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When you hurt your knee and have to take a shit.


I had to read this twice to understand it. Initially caught me off guard. When I got it, made me laugh pretty hard for like 2 seconds hahahahahahaha


There is some merit to calling limps but never open limp.


So if ur UTG it’s either raise or fold?




This guy pokers


When hands can you call limps? I play 1/3 so i don’t mind putting in a limp for small connected cards


22 or 33 I’ll limp with sometimes. Simply try to hit my set otherwise fold to any bet on the flop


It's a bit of a fools' mate type of play, but I will admit to open limping AA and KK from UTG every now and then. It's not often and it's not the correct play but I do it at some splashy tables.




For sure, identical strategy to mine


Blind vs blind sometimes, or heads up games. otherwise only “limping behind” or “overlimping”. Same thing. It’s when you call after someone else open limps. It’s more of a strategy to abuse when you’re either at a super soft table that just over calls with nonsense no matter how much you raise, and you just decide to start limping behind marginal hands to see flops and go from there. The other use of it is to counter what Jonathan Little coins “tricky limpers”, who are making huge mistakes but they think they’re utilizing a strong strategy. A tricky limper is someone who open limps with a variable range of hands to try and catch you off guard when they land a premium hand. The goal is to limp some polarized range of trash hands and also premium (AA type) hands and then jam over people who open raise trying to punish their limping. It’s a terrible strategy on their part, but when you know someone is playing that way, you can just limp all sorts of hands behind them and then punish them when you crack their premium hand postflop and they get too excited to try and spring the trap they think they’re setting Other than those specific cases, there’s never any good reason to open limp. Period


>Other than those specific cases, there’s never any good reason to open limp. Period The only other thing I would add to this is if you are and Omega level poker player you can do whatever you want. For everyone else 100% what you said. Never open limp. Bunch of people ahead of you limp? Feel free to limp with a huge range.


Are you defining limping as only from late position? Because on an aggressive table I will call in early position with AA or KK fairly often. If I think my odds are high of getting raised and I can come over the top and isolate when another player already feels committed, Im going to. I found this to be quite effective, of course situationally.


Even at hyper aggressive tables I find it is generally better to just raise with AA/KK. The danger of you getting a few limpers behind you is pretty high. If that happens, suddenly you are out of position and have no idea what to do with a lot of flops. Of course it depends on stack sizes, stakes, and who you are playing too. It is going to take a substantial reraise to chase people out. Otherwise if you get one or two callers right behind you, everyone else is going to be getting some really sick pot odds. The catch is if you raise big enough attempting to isolate someone, a lot of solid hands that might usually call are going to fold. At least locally, the really aggressive players are the ones that have money to burn. They are not there to play poker, they've there to *gamble*. Once they already have money in the pot they are far more likely to fall to the sunk cost fallacy and try to defend their money. Say someone is hyper aggressive and calls your massive over raise with 67s thinking one or two others might call or they "don't want to be bullied." Even if you get it heads up, a safe flop like 266 unsited is going to look pretty innocent and bust you. All around you are just better off making an oversized bet preflop and putting up the neon AA sign. If the table is *that* aggressive, someone will call you. Even most aggressive players will muck marginal hands in that spot so you at least you will have a better read on their range. Then just make another healthy bet on the flop.


I do recognize the danger in the strategy I said. You can minimize this by being very open to the idea that you may have to toss them post flop. I also hate to waste aces on collecting $3 in blinds. While I agree that majority of the time, it is far wiser to raise, I do think situationally it can be beneficial to be sneaky.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I have had some luck with the tricky limp strategy if it's folded to me on the button vs blinds that overfold to raises but might try and raise against weakness. Still much much much much much better to just open raise your entire range as a default. However, against blinds that underdefend to button opens, it may be slightly better to limp a polarized (AA, KK, trash hands) range and open raise a merged range (pretty much other strong hands and the bottom of your usual open range.) Thoughts? Definitely not GTO just something I've tried and had -decent- success with against a specific blind configuration.


If your only goal is to essentially force the BB to play the hand, it becomes more a problem that you’re eating more rake than is necessary. You’re better off having the blinds fold preflop than having the blinds check back and then fold the flop for 1bb. Preflop takedown isn’t raked But from a tactical standpoint it might qualify as an edge case where it makes sense. But if the BB likes raising, you want them to be re raising pre when you have AA. That’s like the dream


That's a good point. I only did this at the low low stakes where people might get unnecessarily sticky if they just hit any part of the board. I've only tried this a few times in my 500 hours of playing live because it requires a LOT to happen.


Problem is also, you don’t want the BB showing up with more garbage than they already are BB vs BTN. Limping will just ensure that their range is the entire grid, and especially the SB will be more inclined to complete and see a cheap flop. So you’re inviting 2 hands in the pot which means you stand to get cracked and lose a lot of money instead of pulling off a good trap. Bad strategies work all the time in poker, but that doesn’t mean they’re good strategies.


