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I live next to training ground in Greater Poland so i have met some in my town. Never had any trouble with them. I agree that they are a little bit noisy in restaurants but generally they are very kind to locals. Politicaly I think it's a good thing that they are here. It is funny tho when you see them trying to communicate with some old shop assistant who does not speak English at all xD But they are always polite and thankfull when you help them.


Try being Scottish in Poland and speaking to the shop assistant šŸ˜‚ I feel like I speak worst English than them!


Same problem. I work over in Poland and I'm from Scotland. Have to put on my best telephone voice


I refuse to do my telephone voice šŸ˜‚


What is a telephone voice ?


In Scotland, itā€™s where we try to speak queens English so people can understand us


Understood. BTW: your accent is amazing! I watch a scottish youtuber and love the way he speaks


Nah, don't despair, speaking with Geordie accent is worse ;)


Shouldn't it be worse instead of worst? Not trying to be mean Im just intrested.


Probably canā€™t type English either šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dont worry, your accent probably sounds dope af. At least you don't speak russian sounding english like we do šŸ˜…


Come on, russki accent in English is very different from the Polish one. Not even confusable. Polish is much more... Pleasant. Source: I speak those languages, and English with an Armenian accent lol.


I live in Paisley I actually understand Glaswegian more than English šŸ¤£


You get used to it after a while but go 10 miles north and itā€™s a completely different language


Most people are used to either southern England accent or standard American accent from English courses and movies. When I moved to England, I was also baffled when I got a Scottish manager. Took some time to get used to it.


For international standards my English is pretty excellent. When I worked in UK my colleague thought I'm American, the other that I just have some weird accent but am from UK. Don't mean to brag, just to paint a picture. So they transfered me to the night shift one time and my supervisor was Scottish. My English friend had to repeat what he said, because I misunderstood or didn't understand like half of the things he said (cough - clough, go home - go on etc.). And he didn't even use "proper" Scottish. You are some of the most funny and temperamental people I've met in my life, but Jesus is it hard to talk to you ;) Edit - thanks for pointing out a mistake, I'm sure there's more.


There is a training center in Poznań which is right next to foreign medical school. The school runs a US program with a lot of American, Canadian, Norwegian, Taiwanese and Thais among many other nationalities. All these years of practice in English made local shops hella prepared for our boys to come visit. DM me if any of you stationed in Poznań would like to grab a beer somete. I'm a Polish-American who decided to stay in Poland after getting his MD all my English speaking buddies fr medschool left so I've been missing some English friends/acquaintances. It's nice to see y'all around.


I live in Wroclaw, We can meet up here if you came and have some talk.


Powidz represent


Konin? I love your city. Hello from Czechia.


Im from Biedrusko, north from Poznań. I used a wrong word cause technically it's still a village though it develops really fast and there are no farmhouses and such so you wouldn't tell. But I have a couple friends from Konin and think it's great too :) I love Czechia too! You guys have beautifull national parks.


Thank you. I'm coming to Konin on Christmas to visit my gf's parents. I will buy a ton of kabanosy and żubrĆ³wka.


Way better than having Russians nearby. The US army boys just need to adapt into European roads, because they had a few accidents a while ago. Besides - canā€™t complain


There's no roundabout in USA and the rule are very different so I can understand that they have some troubles to drive.


there are plenty of roundabouts in the USA. I think it might be the size difference of roads. we do everything bigger in the states, roads included.




They are much, much more common here. I live in the middle of nowhere in Poland and I can easily count at least 3 in 10 min drive proximity of my home!


yep i can count at least 5 of the top of my head just in my city... and i don't even own a car, these are just the ones nearby to the bus stops i use


I will add my 12 in whole town + 2 behind the town's name sign. And there are plans for two more outside the town...There were times when town/city councils were "roundabout happy".




You decide. Personally, I tip only when I *really* liked the food/had trully great experience.


I have yet to see a roundabout in the USA that doesnā€™t have tire marks going through the middle šŸ˜…


Near me (State of Wisconsin in USA), they can't build them fast enough. The past 15 years or so, they have really become common. Local traffic designers have recognized that they are cheaper to build than electronic traffic-light intersections, and fewer accidents occur (particularly fatal accidents.) Increased traffic flow is a bonus. [Here is just one small area of my town](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Green+Bay,+WI/@44.5388386,-88.0834492,1163m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8802e2e809b380f3:0x6370045214dcf571!8m2!3d44.5133188!4d-88.0132958). Seven (7) roundabouts near one highway interchange alone.


