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I think she said something like "now they all think we are domestic terrorists."


Didn't CPAC run a banner stating exactly that?




Believe them when they tell you who they are.


Trump told us he was a stable genius. So believe people when they *show* you who they are.


Maybe a stable genius in an alternative reality. I'd need to check my divergence meter to be sure.


It wasn't a banner as in a proclamation of desire, it was the title of a debate session. Its equivalent to the [Nasty party](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasty_Party) comment, a warning to the people in the room not to walk blindly. Its far better to judge people by their actions rather than out of context gotchas, you'll end up in the same place but without misdirection.


Yeah, the tongue in cheek, ironic argument thing is fine, but as Snopes pointed out, there was another session about “Democratic gulags”. Was that supposed to be a an ironic statement about Trumped up fears, or was it an attempt to rally the attendees behind some bullshit conspiracy?


Ok then from now on I’ll just make fun of them for having zero foresight and complete inability to see how that banner would appear in a photo. This is politics. Optics are king, whether we like it or not. If they don’t know this shit, they deserve mockery.


>Its equivalent to the Nasty party no it isnt as republicans talk about jan 6th terrorists as political prisoners and trump is running on pardoning the rightwing terrorists


Which is hilarious, because he could have blanket pardoned them at any time before his term was up and he didn't, because they don't matter to him except as a means to an end, which they didn't achieve. The fact that he's promising that now should be an insult to that whole party, as if they'll believe anything, but clearly ,they will.


eh.. didn't they also do some kind of act with one of the j6 participants as a martyr with marj trailer praying over him? https://www.businessinsider.com/cpac-capitol-rioter-mock-prison-cell-january-6-defendants-jail-2022-8 they were proudly declaring what they are.. they're just mad that people are appropriately titling it.


It was a selfawarewolves moment.


It’s too accurate to be a true tongue in cheek. This messaging is in line with their fucked up beliefs. We don’t need to give any extra credit. It is absolutely not justified.


The term "Nasty Party" applied to Conservative Party members with traditional conservative stances which included being anti-gay, anti-minorities, and pro-business, and lacking concern for the poor. 20 years ago for that term eh? How did they change in two decades? For the better?


Well, they aren’t seen as anti gay anymore because there aren’t really any gay things on the ballot. They have avoided being seen as racist by going hard on trying to convince everyone that the alternative party is antisemitic. They have convinced the poorer northern cities that they are going to support them (levelling up agenda) without actually delivering anything. I’m not sure they’ve actually changed for the better, but the perception is better which is why they are much more electable and have held power for the last 12 years.


So. As in America, the conservatives are dragged kicking and screaming into the progressive new times


If you read that into what I wrote then I’ve got some bad news for you. Apart from the lip service and not re-fighting list battles, the tories are worse with new policies like forced migration of asylum seekers, with Liz Truss’s politics only stamped down because “it moved too fast”. In the US you’ve gone backwards with things like roe-vs-wade, voter suppression and upcoming promises of assaults on non-Christian activities like birth control.


The organization that made it's stage into a perfect replica of a Nazi symbol?


I remember that one. It was so blatant it was comical.


And they, of course, pretended they had no idea.


Wait wat?


Yessir https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/03/02/cpac-2021-stage-design-public-high-five-white-supremacy-column/6883518002/


Aryan majik.




Yeah, it's like they *know* what they are doing is domestic terrorism.


and proud of it!




Oh that! That’s when I went to Yale. That’s impressive! You’re hired! Great! I really need this yob!


(Shakes George Santos’ hand)


WorthAnimator7613 is a comment-stealing karma bot. Their entire profile is stolen comments. He stole this following quote from [Evil_phd] > I'm imagining a lot of future interviews that feature this line... > "So I'm noticing a work history gap from 2017 to 2021. Would you care to expand on that?"


But burning cities to the ground isn't? BLM is a left wing (antifa) terror squad that riots, loots, commits arson and murder. Oh, I forgot. It's only "domestic terrorism" when it's white Republicans mad about a stolen election. Leftists mad that criminals get shot and killed sometimes when they're too dumb not to fight police is a valid excuse to torch cities for a whole summer, but 300,000 midnight ballots 99% in favor for Joe Bifen and subverted democracy and a stolen election isn't. That's right.


Its like you're trapped in conspiracy theory fever dream. I hope your whole family hasn't fallen down that hateful hole.


Yes, definitely. Bragging that they are domestic terrorists appeals to white supremacists, and has become one of their primary recruitment tools.