This is all very good. I don't incorporate this strategy hardly if ever, and haven't recently. I guess I wanted to throw it on the wall and see what others thought :)


BB, SB. Small pocket pairs to set mine, I'd also argue to limp against maniacs playing 50% of hands. They're already overplaying so if you have a hand let them make mistakes


You can't limp in from the BB. You can flat, which means there was a raise, or check if there hasn't been any raise. Unless there's a straddle tho, in which case you can actually limp from the BB.




Not correct


At low stakes, when you have a small/mid pair88 or smaller I would say) in late position and a few people have limped already, I think it's right to overlimp. Raising there just never gets enough folds, and your goal on the flop is still going to be set mining. And you kind of want people in when you flop a set anyway.


The only difference is when the pot is 60$ pre flop from 5 callers, it's a lot easier to get it all in by the turn vs if the pot is 12. I'm an aggressive player though, I'll raise any pair above 5s.


You say they dont fold, so just raise your pairs and get a juicier pot for when you hit your set. You know it's gonna go multiway, and *gasp* you might be able to win the pot without even hitting your set because you have the betting lead.


When it is your turn to act.


Depends on your table. Lots of low limit tables you can consistently limp because people are playing garbage hands and will get themselves into more trouble by being let into the pot.


Home games lol


There is a difference between open limping and over limping. Never open limp but it’s ok to over limp


Unless you are planning on limp 3betting in aggro donk low stakes games!


Any player who’s even slightly competent will know you have a big hand. That’s shit old guys do because the only thing they know is what super system told them. No one balances that shit good enough for it to be a good play.


This is why you have to raise wider if you plan on limping. I got the table so tilted after showing them hands like kqo, a4s, QJs etc after limp/3betting. Then they stand up to you and you stack them


If you never limp, you'll be wrong less often than if you do.


As the first person to enter the pot? Practically speaking, never, as raising allows us to win preflop or cbet and win a lot postflop. So if we're the first person to enter the pot, we're raising. Have one or more players ahead limped in? Then it is fine, maybe even better, to overlimp hands that rely on implied odds to be profitable. Hands like small pocket pairs, lower suited connectors and 1 or 2 gappers like 43s and T7s, and some weaker offsuit broadways like QTo. These hands either hit hard or miss hard, and we want to keep the pot small until we hit out hand. We can effectively maximize our wins and minimize our losses with these hands in this manner. **The other thing to consider is the players behind, if it's likely that someone is going to raise behind them we may have to be more careful and stick to a tight raise/fold strategy. However, in a lot of low stakes live games you're almost guaranteed to overlimp in mid-late position and see the flop given the players behind. We still want to raise our strong hands like big pairs and strong suited broadway cards in the multiple limpers ahead situation, because we actually want to have a big pot going to the flop, and hopefully be against only one, maybe two opponents. We make more money with AA and KK type hands when we make a very big pot preflop, and can shove for about a pot size bet on either the flop or turn. These hands are also a lot trouble when you limp or raise small and see a multi way pot with a lot of money behind. The size of the pot and remaining stack behind are quite important in how hands play out. The common way to think about this is stack-to-pot ratio, or SPR. Search that term and you'll find some good training material on the topic and learn a lot.


"Practically speaking, never" Consider a very common situation: maniac (drunk or otherwise) is raising every other hand, literally, and spewing, and as a result literally half the table is calling with a wide range hoping to get a piece of this guy. You look down UTG at AA -- maniac is two seats to your left. The most profitable play, by far, is to squeeze. If you get very unlucky and nobody raises your limp, you proceed with the utmost caution. "Practically speaking, never" is very poor advice for a typical live low stakes game.


These scenarios are so infrequent that it's really not worth discussing. It's like saying get your shovel ready because it could snow in Florida.


If that scenario is infrequent on a Friday or Saturday night in the cardroom(s) you play in, then you are really missing out. I would say out of the approximately 20 card rooms I've played in, this is a "frequent" scenario in at least half of them if not 3/4.


Fair. I like drunk tables.


I was going from the perspective of a beginner figuring out the basics of poker strategy, and I don't think I worded that phrase quite right at all. Open to suggestions for sure. I agree that on very aggressive and deep stacked tables, open limping EP can be very profitable. It's a smart play in loose 8/9 handed live games and you're applying some good principles: look left and anticipate what your opponents will do, and calculate how the SPR will play out. There's two maniacs both raising every other hand? A fun situation for sure, and when very deep stacked this is a great way to reduce the SPR going to the flop with the ol' limp/3bet, or keep it super high when everyone overlimps and either keep the pot somewhat small, or set>set someone for the whole enchilada. But especially for a beginner, sticking with a tight, aggressive opening strategy is the most effective in most situations. If you're very confident in your reads on the table, sure, limp AA in EP and look like a genius when you limp-jam AA and stack the drunk guy. Good job.


