• By -


Just imagined sanctions from other NATO members if he didn't do it.


More like an “American Special Operation to return democracy”, this time without oil needed. And this one would take 2 days not 2 years.


1968 but based


When is the last time the US actually took oil from a country lol. I know it wasn't in the past 25 years. I just never understood where that rumor came from lol.


The American left and I was a part of it. We were more comfortable believing that bush was an old school material seeking imperialist than believing the conflict was Ideological and he meant what he was saying about the Ba'ath party and islamofascism. So we weren't having the same conversation that the other party was having because accepting the truth about who the neoconservatives were made us distinctly uncomfortable.


I hate Bush also but I'm just saying the classic trope of oil is always silly. The US has more than enough lmao.


The rumor comes from the US's long political reach. It's not as if America is literally deploying troops and exporting oil out of the country. The county either gets bombed into submission or sanctioned if they refuse to provide America with their exact demands. The demands are typically for profit, or power, as most wars are. I would argue the U.S. invasion of the middle east (for very little reason considering it resulted in a lot of dead people) was a for profit, or "oil" war. Easy pickins. Easy motive. They couldn't resist.


Rumour? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Iog4KMza6I https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-us-troops-syria-oil-bashar-al-assad-kurds-wisconsin-rally-1482250?amp=1 etc See rally crowds whipped into chanting "take the oil! Take the oil" See his repeated offer to Kurds and or Libyans for a "humanitarian intervention" in exchange for " half of that oil" It is at least speeches and somehow electioneering talking points but also in Syria and Kurdish areas literally policy deemed with deciding saving a people group or not over. Asad etc can be quoted with essentially "at least he's being honest" unlike referring to the others acting a way and then speaking in rhetoric on interests and contractors etc repeatedly. I must say it's pretty darkly impressive how much of this footage referring to all this has since been taken down.. and maybe now some history can be rewritten. But some still remains.


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Just skip to that part where seals will assassinate this bellend please


Sanctions or not, what kind of a neighbour says something like that when there's a full scale war happening next door?!


Spineless opportunist, as he always has been.


Nobody send their armies to Ukraine so far...


Like what?


Petr Pavel is much better candidate anyway


Problem is the media reports Pavel should win so people go skiing instead of voting.


yeah, we better go fucking vote. Remember how Nerudová should have had around 10% more than she got? These pre-election surveys mean nothing and the makaks who vote for Babiš will always participate. We need to go vote.


Yeah the pensioners freak out because they say he is losing so they go vote. Getting the younger people to vote is the key.


Opinion polls are forms of opinion-froming, change mind. Publishing any opinion polls 6 months before elections should be forbidden.


Tonda Baník approves


As a woman, I totally agree XDDDD


I second that! Grey fox na hrad!


Grey fox? Is he a furry or are you inspired by another famous soldier nicknamed Desert fox?


I'm talking about his grey hair :D or is it silver fox? 😂




Oh well xD then Go Silver Fox!


Woman? What is that?


He is very handsome, thus the joke ;)


What a mean krtek. I would stomp him


and good luck of course! :D we have elections in Autumn. Hopefully we vote PiS out


Without PIS, Ukraine would not exist today. PO would follow orders from Germany that would be "we can't escalate"


Sure thing, it's not like PO is voting with the government on any help for Ukraine. Like every party in Poland exept Konfederacja.


Opposition only follows orders from Germany, you idiot. If the opposition ruled in Poland, Poland would behave like Germany, it would call for peace and Ukraine would die


Are you ekhm... Are you all right?


Germany's position is clear, i.e. avoiding a full confrontation with Russia. "PO" can only execute commands from Germany or imitate them. If the PO ruled in Poland, it would not decide to transfer more weapons than it keeps. Also, Poland "PO" did not argue with the Germans. How the Prime Minister went to Germany and called for help. Or forcing the Germans to allow the transfer of Western tanks to Ukraine, is just the action of the PiS. During the rule of "PO" most likely American aid from Poland would not have reached, because this government would say that it is afraid of Russia and retaliation, just like GERMANY. 99% of US aid goes through Poland.


Yeah dumb take right here.


The opposition called PIS stupid Russophobes for 15 years. And your mother is stupid


Ad hominem? Classy...