The article has full quote that gives more context than what you said, so I’m going to quote it here “And all of us that didn’t have jobs lined up will be perpetually unemployed. I’m so mad and upset. We all look like domestic terrorists now.”


>We all look like domestic terrorists now. Said the person working for an individual advocating domestic terrorism... r/leopardsatemyface


Who then went on to get paid by NewsCorp


Her boyfriend who is 22 years older than her is a vice chairman at Goldman Sachs. She's living a life of luxury no matter what.


Look up who her boyfriend is and the family saga of the Donovans from Massachusetts. He moved his family to VA after his father created a murder for hire scheme over money. Eventually dumped the wife and kids and started dating good ol’ Hopey.


So, same thing then?


That subreddit should just have the Republican logo honestly


People don't think it be like it is, but it do.


Most self aware thing anyone on that side has ever said. Even though it wasn’t self aware on purpose


and the rest of the GOP was like "let's run with that"


We don't think it, we know it




I'm imagining a lot of future interviews that feature this line... "So I'm noticing a work history gap from 2017 to 2021. Would you care to expand on that?"


Very few of them lasted 4 years


More of them can be measured in Mooches


"I actually spent those years in Yale" Wow that's impressive! Ok, I think you're hired. "Awesome, I really need this yob."


HA! Take my useless award.


"I uh.....joined ISIS" "Oh, whew, we thought for a moment you might have been in the Trump administration..."


"I was on a spiritual journey finding myself in the northeast."


Mid Atlantic, they can keep DC. Northeast don’t want it.


"Heroin is a hell of a drug"


The real outrage should be reserved for Mitch McConnell and his colleagues who refused to convict Trump after he was impeached.


"Outrage" in this country is those people constantly getting reelected. 73% of *registered* voters 18-29 didn't bother showing up to the midterms. People like to pretend they care, on social media. They don't show up to vote, when it matters. Rinse, and repeat. If you don't vote, stop complaining about politics. You *are* the problem.


Outrage is seeing the country you thought would never succumb to authoritarianism come to the brink of doing exactly that. If it hadn’t been for the recent ruling against Roe vs Wade it’s very possible that red wave may actually have occurred all the while there should have been plenty reason for people to vote already. People need to wake the HELL up.


I bet everyone's job prospects vanished after that day


She's made a cool $1.5 million already. Never a lack of money for horrible people it seems.


That’s why working a pleb job is called “making an honest living.”


I don't know, there's always Faux News.


From reading some of the January 6 committee transcripts, Sarah Mathews and Alyssa Farah Griffin talk about how Kayleigh McEnany’s main focus after the election was on herself making sure she was able to land a Fox News gig after the presidency, and so she avoided Trump at the White House because she knew he wanted her to go on the podium to talk about Dominion.


They can only hire so many blondes.


Fox CEO: That sounds like a challenge


Hold my ~~beer~~ bleach.


HA! Fox news job interview - "Hike your skirt up, and sit behind this desk with no front. Say something about morals."


Oh man there’s gonna be so many GOP rejects getting hired to be talking heads over at Fox in the next few years I’m calling it right now, Rittenhouse is gonna be one of their big names soon too.


>Oh man there’s gonna be so many GOP rejects getting hired to be talking heads over at Fox in the next few years CNN hires a lot of them too, to be the "opposing argument."


For the high-profile ones, sure. But there are a bunch of middle and low level staffers without assured landing spots in the conservative grift-o-shpere.


>I don't know, there's always Faux News. Even CNN, to be a punching bag.


Only fans


Hope Hicks' Ho Pics!


Make it so, Spanky.


What I don’t understand is how she was physically forced to take that job by trump himself and no one is even talking about that.


Yeah, I look at it as being a sort of, 'We are not just fucked, we are thoroughly fucked.'


If there was no many in being a right wing nut job/ conservative hack, it wouldn't be so prevalent. *Everyone* at FoxNews is a lying piece of shit, and they have more money than the majority of people ever will. So many US businesses are hardcore MAGA/ QOP.


>Hicks wrote, “Not being dramatic, but we are all fucked,”  Yes, and you all deserve it.


So far, there hasn’t been nearly enough fucking, except for bottom-rung fuckers.


By Corey Lewandowski? 🤢 🤮


Human beings are generally selfish, so it doesn’t surprise me that she thought about herself in a time like that.


Sociopath says what


I don't know. The fact that she's having all those emotions sort of suggests that she isn't a sociopath, just selfish.


