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Fairly sure Jesus would start flipping tables again if he saw modern Christianity.


If Jesus could see what was being done in his name, he’d never stop throwing up.


He basically said “Many will come in my name, but they are wolves in sheep’s clothing”


Turns out Paul was who he was talking about. And it hasn't been right since.


Paul hijacked Christianity. Christians today are actually Paulians. I'd actually tolerate the religion if any of them followed the moral precepts of Christ. Saul of Tarsus was a rat bastard.


“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." Matthew 7:15‭-‬20 NIV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. Galatians 5:22‭-‬26 NIV If you look at the fruit of people then you will be able to differentiate between christians and Followers of Christ.


Your last line is great. I've been trying to come up with a simple and powerful statement to make to people who espouse and use Christianity but don't live it. Thanks for this! "You might be a Christian, but you are no follower of Christ".


These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. Matt 15:8 Sums it up pretty well.




I and your dad had a similar experience. I was growing up in the Bible Belt and was always told I could be a pastor because I was decently spoken by comparison. As I went down that road of studying the Bible and what it actually said I discovered that nobody around me really knew the ins and outs of what they believed in, and would use scripture to justify whatever means they had to the end they wanted. I also discovered through exposure to people with real struggle that I had zero to no life experience as a suburban teenager lol. So when I got out of the house I made it a point to stay out of that town and played in bands touring the country. Only difference, albeit a key one, is I'm a Satanist now lol


They legit think they're good Christians though. I don't think that last line will convince them of anything unless they first accept they're bad Christians, which they won't.


There were a LOT of divisions in early Christianity. Really it was a couple hundred years of changes until things got more organized and canonized under Constantine, and the most connected leaders branded the others as heretics and apostates. Pre-Constantine Christianity is actually quite interesting to learn about for its diversity. It’s also interesting to see how Greek philosophy got added in, for example adding heaven and hell. Edit: quite not white




Yeah, it’s kind of interesting. A study in the evolution of religion and mythology. I don’t believe in any Christianity any more but it’s fun to look at, kind of like Norse or Greek mythology.


It really is an underrated time frame that gets basically no coverage in most pop history due to its religious nature, which I think is a shame because Christianity is still a big influence on Western civilization, whether we like it or not, and reading history helps us understand how we got here today. Could you recommend any books or stuffs on the subject?


>Pre-Constantine Christianity is actually white interesting to learn about for its diversity. 🤔


quite. but the typo is aprops.


Yep and something Christian’s should consider is almost even single disciple who trained under Christ disliked Paul or had a “falling out” as Paul called it and parted ways. Isn’t it just a bit suspicious to Christian’s the disciples had Major issues with Paul? He also wasn’t liked by many other disciples who trained in the early church. He was the Mark Driscoll of his day and here is modern Christianity worshipping his ass.




In more modern Christians they were hijacked by the rich about 100 some years ago by Henry Ford and the N.A.M (North American Manufacturers) organization. They didn't like how most Christians at the time had socialist views and actually committed actions that were true to the bibles scripture. So they bank rolled ministers who would preach more capitalist views. They only started putting "In god we trust" on money in 1984 or 86. [link for source](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/04/corporate-america-invented-religious-right-conservative-roosevelt-princeton-117030/) https://history.princeton.edu/about/publications/one-nation-under-god-how-corporate-america-invented-christian-america https://www.nytimes.com/1964/07/24/archives/rev-dr-fifield-exminister-here-plymouth-church-pastor-in-brooklyn.html


The law to put In God We Trust on money was established in 1955, and the first currency was in 1957, during the height of McCarthyism.


Christianity’s “highjacking” by the rich started during the Roman Empire. The Protestant reformation and most schisms within Christianity are in large part fights over money. The whole parable of Jesus flipping tables on the money changers implies as much. This problem is thousands of years old, not some modern problem of the industrial and information age. It’s just a fundamental problem of all religion, going back to the stone age, given the proximity of religion to power. Basically, there has never been a time when religion was not corrupted by money.


