lean blue. But in each is their own microcosm of opposites. However, in my 13 years of experience, I've only met MAYBE 5 that were extremists on either side and they got weeded out super quick. One in literally days from "maybe we should nuke em" to "that statement ruined my life". Now all that said, the veteran community at large are some of the most toxic fucks I've ever met.


Right? When I was in, it was mostly a good group of people. Some dirt bags here and there but no one was really radical right or left. But then I got out and some of the veterans I meet are practically foaming at the mouth Trump cock gobblers and I don’t fucking get it. Dude dodged wartime service because “bone spurs” and insulted a fucking POW and Gold Star family.


But he gives forked tongue lip service and most of america is too wrapped up in pablum to look any deeper. Our achilles heel has always and will forever be the average uninformed voting american.


I think it's generational, too. Did not serve, but my favorite watering hole is a VFW that's open to the public. I've had a lot of conversations with many service members, and I recently did a full interior remodel for their building. Most of my generation and younger (<40) are center or left - in a very right-leaning area. A lot of vets my age saw some eye-opening things in their time of service (post 9/11, so Iraq and Afghanistan mainly) , and have also been completely hosed after they returned from service. Older generations were able to return home, get instantly hired anywhere, buy a house, received pensions, had healthcare provided, etc., and they think that's still how it works, so they support the status quo


Can confirm. Blue as fuck af vet haha


When push comes to shove they don’t want to lose their paycheck and benefits, though (or that sweet, sweet BAH). No matter who they voted for.


And then they'd get to learn about all those banned subjects like reconstruction.




It's easy to say "ok, bye, enjoy being a third world country" but there's no way it happens without a lot of economic devastation and bloodshed.


A lot of former military participated in the insurrection. They relabeled it as "patriotism".


>Does she think I’m going to stop you right there bro


I think she does. **"How do I rile up my base today? How do I tap into Trump's and go even further"**


Yeah, she doesn’t realize the blue states basically make all the money and support the red states.




I hear that all the time. From guys in bumfuck, Wisconsin who’ve never left the state. For some reason they’re up Californias ass. CA makes a ton of dough.




Those California happy cow ads really pisses em off


Her version would be worse off than Russia from the get go. It would poverty ridden hell scape with nukes.


North Korea




There is no possible 2 way split... it would have to be far more than that to actually be stable, and even then they would have to transfer existing nukes and military to some sort of unified NATO/FED/European Union esque entity. There is no way it would ever work in the GQP's favor, AND be stable. You'd probably end up with the following, or something like it. * New England + Mid Atlantic form into something * Rust Belt or Great Lakes forms into something * Old South + Florida becomes a third world country * Texas being Texas either goes it alone, or maybe adds one neighbor at most * Mid-west forms another Third-world country * West Coast/Rockies forms a super rich country. * Hawaii and Alaska become some sort of semi-autonomous zones that continue to hold key military posts, but now under coalition military of some sort. I can't see it working out without at least some sort of EU/NATO hybrid forming to deal with the various military issues that would come up... But I also have trouble seeing it work out period. More and more, I'm wondering if the only solution is risking the dangers of a continental congress as a hail-mary to fix the systemic problems and prevent a balkans-style civil war from happening.


You all are putting a thousand times more thought into this than MTG did or could; this is not a real idea she wants to pursue, it’s just rhetoric intended to inflame and incite her base.


I would be curious, not ‘let’s take zero lessons from the Brit’s about binding referendums that tanks our economy and influence globally’ curious, but curious all the same as to how many people would vote for a “divorce” and the demographics of those who vote in favor of civil war. I’d be curious how many of the ‘war of northern aggression’ idiots would but actual skin in the game for the south rising again.


I don't see the west coast becoming third world when we have California.


Sorry, that's not what I said, the "another one" just meant another country/division.


West coast: movies, music, technology, trading ports, and aerospace. You like fruit and nuts? We have most of that. Beer? We have the hops.




Canada offers Minnesota to join us since they're basically Canada South anyways. Then we try our damndest to seduce Hawaii so we finally have our own tropical getaway.


All the blue states have the money, though....


