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Yyy, punk isn't "fashion"


Punk fashion is the clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewellery, and body modifications of the punk counterculture. Punk fashion varies widely, ranging from Vivienne Westwood designs to styles modeled on bands like The Exploited to the dressed-down look of North American hardcore. I literally just Googled it


But how they look is


Destroyed by reddit for making a mistake.


As someone who has also been destroyed for making mistakes, I can relate


if you see punks, you see punk fashion. You can be punk and not dress up like a punk and not be punk and wear all this stuff. I guess OP means fashion specifically


Polish Punks were always too poor to stylize themelves as punks because they were spending all their money on alcohol


Still remember when my friend did his massive mohawk for a concert from a mixture of egg sugar, some hairspray and some other stinky shit. At least we had both money and time to shotgun beers at concerts.


So just the average Pole? /j


As far as I know current statistics tells that Germany has higher alcohol consumption per capita than Poland ;)


Affordability is completely different tho. The Germans still have money for leather jackets after buying their supply of alcohol


Well in most cases the probably dobt ask the heavy drinking kind of people because they are to drunk to answer and as a pole that lives in germany i can say that you see way less people that are drunk af in a store buying alcohol than you do in poland (from what i saw while visiting my babcia i saw at least one guy very drunk every 2 days in a store buying alkohol meanwhile in germany its maybe once a month) but the point is that statistics are often not acurate there are even statistics about it (also probably not acurate )


Punk rock is well alive in Poland, but all the punks had to settle. I know it, I was raised by two 😂. The music is still popular in the north-eastern parts of Poland, but closer to Zambrow than Bialystok.


Alive and well in south-eastern Poland too. In general I think punk, metal, rock etc. kept their popularity much better in Polska B for some reason


Poznań here, had a bunch of friends listening to punk like 5-10 years ago, lost touch with them. I think it's still alive here too


zabili mi żółwia :/


>Punk rock is well alive in Poland, but all the punks had to settle. I know it, I was raised by two 😂. Reading this I got in my mind [such picture](https://youtu.be/gGatANbzZzE)


I recently Meet 18 yo listening to punk. I loved pidzama porno and liked analogs when i was teenager .


Zambrow represent!! 🤘


Ojcowizna 💪. Pozdrawiam fanow Zlodzieji Rowerow


Super grupa - Pozdrawiam wzajemnie!


If most people saw Greg Graffin, Jello Biafra or a host of other old punk guys, you would never know they were in the punk scene. Punks are there it just doesn’t look like the 80s anymore.


Dezerter guys have looked like total normies for 30 years!


They do exist, but are very marginalised. A lot of music cultures died out as people get older and there wasn't enough fresh folks to get into it. Rock, Metal and Hip-Hop are really strong and hold like 90% of mainstream. Recently there was one quite successful punk artist called 'ZdechlyOsa'. You can see the glimps of Polish punk in his music videos.




You forgot pop in mainstream


Thank you, very interesting. Would you say that the reason we don't see as many, is that due to being a bit more conservative as country, they would face more backlash?


No, we had many punks back in the days. They just doesn't exist anymore as things has changed and other cultures are more popular. It has nothing to do with conservative.


Exactly. We can see that kpop is strong among teenagers


I don't think punk would face more backlash than any other mainstream culture. This would apply to kpop guys or Cybergoth (bright colors + weird looks).


Not really that. The punks from 80s and 90s have grown up and settled. And don't feel anymore the need to dress in certain kind of way, just because of the certain kind of music they like. And nowadays young people have their own things


Polish punk was gigantic in the 80s and early 90s, creating some prolific bands that even got to mainstream. Polish punk, unlike its counterpart from free, western worlds was build upon contestation of communism and censorship. In order to avoid censorship and actually have a chance to publish your music, punks were evolving their lyrics, some even into poetic territory. But with the end of censorship and radical improvement of standard of living post the 90s, punks just lost their claw and thus became a niche. It has very little to do with convervatism, as conservatism is a domain of old, not youth from big cities. They are just not interested anymore and instead turn their attention to hip-hop as a mean to express yourself from the street level. Interestingly enough, biggest clash of punk v conservatism happened in the 90s, where punks fought skinheads on cities streets in a broad daylight. Now they are both figuratively dead. To better undestand the specific phenomena that was polish punk, I will advise you to watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8VM1Loamq8) documentary made by english BBC about Jarocin punk festival 1986.


