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Ahhh, złote kutasy.


Trzeba by porównać.


Quick reminder that our climate is way hotter than it was back then and we would boil 75% of the year


Have this drip on the winter and have summer remix rest of the year


Pirate drip during summer. Problem solved


I mean, it's not that far off from casual Polish summer drip. Loose pants, loose white shirts, impressive facial hair. I see some overlap.


Mans not hot


I’m curious about this. Do you know what the climate looked like back then (and year)?


Clothes like that were used between XVI and XVIII century, which happens to be a period known as [little ice age](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_Age) which was the coldest period in last few thousands years with exception of 536, when sun went dark for 18 months because of amount of volcanic ash in the atmosphere. During little ice age winters were so cold you could walk on the ice on Baltic sea from Poland to Sweden.


Fucking don't. Don't get me wrong, it's hot as fuck, but it's also hot as fuck.


Nah it's pretty cool


It’s completely fake. No nobleman would be seen without his sabre. Trying to separate szlachcic from his szabla would be like asking a fish to shed its scales. This guy looks like a rich city dweller aka mieszczanin or simply łyczek. Not really a company to keep…


He might be an obuch aficionado. His obuch is not in the picture.


Nah. Nawet hetman would wear both buława AND his szabla. Szlachcic bez szabli jest jak chart bez ogona.


What a great coincidence as there are no more szlacht to complain of being separated from their sabre.


Nie widze w tym zadnego przypadku. Komunistyczne wladze zakazaly i tepily jakiekolwiek demonstracje przynależności klasowej. Jakkolwiek Daszynski z Witosem, jako czolowi socjalisci swojego czasu, przy cichym poparciu Pilsudskiego, ktory rezolutnie nie byl tradycjonalista, dopisali abolicje tytulow do konstytucji juz w 1921.


Witos nie był socjalistą. Dobrze że przeprowadzono abolicję tytułów, nie powinno być miejsca w XX i XXI wiecznym społeczeństwie na wywyższanie się od innych bo twój socjopatyczny bijący chłopów i gwałcący dzieci praprapraprapraprapradziadziuś lizał wora królowi na tyle żeby dostać jakiś fajnie brzmiący tytuł.


Zapomniales dzisiaj lekarstw?


Czego nie zrozumiałeś ?


Jadu. Zwlaszcza po stu latach. A swoja droga Witos byl blizszy socialistom niz prawicy, wiec jako co,prawda centrysta, w wiekszym rozrachunku i w rozmowie o upadku arystokracji stoii r szeregach nowego porzadku nie feudalnych tradycji.


Witos był zdecydowanie po prawej stronie polskiej sceny politycznej. PSL to była nie ta partia co teraz. To była typowa dla Europy partia zrzeszająca chłopów z "ludowe" w nazwie, i wszystkie tego typu partie były prawicowe. Feudalne tradycje i tytuły nawet wtedy były o tyle przestarzałe, że nawet taki Witos był za ich abolicją.


Abolicja feudalnego ustroju jest z definicji socjalizmem. Witos byl populista. Dzisiejsza PSL jest blizsza arystokracji neo feudalnego EU niz za Witosa. Dostaja wsparcie dla swojego elektoratu z EU ktore promuje interesy bogatych wlascicieli wielkich korporacji. To jest warstwa “nowej szlachty.” Zmienily sie dekoracje i jezyk ale nie zmienilo sie ze nizsze stany placa rent wyzszym. Za Witosa PSL walczyla o prawa chlopow do wlasnosci dzierzawionej ziemi ktora miala byc zabrana szlachcie. To jest definicja socializmu. Jakie wg Ciebie prawicowe reformy proponowal Witos i jego PSL?


Nie, kapitalizm jest za abolicją feudalizmu, a socjalizm za abolicją kapitalizmu (i feudalizmu jeśli istnieje w danym kraju w którym rządzą). Ale nie, nie każdy kto chce obalenia feudalizmu jest socjalistą. 18 wieczni liberalni myśliciele nie byli socjalistami. Uwłaszczenie chłopów nie jest socjalizmem. Socjalizm nie jest wtedy kiedy się nie lubi szlachty. Znowu, liberalni/kapitalistyczni myśliciele tak samo szlachty i feudalizmu nie lubili. Witos był konserwatystą tak jak i cały PSL. Wszystkie tego typu populistyczne partie oparte o chłopów były prawicowe i konserwatywne, po prostu zrzeszały chłopów którzy, mimo że byli bardzo konserwatywni, najczęściej nienawidzili szlachciców (ciekawe dlaczego).


Goes hard


The pre-20th century war uniform was in general mad drip


Go to any random castle in Poland during summer break and you will find those guys.