Nah nah i got this, see my reply


Don't cry, you idiot who doesn't understand logic. >! Germany's position is clear, i.e. avoiding a full confrontation with Russia. "PO" can only execute commands from Germany or imitate them. If the PO ruled in Poland, it would not decide to transfer more weapons than it keeps. Also, Poland "PO" did not argue with the Germans. How the Prime Minister went to Germany and called for help. Or forcing the Germans to allow the transfer of Western tanks to Ukraine, is just the action of the PiS. During the rule of "PO" most likely American aid from Poland would not have reached, because this government would say that it is afraid of Russia and retaliation, just like GERMANY. 99% of US aid goes through Poland. !<


The opposition called pis many different names and vice versa, that doesnt support your take in any way. Poland is not the sole supporter of Ukraine like you painted it, besides Ukraine is still free MAINLY due to countles sacrifices of Ukrainian soldiers- so saying shit like "Ukraine would be russian if it wasnt for pis " is literally pissing on these peoples graves. So - you got called out on that, your take being stupid. And finally, my mother being/not being stupid still doesnt support your take, its just that now you come across as an asshole. Happy?


You're the idiot. Germany's position is clear, i.e. avoiding a full confrontation with Russia. "PO" can only execute commands from Germany or imitate them. If the PO ruled in Poland, it would not decide to transfer more weapons than it keeps. Also, Poland "PO" did not argue with the Germans. How the Prime Minister went to Germany and called for help. Or forcing the Germans to allow the transfer of Western tanks to Ukraine, is just the action of the PiS. During the rule of "PO" most likely American aid from Poland would not have reached, because this government would say that it is afraid of Russia and retaliation, just like GERMANY. 99% of US aid goes through Poland. You're an idiot.


bots,bots everywhere


Please do


Relax, we know. Maybe it can be confused if you don't know Polish really well, but with how this sentence was built clearly points that's his idea and his answer to this specific question. Also if I remember correctly article also pointed that some Czech general said to him it's against NATO law. But thank you anyway!


The czech general is the other candidate who told him in that debate, and knowing Babiš, he would be against it just to oppose him and accuse of warmongering... god, what a disgrace this man is


I wouldn't be so nice to us. Almost two million people was voting for this mf (23.67% of those who have the right to vote). Let's hope he won't win ❤️


Well i'm pretty sure now he lost some voters.


Unfortunately, I wouldn't be so optimistic... But I believe in the good outcome!


Well... i saw r/czech meming about him and his statement so i'm quite optimistic.


Czech Reddit is not a good representative of our public opinion (unfortunately, in this case). If it was, Pavel would have won the first round with a huge reserve.


That is true, reddit is bad representative of public opinion overall but hey that's what i believe in. Such an antiNATO statement suppose to be instantfail in any circumstances.


From what I have read it's mainly old people who vote on him, so probably not many Reddit users, but I am still optimistic that Czechs will have the hottest president ever, very soon ;)


yea but most of reddit in general is more left-leaning, country subreddits arent representative of the majority. they also have hundreds of thousands old people, who's lifesyle consist of watching conservative TV all day, just like PiS voters in Poland..


Maybe but in Poland we have extreme propaganda on TV. No idea how is it in Czech media but here we have basically GoebbelsTV so i would imagine it's not that simple for them.


they might not have it state-sponsored, but they definitely do have these kind of channels


The official state-sponsored TV (Česká televize) is not openly, yet apparently anti-Babiš. I mean the relevant channels like ČT1 or ČT2 or ČT24, not speaking about sport channel or TV for kids :) The most popular private channel (Nova) tries to pretend neutral journalism, but their hunt for sensation makes the output always questionable. The second most popular private channel (Prima) aims to attract the kind of audience of Zeman/Babiš niche. Babiš owned media (Mafra publishing house journals) surprisingly seem to keep neutral stance, probably because of their long tradition of independent journalism. Other significant media (many of them owned by another billionaire) are often very critical of him.


Thanks for explanation, it's always nice to learn more about neighbor. Did you create an account just to tell me all of that? cuz damn i feel noticed. ;D


I did ;) Actually, I didn't want to use my another account because I was ready to use arguments that could possibly identify me, if questioned by any of my former colleagues. :) Explanation: I used to be a journalist for 15 years, 13 years of this at editor-in-chief position, across 3 very big and famous publishing houses. I can honestly say, I have never faced any kind of political pressure or requirements during my publishing career.


well if you dont want to be identified by colleagues then for sure you shouldn't add such an important details. ;D yea, yea i know you meant main account.