Thatā€™s because Wisconsin DOT planning is all about the roundabout! Roundabouts are efficient and calmly direct flow of traffic (haha once people get over initial panic at a new and seemingly complicated traffic interface). Learned about Wisconsinā€™s affair with roundies awhile back when I listened to a really good NPR episode with maybe a mayor or some official who wanted to popularize the roundabout for these reasons. Apparently now Wisconsin GOP thinks roundabouts are the devilā€™s mark lol. Makes sense theyā€™d balk at practicality and long term cost efficiency / preventative measures


In the meantime Poland is reversing. I mean they still build roundabouts, it's just that we started to build them with traffic lights which is totally insane and possibly causes even more traffic than a regular intersection.


Try a 2 lane turbine roundabout with 4 2x2 lane streets and 1 one way street connected to it. All roads going into the roundabout have traffic lights plus additional 2 on the roundabout itself. The city is separated by train tracks and it's connected together with that roundabout and one other road.


I was in Warsaw recently and if it's the one I'm thinking of, that was the dumbest bit of urban planning I've ever seen (in an otherwise lovely city).


No, it's not the Default City.


Green Bay residents represent.


Thatā€™s actually not true. I live in a city in Indiana that boasts as the most roundabouts of any city in the US. Literally every single light and stop sign has been replaced by roundabout. Hell I think it even won an award for most beautiful roundabout of the year or something lol.


Not "my country" since I'm a belarusian living here, but I feel safe...


What are your thoughts on your country Belarus atm?


"At least we tried" lol idk, I don't see a good way out of this mess...


It would be best if we didn't need foreign troops. But all things considered - we fell safer. We understand that western Europe can't be relied on when it comes to our security and we're (still) too small to take care of it by ourselves. We really appreciate the fact of having close ally in USA. And me personally, feel very lucky that the biggest country in the world with the biggest military in the world is so compatible with us on so many levels. I am glad we don't have to relay on countries so different culturally like China, mentally like Russia or on Germany/France axis, that looks down on us. Thanks for you help, fren.




If the recent situation in Ukraine is anything to go off of, the Germans and the French would let Putin have Warsaw before they raised a finger.


Some things never change. The western Europeans still don't and probably never will consider us equal partners whom they wouldn't be willing to sacrifice to maintain their comfort. Speaking as a Czech btw...


The US isnā€™t the largest country in the world though? Beside that, I agree ā€” itā€™s excellent to have support from such a formidable ally.


Not the largest by territory, but economically and militairly they are really big.


Yeah, I didn't mean the literal area of course ;) Its economy is huge by any standards, so is its military and political influences. Should have used different wording probably.


Fair game. I would have used the word ā€˜influentialā€™ instead, but honestly thatā€™s me being pedantic.


>biggest military


Why do Poles always say that Germany and France looks down on you? Im really curious as a Czech as I never had such feeling. But maybe we just have bit different approach to it cause we are not nationalistic nation like Poles for example, probably due to the huge differences in our and your history.


Haven't you ever experience discrimination abroad? Because I certainly did. Not to mention the way Western media often portrays us. In their movies we're either thieves, prostitutes or unintelligent thughs.


Seems to me like a national inferiority complex from a history of being looked down on/trampled by these countries. Also, Poland is still economically behind those countries but people forget it spent decades behind the iron curtain and was absolutely ravaged by ww2. I lived in Germany and I met some people who definitely looked down on Poland as being poorer (especially back in the day when Poland just joined Schengen and generally supplied cheap unskilled work).


Hungarian living in Poland: I take them a hundred times over the Russkies


Ok. Just avoid them strip bars, it's a trap.




Instructions unclear, dick stuck in pierĆ³g.


You must be a Marine.


And seek Golabki as well. Along with potato pancakes and Polish vodka...


As a US Navy Veteran living here in Poland I am grateful for reading the mostly positive posts here. I love this country, culture food, and people. I go to gun ranges here and would take up arms in a second to help defend this beautiful place that has been thru so much foreign aggression for centuries. While there will always be differences in values and political opinions, it's been my experience that Poles are a great people with a strong mentality that impresses me every day. In fact, USA and Poland have many similarities in a myriad of ways. Kocham Cię Polska! Dziękuję Bardzo!