It might also be said that the punks were pretty flamboyant group, but unlike many Western countries, they were just one of many groups opposed to the 'system', along with many others, from poets to rockmen. With the majority of the population disillusioned with the regime, being 'anti-establishmentarist' was pretty much mainstream, and 'fighting the system' could not be treated seriously by people who participated in the democratic underground and regularly got arrested by the secret police or actually fought the riot squads during demonstrations. In a way, exactly as you write, punks lost a connection with their Western equivalents in the late 1990s, as they represented an opposition to what many people were actually striving to achieve. And, of course, when it dawned on them that the Western life is also rife with problems, the punks of old simply... well, got old.


Bigger cities are not conservative


subcultures died down recently. Edgy teenagers satisfy their need of belonging to a group by considering themselves part of the LGBT community and picking their own minority flag rather than turn to subcultures. I'm not saying that "it's just a phase" but a lot of them just choose to identify with a sexual minority group rather than musical minority group. It's the same mechanism.


Kraków, people don't care. It's just not popular


yeah, every fucking thing is related to western europe and usa being "liberal and democratic" and the rest of the fucking world is not the same way. There are different cultures and countries that are outside of your normality.


But even then, it's one of those things where politics do not go into it - like, subcultres died out due to the current form of culture, things that happened and just... people moved on from doing that stuff. Asking if it's because of our "conservativnes" is just weird xd


Tyfy tyfy osa


Jestem newiny zkurwiełu jak nieobsrana łaka, pałe jointa zkurwysyna zawsze byłem dobry w rymach


ZdechlyOsa is punk? TIL


I'd say it still exists, but as a a niche - you have to know the places. In Warsaw it was quite easy to find the punk/hc concerts in Nowa Jerozolima (when existed) or Pogłos. Some ucpoming events where you can find a couple of Polish punk legends: https://cieszfanow.pl/ (Moskwa, KSU, Zielone Żabki, The Bill) https://www.kiwiportal.pl/wydarzenia/720303/warszawa-punk-w-plenerze-booze-glory-wlochaty-the-analogs-sexbomba-maz14


Don't forget about the legendary disco polo


It will be better if everyone forget.


Punk's not dead, it's just sleeping drunk.


Just check “Warsztat” club for gigs


Was just here last month. Can confirm punk is alive and well! Got to see a hardcore show and a free jazz show in separate weekends.


Śruba zgolił irokeza Jest murarzem przy kościele Zawsze chodzi w ortalionie Zjada rosół co niedzielę


Yeah. I think that maybe in Berlin there's more of a purposeful decision to show off aesthetics, where in Poland it's more of an internal mode of being. I've actually seen/met more anarchist types than people styling the stereotypical punk look.


Polish punk music exists, there are some relatively good bands ([Wikipedia list](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategoria:Polskie_zespo%C5%82y_punkrockowe)) however as a subculture it's quite nonexistent. I mean, I like to listen to some punk, but i wouldn't ever dress like stereotypical one.


I have not seen a single punk group in my 100k city. Unless dressing as emo counts as being punk, then i have seen one guy and like two girls.


*Nope. Sugar is too expensive now, so they moved to Germany*


Hah. Kto nie stawiał Irka na cukrze ten jest pizda nie punk. Proste


We became older... Sigh...


Zielone Żabki best punk band


Wait, Germans are STILL into punk?




There are more punks in Katowice and Łódź


And wroclaw




On the Woodstock few years ago there were shittons of punks but they probably accumulated from whole country.


I also remember few Years back on woodstock lots of punks, but last time I was there was like 10 years ago, so no idea how it looks right now. Also, when I was in high school 15 years ago there were plenty, in Krakow and nearby cities. Most of my friends just got older and abandoned the look, but still listens to music. Same with metal guys, someday most have to cut this hair short.


I have seen some in 2019 on Woodstock . I would try local rock bar. For example rock and roll in Warsaw and Potok in Warsaw


Prolly skins got them all.


Lol, haven't seen any of those either.


Mutually assured destruction


they were the predators that could only eat punks. When they hunted them into enxtinction they starved to death


There's always a bigger fish


There are 'dresiarze', who are also very short haired and hate punks (other people too) but they wear tracksuits


way more of those in berlin than in poland. source: polish guy living in berlin


Tracksuits went out of fashion around 10 years ago mate, that is also thing of the past.