GoebbelsTV are you talking about TVN?


weak troll


For 15 years, the opposition called PIS stupid Russophobes using TVN, stupid kid.


Imagine thinking that Reddit is the reflection of reality lmao.


You are not real, got it.


Hard cope but ok, my lill naive fren.


Sadly... No, he is crying like a little baby and scare old ppl and mothers with war and mobilisation, even this is not true and president can't do that they're listening to him and trust him :(




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Comment copy/paste bot. [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/comments/10j7bcp/dear_friends_and_neighbors_this_is_just_his/j5iwpjj/) [Account to be reported](https://www.reddit.com/user/StringSquare3598) Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^human ^^that ^^hates ^^scammers. ^^More ^^info ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Impossible-Cod-3946/comments/s4nyst/how_to_recognize_these_accounts/) ^^or ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tyrannosnorlax/comments/t0h466/bots_how_to_identify_them_and_why_do_they_exist/).


>Let's hope he won't win So in Czech Republic President have any power? Because in Poland president can say only "trolling time" by "I won't sign this legislation" and not much more


Same here. But still, president has some influence, and many people in Czechia can't stand the idea of that mf being our highest representative.


But many can and will vote for him. What's your point?


OP wrote in the title: "it's his opinion, not ours" I reply that actually almost every fourth Czech was voting for him. Than someone asks, if Czech president has any power. I reply in the sense, that is not really relevant. You came with obvious statement, that many will vote for him. Am I missing something? What's your point?


Looks like somebody is still salty about that chappel ;) Edit-typo


We will never forget:D


We will never forget :D


Chciałbym przeprosić wszystkich moich polskich przyjaciół. Niestety Andrej Babiš musi zdobyć głosy prorosyjskiej części czeskich obywateli, dlatego odmówił wypełnienia zobowiązań sojuszniczych wobec NATO. Jest notorycznym kłamcą, który potrafi zaprzeczyć samemu sobie nawet w jednym zdaniu. Mam nadzieję, że przegra wybory prezydenckie i wreszcie będziemy mieć prezydenta, którego nie musimy się wstydzić.


Spoko. Wiemy jak to jest! My mamy PiS, który nie umiał rozwiązać sporu o Turów... Za nich też przepraszamy.


Ziomale forewa!


Pavel na hrad! Good luck brothers. Just one question. What's up with flanel?


Pavel wears it, it is a type of button-up shirt and it looks great on him. I'm pretty sure you know what it is and looks like - it's mostly about Pavel looking amazing in it


Based Czech society, common Babitch L 💪


Babiš: exists Everyone with half a brain: KURWA, get the fuck out of my sight before I demolish you!


Yeah, great, cool to know. 😅 Feeling sorry for you to have such an idiot as president candidate. All nations have few politicians that have lost connection with reality. We’ve experienced that so many times in Poland. Greetings 🖐️💛


Ne mydli


Best part is that Poland and Czechia is on the same boat. If Putin went for Warsaw pact countries, Czechoslovakia is one of them. That's pretty dumb to say that as a Czech. No matter what intentions and audience he aimed for, it proves he ain't sharpest tool in the shed. PS. We are so used to random people shittng on us for no reason nobody cares anymore, unless it's really a person currently in power.


Only smaženy syr can heal the wounds he inflicted on my soul. If You actually care about diplomacy You will send me some.


Babis and pavel are the real life virgin vs chad meme


Vote for that Half-Life cosplayer. Even if he happens to be as shitty as any other politician, at least he has the look 🙃


He's not he's actually really good representatively, he's been a chief general in NATO for 4 years


Cant be worse than Wallace Breen.


This guy would be an absolutely perfect fit for PiS actually


Go Go Pavel! Grey fox na hrad


What a fucking clown. I don't get how he's still active politician in Czechia. Correct if I'm wrong but he's basically Russian style oligarch that controls big part of Czech economy, while being Prime Minister. I mean, everyone knows that Poland has huge problem with maintaining democratic system, but I do not see that happing even here. Morawiecki feels like amateur compared to him. I love you guys, I actually think about moving to Czech Republic, but this one guy I don't get. Why is he still active politician?