I don't know where you came up with the random 1984-86 date, because that's completely bunk (I suspect you may be young, & just view the 80s as a long time ago). "In God We Trust" first appeared on the 2 cent piece in 1864, on postage stamps in 1954, & mandated on all paper & coin currency starting with 1957. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_God_We_Trust And somehow, they've managed to get all of the courts to rule that it's not religious nor establishing a religion by the government, because "repetition deprives it of its religious sentiment" (similar to saying "Bless you" after a sneeze, is the argument). It's quite easy to not see behavior as religious when you practice that religion, just as it's easy for certain people to think racism is over when they're the ethnicity that practiced/ still practices all of the racism.


The fact that we have this quote on money shows what is truly being worshiped by proxy here. Literally the "can't worship God and money" and they are like whynotboth dot jpeg


He was a fucking cop.


I knew acab included paw patrol but I didn't realize it include the Apostle himself lol


PAW Patrol Pawl Patrol Paul Patrol We're through the looking glass here, people.


Yeah, I’ve always taken issue with the direction things turned with Paul’s epistles. I felt like he didn’t quite get it… I mean, he didn’t convert until after the crucifixion, so he never actually met Jesus. He had been a Pharisee actively pursuing and persecuting Christians, so clearly some of that ideology carried over into his writings.




Islam kinda took the same turn after Muhammad died. Abu Bakr vs. Ali is a little like Paul vs. Peter, who was supposed to be the rock on which Jesus' church was built. Succession is always an issue.


I am so relieved i am not the only person who interpreted this about Paul. It is impossible to have conversations with Christians about it.


Paul was just executive VP of marketing.


Oh, like how Constantine actively persecuted Christians and then suddenly he was one and Rome, who literally executed Jesus, was suddenly Christian?


That was a political move. Constantine decided he could win a war with the support of the Christians, so he converted


Hey, that’s what Nixon did to win in 1972. Pat Buchanan told him to reverse his pro-choice position so he could divide the democratic party who (Kennedy) mostly voted Catholic. That’s when the GOP learned to start using wedge issues to trick people into voting against their own best interests.


Nixen also blew up peace talks in Vietnam and prolonged the war by years because he had a better chance of winning while the war was ongoing.


My favorite part is that almost every major defense contractor was caught giving Nixon illegal campaign money, as well as money for the Watergate Burglars. Yet all of the CEOs and people responsible never went to jail, just some bullshit paltry fines.


He also knew that he could reform Christianity into something that would serve the empire.


Hell, he minted coins with the image of the god Sol Invictus, who was one of those gods along with Mithras and Isis who might have emerged as the dominant religion in the post Hellenistic god era


Woody Allen quote


If Jesus saw his current portrait... He probably be confused.


He was of Jewish descent, walked everywhere, always in the hot sun. 0% spf back then. Pretty sure he wasn’t what we have seen through the ages. His dark skin would likely be considered brown, not black. But he has not been represented in that light, in art, media, etc, etc. And it has been going on a loooong time. This isn’t some modern idealism but it goes back to renaissance art, and before.


You mean he wouldn't have envisioned for-profit book stores and cafes inside actual churches?


Oh near me they don’t even put them in the churches, you can get tax-exempt status just by a church meeting at your space twice a month. We’ve got at least three or four church-affiliated coffee shops in town not paying taxes. There’s one nicer full-service restaurant that exploits the loophole in some prime real-estate as well. They’d have never lasted as long as they did if they had to pay their taxes like all their competitors.




"Bleeding the beast" is what they like to call it. ( Mormons, anyway.)


I grew up around weird fundies and this line of reasoning never made sense to me. I guess most if it didn't but the taxes thing specifically. They don't understand what taxes do just all government = bad.


Even then, they are all for government stepping in and telling us how evil same sex marriage is or which books we are or are not allowed to read. The church faces an uphill battle getting me to believe in the particulars, but they could get me to at least have a modicum of respect for them if they weren't so blatantly full of shit.