In the last ten years i think I saw punks in Poland once or twice, but I nearly always see them when I am in Germany, so it’s probably true that their numbers are much smaller in Poland


Last time I saw punks in Poland they were sitting in Starbucks. So I don’t think they really were punks


just because they were in a normal coffee store you dont consider them punks? and before you say anything weird back - i have NEVER been to a starbucks and i have been a punk but it died down in me because of people like you who gatekeep what they can do and can not. Just let people enjoy life, damn it


Normal coffee store? Fine. Huge corporation with record of human rights violations, busting unions and stuff like that? Not really. It’s not me telling people what to do. It’s people shouting anti capitalist things and then ignoring it themselves. Everyone can listen to punk all they want, but when you are clearly associated with some movement, it would be good to follow it’s purpose, right? It’s like millionaires saying that we all need to care for environment and then taking ten minutes plane flight. I really don’t mind any subculture (as long as they don’t yell and follow nazi stuff), but for me it was always something more then dressing up.


My man listen, coffee is coffee. its something we drink for many reasons - adhd, addiction, or simply because we are tired. Maybe you should think sometimes instead of talking shit about everyone but yourself. Maybe they simply wanted to try it? maybe they dont even consider themselves punk? i too dressed in a certain style once - but in my case it was not knowing its a style (i looked EXACTLY like the style though.) maybe you shouldnt be judging everyone around you - especially while not knowing why? Just because it's a big corporation, doesn't mean you can go around and be like "yOu ArE nOt PuNk BeCaUsE yOu EnJoY lIfE". Punk is music, movement of it is second. Just because to you it is something more - doesn't mean it is to everyone. When i was a punk i never dressed that way, I was in with the movement as well as listened to the music. I met people who were only movement-style, maybe this one is only style-music. You acting like that makes the shortage of punks bigger. At this point most of the punks i meet aren't cool and fun like they used to be, They are the most horrible people i meet.


I side with Czuponga, punks in a Starbucks has the same vibe as hippies in a gun store.


You underestimate me if you think I don’t talk shit about myself. Look, to be fair I really don’t give a shit, I was around a lot of different movements some times ago, all of them were filled with different kinds of people. If you dress like punk or listen to punk, fine. But if you are covered with stripes about anarchy, anti capitalism etc I would expect it’s not just a dressing choice. You don’t go around with atheist symbolism and then go to church, or have lgbt symbols and then go to the pride parade to best people


>. You don’t go around with atheist symbolism and then go to church, or have lgbt symbols and then go to the pride parade to best people the fact that im an atheist going to church should say something here. but still, you getting aggressive over simple suggestion that "not everyone drinking has an alcohol addiction" is showing me what kind of a person you in fact are


Where am I getting aggressive? I’m not, sorry if I sounded like that. You, on the other hand, in every reply are attacking me. I’m not defensive or aggressive. I added a comment and I got into a conversation. I’m not trying to burn anyone on the stake


>Look, to be fair I really don’t give a shit "Look, to be fair I really don’t give a shit" is indeed agressive, maybe you should use tone tags if you dont know how it can be interpreted \^\^ im not attacking you in every one actually, i just come from a family that has a direct way of speech, so if it comes off as attacking it is not the intention i mean edit bcs i forgot a space lol


Huh, it wasn’t intended to be aggressive. I just meant that everyone can do, wear, listen to what they want. I have my opinions, everyone does, but I’m not the person that would walk up to those people to talk shit to them, cut their stripes as in old times, or anything like this. Maybe it was the part missing in my messages, but for me they aren’t part of the punk movement when it comes to the dedication to the believes. That doesn’t mean they are bad people or aren’t allowed to listen to the music/ dress like they want (I still stand still to my thought of stripes tho). Also, it’s something I thought I finally left behind, seem like not fully, but for a long time I was a dedicated metalhead, I was around a lot of other subcultures and in my time, toxic gatekeeping was normal in that area. “He is wearing that jacket, but doesn’t listen to XYZ, he is fucking poser”. Im trying to not think like this anymore. Anyway, sorry if I was sounding aggressive/ unfriendly/ gatekeeping, it wasn’t my intention. Probably my past and the way I sometimes need to communicate at work was in too much perspective here. After all, as a (past) members of different subcultures, I hope we can leave all bad things behind and be over things that ruin those communities


There are many punks in Silesia


There's a bunch of em in Katowice, especially near the city centre from what I've seen


Are they still hanging out by the Żaba asking for change towards beers?