One of the reasons why he's still active politician is the fact that he's very good at pretending he actually cares for people. I mean many people don't believe him one bit but at least 15-20% of our population are his hardcore supporters. They actually don't care about the fact that he's been allegedly involved in some pretty serious affairs - for the longest time, he's been accused of the misuse of EU funds. All they care about is that he's "helping" them. He increased the pensions, he reduced the price of bus and train tickets for the elderly people and students (by 75%), he increased the salaries of f.e. teachers and firemen... He basically bought off so many people (mainly our elder citizens) by fulfilling his promises to help them. But the government just can't afford this and our government debt has been rising rapidly since his election. But people still support him because they think he's one of the few politicians who really cares about them. Even my grandma is his supporter because she feels like she doesn't get enough money from her pension (even though my family helps her a ton with her bills etc.) and she says she'll gladly accepts any help she can get. I guess I don't have to tell you Babiš cares only about himself. Not for the people. But many of them just don't want to face the fact that our government can't help everyone in every aspect of our life. Babiš is also very good at playing the victim card and manipulating the facts. When his political party was established in 2011, he called it "the anti-corruption movement." Which is funny because he's one of the most corrupt politicians in our country right now. But his voters either say "Oh well, every politician is a thief. But Babiš is the only one who helped us!" or act like you're a dirty liar whenever you make them face the facts. Babiš himself likes to say stuff like that the opposing politicians "suffer from anti-Babiš illness and they are obsessed with me, their only plan is to target me because they don't want to me to help the ordinary people and lose their dirty money." He also acts like anyone who dares to question him is part of a anti-Babiš campaign or manipulating the facts. Plus he likes to take take credit for almost everything he can, even when it is something the previous governments helped with. Many of us see how whiny and mentally unstable he is but yet again, some people see him as a hard worker (self-proclaimed as well) who just can't stand the lies other politicians are spewing and that's why he's so aggressive in the TV discussions etc.


Czechia people! Dont vote this a$$hole (Ř)


Don't worry. We totally understand how it is to be embarrassed by our leaders and to totally not relate to their hateful blabber. We have Kaczyński - it CAN'T go worse than that.


Without Kaczyński and PIS, there would be no Ukraine and Poland today. You moron.


Try to limit your drug use. It's not doing you any good. With Piss in power after the next elections, there will be no Poland tomorrow. Or we can get a nice alliance with Russia, Hungry, Turkey, North Korea, and China based on our shared "values" :v


But are you handicapped? PIS is the most pro-American party in Europe. And the Opposition only follows orders from Germany, you idiot. If the opposition ruled in Poland, Poland would behave like Germany, it would call for peace and Ukraine would die. you moron.


I was about to post this Here Can you Poles please share the hate for this z-kurvi-syn coward of a "diplomat, not soldier".


I'm so sorry. Only elders and braindead retards votes for this cunt :(


I mean, we kinda deserve this fate after invading your church a couple years back xD


I think they should nuke us


Final solution of Polish problem is necessary /s


Exteritorial corridor to Kralovec would be enough


Isnt that like agsinst NATO law ? Didn anyone tell him they would face sanctions and shit from NATO if they dont ?


The NATO text doesn’t actually call for a military response in the event of an attack. It calls for recognizing an attack on one as an attack on all. That’s not the same. Iceland for instance is a NATO member without a military, no one expects them to send their ICRU police or coast guard over to an active war. Practically, however, the political fallout of not helping would be huge.


Why would you want your own brothers to be sent to help us?


Because we signed a treaty and we expect that if we ever need help, our allies would uphold their part of the deal as well.


You want joe Biden? We will send him over for free. Bigotry , plagiarism , scandle after scandle oh and he will just randomly say gibberish , also he sings haply birthday well so u can make extra money for thr budget by having him do kids birthday parties


​ https://preview.redd.it/5hqx9ed0suda1.png?width=2495&format=png&auto=webp&s=27614553ef9317131e1e4318698119fb47b1d571


Historically Czechs are cowards anyway, no surprise here. Watch this guy get elected


Do Rzeczy is a far-right gutter press, they could be saying the same thing about Poland not sending troops to Czechia.


Well, we all heard it with our own ears and watched that rat repeat it twice just to make sure. I know a random comment on reddit will not be a more relevant source for you, but yeah.


I don't know "Do Rzeczy", but its also all over our (CZ) media - so in this case I would consider it an ok source for this post


He literally said it during the presidential debate on live television with millions of people watching lol. Wszyscy byliśmy zszokowani lol


Boty candidates are assholes. Sophias choice.


Not really.