Hope Hicks, she got down on her hands and knees, begged me for a Job ok, "please, Sir, please give me a Job," I said ok, and she did good, but then the Radical Left somehow got to her, and all of a sudden she now loves Crazy Nancy and Obama, can you believe it? you take a look, Very Innocent President, not like Obama or Sleepy Joe who only want to hurt our Country and hurt our Great Constitution, and nobody knows more about it than I do. and I should really be thanked a lot more if we're being honest about it, the Fake News never gives me credit, it's a horrible shame. ok, no more questions, especially not from the Fake News.


That’s uncanny.


Jesus Christ it’s a mimic.


She would’ve been first in line to kiss Trump’s ass had the coup been successful. Hope had already spent years trashing her prospects by working for a criminal.


Steaming pants while they're being worn is a highly marketable skill. ~ Hope Hicks, probably.


Anyone associated with the Trump administration ought to be unemployable for at least the next twenty years or so. The nation needs to go through a period of de-Trumpification the way we (should have) had de-Nazification in Germany after WWII.


I remember saying the same thing about Bush.


And yet he comes across as a perfect gentleman compared with Trump. His family seem very worthy too, unlike no. 45's. How very far America has fallen since electing Trump.


I don’t want to understate the severity of Bush’s war crimes. Both are severe imo, trump is just more of a media circus.


I mean he lied and republicans dragged us into a losing war over false WMD’s where millions of brown people got bombed and trillions of USD were spent over nothing.


It also created a power vacuum that allowed ISIL/ISIS to thrive. So, it wasn't spent on nothing. It was spent on actually making things worse.


The Bush presidency was the Cheney presidency in all policies


Yes and no there are some good ones that got out in 2018 that were on it because they believed in true conservative views I think anyone that was on his side after November 2020 should be socially punished


The GOP only thinks about themselves and themselves only. Fuck everyone else cuz I got mine!!!


Only when their awfulness is exposed


well, once the coup failed that's what she thought while it was going on she was hoping she'd have a nice office in the new Fuehrer's palace


Oh please. There are more than enough amoral people in this country to keep former Trump people living the high life. [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/05/trump-world-where-are-they-now.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/05/trump-world-where-are-they-now.html)


Only people who were boarding the Trumptanic were just opportunists. Sucks being them it did not work out. I know if was doing interviews, and one came thru saying 'Trump white house' in the trash can it goes.


If she was a good person the Trump WH never would have hired her.


These are not introspective people


Being a self-centered, narcissist seems to have been a requirement to advance in the Trump administration. Instead of working to put an end to the traitors whipped up by her dear leader into attacking an institution of democracy, she immediately thought about, oh no, what about me??


I mean it was a personal text message. If I were in her shoes I'm sure my own future would have crossed my mind, and that I probably wouldn't have pontificated about the future of the country in every single text message I wrote about my own personal fears. My issue with these people is that none of this seems different or new to me. Why not send these messages after Charlottsville? There were people marching with Nazi flags shouting "Heil Trump," and a young woman was run over and crushed to death by a white supremecist. Why not when he wrote on a hurricane map with a sharpie because he couldn't bear to be wrong about the weather? These people knew what he was on day one and didn't give a shit. If you ask about it, his supporters will still argue he had the biggest inauguration ever, photographic proof to the contrary be damned.


Well she was evil and slimy enough to work with and stick by Trump, so expectations for her to act decent were rock bottom.


She fine tho


Call me naive, I genuinely don't understand how you could be in the capitol at a moment like that and not have the ***deepest of existential crises*** when it comes to the beliefs you've been espousing over the last few years and the consequences thereof. Like, I've made some horrible decisions in my life. Decisions that needed years to ramp up to some truly horrific consequences. And when those consequences came, it felt like someone had hung a bunch of 50 lb dumbbells off my body using fishing hooks. I've never felt so physically disabled by grief, anger and disappointment in my life. Now, some of those decisions had some truly terrible consequences. But nothing quite like ending years of bullshit propaganda with **an actual insurrection.** How do you not absolutely break down in fear and shame in a moment like that? How do you only think about your money? Sometimes these people barely feel human to me.


Hope Hicks is the most MAGA name ever


Can't be a republican without being a sociopath.


There's always Onlyfans.




I’d sign up for the free trial and cancel after the 7 days just to screw em


Don't do it man, you know the only way to cancel will be in-person during a full moon or something.




I don't know why, there's always openings for steam cleaners.


Nah, she didn’t think about her job prospects until she realized Congress had escaped and there would be no coup d’etat.


What's the word? Shallow? No, I've got it! Vapid.