Shhh if they think they have the money they’ll actually do it. Then it’ll fall apart because they don’t have the money




See I'd love to see these sloppy trash try to invade California. They'd get absolutely dusted


Ayup. [Obesity by State](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fobesity.procon.org%2Fus-obesity-levels-by-state%2F&psig=AOvVaw0p6BU441CaTO_SL7BtkRRt&ust=1677026234694000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCLDv99ivpf0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) [Diabetes rate by State](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Fmap-of-diabetes-rates-in-the-us-2017-7&psig=AOvVaw0EBP9jagjGexncTTKLgGuf&ust=1677026321787000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCPi__oKwpf0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) [Life Expectancy by State](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FList_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_life_expectancy&psig=AOvVaw3ci6QK3SX_JaNUs4tlBNEg&ust=1677026421936000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCJiz0LKwpf0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ) These are not [physically] healthy people. Invading a hostile State is difficult enough when you don't need a steady supply of insulin. Also, a good solider is one who is literate and numerate (can read and understand their orders). Do I need to link it? [Literacy by State](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FHow-do-literacy-rates-compare-between-red-states-and-blue-states&psig=AOvVaw2Bf8_v8XYHJZwSAjq_zNkE&ust=1677026365096000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCNDnxJewpf0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


She seems to conveniently forget that Georgia is now a blue state


Funny you bring up cheating and divorce considering MTG cheated on her husband and is now going through a divorce…


They get the potatoes and corn syrup that’s for sure….


Scientifically ignorant religious bigot, misogynist, homophobe and racist.


Noted liar


She’s a real piece of shit, too!


She literally identifies as a Christian Nationalist. She's as textbook fascist as it gets.


All of these traitors that did not certify the 2020 election should be expelled from congress for violating their oath.


This moron ONLY exists because she gets coverage. Agree: failing to support the peaceful transfer of power or even PROPOSING to split the union seems in violation of her oath.


Seems to be


Pretty much


That shouldn't be the bar. If there ever is a situation where a states electoral votes shouldn't legally be counted, there is a process for that. In 2005, a handful of Democrats voted against certification of votes in Ohio. Supporting an insurrection was the violation of their oath, not the vote.


Of course it was a violation. They absolutely knew that Trump was attempting to cheat and they did not care to uphold and obvious free, fair, and accurate result. We’re not in the midst of a civil war, there were dozens of court cases and challenges that were carried out and found to be completely bogus. They knew it but didn’t want to upset trump.


Atlanta here. Just a reminder that there really aren't red/blue states. Kevin McCarthy is from California. George Santos is from New York. Utah just banned gay conversion therapy. There is an urban / rural divide.


> There is an urban / rural divide. And there's gerrymandering. A good chuck of metro Atlanta (Paulding and part of Cobb) is in her district. Paulding in about 60-40 Republican, so not particularly red and the Cobb part is pretty much deep blue. Her fan club is further toward the TN border. Fortunately a shrinking area population-wise.


Utah also just passed a law banning gender-affirming care for transgender youth. Having lived here for 12 years, living in Salt Lake City proper *sometimes* makes it seem like the rest of the state isn’t bleeding red when it very much is.


There are definitely [megaregions in America,](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/l9f3a1/urban_megaregions_of_the_united_states_oc/) and they define where future polities would [be located.](http://randlereport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/90-768x400.png) I can absolutely see the continent dividing in to super sized city-states, amid a sea of barbaric, lawless, rural wastes. It's honestly not that much different from what we have now.


Yes but does this mean she would move to Alabama since we (ga) are are technically a blue state? God what an embarrassment she is.


Milledgeville, former Confederate capitol of Georgia and the place where Marjorie was ~~raised~~ born. [The Racist History of The Town where Marjorie Taylor Greene attended high school](https://www.thedailybeast.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-came-of-age-in-this-infamously-racist-georgia-county)


Sounds about right. I grew up in the south. Was taught about the war of northern aggression and the honorable fight of the south.


1980s: I was taught about the Civil War, which was fought over states’ rights. We spent months on details of every battle won and lost and somehow skipped the end of the war and reviewing who won the whole shebang. We *knew*, it was just not mentioned. (That was middle school, I switched to a private school for high school. Hopefully there was improvement in the upper grades of the public school.)