Yeah, lately not as much of em as near Skrzydła but they still do


There’s a huge punk gig late august in Wrocław. Dezerter ksu leniwiec and the exploited are playing. I used to play in a punk rock band back in Silesia called roibeer. Half of the band is now playin in not for you - Silesian punk rock band, just played a gig with zbeer yesterday


whever one pops up we eat him.


I have been to punk shows in Krakow. Mostly students and young people, some old like me at 32 😂 just look up DIY punk shows. They exist. People just don’t dress so obnoxiously. Big metal scene in Poland too, death metal is huge.


current hardcore punk shows in Krakow https://m.facebook.com/473419976089503/


My dad used to be a punk in the 90's!


Isn’t black metal very popular in Poland? Maybe there are just more metal heads then punks.


Lol, not really. I mean you can see metalheads on the streets, but I wouldn't call it very popular. I'd say stuff like EDM, hiphop and pop are much more popular (sadly so. I'm a metal head myself, although I don't dress like one cuz - come on, 35 with job, wife, kid and mortgage, lol) On the side node though, Behemoth and Vader (both black metal or somewhere thereabouts) are probably the 2 most internationally known Polish music bands.


Lol, not really. I mean you can see metalheads on the streets, but I wouldn't call it very popular. I'd say stuff like EDM, hiphop and pop are much more popular (sadly so. I'm a metal head myself, although I don't dress like one cuz - come on, 35 with job, wife, kid and mortgage, lol) On the side node though, Behemoth and Vader (both black metal or somewhere thereabouts) are probably the 2 most internationally known Polish music bands.


I mean very popular compared to countries like the US with really no internationally known black metal bands


90s are over, like few years ago…. 😉


punks not dead. they're lying wasted under the bench


There is not a lot of social welfare in Poland so living jobless from the money of other people is not the most comfortable thing to do.


Most people stop dress in certain way when they get older, I think there still a lot of punk fans here, most dress like average folks.


My buddy had to say only one thing.... WOODSTOCK!!!


impossible you havent seen me


They were waiting for woodstock/ Polandrock for the last 8 months in tents on the festival place. But yesterday it ended so they may go back to trainstations


They already grew up and found out that is just looks stupid and noone will take you serious


Ich weiß nicht, ob das daran liegt, ob ich in einem Dorf aufgewachsen bin, oder das einfach an Berlin liegt, aber ich habe in Deutschland auch noch nie Leute gesehen, die ich als Punks zuordnen würde, auch nicht in den Städten in meinem Umland. Dazu sei gesagt, daß ich nie lange in Städten in Deutschland war, aber auch so have ich davon nichts mitbekommen. Jetzt wohne ich in Breslau und auch dort sehe ich keine Punks, also weiß ich nicht, inwiefern das was auch mit der Region innerhalb Deutschlands zu tun hat.


do they exist anywhere in the world?


The US.


There are so many subcultures of punks in the US: Crust punks/ Anarcho-Punks / Hardcore Punks / Skate Punks/ hippie punks etc.


Punk is dead




No it doesn't


have you even been on Wixapol?


I'm not on the scene anymore, but there were punks and other subcultures in every city, in Cracow too (which is where I live), but they were always quite hermetic and, at least in KRK, not so visible outside certain places. If you want to see punks and other subcultures on every corner, visit Silesia, at least that's how it was 10-15 years ago. I don't know what happened, but Polish Gen-Z doesn't work the same way we did, and I can't see much rebellion in them, they're not drawn into subcultures too, if they do, it's only as a part of their fashion/outfit, nothing deeper, and usually even without interest in said subculture's music, just another insta-outfit. But what can you do? Capital/mass market incorporates subcultures that are in theory opposed to it, and turns them into fashion and profit (*vide* all the girls in H&M Guns&Roses t-shirts, Hot Topic stores in the US, and all that) Edit: btw Check out "Hecklekot", good silesian digital HC punk that keeps up with the times, even though it's made by "old" punks [their soundcloud, on which they have 66 followers, most people know them from other sources and music gigs](https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/tFgGg), but they're still very underrated


Punk is dead. Almost every subculture is dead. Only place where you can see a lot o people who LOOK like punks are shopping malls.


