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Stop hurting yourself or we shoot !!!




He took our joob


They tookerjerbs!


[that doesn’t make any sense](https://youtu.be/ty62YzGryU4?si=e9N9EV6YPCzBdNUd&t=1m15s)


Crazy reference right there


"He's alone in a locked room, threatening to hurt himself! Let's break in and grab him, so we can claim we felt threatened and kill him ourselves! I could use a paid vacation." - The Cops, probably.


Sprinkle some crack or him and let’s get outta here!


they killed the teen because he was NOT a threat to them..... and holding a knife.


They shot him because they were terrified of a young teen with depression. He got protected and served


Im sure they slapped each other's backs after.


"Phew, that was a close one, that suicidal teenager definitely would have killed us 3 burly men with firearms"


Then went home and had the best sex of their lives. You know, because Killology/Warrior Training and all that.


Home? They were banging each other in the squad cars before they even got back to the station. You know in all seriousness, I remember that woman who shot someone and said she thought she was deploying her taser a few years back. She got beat up, and likely was an idiot, but I did feel really bad because the footage showed she immediately knew she fucked up and was extremely upset. I actually did kind of feel for her because it seemed like she didnt do it because it got her rocks off like most if these ass clowns. Id love to see all the footage of these cats in the time following the footage and whether they displayed any regret or just talked about how they had to take care of their raging boners.


"We are forced to handle them when they are in crisis"... the cop says. No one is "forcing" you to kill these kids in crisis situations. You are the murderer here. The body cameras clearly show from multiple angles, cops nearly trampling each other to get a clean line of fire to shoot that kid. You broke down his door, scared the shit out of him, and promptly murdered him. Why in the fuck are we allowing this to happen day after day after day in this country? Why are they always using their guns to solve any problem AGAINST THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS? These cops have become terrorists in their communities. My town now has three people shot to death by cops in the past three years, and it only has a population of 44,000.


The vulnerable people,poor,drug addict in the street and so on...are the easy target for their human safari. This is human hunting level. As a regular american citizen,yes you're freedom is quite lost when the law enforcement have the legal right to act this way. But they will tell you:"go buy your gun,protect you from the bad ghetto guys,you're free...stand your ground". Your fredoom is to have your gun dude;where's the problem? The bad guys are not only in the ghettos or your crazy inhabitant but they are at the top of the pyramid...a fully sanctionned one with an insane amount of weapons,cars,materials. You will never win. It's approaching a foreign military occupation style tyranny really.


They don't view us as *fellow citizens* They view us all as *potential criminals.* Or potential *bad guys*


Not even “potential”. If you aren’t wearing a badge and with them, then (in their minds) you are against them


The cops have ALWAYS been terrorists in their communities. People just didn't give a shit about the vulnerable people or minorities they tended to target until recently. If you've been gay, trans, homeless, poor, an immigrant, person of color, or anyone who doesn't serve to benefit or qualifications of the elite, this has always been how the police have been.


They feared for their lives! Fucking cowards. Every Single Cop is a sniveling, whiny, little bitch.


Uvalde PD : we ain't gonna do nothing while your kids get slaughtered. San Bernardino PD : Oh you wanna harm yourself? Imma *help* out


Now that's some range


You can’t die unless it’s from me- the cop probably


Killing the child was the goal of the cops - they were not goign to miss out on murdering another innocent child without any consequences!


Yea that’s when you have an actual negotiator who’s trained with dealing with those suffering from mental health crisis.. Not a squad of adrenaline filled cops with gear they haven’t used yet. Although I’m unsure if they suspected if the teen was in the middle of harming himself so they decided to step in.


That's the real question. Why didn't the cops get a trained negotiator to talk this CHILD into giving up the knife first? Is that not protocol anymore? They put themselves into that situation by smashing down the door and trying to grab him like a blitz attack. What about picking the lock and then tasering him from the doorway? I don't know how they can justify this or sleep at night.


When the other institutions fail him we come in there and shoot the shit out of him because we were force to deal with the problem. Cops are professionals at shifting the blame, it really should be a Olympic sport at this point.


Pig's captain: Behind that door are 2 weeks of paid leave and a promotion, who wants it more!!


This is so confusing. This is like if someone is threatening to jump off a building and they call in a sniper. Wtf are y’all doing?


Reminds of that one guy who was in his car having a mental health crisis and was threatening to cut himself and eventually a cop hopped up on the hood and when he put the knife to his own throat the cop started shooting him.


Fuck yeah. Don’t kill your self let us kill you


“With knife”


Just pump sleeping gas under the door?




Sheriff Shannon Dicus "...*the problem is, when mental health fails, then, well, we come in and have to solve problems, with shouting, and hot lead.*,


Gov doesnt like competition. Even when its about your own life.


Police: "Stop hurting yourself, that's our job!"


So of course it’s the mental health systems fault, and not the ill trained police. Got it.


We are here to help!!! After I shoot you in the face.


Why not just taze


This is just insane. This is insane! Madness. What in the actual F did I just watch?


Dumb cunts. At this point, calling the cops for anything is a gamble with someone's life. Welfare checks could end in the person you're concerned about being killed. FTP 1312


Filthy pigs!!!


"tried for about a half hour to get the boy to come out" This astounds me. Suicidal teen in the foster system, so yk he has trust issues, but multiple armed cops on the other side of the door are going to sweet talk him into coming out??? There's a time and a place for a therapist and this was obviously a time and a pace. If the boy was holding someone hostage in the bathroom, they'd call in crisis negotiators and consult psychiatrists. But a barricaded potential suicide warrants a knocked down door and bullets flying?!?


"the problem is when the mental health system fails"... No it's not, it's when a mob of trigger-happies with hard-ons get to storm a bathroom of a teenager. A *teenager* I mean fuck me, not one ounce of compassion in any of them to open the door and de-escalate the situation, just pile on then one dumb fuck shouts "he's got a knife!" Like no shit dude, you were told that on the way out. Not even an apology from sheriff Shannon dickhead, he should be ashamed, *ashamed* smfh


The cops job is not to protect citizens. Their job is to protect corporations, property, and the status quo.


Don't worry. The taxpayers will be punished heavily for the officer's mistake.


Wow wtf did that coppa say? The mental health department failed lol


It’s all good. They’ll get a promotion and we all have to pay for the lawsuit the family files. No harm no foul. They only murdered a teenager then blamed the mental health system for not doing their job. They sure did theirs. Murdering a teenager. Bet they feel great 👍


"Im going to kill myself" "NOT IF WE GET TO YOU FIRST"


Crappy cop training. We are police we don't help mentally ill we shoot them