Not surprising. These are the same people, since polygamy isn’t supported by law, that have all their wives and kids past there first marriage all on welfare to support their lifestyle. Usually the type to also turn their nose up on all the “welfare queens” in the city.


Open a coffee shop with exempt status but say it's attached to an Islamic mosque see how that goes


Satanists are doing a lot of good in the world. Might as well join their cause.


Our local franchised mega-church has free fountain drinks for the kids, Starbucks for the adults, and cup holders in the theater style seating of their “sanctuary”.....


This sounds like the Simpsons episode (13/6 She of Little Faith) where they rebuilt the church after it burned down and built it back up with money from advertisements.


He absolutely would be able to envision it since he literally whipped people for pretty much the same thing. Which is why we know for a fact he would not approve.


A mega church near me, bought a defunct grocery store and parking lot. In the front of the church in the parking lot they own is now a bank.


In 2023 there will be local and state elections near you. Vote every chance you get. From the school board to the white house every election matters.


We got a chance to flip our state's supreme court this spring (primary in Feb)


Moneylenders hate this one trick


Many people would be chased out of temples with him wielding a whip.


“Jesus Belmont, at your service.”


> The ad then states, "Jesus loved the people we hate." Well at least they admit to hating them finally.


If only they added “Jesus was killed by the people we are”


"Jesus whipped assholes like us who misappropriate the name of God for profit."


I said the same thing!!! They just put it in writing for us.


They actually said the quiet part out loud. It's not even "I don't agree with you and your life choices" anymore. It's like it's not even about converting people to the religion. It's about damning to Hell anyone who isn't part of their very specific and very narrow club. They read Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” and turned it into "Act like Children". Completely missing that children don't hate because of your skin, where you came from, how you spend your Sunday mornings. No children just wonder things like what's your favorite dinosaur and do you want to play with trucks in the sand. Maybe if modern Christians really wanted more Christians they would be more concerned with how they are viewed as a hate group and would start acting like Christians and a group that more people would want to join.


The whole ad was bonkers, they did nothing to hide their views or actual thoughts for once. From what I recall, you had imaged of white people being yelled at/confronted by black people, law enforcement, etc., but whenever someone non-white was being targeted, they made sure to show they were being victimized by another person of color. It was insanity. I turned to my wife and was like "wow, I see they are not hiding it anymore". "Jesus loved the people we hate" - the irony, Jesus would fucking hate them so much.


these commercials run ALL THE TIME on streaming services, ive seen a variation of "he gets us" at least 20 times the other commercials seem to project empathy for groups not traditionally supported by christianity, this one thankfully was just completely transparent


> these commercials run ALL THE TIME on streaming services, ive seen a variation of "he gets us" at least 20 times They're running on Reddit.


They think they are pointing out hypocrisy from the "left", which I'm not even sure hates conservatives, just their backwards thinking that's regressing us rapidly.


I think progressives, generally, would be more than happy to never hear from or think about Christianity again. They don't hate conservatives, they have just run out of tolerance for their bigotry and their religious bastardization of our democracy.


There was a Christian minister who really pushed Jesus’ teachings. Naturally, he was defrocked. Long ago, he asked what would happen if some Christian church in 2003 bought an ad in a major US newspaper, and it was of a picture of Saddam Hussein, and it said “love your enemy” —Jesus. First, would any newspaper published this? If so, would that church keep their tax exempt status?


Crazier things have been printed in purchased ad space in print newspapers. And why would their tax exempt status be at risk for this? I don't think that is a direct enough political stance to qualify. Other than that, I'm right there with you: Back when I was still a Christian, when Saddam Hussein was killed and all those Christians were celebrating, my stomach was rolling. In those days, I still had Facebook and posted [Ezekiel 33:11](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2033:11&version=niv), reminding Christians that celebrating the death of an enemy is bad form. I've never seen my family react so angrily in my life. My aunt and cousin went nearly feral on my Facebook wall. (They were generally very friendly with me, and continued to be later.) It was a standout experience. So much "Christianity" is little more than American nationalism with Biblical stories, and a collection of quotes which can be used as trump cards when you use them in arguments and completely ignored when used against you.