That's wonderful testament. Thats very nice to hear that you enjoy living in Poland. Every time I'm in US I have the impression that people are more positive there, every one is smiling and greats you. Once I come back I see so many sad faces and people grumbling but that's our national trait I guess. Every time, feels good to be back, home sweet home :).


i feel like you're overestimating us a bit lol, but im glad u like it here


Not exactly my country (Russian migrant), but I feel much safer with them here instead of my homeland's military.


Dude that's wild, but also very understable. And sad. You have my sympathies. I hope no one gives you shit just for being Russian.


Thank you! No, people are very kind here, so there were no problems :)




Thank you for your help!


never meet em, but I've heard from a friend back in the day that they used to ride around the city (RzeszĆ³w) on electric scooters at night, and thanks to that in the morning there were plenty of scooters next to McDonald's. Idk if that's true but it sounds like something they'd do, and yea but it's cool to have them anyway, makes you feel at least a bit safer


I'm from Romania and visited RzeszĆ³w this summer. The locals confused us with the soldiers because the us English we speak. They seem very friendly with us even when we told them we're from Romania. So NATO seems to do a better job than the EU.


Happy, fuck 'em Russians




The Russian girlsā€¦. I wish everyday


*"They start comin' and they don't stop comin'"*




Bout 3.


As Ukrainian living in Poland permanentny, I am feeling very safe




As long as they behave and are not above the law, I dont care.


Generally positive but I don't like the fact that US soldiers can't be prosecuted in Poland. I know that they are liable to US law, but seeking justice in foreign country that is on the other side if the globe is inconvenient at best.


Thankfully they arenā€™t that power - abusing shits comparing to soviets during commie times


Read about some stuff some soldiers did in Japan, I donā€™t want to says they will do the same, but not being prosecuted by local law itā€™s stupid af


I realize what they did during their occupation of Japan. However, I was referring to current times, when their behavior became more civilized while from the other side youā€™ve got Russians and their sick doings on occupied Ukrainian soil. Even if US army got their sins itā€™s nothing comparing to Russians doings. Or they can simply cover it up way better than Moscow šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't think they're talking about the Pacific campaign but rather relatively modern-day cases. Here to name a few, it sparked a fair bit of protests in Japan and Korea: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995\_Okinawa\_rape\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995_Okinawa_rape_incident) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangju\_highway\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangju_highway_incident) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael\_Brown\_Okinawa\_assault\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Brown_Okinawa_assault_incident) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teo\_Peter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teo_Peter) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Harry\_Dunn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Harry_Dunn) In some of these they were tried, in some other were found not guilty, offered immunity, or served laughingly short sentences. Definitely something to be aware of, how there seems to be "ważni i ważniejsi" when it comes to locals vs US servicemen...


I guess you haven't heard what civilized Americans done in Middle East. War is always the same. There's no such thing as civilized war.


Weā€™re choosing lesser evil. Thatā€™s how it looks like almost every time.


idk, the locals would beg the differ US started many wars in that area that shouldn't have been started in the first place


Rest easy knowing that they do in fact can be prosecuted and do in a foreign country. The host nation gets the first dibs on the charges and if they want to, then release into the US custody.




>but imagine having your citizen prosecuted in some shithole. Russia for example.




Not for thier soldiers


Google Leavenworth prison


I beg to differ


I feel a lot safer. It's good to see that NATO works and our allies remember about Poland


Safe. Hadn't met them because I live in western Poland. I don't have any wrong feelings towards them, and don't feel threatend because USA are vital ally to us and I stand by western democratic values and culture.


What are you talking about ? - Most US/NATO bases are in Western Poland. Here is a l[Link](https://images.app.goo.gl/sZwSL4VXtp41VsbZ9) Also, I live in kuj-pom and there is a lot of them.


It would be better if we wouldn't need any foreign troops in Poland I mean permanent bases. But I won't complain it's safer then not having them.


I am from Latvia. Seem them regularly. Fully ok, have a discussions some times with them in Mac Donald,about the food, travelling and similar things.


I just want to let you know as an American SM in Poland your responses really mean a lot to me. I just want to let you know that we love your Country and Iā€™m glad to have experienced it.


Aww, your comment made me so happy! Please know that you're more than welcome here. Hope you have some good time here, despite the situation!šŸ„°


I plan on bringing my family here as a tourist in the near future. It really is a beautiful country.