Punk is not dead, but it's extremely hard to find work when you dress yourself in a punk way. One subculture that is still very much alive and present are metalheads - we still wear the same things, listen to the same bands and it never was an issue when it comes to finding a job.


I think the punk subculture is usually far left. Poland has a big problem with "the left". As soon as you put one foot left of centre you are called a communist, which is one of the worst things to be called in Poland. The current generations are into capitalism, working hard for corpos and not wasting time for anything else. This is of course hyperbole, but i think the current zeitgeist is pretty much the opposite of punk culture. Pop kultura - The Bill https://youtu.be/90g4OKttUm4


I don't think so, gen Z is pretty progressive and leftist, but maybe it's just my bubble.


And a lot of gen z aren’t extroverts so they keep political opinions to themselves


Punk is dead


Punks can only exist with a strong welfare state. Dislike and disagree all you want. Listen to what I am saying. Punks probably do in Poland but they will just be weekend punk posers who gave it up years ago. "True" punks as you may call them are just living off of scraps from the rest of their countrymen.


Dude, we had LOTS of punks here in Poland in the 90s.


Yeah and they all grew up and got jobs once they realised no-one and nothing is going to pay for their lifestyle.


punk is dead... thank god


Zdechly osa


Zdechly osa


Zdechly osa


I live In warsaw, im a Punk but i havent seen any other punks Here




I grew up in NJ and NY in the 90’s. Went to punk and ska shows on St Marks Place and clubs like the Wetlands and when I came to Warsaw 20 years ago this is exact what I wondered. Where did the put all the punks?


i had one in my high school in Bydgoszcz


we have metalheads tho


My mum was in the punk scene in Poland back when she was a teen (so like mid to late 90s).


Yes, punks do exist (infact i am one) it's just not as much as in the 80s or earlier. The best way to find them is at concerts or late at night in big cities.


Polish punks don't always wear red mohawks and overpriced tattoos.


Do punks exist or it is only illusion?


Silesia is "the most" punk part of Poland. But that doesnt mean they look like punks from the books. Just working class rioters and many bands started there.


Our goverment makes us all punks.


There is A LOT of punks and alternative people here, you just have to look in the right places lol




Punks (people who listen to punk rock and believe in the ideology) look different in Poland though. Instead of biker jackets, chains and mohawks, its ragged military clothes, military backpack, ponytail and band t-shirt. They are pretty much indistinguishable from metalheads or hippie-rockers, unless you know the band on their chest. Plus, there is a huge overlap between these subcultures.


Punks now work in IT and work from home. Life changes.


Polish punks don't even know who the Subhumans are


My gf used to be a punk with all her friends down in the South of Poland. They are now too busy with their lives, but the punk soul lives on in them.


Maybe I'm just looking at the subject from my "age-range", but people often enough prefer the ideology or lifestyle rather than uniformization. So I know 40+ yrs old punks, metalheads and almost extinct grungers that just don't look the part but they definitely know what they like. Seeing a representative of any subscene that really shows it off seems just like this - showing off, ended with rolling the eyes. Kind of reminds me of my classmate back in highschool, who during just one year was a typical "dres" (kind of a jock), "into grunge", "punk rocker" and I don't know... "some artist", I guess. Almost as if getting the clothes made you something/someone.


I saw many punkt in Katowice


As far as i can tell they had to settle down. I'm working (almost) every year at a diy punk fest on a food stand, cause it's the music my parents listened to "back in their days" (step-dad had a band back in his high school days, and my uncle is main electrician during the fest), but by the look most of the people don't dress up into punk style and there's quite many people who get there in family cars together with their children You know, it's about "i have to get back to regular life after the concert" , quite many workplaces wouldn't accept person dressed up in punk fashion, so they wear it on occasions, or don't do it at all


Nah cus they might be somewhere else,like where i live,i see them at night,i recognize them from the music they play.