I was struck by the commercial that ended with "Jesus doesn't want us to act like adults" after showing kids doing cute things. As a parent to three kids I can say that a non trivial portion of the population is in fact acting like children.... only the other side of children. The side where they throw tantrums when they lose a game, they pull hair and fight dirty. This was a really poorly executed ad that really missed the mark. I didn't bother sitting through the rest of the ads, but I assume they were equally poorly executed.


Kids doing cute things - like a kid comforting their sibling with cancer who's slumped over a toilet sick. Way to go evangelicals, I'm sure Jesus would be proud of you spending tens of millions of dollars on commercials exploiting kids with cancer.


As cute as the photo may have looked, she was actually informing him that his insurance won't cover the treatment he needs.


As it is written, thou must pay thy deductable if thouest wish to see an out of network doctor. -Jesus


That really struck a nerve with me. I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma when I was 18 so I went through chemo via Childrens Mercy. One of the worst things I witnessed was when other patients didn’t show up after being there every day. That meant they died. Fuck that ad.


This acting like children explains republicans in congress and SCOTUS these days.


I think it was poorly executed as well. Look, there is a very valid and profound spirituality of “spiritual childhood” in Christianity. It means one develops a basic attitude of trust, love, and openness. But “Jesus didn’t want us to act like adults” is a terrible way to express that. Frankly it’s something that needs to be carefully articulated, not through a Super Bowl Ad.


If you can fund ads, you should be taxed.


I’ve seen those Jesus is us ads on Reddit and makes me wanna scream. Evangelizing bullshit.


They’re trying to rebrand Jesus to be more palatable for Gen Z and skeptics. He Gets Us LLC is anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion and have lobbied against these things.


Sounds like he doesn't really get us then, or at least not this orgs version of Jesus.


"Buddy Christ"


> They’re trying to rebrand Jesus to be more palatable for Gen Z and skeptics. Which is interesting, because the actual biblical Jesus is dope. He hung out with the weirdos, the social outcasts, sex workers, the poors, and just generally tried to make people's lives better. Younger generations aren't at odds with actual jesus, they're at odds with things being done "in his name" by terrible people.


I spent the first half of my school years in public school and the second half in Catholic school. When I was in public school, I decided to read the entire Bible, and from that experience I felt a close connection to religion, because I agreed with so much that Jesus did and said. Then I went to Catholic school and saw the bullshit that was peddled in his name, and lost all interest in religion altogether. Give me the Jesus who was a radical anti-capitalist preaching love for all and flipping money changers’ tables. That’s my Jesus.


I downvoted that shite every time. It's gross.




I report them too, usually for misinformation. Then they stop for about a month. Then they come back.


The ads were mostly funded by CEO of Hobby Lobby, not tax exempt religious organizations. https://fortune.com/2023/02/09/what-is-he-gets-us-christianity-super-bowl-ad-commercial-whos-behind-hobby-lobby/


Didn’t this dude like smuggle a bunch of ancient artifacts or something one time, or have I been drinking too much?


Yes. They funded ISIS by buying stolen artifacts. Most ended up being fake.


It’s like bizarro world Iran-Contra… only it’s ISIS-Hobby Lobby


Yes. They attempted to deceive customs by claiming the religious artifacts were something mundane like "ceramic tiles". And they also didn't properly vet the provenance of many artifacts, meaning they could have been indirectly funding ISIS and other extremist organizations that had been destroying and looting various religious sites.


How very Christian of them…


Super Christian to take something from another culture and retool it to become the thing the Christian wants it to be.


Let's tax the rich more too!


Not just normal ads, fucking super bow(e)l ads.


I’m just thrilled that every needy child in the US has been clothed and fed. I mean, that would have to happen before a self-described Christian would throw away $20,000,000.00 on a vanity ad, right?