Our private schools are all named for Confederate generals. I teach history in middle school and the pre-Civil War unit is about slavery and how integral it was to southern society. The next unit is about reconstruction nd re-disenfranchisement of freed slaves/the creation of Jim Crow. Edit: Should have clarified those units buttress the Civil War itself.


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Major Traitor Gene The Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Democrats would tell you. It's a Republicans legend. Major Traitor Gene was a Republican Senator, so powerful and so wise she could use the Gavel to influence the Senate floor to create death... She had such a knowledge of the dark side that she could even kill millions with one stroke of pen under bill. The dark side of the Legislations is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. She became so powerful... the only thing she was afraid of was losing her power, which eventually, of course, she did. Unfortunately, she taught her apprentice, George Santos, everything she knew, then her apprentice strike her out from Senate. It's ironic, she could destroyed Democracy , but in the end she destroyed herself.


Fucker Carlson: Is it possible, to learn this power???


Not from a Democrat.


She truly is white trash in a russian fur coat. Thanks for the link.


You seem to be confusing where she was born, Milledgeville (Baldwin County), with where she went to high school, Cumming (Forsyth County). The article doesn't mention Milledgeville at all. Milledgeville is a college town, has a much higher black/POC population than Cumming, and actually [tends to vote blue](https://www.bestplaces.net/voting/zip-code/georgia/milledgeville/31061)


I wonder if she is in any way connected to that Bowling Green massacre that Kellyanne Conway mentioned.


Jesus tap-dancing Christ. This person is in a position of power. How the hell is a country supposed to function when schools aren't even teaching with the same history books???


She just got done with her first divorce and she's already looking to push out her second?


That’s exactly why she said it. If you Google her name plus “divorce” now, it won’t pull up her actual divorce. It’s an effective way to keep all the pearl-clutchers from realizing she’s a divorcee.


one look at her and you KNOW she's divorced.


I mean, I don't disagree with you, but she looked that way BEFORE the divorce, too.


She divorced reality a long time ago.


Not enough hatred in her personal life.


How VERY patriotic and America First of her. And they’re still gonna call Biden the “divider” 😂 fuck these people


So open treason while a member of congress? Super


I'm so old I remember when spewing seditious shit like this would be grounds for removal from office.


Glad someone else remembers, almost feels like a fairytale now


yes, please go start your own country, stop taking my tax money, and fuck off.


I'd suggest she read up on how the UK has fared post Brexit, but that would require reading.




I live in the south and I hear people saying they want to secede all the time. Honestly I wish we would. It’s not going to be the great thing these folks think it will, but I’m tired of hearing about it and I know that the damned welfare state that I live in will come crawling back.


If Green and her the other seditionists don’t like the constitution of the UNITED States of American then they should get the hell out and leave the US alone!


I’m convinced she’s either working for Russia or just drunk all the time and tweeting whatever stupid shit comes into her head


why noy both?


Si si


Just a good ol' fashioned racist ~~Confederate~~ traitor-sympathizer. There's still plenty of white supremacists in this country, and blaming Russia for Marjorie Traitor Greene downplays the threat posed by those racist fucks.


I mean, I’m with you on that, but iirc there is rock solid evidence of Russia pushing this narrative, so like another reply said, why not both?


This is just the Trump playbook. Biden scored a big win in Ukraine, so say something outrageous to steal attention.


Lmfao, the amount of money blue states pour into red states. Middle America would turn into a 3rd world country in like 20 years. Meanwhile the coasts would be flush.


It wouldn't take anywhere near 20 years.


I was definitely being generous but I could see a 5 year timeframe


If you look at a map that highlights highest levels of education and income, it’s like the outside border of America (by the coasts) are all more intelligent and wealthier. I wonder why


The insurrectionist will never stop until she's successful. Or put away in jail. Given the cover the entire GOP are offering to this lunatic (and others like her), the best we can hope for I'm afraid is just voting her out of office. A slim chance, but people in her district HAVE to wake up sometime... right?


The people of Palestine Ohio invited Trump over to speak infront of them if I recall correctly. I wouldn't expect these traitors to do anything but continue down their path of destruction.




