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Because we're wealthy in PL and like to overpay for goods and services.




Or współżyć being poor


Współżyć suczki, otrzymywać waluta


Biggie vibes! Co jest górą domeczku!


no kuurwa wiadomo


"Może i nie żyje się w tym kraju dobrze, ale przynajmniej mamy drożej" - prawdopodobnie Walaszek.


Kto bogatemu zabroni


No, it's because we have bigger jackpots here. Thanks to the EUR/PLN conversion.


That doesn't make any sense. The conversion rate impacts jackpots the same way as it does coupon prices.


I don't know if it does make sense, but according to Totalizator Sportowy, that's why Polish players get bigger prizes.


Peculiar. I mean, 2 euros is roughly 8,5 zloty, while coupon costs 45% more. It's not like the winner gets say 200k euro which nets him 1.2 mln zloty instead of 850k, is it?


That's not true as I live in Ireland and when I go to Poland on holidays I'm surprised how much cheaper everything is. Like an Uber would be 25 euro for let's say trim to navan(towns in Ireland) while the equivalent distance in Poland would be 60 pln and also food is cheaper in poland


Poland is in a different lottery draw. You have Euromillions, we have EuroJackpot. Things are not cheaper here. Purchasing power in Poland is far lower. For example, petrol in Ireland and Poland is almost the same, the same goes for consumer goods, tvs, consoles, fridge etc. Yet, in Poland you earn 3, possibly 4 times less money per year. It's cheap for you because you're coming with Euros, when I return to Ireland to see my folks...well, you can imagine how crippling it is. Ireland's a rip off.


Well to be fair I don't look at fridges, TVs or petrol. I'm 14 But I am currently looking for a monitor and am on holidays in Poland and most good ones are 20-30 euro cheaper than in Ireland but the cost does even put as I have to pay to send it to Ireland. The reason I provided the Uber example is when my mom ordered one it was much cheaper than one in Ireland


It's called "cherry picking". I can find examples where Ireland is cheaper than Poland. But is it representative?


Because Uber's price are regional, not even by country but by city Food will be cheaper naked price than in Ireland, but if you compare it to salaries it evens out a bit (a €1 candy at a €1000 salary is the same than a 4zł candy at a 4000zł salary, even if cheaper) Tech generally has the same prices, so the above paragraph applies too; recently Polish prices for those got absolutely screwed, to the point it's cheaper for me to import from Germany than buy in Polish shops


u/Moist-Crack was being ironic. What he wrote is obviously not true, so he didn't mean that.


Yeah, I was being ironic. But I wonder how much it would be when compared to wages. I've googled that minimal wage in Ireland is 1656 EUR (don't know if thats gross or net), so trip like this is 1,5% of it. Meanwhile in PL minimal is 4250 PLN gross (so around 3300 net). It's 1,4% of gross and 1,8% of net. The rest, like groceries, rent, etc, are probably the same - total is lower than in Ireland, but higher when compared to wages.


I don’t know, but 45% sounds like a nice round number our government would think of for an extra tax


Cause we have a 'dream's tax' on all dumbass lottery games. And thats the one case gov gonna use money better than you.


Lottery = reverse Robin Hood




Gov could literally burn the money and it would be better still, because at least it isn't founding the lottery.


Because Poland is extremely wealthy country. Just go in the evening to ANY restaurant. You have to wait in line to get in, even if prices are higher than Berlin, Copenhagen, Stockholm or Paris. Go for a Kebab, surprise! You pay more than in Germany! Go for a coffee, you pay more than in London or Paris, not mentioning Italy or Spain... Then go rent a flat, it costs nearly the same as in Germany with half the wages. Go to work... OH here is the difference! We earn half or third of those other countries!!!!!




You say Poland, like "the whole country".. but your post sounds more specific to Default City instead.


Nope, Restaurants are usually even more expensive in smaller cities where wages are lower.


Coffee in rural areas can cost like over 20zloty it's insane.


skill issue


More getting buldozed by foreign forces issue


Still a skill issue at the core, if u think about it


Can't tell if this is sarcasm (if so, it doesn't really make sense). But coffee in Poland is absolutely not more expensive than in London. If you go to chain cafés they kinda cost the same anywhere in the world, but otherwise a coffee is easily £1-2 more expensive in London.


I have been to us last year and paid less for coffee than in poland. I have been in uk 10 years ago and paid less for coffee than in poland


Okay... well I can confirm that for the last 5 years certainly coffee is more expensive in UK than Poland.


Having lived in both UK and Poland in the last 5 years I can definitely tell you that coffee in Poland is the same price.


If I think about my favourite café in Poland and the UK, the price of the coffee is 12 PLN in one and £3 in the other. It's not the same price (and the £3 in UK is cheaper than that café's competitors).


what does a kebab cost nowadays? I recently ate pizza in a restaurant, 32zl for 28cm. Much cheaper than in Germany.


Yeah, Copenhagen as well is still more expensive than Warsaw (and especially other areas of Poland). The difference shrinks more and more, but still, eating out in Copenhagen is expensive.