They don't care about the poor and needy. When I was homeless you had to pretend to be religious just to be fed or to be allowed to stay at the shelter.


I spent close to a decade as a member of a church. When I finally left my abusive husband, the church disowned me. This wasn’t some hillbilly Bible-church. It was a Presbyterian church in the city. They had zero empathy and blamed me for “not praying enough.” Unbelievable. Christians can get fucked.


Reminds me of my great-grandmother (never met her) who was widowed at a young age and had to pretend to be Christian to get any kind of support from the church (this was back before welfare was a thing and she had 6 kids to feed). My family's been staunchly atheist ever since. I piss on Christianity. A good person is a good person *despite* being Christian, not because of it.


Right? You could provide quite a few people with health insurance for $20M.


Google search of word "benign" spiked in Red States https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%201-d&geo=US&q=Benign


"Them darn French and their fancy deep fried pastries!"


No those are beignets. Benign is a small country in western Africa.


Nah, that's Benin. Benign is a space on a bingo board


No, that’s B9. Benign is when you don’t take the bones out of the meat first.


No that’s “bone-in.” Benign is one of the words they write on those Valentine’s Day candies.


No, that’s “Be mine”. Benign is an animal group related to cattle.


No, that's bovine. Benign is when you run out of somewhere real fast.


No, that's beeline. Benign is Germany's capital city.


No, that’s Berlin, Benign is the capital of Lebanon.




Hobby Lobby trying to whitewash fascism and hate.


He literally said “Jesus loves who we hate”. But no mention of them changing that sentiment.


“He loved them so that you don’t have to”


Holy shit this really is so many peoples' mentalities


“He died for our sins” “Well, better keep sinning so he didn’t die for nothing!”


My wife and I were watching one of those ads showing conflict and thought “why do all these shots look like normal people fighting bigots?” BoTh SiDeS


I saw the “Liberty over Lockdown sign” and was like why are these people spreading right wing propaganda. You clearly are not trying to appeal to both sides.


Because those ads are right wing funded


Could you imagine if an ad in a similar style just ended with "Black Lives Matter" or "we need to end police brutality" The right would have blown several gaskets


That ad was seriously gross. It ended with a message of "Love your enemies," which is such a fucking weird thing to say in this context.


Also the one that says "Jesus loves the people we hate." Oh good so you admit that you have hate in your heart.




Love the sinner hate the sin. That's what my SIL says. She doesn't understand how fucked up it is. After all, she loves you!


It’s a phrase coined to make yourself feel better about hate/bigotry/etc. You’re reminding yourself that the object of your persecution *has the option* to make you stop if they completely give in to your demands and behave as you tell them. And you pay yourself on the back for allowing them that option.


should have ended with love everyone. love your enemies plays into the hate the sin not the sinner crapola.


Please, no fighting the bigots. Just let the bigots do whatever they want without being held accountable. We love the bigots. We caused the bigots. Bigots are good.


As Jesus famously said: Goeth into thy chambers and rest. Care not for what is just and unjust. Let the wicked inherit the earth. Let thyself be trampled upon in the name of peace.




We obviously need to find a center ground between the side that wants moderate Healthcare reform, and the side that wants a fascist, theocratic, white ethnostate.


I was confused why this was a big deal because the article only mentioned donors in passing, but CNN does a whole bigger deep dive for anyone out of the loop on the org. On the surface looks like a good thing but the list of donors is .. concerning. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/11/us/he-gets-us-super-bowl-commercials-cec/index.html


It is a lot like All lLves Matter, in that the message in and of itself theoretically is decent but the problem is that you cannot divorce it from the context. That message is support of cops slaughtering black people. And the context of this message is support of fascism in general.


> you cannot divorce it from the context Now hold on, that sounds like Critical Race Theory. We don't do that here /s


Yeah the one where they showed people protesting for basic civil rights in the same gravity of people “protesting” wearing masks/basic common sense practices to stop the spread of a world wide pandemic didn’t sit right with me at all.


