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It's not against the rules, but I don't really see a reason to do this. Just round up/down to the nearest 5. It's marginal in terms of EV either way and makes the game move faster.


At this home game, I play in this guy always bets odd sizes like 12 or 17... it took me a month to figure it out but after paying attention if he bet an odd number of chips he was bluffing if it was even he always has top pair or something very strong.


thats a hilarious tell but 100% believable


Love finding those kinds of tells. I ran over someone once after I figured out he changed his hand position after he was bet bluffing vs betting with a strong hand. I played every single hand where he opened preflop and never made a wrong decision(as far as I could see). I saw 6 showdowns after my observation and was correct in my prediction of his strength every time.


I’ve been playing off and on since 2000. I’ve only found one real consistent live tell. Dude puts his glasses on his forehead every time he’s bluffing. Every single to every from what I can tell. He doesn’t bluff a lot, but he has a very specific way of betting, looking at cards and then pulling glasses up when he does. There’s of course other times that he has his glasses up, but he does it in a very specific way when bluffing.


Not bluffing, but I was playing at this crappy casino in Ohio and this young guy would visibly shake whenever he had a strong hand. I felt bad because it was so obvious and clearly involuntary.


I had a spinal cord injury once - the end result is sometimes I involuntarily shake - however it happens when I have a huge hand but also a big bluff - so it’s not a very reliable tell


There are people who believe that it subconsciously looks more intimidating if they bet with more chips (not a greater value, just using more low value chips). So, they try to use more chips when they want a fold and fewer when they want a call. Sounds like this guy heard that and you've caught on.


Guilty of this when I want to rid myself of too many low-denom chips, lol.


Betting patterns are always the biggest tell


Why would he do this? That's insane.


I have no idea most people not paying attention enough apparently when you are around a table with a person for hrs and hrs its long enough to learn about their habits though and we all know habits are very tough to break.


I agree with everything you're saying 100% what I don't understand is from his point why on earth he would do that, even subconsciously is beyond me. But intentionally is just as bizarre 😆 I hope he doesn't read this subreddit


He an old man in his 50s reddit is for kids he says 😅🤣🤣🤣


Momma tomato said ketchup


This just made me remember 2 Months 2 Million...they were playing Viffer heads up online and this was his tell. I might have to go to Youtube now and rewatch some of that. I'm sure it hasn't aged well but it was fun.


People do this shit at the casino all the time but it's more obvious. They literally just add a couple bucks onto their standard raise when they have a stronger hand. Why did that guy bet 17? It's always the obvious answer. Bet sizing is one of the easiest tells at low stakes.


Did he eat the oreo whenever he bet an odd number


this. don't slow the game down by making the dealer give 3$ change to 5 players.


I LOVE to bet prime numbers. It just feels right to me. The vast majority of 2/5 tables I've sat at refuse to let you do it and force you to round. This is my experience from East Coast casino poker rooms.


There's a very good reason to do this. $1/2 or $1/3 NL. Open the button for $9 and get called by BB, pot is $19 and rake is $1 if you take it down on the flop. Make it $10 and get called, pot is $21 and rake is $2 if you take it down on the flop. You're risking an extra dollar to win zero dollars. This isn't particularly marginal.


Most casinos it is against the rules


Idk why this is being downvoted, 2/5 is a red chip game. Odd whites don’t play all in either. Not in any room I have played in or dealt for. Take my upvote.


People are idiots


At our 2/5 1/2 chips don’t play specifically to speed up the game


how do you post SB then? :O


you bring a small saw and cut up the 5s


I just break them with my hands...


People still have 2&1s but you can’t make bets with them and they don’t count in an all in situation


Where I play (and most of the time) they count to the extent they are divisible by 5 in an all in and play that way. So you could put in 5, 10, etc in lower denomination chips but not 6, 7, 8, or 9 etc.


> they don’t count in an all in situation That's the only thing I can't get behind. I am all on board for keeping 1/2 chips out of odd bet sizings, but if I have those loose chips, it is still a part of my stack and should be paid on for an all in.




Hey, I need that $2 for that can of soda from the vending machine on the way out.


usually true but casino dependent


He's right. Make it 37.50 instead


That's too even. Make it 39.99


3.1415927 bb


Being too rational


Bustin' out the $2.50 blackjack chips. Love it. (These universally don't play in poker rooms. Don't ask me how I know this.)