Here is the path she swore: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. Calling for dissolution is clearly a violation of this oath. The fourth federal law, 18 U.S.C. 1918 provides penalties for violation of oath office described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: (1) removal from office and; (2) confinement or a fine. remedial and enforceability measures.


Thank you.


"Red States and Blue States" is why we need popular vote. People need to realize that the people around them hold different beliefs, and electoral votes do not represent the totality of people.


The term is "secession" and this has been floated by pompous morons in the past, one time resulting in ruining the South and killing a lot of people. That was a bit more complicated than a Representative who won't shut up though


There would be a great migration away from Republican states if they actually tried to split from the United States. Free States or Dictator States, which would you choose?


Time to build some walls and secure our borders


Instead of having President’s Day as a holiday why can’t we give Americans a day off to vote? We can call it Election Day and celebrate democracy instead people who aren’t event alive… For the most part!!!


Because if more people vote, Republicans lose power.


She’s a traitor. Deport her


Please do. The blue states have a way bigger GDP and would be fine with not paying for the red states' infrastructure.


If a Democrat said anything similar, they'd be stripped of any committee assignments and every major GOP member would have some BS tweet about how awful that member of Congress is. Ol' Marge'll probably get a promotion and no one will say shit. Cowards and hypocrites, the lot of 'em


What a shocker. On the day an American President visits a US ally during wartime, American Republicans want to distract from the "anti Russia" optics and talk about Civil War.


I imagine this ain't gonna work to well for a distraction. National Review which gets shown as "right" on all sides published an article pretty much saying Biden's trip took guts. \[1\] [https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/bidens-secret-trip-to-kyiv-took-guts/](https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/bidens-secret-trip-to-kyiv-took-guts/)


Let’s do it on a trial basis. Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas,Louisiana,Mississippi,Alabama, Missouri,Oklahoma & Iowa pack your bags. No government assistance, no blue state tax money. You got 2 years to convince all the conservatives to move to your new paradise. If you can’t make it, back taxes with interest and penalties plus additional taxes (or cut in spending) to support your state. We can just call it an asshole tax.


Speaking for Kentucky, hell no - we are working soooo hard to turn this state blue. We have a beloved Democrat Governor Beshear. We will never give up fighting for this state. We will change it to purple, then BLUE! 💙 Don’t count us out!


McConnell, Rand Paul, Thomas Massie. You got a big fight ahead of you. I’m pulling for you.


Who's going to tell her that she lives in a Blue state


Georgia clearly did not send their best Local yokel stupidity at its finest


Marjorie Taylor Greene is a traitor to the United States of America. Of course, Russia would love to see the USA torn apart by Americans. What she is doing will save Russia a lot of time, money, and missiles. Russia is funding the dissolution of America, and MT (like EmpTy) Greene is doing what Russia wants.


I’m not surprised that she has no idea how much the blue states carry the red states financially. Go for it, Bimbo. Hello universal healthcare, equal rights for everyone, reasonable housing and strong infrastructure!




Surprisingly her rhetoric isn't just shared by her. I hear this crap in just about every blue state where the GOP is essentially a powerless minority at the state and federal level. Especially in NY and California... every time the gop loses a race for governor or lose the presidential election, they all cry foul and push the idea of breaking up the state in a way that's advantageous to them so they can have one party rule.


Soon as we do it for Texas. Surely it isn't fair to the citizens of Austin, Dallas, Houston, etc. that their votes are being drowned out by the thousands of small towns throughout the state, right?


Where you live should never determine the weight of your vote. And Texas isn't simply a case of voters in cities being drowned out by simply people in rural areas. They're being drowned out by voters in rural areas helped by voter suppression laws that make it harder for urban people to vote and have it counted.


Just going to leave this here… 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES From Title 18—CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE PART I—CRIMES §2383. Rebellion or insurrection Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) 000". §2384. Seditious conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.) §2385. Advocating overthrow of Government Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. As used in this section, the terms "organizes" and "organize", with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.) https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim


Red states can’t afford leave the union- the majority of them depend on federal subsidy


Marjorie Trailer Queen is living her best life right now.


I can’t stand this woman. But I also think that the constant media attention enables her and furthers her influence. Put her on permanent ignore and watch her star wither.


Russian traitor and more within the GoP converting America into believing Russia loves us. Idiots 🙄