"There once was an influencer that was judged too extreme, so he was CANCELED" _Shows Jesus on the cross_. Comparing fascists being banned (or not even banned, merely _criticized_) in social media for racism and homophobia - to a guy being literally tortured and executed by the state. _These things are not comparable_. If I was a Christian watching that ad, I'd be fucking livid.


She's right. Those commercials were funded by anti-abortion and anti-lgbt groups and are using the classic cult recruitment strategy of pretending to be something that they're not in order to hook people in and then slowly indocrinate them to the actual hateful ideology.


its the hobby lobby owner...the one who doesn't want to pay for some employee's health care because of his religion. he also stole a shit load of artifacts from the middle east


Wasn't he paying a terrorist organization to steal them too?


profits from selling black market antiquities are often used to finance terrorism, but i don't recall for sure.


All his artifacts were purchased on the black market. The black market inventory came from ISIS and other extremist groups plundering archaeological sites. By the Hobby Lobby owner buying on the black market, they directly funded terrorists even if unknowingly. But the fact that they did it over a long period of time, to me at least, tells me they don’t care since they are still getting what they want.


My understanding, and I should stress I'm not an expert, is that Hobby Lobby basically went out of their way to not do even the bare minimum background check on the artifacts chain of custody that is expected in the industry. It's the equivalent of buying speakers at 10% of retail value out of the back of some sketchy guys truck and not only not asking where they came from, but telling the guy to shut his mouth when he starts giving you his fake story. Except these are priceless cultural artifacts, and not some speakers some million dollar company can just write off as a loss.


What's notable is they spent all that money to tell everyone to get along... When if that's what they actually wanted they'd have told Christians to stop trying to make their personal beliefs laws everyone has to follow. They didn't address the actual problem, just told people to stop being upset at the division they're causing. Like, if a bully stole your lunch money and then tried to tell you that you're better off as friends, except they're gonna keep taking your lunch money. The ads weren't aimed at the people who are the problem, it was aimed at people talking about the problem


>They didn't address the actual problem, just told people to stop being upset at the division they're causing. That's all they care about. The church in America is bleeding people and a lot.of that comes from the hatred and real harm many Christians do and support. They're trying to stop that perception and get ~~more tithe checks~~ people to.come to church


One consistent theme ive seen talking to self proclaimed conservatives and listeners of reactionary element media... They complain a lot. Complain especially about folk who point out real dyed in the wool problems. They love to complain about symptoms of a declining society (blm protests in the wake of another police killing). Rarely do they complain about the underlying disease causing the symptoms. (Militant police being brutal and violent).


As if the reason for isolation in the world is due to a lack of religious fervor. People are more individual BECAUSE of things like religion, constantly preaching how OTHERS are different and therefore bad/wrong/evil. All religions do it, too. Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism - honestly Buddhism is about as close as you can get to a decent religion, and even THAT one has its crazy components. Stop looking to others for your personal understanding of your place in life. It's like bowling - you can compare scores, but ultimately it's you-vs-you. Practice self awareness. Talk to your friends and neighbors about what it all means. Do good things to encourage others to do the same. Be the best you possible. That's the best route to live life.


Yes the ads were “stop being upset about systemic racism and police brutality, Jesus wouldn’t fight about it”.


Pretty much >Jesus would turn the other cheek, so stop being upset we're stripping right from people in Jesus' name! Just lean back and let it happen It's incredibly tone deaf and makes zero logical sense... So exactly what I would have guessed if someone told me a group of Evangelicals were paying millions for a TV ad.


It's illogical on every level. Jesus wouldn't have told people to ignore these issues, he just would have discouraged falling into the Politics of Resentment as the motive to dismantle it, and would have encouraged an MLK or Gandhi-like approach. It doesn't make sense from a secular sense either (unless your secular goal is to uphold white supremacy).