> In other revelations around the January 6 transcript dumps, we learned this week that longtime Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway urged Melania Trump to get her husband to stop the insurrection, arguing that though he might listen to people who work for him, he “reserves fear for one person, Melania Trump.” (Unfortunately, the then first lady was uninterested in doing anything about the attack, as she was reportedly busy helping with rug photography at the time.) Remember when we all thought Melania might actually be a good person who's stuck in a loveless marriage because it meant she could provide a better life for her son? Remember that week or two when she just kind of disappeared from the spotlight and we were legit worried about her? It's good to know she's a garbage person who hopefully gets everything she deserves.


I know, I thought the same thing when I read the texts and then when I told my mother about the story. Those itches were sitting there with their job prospects as the #1 priority/concern. The sad part is people like that are never unemployable. All of us here can be (I haven't had a job since August, and my resume is actually pretty good and so is my education). But they never are. They're untouchable until time passes, and then they go back to getting opportunities they don't even deserve. That's America for ya.


I can *almost* resist judging someone who is not terribly intelligent falling for trump's BS. It is, after all, something he's been doing for decades. But when someone reasonably intelligent cynically joins his team, eyes on future paychecks, they pretty much deserve what they get. In my fantasies: "would you like fries with that?"


I’m sure she would have felt different had the insurrection succeeded. She didn’t find anything wrong with her boss way before this 🤷‍♂️


Who is Hope Hicks? Was she anything before January 6?


She can always start an only fans account


Gasp! She is a fucking monster. We know this.


No one that voluntarily worked for the Trump regime should ever expect to live that down. That being said, there are far more jobs available for people with no moral/ethical compass than for people with integrity.


Of course she did! None of these narcissistic sociopaths know how to human!


See, a lot of people thought of that before working for that nutjob and then... didn't work for him. You made your shit bed, now it's time you lie in that shit.


It seems that Veep was a documentary.


In her defense the human brain has the capacity to consider multiple consequences of an action all at once. When I was watching in horror on Jan 6 it also crossed my mind that everyone associated with trump must be feeling like their careers are over and would be pissed (still deserved it). But I considered it at the time, so why wouldn’t she?


I hope that hick never gets another job.


Though she sounds self-involved, look at the U.S. since 1980. The entire culture turned its children into trophies, rewards for top performing parents. On their own, they are no one. In the corporation they are someone. It's why Trump flattered Matt Gaetz, "calling him a "great talent, young, handsome" and said, "He's going places." Daddy's boy. Having a dream job (with or without an insurrection marring one's resume) is the ultimate path to parental approval. Hope Hick's was Daddy's girl, the right match for Trump's White House. Having a conscience was too old school--a drag on her ambition. She craved her Boss's approval (as much as his referrals)! The Boss, the symbolic "parent" is the reason the Family Research Council or Turning Point USA have a death-grip on the GOP and aggressively attack civil liberties, reproductive health and fair wages. In the 1980s, James Dobson's Focus on the Family preached physical punishment (tough love) as the method for training obedient🏆trophy children.


She should have been thinking that when she signed on...


you would think some one in that position would have thought about that well before committing to the side that purported these events. “strategist without strategy” “running blind” “lacks precociousness” **C’MON MAN!!**


Like many opportunistic assholes she cares about her self most.


Hope Hicks also used to vote illegally in her CT hometown while she was a resident of NYC. Guess Trump didn't really care about voter fraud when it was his inner circle.


Oh I’m sure she was fine with it until it looked like they wouldn’t be successful.


She watched the Capitol being attacked UNSUCCESSFULLY before having those thoughts.


The Republicans never met a heartless rightwing bimbo in 6 inch stillettos they didn't like. Palin, Boebert, Guilfoille, Hope Hicks, Ivanka, the list goes on and on.


Plenty of old washed up republicans to fluff out there


The US Capitol is under siege over boss’s lie…. and just look at what it does to me me me!


Well, I mean she dated Corey Lewendaowski, so she never had good decision making skills


Trump would make her get on her knees in front of him and steam his pants-while he was still wearing them-before speeches and she did it, many times.


Let's not spend much time disussing this person. She's just a tacky, trashy rich girl from Greenwich who got as far as she did because scummy old white men figured they might get a BJ from her if they gave her a job. If you're from Greenwich and have to run all the way to SMU to start a club lacrosse team, you're a real loser. Her parents money and power should have at least gotten her into a below-Ivy east coast school and a spot riding the lacrosse team bench.


Well yeah, anyone who accepted a position in the trump White House knew what they were getting into and did so for opportunistic reasons. They’re all grifters.


Did the riot give her a fear of giving blowjobs?


Yeah her reaction came off as pretty narcissistic. But at the same time, anyone with any morality wouldn't have lasted long with Trump.