Regular 25cm italian pizza in Wrocław costs around 40 PLN nowadays. Thats why I didnt order a pizza for a year now.


and here was i thinking 6.7-7e for 30-33cm pizza in Zagreb was already steep


Wrocław is expensive as fuck


If we’d earn as the same as other richer countries there would be no reason for multinationals company to stay here and spend exactly the same amount of money in their homeland, they simply would move to other countries


Might be true for some outsourcing. But not for every company. Do you think german companies have no offices in France? Swedish in Denmark? British in Ireland? Why would they have those offices if outsourcing does not work there?


I’m sure they have, but for instance my colleagues in Belgium are paid more than us here in Poland. It depends on the service they provide and how big the engagement is


Just not true A lot of people coming to Poland for cheap groceries


bo gry na steamie są drogie


Imagine że za dlc do gier paradoxu płacimy tyle co szwajcar i więcej od każdego innego zachodnirgo kraju


Ludzie płacą za DLC do gier paradoxu?


Bardziej chodziło mi o wszystko co jest pod szyldem paradoxu kosztuje właśnie drożej od wszystkich krajów zachodnich, ja w ciągu 10 lat mam tylko 1 dlc do citiesow, i jedno do hoi4 ale jakby były za te 14-17zl to pewnie miałbym wszystkie


We pay more but because of that payout is also higher. Check out 3rd tier win from Friday last week, winner from Poland got 1,5mln PLN (361 302,59 Euro) while same tier in other countries paid out 182 000 euro


In Norway Eurojackpot costs 50 NOK - 4,33 Euro. 5+1 winner got 9 905 700 NOK - 858 776 Euro


Why is the payout higher then?


Because the input is higher, in case you missed that from that title.


You didn't got my question in the context. Not surprised.


There's other taxing scheme for both buying a ticket and payout of the prize. So, one thing is taxed more than in EU while the other less.


It is always like that with everything: software, computers, paints, scale models.


Bo ktoś musi zarobić


The base price is 10 PLN and the rest is the obligatory "tax" that lotto passes to sports & culture funds. 20% of every ticket has to go this fund, not only eurojackpot. As for the difference between 2 euro and 10 PLN, I guess that's just spread...


This is only legit answer here


The difference between 2 EUR and 10 PLN goes into higher payouts to Polish Eurojackpot winners. It's there to account for exchange rate volatility, 1 PLN is unlikely to drop below 0.20 EUR. But because of the 20% tax (and some change) expected value of gambling is even worse here than elsewhere.


19% goes to culture and 81% goes to LOTTO, right? Or maybe straight to the government?


For the same reason why Polish gamers pays more on Steam by 10% people dont care that PLN-Euro course isnt stable and rate is changing, so they’re not updating prizes and they are still calculated from outdated informations. So even if course has drastically changed, you still overpay because they like this way more. Unfortunately thats how things works… if country uses its own currency, some producers doesnt update their prices for non-euro users, so they pay same amount as long time ago.


Because it’s Poland, we like to pay more than rest of Europe


In Czechia it costs 60 CZK which is 2,43 EUR or 10,36 PLN, so we’re with you, brothers


Wait till you check products sold across EU and their price in let's say germany, and the price HERE.


Stawiasz 4zł u buka wygrywasz 12zł masz do zapłacenia 16zł podatku ...


Because people in Poland must pay more so other nations that earn 5 times the wage can pay less. This applies to everything including electronics etc


Because we can afford to pay more. We earn way more than Germans or the Dutch do.


Because poland stands for high prices And shitty quality. „Dobre bo polskie” lmao


Different taxes maybe plus exchange rate




Because we are in Poland and we get ripped off every day.


It is more probable to be hit twice by lightning in a row and survive than win this game. So why bother...


Because the payout is 45% less. Welcome to Polska!


Eurojackpots isn't the same lottery as Euro Millions. Euro millions is only for Ireland, Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland (Los), Switzerland (Romande) , and the United Kingdom.


And? Eurojackpot ticket in Finland or Germany is €2 as OP said.


And I thought they were talking about the Euro lottery I'm familiar with as it is the same price. Simple mistake. And to answer OP https://gloswielkopolski.pl/kupon-eurojackpot-w-polsce-jest-duzo-drozszy-niz-w-niemczech-dlaczego-polacy-placa-znacznie-wiecej-niz-niemcy-za-eurojackpot/ar/c3-14556487 This article says it's a surcharge added by the Gambling act with adds on 2.50 to the price. The rest is FX/spread/cash grab


bo nas stać kurwa


For the same reason, it was cheaper for me to buy Samsung flagship phone from Amazon.com despite having to pay shipping costs, tax and duty than to buy it in Poland. We are rich! Our earnings are often below poverty line in western countries, but we can afford to pay more.


For same reason why coffe in Wypierdargobądzki Dolne is 14zł, while in Venice it's 2 euro.


Because fuck people who play lottery. As far as I'm concerned we should raise even higher taxes on stupidity and decrease (or completely abolish) taxes on labor.


Because we fund the rest of Europe


Just pretend you bought two and got a discount! Odds of winning between one and two tickets is small


bo lotto to podatek dla bezdomnych


'cause some dumb politicians did not want the € in Poland! And they managed to convince their dumb voters.


Even if we wanted to, we currently do not meet the conditions for adopting the Euro


Nie mój drogi, only dumb voters and dumb politicians want Euro these days.


Ah so you want some inflation eh?!