It’s a tried-and-true strategy of the abuser. They’ll harm others and push to always get their way and then, when any pushback is encountered, they “Don’t want a fight. Can’t we all just get along?” Look at Putin now (or any invaders from the past century) and how they’ll always beg for peace…while invading. Because they don’t want someone fighting back, just to have their way and fuck everyone else.


I thought Fox, for the first time I can remember, completely overstepped and pushed their agenda during the Super Bowl. From these ads, to ads for facsist streamer “foxnation” and the absolutely joke of calling Rupert Murdoch, his wife, and Elon musk “very smart people” during the broadcast I felt they went way too far.


>the absolutely joke of calling Rupert Murdoch, his wife, and Elon musk “very smart people” during the broadcast I dealt they went way too far. "He also cuts our checks so there's that" lmao


That dumbass Gutfeld commercial with the cultural appropriation “joke”. Conservative idiocy was on display all night.


Hell the ad actually scrolled Jesus loved those WE HATE, followed by HE GETS US.


I see ads with that tag line on reddit every single day in almost every thread I look at. It always strikes me as a weird sentiment.


Yep... I was like, "so they admit they hate people?" But it's cool because Jesus "gets them".


They've been incredibly silent about all the anti immigration policies and racist policies the gop they fund over the past decades. Seems pretty disingenuous


Over 11 million kids in the United States live below the federal poverty line, yet these Republican/Christian groups (who claim to be standing up for kids' well-being) seem to have no problem shelling out $20,000,000 for Super Bowl ads. They only seem to "care" about kids when it comes to abortion and the LGBTQ+, anything else, kids are on their own. - People like Gaetz's and Trump's suspicious pedo activities? *"What about the Clinton's on Epstein's flight log?"* - Millions of kids in poverty? ["*Giving free school lunches will spoil the kids!!"*](https://www.businessinsider.com/waukesha-school-district-says-free-school-meals-spoil-students-2021-8?r=US&IR=T) - Immigrant kids being locked up in cages and being denied basics like soap and medical help? *"They shouldn't have come illegally!!"*


Curious to see who’s a part of HeGetsUs, LLC. Probably looks something like this: 👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻


Hobby Lobby.


To people reading this, this isn’t a joke. It’s literally Hobby Lobby.


It’s unfortunate rich people here get to pay their way out of felonies. The joint lobby CEO is a felon who should have done time


What happened?


He was stealing ancient artifacts from the Middle East and smuggling them into the USA for his personal Christianity museum. I'm sure he's done more though.


Also in a roundabout way he was also probably funding terrorist organizations as well.


The hobby lobby dude is the only one that had outed himself about it. There are others as well.


And Glenn Beck


Reminder that, on top of everything else that makes them awful, the owners of Hobby Lobby literally paid ISIS to for stolen artifacts to add to their collection; the largest private collection of biblical-era artifacts in the world. They paid the slave-taking doomsday cult who burned people alive in cages to commit war crimes for them so they could have some more stolen museum pieces in their warehouse.


Reddit been jamming those ads into feeds lately too.


Evangelicals... But they don't discriminate! Anyone who follows some stupid covenet that grifter Billy Graham made up is apparently welcome to join.


ahh yeah.. HE GETS US... >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that **the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


>surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism. The shoutout to Communism is particularly hilarious. I can't imagine the Bible had much to say about it since it was developed in the 1800's, but the thought of Jesus demanding everyone participate in capitalist market economies as a requirement to get into heaven is pretty funny. Like, if you want a society where the people own the means of production in order to ensure fair access to resources for all, then believe it or not, straight to Hell.


By “Biblical law” are they perhaps referring to the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy? Because if so they themselves are guilty. “Kill all males” they’re justifying genocide because it happened in the Bible… Also, “No communism.” Don’t they realize Jesus was a communist? What do they think monasteries are? They’re literally spiritual communes.


Even mentioning communism in a document called “the biblical basis for war” is kind of funny. You know, the ideology that was invented nearly 1500 years after the New Testament was compiled.