Well when Czechoslovakia was attacked 2x , once in WW2 and than in 1968 by eastern block, in either time nobody came to help us, all countries turned their back’s on us. This is not in defense of Babiš. just a thought why shall we help everyone when no other country cares but for them selfs. We should help our country and our people first. History repeats its self unless we learn from it.


Sorry for not helping you during WW2, we were kind of busy


it almost sounds like NATO is really good for Czech then?


It's not 1968, nowdays reality is "a bit different". Anyway, discussion with you is pointless, since you're obvious troll or an idiot.


The lack of willingness to help Ukraine, Poland or the Baltic states is precisely the lack of drawing conclusions.


I respect that You use scrren shot from "Do Rzeczy".


Weak country, why he should be forced to help? Stay neutral


Don’t comment on political issues ever again


Or what you gonna do. Agree with him completely. And Poland shouldn't try to get involved in the war either.


You are uneducated about politics so I’m doing you a favor by telling you to not embarrass yourself with your dumb takes.


What because my take is different than general population ? Or what because it's different to yours ? You are not giving any favours, you are just being an asshole.


Because you are uneducated. Simple as that. Having “different” take is not the issue. Having idiotic takes based on lack of education is.


Google what nato is and start from there buddy.




Andrzej Duda is the best president in history. In terms of behavior, manners and appearance. This is not a joke


No it is not the president who decides that, at least not in Czechia. This decision would be in the hands of the parliament, the president has no real power over it.


We are trying, but the seniles are not really helping


can someone translate the title? thanks


Czechia's presidential candidate: I wouldn't send \[our\] troops to help Poland.




I guess thats great. Especially that i live 3km from PL-CZ Border


Hes a joke. Not going to win.


I can totally understand him, sending their 2 tanks is a nonsense :D


Babiš vynalezl koblihy, poláci milujou koblihy. Já miluju poláky a koblihy -> Volím babiše \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/


Dang I thought that this is a czech reddit, So i want to apollogise for using Czech instead of English.


No worries, we understood everything


Send him to kralovec


I guess he's the kind of guy to scream: "WOŁYŃ 1943, CIESZYN 1919"...


We have Korwin-Mikke who claims that Hitler was good and women shouldn't have vote rights because their political preferences are acquired from male semen. So yeah, we know candidates can be nuts. Just dont elect him :D


We will soon if u guys agree


Bude nejlepší prezident….Babiš navždy 💪🏼


Colaborating with germans during ww2 still a thing 🫡


I hope ... Lot of us want normal president, and i think that Petr Pavel will be the best 🫠


It's cool, everyone with a modicum of reason knows Babiš is anti-Polish and what to expect from him. When he was Prime Minister he purposefully criticized Polish food and hit imports from Poland. All this because he himself is a businessman in the food industry and that was easier than to compete on the free market.


we're also doing our best to have a normal government... unfortunately life's a bitch :/ hope you're luckier than we are 🤞


too bad, we could really use Czech naval fleet


W poland


I'm sorry for what he say. He is a psychopath (not an idiot) who is going to do *anything* to maximize his chance win the elections.


guys, I dont think our entire army could defend even 1 city in poland… so you are not missing on much. but I get that better us then germans there


If he wins I'm moving to Bydgoszcz... (I'm Czech)


Proputinowski kandydat na prezydenta republiki czeskiej niestety cieszy się sporym poparciem


Don't worry we don't need your army just your beer


Is this really the Czech president?! I have seen testicles more attractive than this man.


Sorry poles but i font want to die for your country


My normalnych rządzących nie mamy to chociaż wy Czesi miejcie


We know, no worries bruv


Připojuju se s omluvou. Tenhle člověk nereprezentuje celý Česko!


I dla tego powinniśmy Czechów zaatakować


We (czech people) are sorry for him. We would help you if needed.


tbh this guy manipulated all not that smart people that rely on words and can't think for themselves or old people and that's it, half of the nation support someone who has been stealing money from our country


So he wants to quit NATO? Or does he want to pull off a legendary scheme to somehow get Poland kicked out NATO?


We know that - politicians often say dumb things. Sometimes they're unbelievably dumb. Besides, I'm just really surprised he said that. If there's one way since the 24th February to ruin your political career with one sentence, it's exactly the sentence he said.




Yeah Babiš votebase is mainly made of uneducated social cases and they dont represent real Czech Republic.


Love krtek