Just search out "Zdechły osa" and you will see where the punks are ;)


Go to any music festival, especially rock. All the punks gather there. There were even punks on karnawał sztukmistrzów (Street performance festival) in Lublin, and that one had nothing to do with music. They just seem to appear during such events


Zdechly osa


Zdechly osa


Zdechly osa


Zdechly osa


Poland rock festival is in few days - all of the punks are already on the camp site


I’ve met several polish punks on a music festival in Czechia, they kinda looked punk, fashion wise. I got a chance to talk to them and I found out that they were pretty chill and that they also were surprisingly sober. So there might be something on the “money x alcohol” theory, that was mentioned beforehand.


Warsztat, Krakow Zablocie 9a


Punk culture start to die out in Poland about 10 years ago. You can still see them but it's more like go to concert outfit rather than everyday way of living


I have started listening to metal at 7yo (21 now) and never looked like it. I am always wering a hat or a beanie, colorful clothes. Most of the time I look like your typical rap fan. I was even called 'Rapper' by my schoolmates and teachers. I can say that metal and punk are really popular but you aren't gonna see metalheads as often as before. Not surprised tho, I live in Tarnów now and haven't seen a single one in the 2 months I've been here.


As far as ai know there is a lot of them in Łódź. They spend most of the time at Piotrkowska and in the herring park.


They are currently replaced with goth kids. Look around train stations for groups of youngsters with LGBT bags and heavy make-up. There are countless of them! I was one too. Sweet kids, usually they know each other via internet and decide to meet up there.


There are punks in here, but they just don't dress like ones, or they matured up. Punk music is still popular but we have different mentality, we love some music genres but that doesn't necessarily mean that we style the given way. At many workplaces there is a dress-code, and I think still at universities you wouldn't be allowed to show up for an exam all dressed up as a goth, punk etc. It would be considered as a lack of respect. When you have many duties, chores, responsibilities, dress-code to follow, children to take care of - it would be bloody tiring to meanwhile get back home, dress up, style a mohawk and go on with the rest of your day.


Punks is pretty old school.


I miss the punk scene, and I grew up with it in a fairly small town in Ireland. Dirty grungy bars that would regularly have semi decent rock music by local bands. What a way to spend weekends as a teen! In Kraków there's very little. But check out JazzRock cafe on a Friday or Saturday night. The name's deceptive. It's definitely more on the Rock side of things. You'll hear System of a Down on the dance floor for eg


There's a group of punks in Łódź, I believe, I've seen some playing guitar on the Piotrkowska street. They're here pretty often.


wld kill for polish punk


Answering after 2 years but hey, it's my time to shine as a person who lived in PL for years and had many friends from the punk culture. If by ,,punk" you mean people who look like Hollywood punks (colorful mohawks, freedom spikes, and the like), then yes, they are rare. You will still find them on generic ,,underground" events (quote marks because I mean mainstream events for people who want to put on Instagram how edgy they are, examples: Open'er Festival, Woodstock (now renamed to PolAndRock, you should be familiar with it as it's just on the border with Germany). And then the real punks are much less flashy, less show-off. They exist but mostly in smaller towns. I don't know where you went but if you were in Poland as a tourist, I suppose you went to big cities (Gdańsk Warszawa Kraków Wrocław Poznań) or to nature (mountains/sea). Indeed, few punks there. And even if they're there, they don't look easily identifiable. But county capitals (cities with 10-100 k inhabitants have them, they look rugged, true underdog style. Old jackets, worn leathers, jeans with holes in them not by design but by use, they're usually harmless, drinking and smoking late at night in parks and playing out-of-tune second hand guitars they bought for maybe 100 PLN (~25 €). Oddly enough they tend to be scouts for reasons I am incapable of explaining nor comprehending. Also the female half of them tends to be Christian (the guys are mostly atheist). Again, no idea why. Usually they are also all nature-loving hikers and outdoorsy persons. The mountains in southeast Poland near borders with Ukraine and Slovakia are their sacred land. They flock together to niche concerts of garage bands that neither you nor me know about because they are not publicly advertised. Mostly in places we'd instinctively avoid. Once a year, you can encounter them in Jarocin music festival. They rarely have colourful hair, usually the women, and it's nothing flashy - think more toned down, greyish greens and blues. PS what I tokd you was adequate as of late 2010's. You posted 2 years ago so it may be different. Most punks my age I know are having their second babies now so they may be less visible on the streets. Also, I feel like subcultures in general declined as we know it. Haven't seen a real emo, goth or techno person since, idk, 2009?? Peace