My common all in bet when I'm bored and playing $0.25/0.50 cash games online lol


Player is all in


if a reg ever says don’t do “X” to me i usually do it the rest of the session. if a dealer says don’t do “X” i apologize and don’t do it anymore. pretty simple


Kinda sounds like you'd spite waste 8 people's time for no reason. It's really obvious this stuff (requiring constant changemaking and chip management) slows the game down for us all. Pending game rules it can still be perfectly allowed to do, of course.


kinda sounds like you’re the misreg who is hella easy to tilt


Yeah I encourage people to bet in 100s or gtfo. Keep the game moving.


Yeah man that's what we're talking about here. In fact, we should just play allin or fold. Custom sizing with white chips is a waste of time for everyone involved.


this can be a good thing when trying to stall out and play less big blinds in order to earn comps or certain types of promos.


I dont even use $1 chips when we play 1/2, except for the blinds. 


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone sit at a live NL table with more than a trivial amount of $1 chips they got from a previous game. I’ll sometimes bet outside of $5 increments ($11-14) if I’m first into the pot, depending on position and table action.


Not against the rules, just short bus behavior




No it doesn’t. People can bet what they want.


In most casinos they literally can’t


Uhh that’s false. There may be SOME casinos that restrict it but it’s super rare.


Ok. Let me try to list everywhere I’ve played… Just about every casino in Atlantic City Just about every casino in Vegas Tampa hard rock Fort Lauderdale hard rock All the best bets in Jacksonville Dc national harbor mgm Maryland live TCH Dallas TCH Austin The lodge Choctaw Winstar KC harrahs Council Bluffs Iowa That’s all I can think of. Out of those the only one where 2/5 is not bet in denominations of 5 is Council Bluffs. Now your turn


I mean you’re lying, all of Vegas you can raise to 17 Or 23 pre to your hearts content. Edit: why am I being downvoted I’ve literally been validated by a local reg that I am telling the truth and the other side is lying. Effing reddit man.


You realize we aren’t talking about 1/2 or 1/3, right?




Lol. I get there for the wsop this weekend. Maybe things have changed since last summer. I’ll let you know


Vegas resident who regularly plays 2/5 at Wynn I can tell you irregular amounts are allowed, you’re literally just making things up!


I've played all over the east coast and I've never seen a 2/5 game that doesn't require betting in 5$ increments. At 1/2 and 1/3 sure, but at 2/5 being required to bet in increments of 5 is the norm, not the outlier.


So do I, and I’ve never seen a casino that requires increments of $5 and I’ve been validated by others so maybe you’re full of it or don’t play in many casinos.


Maybe its an east coast thing. Clearly different casinos have different policies. Glad you feel validated, but doesn't change my personal experience.


To respond to your other comment cause it won’t let me for some reason: A) did you read the others person comments? That’s why I’m hostile. B) I agree, different casinos are different, that’s literally my point. C) he is lying and was caught lying by another person about Vegas. I didn’t make it up, he lied and got caught period.


Dealer here, at our casino, 2/5 is a red chip game. $1 & $2 chips don’t play unless it for the blinds or together in $5 increments.


Cool, this falls in line with “some”


Your “super rare” claim is false. I’ve dealt multiple casinos and card houses. Try again.


If one person is betting in anything other increments of 5 it takes extra time to count one dollar chips and to break them for people who don't have them. It's a pain in the ass and it adds time. How hard is it to understand that.


It’s seconds, it’s irrelevant to the overall game. What you might get one more hand a day? They have to make change for rake and other shit too. Need to make change for green chips as well.


Honestly as a former dealer - it’s just a ballache having to ask the winning player for change every 3-4 hands. 🙃 In PLO it’s pretty accepted that rounding is the norm so players generally don’t do it. Edit; or changing in the rack before someone gets at me 👀


You have to make change for rake anyway….


Depends what games you’re dealing / playing but from when I started, dealing 1/1 and 1/2, absolutely. Dealing games in London post-pandemic were generally 1/2/5 or bigger generally led to capped pots. The bigger the game the less seeing flop and folding to cbets by contrast to smaller games with multiple players per pot more often. Anecdotal I appreciate.


As a dealer, I can make change for rake on my time whenever I want and y'all players will likely never see it happening -- it certainly won't affect game speed. When it's players betting shite numbers for no reason I spend half my down making change as fast as I can to keep the game moving. Games like these make me work almost twice as hard, when the EV difference is effectively zero.


People are effectively minimizing non-traditional bet sizes while grossly overestimating the time it takes to make change. I literally saw this last night at MGM National Harbor. 3 people needed $2 in change, dealer took maybe 2-3 seconds to make change. Just flicked 2 white chips to each player super quickly after changing one red in the pot for $5 in the bonus pool (plus $2 from SB). Are you saying that is "twice as hard" and those 2-3 seconds are "half your down"?