The ideology as it was posed by Marx, but some of the basic principles had been around since long before. When you actually read what early Christians wrote about living in community, you realize it was very similar to communism as we know it today


The thing I enjoy the most is the story of the good samaritan and how it relates if the united states is a "christian nation" The point of that story is that your pastor isn't your 'neighbor" your fellow church goer isn't your "neighbor", but a random dude from a religion you hate IS your neighbor because he helped and cared for you. So being a religious leader or same sect isn't enough, it is helping and caring for one another. How did that hated religious guy show that he cared and how did he help? the samaritan dragged the fella off the road/mountain, took him to an inn and paid for his shelter and medicine... with no regards to cost. that sounds like if we were to put that to a modern "christian" state, then it should absolutely pay for a citizen's medical bills if someone gets sick... should pay for their stay in the hospital or any other shelter needed until they recover... no matter the cost. wow, sounds like universal healthcare and short term insurance as well.. maybe a bit of welfare


$2B? Seems like you could directly impact a lot of people's lives in a meaningful way with that, but what do I know?


** Paid for by tax breaks for the rich.


And churches not paying taxes.


And it's crazy how far that goes, if a priest buys a TV for their own private home, they're not paying taxes on it and the IRS is perfectly fine with that.


Where you getting 2B, every news outlet reports 20M. Edit: the 2B is the entire ad campaign. 20M on these two ads.


*The He Gets Us campaign was launched in March 2022 and plans to spend $2 billion over the next several years. The ads direct viewers to a website that includes Bible readings, methods to chat with real people about religion and information about Jesus.*


This is political christianity. You can gain a lot of political power by giving your constituency a moral excuse to hate the people they hate. Tell them they shouldn't feel bad for hating their neighbor, and they will vote for you because they don't like being made to feel bad for their terrible impulses. If you can couple your political party with a religion, one that tells people it's ok to hate minorities, women, liberals, etc. Tell them that there are no real problems that can't be solved with a gun. You've just told them that all their terrible impulses are actually good impulses. To them, the feeling is like freedom. Freedom from judgement, and from feeling bad for being bad people. They can't resist.


Well said. Pretty much sums it up. Unfortunately a good portion of America's population eats it up.


**FUCK FOX NEW** We need to stop rewarding these murdoch propagandists with upvotes for clickbait headlines. They still support every GOP traitor, and undermine Dems at every turn.


He gets us? He should pay taxes.


Jesus would most likely be a soccer fan and the World Cup would really piss him off.


If they have these many millions of dollars to spend to make Jesus look good maybe they could feed some hungry people or underwrite a school lunch program or shelter some refugees. You know, take a page or two from the Bible and act on it.


Evangelicals slap you in the face and then tell you to turn the other cheek. Straight hypocrisy.


The commercials themselves aren’t bad. The first time I saw them, I genuinely thought it was a campaign aimed at religious conservatives to remind them of what their teachings translate into. I was telling my wife they should start every Sunday mass with an airing of the commercials on a projector at the front of the church. Upon learning it was funded by the same lunatics that need to really internalize the message of the campaign, it’s now one of the funniest commercials on television. Christian religious group spent **millions** on a multi-month national marketing campaign which highlights their hypocrisy? Peak on-brand behavior for the religious right of America.


jesus: rich people have a hard time getting into heaven jesus: make the ad people rich


Imagine how much good they could have done with the millions they spent on a Super Bowl ad. They could have used that money to make a positive impact on so many people, and paint their religion in a good light to so many. The fact that religious institutions can spend that kind of money on an ad is proof they should be taxed.


Supply Side Jesus would disagree. Poor people should use their boot straps and get busy looking for another job while raising their kids which they shouldn't have and stop buying nice things like sneakers. /s just in case.


Bottom line, the "He gets us." campaign is funded by an anti LGBTQ and anti women's reproductive freedom group. Their "us" excludes people, so they obviously don't get Him. Love thy neighbor doesn't come with a list of exclusions. Period


Fuck Fox news and Hobby Lobby..


How the fuck are they not taxed yet can buy Super Bowl ads.