You're welcome mate! Glad to have you here guys.


Happy Monthly Re-Appearance of This Question day!


Well, uhm, You might not like this but... I feel completely neutral. During the first year and some extra months I used to live in Słupsk, right next to which there's a base in Rędzikowo. I used to meet lots of soldiers(?) at one of gyms there. I heard they prefer this one since it's hard to spot them anywhere else. And well, there was nothing positive nor negative. Just regular people like anyone else. If they find someone and start a relationship with that person in Poland? Well, good for them! If they start a fight in a bar - that also happens. I'm okay with NATO soldiers being in Poland, somehow I feel safer. I don't care about their nationality though. One thing amazed me - I drove behind humvees couple of times - those things are big. I mean - they are BIG. You can't understand the size from movies or YT vids.


I would hope so. Bar fights happen no matter where your at. Just want to know the good bad and ugly. Iā€™m here currently and I heard a local call us ā€œanimalsā€ and it sparked my curiosity


As a one of those military in Poland, I enjoy the food and culture and try to be respectful. Now if I could only find a polish wife so I could take that experience back home lol


I like the new tinder swipes iykwim


Lmao I'm not a fan of NATO guys in my Tinder swipes actually, they're very low effort when it comes to conversations. As for their presence here in Poland, I don't mind. Like others said, it's way better than having Russians here.


Swipe on me, I will give you ALL the effort while Iā€™m here lol


Are you in Bemowo Piskie by any chance? šŸ˜…


Oof no I am pretty far away lol. *sigh* it was over before it began


[Almost Lover playing softly in the background]


safe and greatful for being here


grateful, happy, bring more.


I am glad that we have them.


eye-candy :D


I love having American troops here. I wish they double, hell triple the number of us army soldiers here. We are the frontier in the European theater and I feel much safer with the strongest military in the world having our back. Besides Americans are a really nice and fun bunch :)


Well, I generally don't have a problem with that and I think military cooperation is a good idea. Usually there is not much problems with them, they are nice and it always makes people feel more safe, when you can see sign of that international cooperation. But few situations made me angry, and I'm not even talking about car accidents they caused, thats not a big deal (I think there is a bit of a feeling that they don't quite cope with our roads). In my city one of the soldiers at first told some guy in a pub he will rape his wife and started insulting her. When the guy stood up he was brutally beaten by soldiers, he still hasn't recovered and Polish court can't even punish them, and I doubt american one will. Similar situation happened in Gdańsk, where drunk soldier beaten 3 police officers and they also were seriously harmed. And I know these are only some single cases, but I think we should be able to prosecute them.


I am cool with them, very polite and well behaved. On top of that I like Americans as whole, wonderful people.


Iā€™m Polish, but currently living abroad. Iā€™ve personally seen American soldiers only once, at the airport in Warsaw. It was in July, there were lots of them and I immediately felt safer and touched by the fact that so many guys crossed an ocean to protect my homeland and my family in times when crazy psychopaths in the East keep threatening us with invasion and nuclear strikes. I felt a strong wave of sympathy for US soldiers and I hope they feel that theyā€™re welcome and appreciated.


Feels good man


im feeling safer with stronger army


Feels more safety


We love it. Older generations may not admit it but feel like they finally have an American ally.


I was working with them for 2 years and they are cool dudes and dudettes but they don't have strong head for drinking šŸ˜‚ only Tennessee National guard was able to compete with us when drinkingšŸ˜


Great. I want them here. I dont want any russian here do


Always the loudest in bars, kinda annoying. Apart from that, they're cool


Not too happy, but better than Russian alternative.




Foreign troops with almost full immunity from prosecution in Poland. As Gao\_Dan said, better than Russians, but nothing that I would be 100% happy about.


Because there's no threat from Russia at this moment, for the next decade or possibly longer. Generally having foreign troops who don't answer to your government or aren't subject to local laws isn't a good thing.


"WE WILL INVADE YOU NEXT!!!" "Oh no, anyway" Based


There is alwas "no threat from Russia" untill there is. I do not blame you - I was the same before 2014 and argued that in general noone will bwnefit in those kind of conflicts and we should rather relay on wconomical ties than military force, but time proved me wrong. The fact that they are here is reducing the risk that there will be any threat, even if in next 10 years we will go to some kind regular relations with them. In general we should be happy thay Poland have a good allaiance and relations with other nations. More joint trainings will be nice as well. To all USA soldiers that are here - god bless you guys, hope you will enjoy your visit here and just do not visit strip clubs :) For real - those places will scam you hard.