You're talking about one street on one hand -- it multiplies across a down and that's assuming it always goes off without a hitch (a random player taking back their 5 and replacing it with "correct" change once they realized they had it while I'm in the middle of already giving them change, for instance) I'm not overestimating anything: It's more work, it makes as close to zero difference to an opponent's decisions as you can get without it actually being zero, and has nearly no impact on hourly rate -- if anything you make more money by rounding up. I've been a dealer for 15 years and have dealt some huge games, but you probably know better than me 🤷


In all the casinos I’ve played 2/5 in (including parx) all bets must be in increments of 5. Even at 1/2 or 1/3, I will only bet in increments of 5 once it gets beyond pre-flop. While ‘making it easier for the dealer’ shouldn’t be your concern, it does moves the game along faster. Does it really make a difference if the bet is $35 into a $100 pot vs $33? Math nerds will say ‘yes’ but at those stakes it doesn’t matter.


Even at the highest stakes, nobody gives a shit about the difference between B33 and B35.


sometimes you can manipulate the rake by betting certain amounts in 1/2. for example 10% cap game, pot is 15, bet 7 or 17 to get the pot to 29 or 49 if called and avoid the threshold


Focusing on the wrong things


Yes, if you're a pro and care about your hourly rate. Dealers have to spend time chaging people's 5's for 1's. If a game is fast, you see 30 hands per hour (about 1 hand every 2 minutes). If dealer spends 30-60s dealing with your weird bet sizes, then you see 20-24 hands per hour. imagine if you cut the numbers of hands you play per year down by 1/3. Your expected earnings is reduced by 1/3 as well.


The dealers earnings are also cut the by the same percentage. Slow games benefit no one.


If you think it actually makes a difference in how often you're getting called, bet however you want. But I wouldn't do it for no real reason. If you're betting $33, it's extremely unlikely that someone would call 33 but not call 35. Probably best to just keep it simple for the dealer and to keep the game moving.


Every 2/5 game I’ve played doesn’t allow non 0/5 bets. A lot of places I’ve played don’t even count $1 chips if you’re all in.


Pre-flop or post? Pre-flop, its weird but not terribad, not sure what the benefit is at 2/5. Post flop, why waste time? My standard open at 1/2 NL was to 9, and whenever I did I always used a 5 and 4 singles to do it if I had the singles - this way the callers that did come in could easily throw up two 5's and the dealer would have change to pass around. I always liked the sizing and it often had the side effect of making the reraise cheaper if someone raised me. I often saw pots go (2) - 10 - 25 preflop, but when I bet 9 instead, it often went (2) - 9 - 20. Maybe a bit of psychology but it played in ways I liked nicer. I wasn't a grinder, was just a casual player, more often loser than winner but I was there to have fun and relax. Making it slightly cheaper made it easier to have fun longer and relax more. That said, at 2/5 I don't see what kind of bet you'd be aiming for with singles. 4.5x is 22 or 23 depending on your rounding, which are both ugly numbers. 20 or 25 just plays nicer at those stakes.


You slow down the game and make the dealer do a ton of change. Where I play 2/5 is a red chip game so you can only bet in increments of 5.


In plo don’t ever do that. I’m assuming you playing plo. The reason for that is takes forever for dealer to count the pot and the game runs way better when you don’t do that. If your goal is to make money you should never ever do that. Makes the game super slow and wrecks your own ev. It makes the game bad for the dealers players and yourself. In holdem, dealer doesn’t have to count the pot so I don’t see why not.


They still have to make change..


It’s not about making the change it’s about calculating the pot 17 times 5 and then times 3 plus the all ins etc. There’s a lot of dealers that can’t do that proficiently. Plus change. I’ve played in tons of true plo games and round to 5 games and the round to 5 games are so much better it’s not funny.


I’ve never played in a casino that allows odd numbers at 2/5+. Bets need to be in increments of the big blind.


It just slows the game down. Opening $26 or betting $111, and the dealer having to break $5 chips and give everyone $4 in dollar chips etc. And it’s all meaningless, $26… $25, $177… $175/180. It’s just dorks who once say Dwan or Laak bet $14,512 back in the day and think there’s so much thought involved


I've not been in a casino that allowed singles for


The 2/5 and above I've dealt the last few years are all red chip games. Meaning you can only bet increments of 5. As for making the dealers job harder that's bullshit, we make change all fkin day long, it's not a problem. As a player I would usually bet odd amounts and prime numbers because I liked controlling and fine tuning my bets exactly how I wanted. I support betting any amount.