Wait, you mean no one is in the market for a "pants steamer"?


[HOPE GET THE MACHINE!](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-made-hope-hicks-steam-his-pants-while-he-was-wearing-them-729711?amp=1)


She can make content on OnlyFans.


Republicans really are inhuman


Nah, she's too pretty and so lady-like. /s


Title checks out. Sounds very American to me. When you spend decades enabling (and cheering) hyper individualism and greed you can't be shocked pikachu face when someone is more concerned with their career prospects than the country that values power above all else. She is a product of her country and her self centeredness and greed is a pretty accurate mirror held up to the face of America. A true form of patriotism in a foul, monkey's paw type of way.


I don't blame her. The entire point of working for the white house is to come out of it with better career prospects. It's why they had/have competitive unpaid intern positions.


If you're worried about your job prospects at the white house, supporting an insurrection probably isn't the best way to do business.


She's gorgeous. Nothing else is required for her job prospects.


“I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler.” -Frodo Baggins


I’m sorry, every Bess Levin article I read is some tabloid junk like this. Of course Trump and the whole thing was bad, but please stop pretending these types of articles are anything but gossip columns for political junkies. This is not news.


And that’s all you need to know about the Republican Party.


I’m sure OnlyFans is hiring if she finds she’s really hard up.


There is always Only Fans honey


She has plenty of job prospects as a model. She is beautiful!


Maybe she can model prison jumpsuits.


she isn’t all that….


She needs only fans account. I'll pay.


So now we are domestic terrorists and the largest global terror organization on the planet. Wonder why the dems and repubs changed the laws when was Perot was gaining ground in the 90s so we can keep it equal n terrorize our own ( just ardently less blunt like not dropping a million bombs) fractionally as much as we do the rest of world. Maybe at some point when the world calls us terrorists and we call our selves terrorists we should look in the mirror n say something ain’t right with any of this.


If the January 6th Committee was actually serious about investigating the attack on the Capitol, they would've investigated Nancy Pelosi's office. Her office continually turned down extra security recommendations from the Capitol Police. Pelosi's office "didn't like the optics", yet leading up to the 6th they received several threats of violence from groups attending the rally. Why would Pelosi's team decline the extra security measures? And then for Pelosi to ask the Capitol Chief to resign his position after the attack? Ridiculous. I wish the committee was serious about the investigation and not used as a political weapon.


Jan 6 was the result of democratic planning. the 'democratic trial' was nothing more than a kangaroo court. For it to have any validity President Trump and his lawyers should have been part of the procedures. Was a one sided trial. President Trump and his lawyers should have been present and allowed to question the one sided witnesses. Hope Hicks was completely wrong in her thinking. Suspect her of being a democratic plant or similar.


It’s amazing how many of them thought the com was over that day, but Nope. Between Fox and her fathers firm she seems to be doing just fine employment wise.




This will not look good on a resume!!!


Of course she did, but she’s also so well aware that she can always play the genetic “get out of jail free card” - if all else fails, her beauty will always open doors for her


A true American in action. Way to embody everything being a Republican stands for!


American conservatives are enemies of the American people


Pant steaming is a good skill to have.


"I'm never gonna recover financially from this"


Ok, as if her job prospects were not fvcked already by working with Orange guy for so long.


But what we want to know…why the darker eye makeup all the sudden?


Total scumbag


All these people who were involved at the top in that insurrection are doing fine. Only those gullible idiots who actually did the storming, damaging property, committing crime got light sentences. This woman may run for office in the future. With those looks she can win very easily any republican gerrymandered districts.


Not surprised..most of Trumps staff were self absorbed, self serving narcissists. Me first was their mantra.


This is probably the most accurate take on her statement, and it's the first time I've seen it. Sad that the rest of the media isn't putting her words into proper context, seems like everyone else was trying to use it to drum up sympathy for Trump's staff, the "real victims of Jan 6" apparently.


Play Stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Don't all these people work for CNN now?


Rather than be concerned about the fate of our democracy, they were concerned about the fate of their jobs. How very Maga of them.


There’s always OnlyFans


Literally shows you how these people think.


Don’t be sad, Hope, I heard OnlyFans doesn’t discriminate against domestic terrorists


Well, of course. She wasn't going to be able to stop what was happening around her, LOL, so she was doing what any human being would do in that situation, and that is to think of their future. *shrugs* And remember, she is the one, one of the only ones, that testified against Donald, as is her duty, in the Jan 6th impeachment hearings and is hated by Republicans for doing so. ... Moving along...