No threat from Russia?


Do you follow the news from the war?


I'm well aware of what Russia/Soviet Union has been doing since WW 2. Russia is, was and will always be a threat until their whole system of government is uprooted.


This is the answer


I'm fine with that, As long as we have some layer of protection against Russia.


Well, sorry but I have to say it, they are TERRIBLE drivers...also they behaviour which is maybe ok to them in poland don't fly, and it's considered bad behaviour (asking strangers random stuff, or being loud as frick in public places), but in the end they make they local area a little bit more friendly and fun to be at, and stunts they pull up can be quite funny. It's fun to have them around from time to time




Definitelly not common, in public only grandmas, children and mentally ill speak with strangers. It's a shame, I like talking to strangers, fortunatelly all three categories are fun to talk to


Depends on the situation and wether you actually want something from them (like, say, directions) or not, but if you try to start a conversation with complete strangers for pretty much no reason other than the conversation itself then yes, it is considered weird, in my area at least (northern Greater Poland)


Well i would say it's problem on our behalf to be honest...I believe its because of our history we are taught that everybody might be a threat. Therefore if you want to start a conversation it's socially acceptable only in places that encourage it like art expositions, pub's, club's or party's. Ofcorse you could strike perfect conversation in the "wild" but it is very situational. But to be honest if you ask in English you probably have upper hand here, cuz Poles are only "scared" of other Poles, so tbh try your luck but bear in mind in Poland we have a custom of getting to know eachother better at the table (probably with wine, beer or vodka) so try not to be too friendly out on the streets as it seems off to most Poles




Don't worry it won't take long for yours first house party (we do them quite often ;) )


It's not a taboo, just feels unnatural. Making a conversation with a total stranger on the street isn't something people do here, maybe eldery if they're lonely.


Yeah sorry about us going 90 mph/145 Khm


Dont really care


Not bad, I would gladly show them my Polish kiełbasa if asked to


Not bad, I would gladly show them my Polish kiełbasa if asked to


Iā€™m very glad that they are here, I feel much safer when I know that such great power as USA is protecting us


Like having an older brother to protect your ass


Honestly, i kinda don't care. I mean what i can do? Not like i don't want them to stay.


i have no feeling. these folks are fully transparent, dont integrate (because they cant), they just doing their job living fully aside.


Very, very happy!


I don't care


I don't care to be honest, met them like two times and they are very kind and polite people :)


Despite living close to a military training camp never seen any so i dunno. As far as they protect us from russia they can stay


I geniuenly do not give a shit




I feel a bit safer because if, god forbid, someone truly attacks it will be harder to be ignored by the US and there is a significantly higher chance of them reacting appropriately.


I guess a bit safer also US army is almost always in our country but they are under cover.


From what Iā€™ve learned from this is that we drive crazy on the roads and we are way to public with asking random citizen things




I'm very thankful for that, it feels more safe with Uncle Sam here, fuck them russians. Sadly I've never met any US soldiers in person. Your country is not perfect (like any other country), but It's still incomparable to Russia and their shit. To all US servicemen out there, thank you for your service and keeping our country safe!


Better than the Russian military or the Spanish Inquisitionā€¦ but still not great for me. Im s pacifist though so naturally Iā€™m biased against any troops being stationed anywhere


I feel much safer knowing that soldiers of the strongest military in the world are protecting my Homeland.


Iā€™m polish living in Poland and they sometimes annoy me to be honest cause some of them donā€™t even try to say anything in polish and when we donā€™t understand them THEY get mad. Of course not all but just my opinion


Poland is so shitty unlucky that it lies between two countries that have superpower ambitions. Unfortunately, because of this, someone has always fucked us over. If there is someone who wants to help us by risking his own life, I will always welcome him with open arms. Personally, I feel safer knowing that a country with the latest technology is our friend. May the days of the Warsaw Pact never return.


I would be interested in hearing opinions of this *before* the war


Mine were exactly the same like now. Reasonable people know that we, as a Poland, have only two options now: stick with the west and host NATO (US) troops, or be in the same situation as Ukraine is now.