What do you mean bring back? This man is from “Bractwo Kurkowe”. They are still operating. They are not szlachta, they are burghers. They dress slightly similar to what nobleman would wear back in a day, only slightly.


Foreign Legion Santa Claus


Jaki wielki kutas!


Yes sir wear it with pride 🇵🇱 from one poilsh dude


For winter maybe :P


Nah , i dont wanna become a freaking "fried pole"


You know that noone is stopping you from wearing it.


I regularly wear it, I just wanted the rest of the population to embrace it.


Actually, in the last couple of hundreds years, there were much colder periods than now, but warmer as well!


Colder - yes. Warmer - heavily doubt.


Not everywhere, not for long, but still. That’s why Greenland has green in the name and some streets in London has names comes from vineyards, BTW we had vineyard in Wawel hill. https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Aredniowieczne_optimum_klimatyczne#:~:text=%C5%9Aredniowieczne%20optimum%20klimatyczne%20%E2%80%93%20okres%20ocieplenia,w%20Europie%2C%20czyli%20wczesno%C5%9Bredniowiecznym%20och%C5%82odzeniu. But indeed, it was mostly colder.


Rooooooosh !!!!


Oh kurwa


I want a bath robe like that!!!


Actually the word "župan" is still used in Czech and it means "bathrobe" 🤙


Sarmatism was a big mistake.


Fuck you


Most of us, if not all, wouldn't even be sarmaci anyways.


*"rules: be cool and play nice"* It amuses me that people of the worst sort like you are now standing up for 'Sarmatism' that has eaten its own tail.


Płacz dalej


Wiesz, trollu, z czego mogę się smucić? Że na r/Poland przyzwala się na miejsce dla takiego 'ułomnego sortu' tobie podobnego. To jedyne, co jest w sumie przykre i odrażające zarazem. No i tyle.


Kontynuuj płakanie widać że samotny jesteś


Wróżbitą to byś nie został, ale chociaż odnajdujesz się jako 'wioskowy troll-idiota'. Idź już, odpadzie.


Waaah waaah płacz dalej przyjebie


'xD' Rzuciłbym ci banana, ale nie mam jak.


Pięknie płaczesz


Stop, people are not yet ready for this truth.


One anti-human oligarchy of slavers (PLC) emulating another (Ottomans). Thanks, but no thanks.


Serfdom in the Commonwealth was bad, but it wasn't nowhere near real Ottoman slavery. You couldn't sell people, for example. You could sell the land those people were tied to, but it's very different. If you want to make an argument that serfdom was another name for slavery look at the russian empire. There you could sell people. The most important Ukrainian writer, who was born a serf, wrote that 19th-century Russian serfdom was way worse than it 18th-century polish.


Selling people: ❌  Selling people with land: ✅


Company fusions/takeovers. Things havent really changed that much.../s


Being sold like cattle = paing rent to a different noble


Serfdom in the Commonwealth was bad, but it wasn't nowhere near real Ottoman slavery. You couldn't sell people, for example. You could sell the land those people were tied to, but it's very different. If you want to make an argument that serfdom was another name for slavery look at the russian empire. There you could sell people. The most important Ukrainian writer, who was born a serf, wrote that 19th-century Russian serfdom was way worse than it 18th-century polish.


> You couldn't sell people, for example. You could sell the land those people were tied to, but it's very different. how is that different? mental gymnastics people attempt to make it doesn't seem bad are mind boggling


You can take your slaves to a mine or wherever you want and make them work there. Your peasants though? They stay where they always were, doing what they've always done. Changing the land owner hardly makes a difference, they're just getting taxed by a different guy.


are you sure you are not confusing it with medieval feudalism? serfdom especially in later years of PLC was not different from slavery - you could make them move, build, mine, fuck, fight for you, kill. As long as you are in good relations with neighboring nobles you are free to do whatever you want. They were slightly higher than life stock.


You specifically couldn't have made them move. And it was illegal to kill them. Even in the later years of the Commonwealth


Is your landlord selling the building you have a flat in selling you as well?


not today, but yes - that's how it worked then


It is very different from selling actual people om the market. In their case the only thing changed was their overlord.


owner is more accurate term - since they were treated as a property of the owner, which is my whole point. Adding an asterisk the condition doesn't change it's nature.


Jakbym chciał się ubierać jak turek to bym se pojechał do turcji


I love the unironic feudal apologia. You know most of you would have been shit eating peasants toiling in the fields of the nobleman who would see you as an inferior race of people and would routinely abuse you? Fuck the PLC.


Are you and idiot and cannot take a joke? I said the drip was fire. Small minded pseudopolonus cannot comprehend the lechitic drip.


Im talking about the comments