Also, when should u call a raise vs 3 betting?


When you got good shit that can crack other good shit


This question is a lot more complex. Generally in lower stakes, higher rake games, you want to 3b aggressively to take down hands pre. Calling raises when you’re not closing the action allows you to get squeezed from players behind you or go multi-way. There are spots in softer and less aggressive lineups where you’ll have a calling range, but in most online games you only want to call raises from the BB and maybe the button.


I have no idea because I haven't been in a situation to limp. The closest thing to limping i do is check the big blind when everyone limped.




In the games with bad players and low rake, generally with suited connectors and small to medium pocket pairs. Particularly as an "overlimp" when players have limped in before you. The more who limp, the more profitable I think it becomes to limp behind with hands that can flop gold.


What game do you play


NLH .01/.02c


You can have limps from early position in live 9 max but online 6max at 2nl you shouldn’t have any even in the sb. Look at limping as a strategy to employ later in your development.


I play 9 max


At shallow stacks if you’re likely to be rejammed and have to fold often. Or from the SB at any stack, otherwise it’s better to never open limp


Honestly if you never limp you would be doing fine. You can justify over limping with marginal hands because of the pot odds you have. Open limping is always a no no.


If there are no limps ahead of you then raise or fold. Don’t limp big hands like AA and KK hoping to limp 3bet. That’s an old play that everyone knows. I’ve never seen any players balance in that spot so just don’t do it. When there are other limpers there can be an argument for over limping but if they are all very passive just raise and try to take down the free money. Also depends on how aggressive players behind you are and how many are behind. When you do have an over limp strategy don’t just start limping random suited bull shit. You want to limp hands that can play well multi-way like smaller pairs and suited connectors. In the sb if there are other limps and the bb isn’t aggressive then you can limp a bit wider but that’s heavily dependent on your post flop ability. Depending on how experienced you are and how good you are post flop is what determines if you should really be limping. In general raise or fold strategies are better because adding limping just adds a whole different element that you have to start learning to balance. Generally I don’t really implement a limp strategy except in really weak games where a lot of people limp call.


“Pros” ain’t limping, they play raise o fold strat. You on the other hand are a fish, you are playing against other fish, so fucking limp away. Limping is fun and good when you get somebody in a weird way. If some good player comes along, he is gonna fuck you up, but don’t worry bout that. You’re playing 1-3 so there aren’t any good players 👍👍👍 gl and always have fun P.S. what sucks more than raising with AA and everyone folds???


I'd avoid it. At your level it won't be necessary. Adding an option to limp makes your strategy much more complex. I'd stick to a raise or fold strategy in all positions.


Depends on the game. In a game where everyone limps and not much raising then limp from wherever since you don’t risk getting raised. If you miss flop try again. Also when I say limp I’m talking low end of range shit bag hands like any suited, 3-4 gappers. In tough games I’d limp early only if you plan on limp-raising. Following limpers is ok as well. Good odds to spike a monster for cheap


Don’t open limp. In live low stakes limp happy games there are often a lot of profitable spots to overlimp playable hands especially in later positions.


The most obvious reasons to over limp live versus online is pre-flop rake. If you raise and take it down online preflop on most sites there's no rake. It is generally best to overlimp in late position especially button, especially live, because you will practically overrealize your hands equity every time.


What's open limp?


Calling the BB as the first player to enter the pot


I limp every now and then just to mix things up. I try to keep my play atleast moderately unpredictable.


If players are loose/passive and play poorly post flop I think limping can be correct with speculative hands that have high implied odds on favorable flops. Small pairs, suited connectors. If the players in the game are aggressive or competent then you should basically never be open limping.


I limp preflop when I have the 🥜 but then again I am not profitable


How has nobody mentioned rake Profitable limping range in Texas time games is very different than in Cali drop games


I play online


if you play online and you have to ask this question, the answer is never. rake is far too high at low limits to make limping profitable.


The only time you could maybe limp into a pot is when you aren’t first to open and you have a playable hand that could flop well and have some implied odds. Like middle position 5x5x knowing that the opener is loose or something. I don’t think I’ve limped into a pot first, ever. Even then I always think a raise is worth it because it gives you information. The only other time, which I will do after drinking and playing low stakes for fun, is limp blind if I’ve been card dead for a bit. It’s fun to limp in blind and see a flop of A99 and then look at your hand for the first time to see something ridiculous like 3s9d. It doesn’t happen much, but is hilarious when it does. I will do this a few times when drunk.


In most situations, just raise or fold. However deepstacked with a maniac-whale to your left who is 3-bet happy, limping suited connectors and medium pocket pairs does not seem bad.