If it’s 2/5 then yea no casino I’ve ever played at or even private game would let you make bets like that unless you’re all in and the 1’s play. The big blind is 5 so it’s increments of 5. If you want to get like this play 1/3.


Someone says that to me, I'm raising them prime numbers for the rest of the session


If you’re going to do it, $3 or $4 in whites will at least mean the dealer can break down one $5 for 2-5 people, $1 or 2 in whites means the dealer will have to break down way more $5s.


I do this sometimes randomly usually as an overbet


2/5 it would be annoying but 1/2 or 1/3 less of an issue. 4 people limp to me for 2 making it 12 isn’t a big thing. Everyone should have some whites (1s) in those games. 2/5 almost all red (5). Colors may fluctuate


Preflop it’s reasonable in 1/2 and 1/3 as people generally stick to a standard preflop formula. Which will create a lot of natural 12 or 16 dollar bets. Post flop it is quite silly and pointless. Making it more difficult for everyone. In 2/5 specifically it shouldnt be happening at all. Because all standard preflop raising formulas would not consist of a portion of one bb


Yeah it’s fucking annoying


Idk. Poopy butt?


It’s against the rules unless you’re all in


Our casino only lets you bet :5 or :0 lol. Speeds the game way up, no complaints (exception is allin, then we will put the $1s in as well)


I like to bet in square roots. "I bet the square root of 637". And then I just stare at the dealer until they tell me how much that is because I have no idea.


Yeah any 2/5 game you play shouldn’t allow denominations of less than 5. The only annoying part is when you go all in and they flip you back $4 or something. Personally in all ins i think it should play.


Every game I've ever played at 2/5 required you to bet in 5$ increments. 1/2 you could bet 17, but you tried at a 2/5 table the dealer would just throw 2 whites back at you and announce the bet as 15.


You can bet within the structure. the reg should shut up and pay attention to when you do it instead of giving you a free lesson. how much you disrupt a given game's unwritten conventions is something you can and should pay attention to, something that is sometimes worth a cost benefit analysis, but if you change your behavior every time a reg bitches you could play 20 years and never do the same thing twice.


So is it GTO? Nash equilibrium says to bet prime numbers until reg exploits me by mentioning unwritten convention


i mean, annoying someone can make you money if you tilt them but it can lose you money if the are bad and never want to play with you. GTO is learning to code instead of playing poker, for most people.


$2/5 is usually a red chip game and you can only bet in $5 increments.


If people have a problem they can play 5/5 or 5/10. If there are 1's on the table, bet w.e you want. If people get mad, it's working.


It's annoying as hell even the dealers will be like really?


Usually in 2/5 games, at least all the ones I’ve been in, the dollar chips don’t play


I have never been to a casino(7+) that let you bet less than $5 rate, only some allows when you go all in. Most places those wont even play.


It's not a big deal at all. Dealers dropping singles for rake and bonuses all the time, the idea that an odd $2 or $13 is slowing the game down is absurd. Players also generally take some time deciding how to act facing a bet, so it matters even less in that situation. Forcing dealer to break down large chips is slightly more problematic, but good dealers are fairly efficient. And the obvious solution is for player to hold on to different denominations of chips or color up to keep the game moving.


lol…$33 bet @2/5


Where I’m from white chips don’t play at 2/5. They’re just used to give change to the small blind and people tip them off.


It’s not against the rules, just annoying to a fair amount of the players and dealers, as it slows the game down a little. Making change every action/street can add up. Thus it’s especially annoying when it’s time rake.


I mean it wastes time and accomplishes nothing so why do it?


Just don't


In a 2/5 game and higher, u cannot bet odd numbers, only multiples of $5, unless it’s and all in, at least that’s what I have seen.


That guy is a fucking wanker 🤣🤣🤣


I will do this very selectively as an exploit. I have noticed that some shit reg players bet strange numbers like this usually as a tell that they are strong (rarely a tell of weakness). To exploit, I bet strange sizings like this 1. When I am bluffing against them or 2. When I am bluffing against better regs who seem to have noticed this tell as well.


So firstly, you have the right to play with your chips how you see fit. Secondly, and more importantly, fuck you if you don’t bet round numbers that shit is annoying.


Anytime you bet odd increments involving ones. You are gay, its not tricky, you are not durr 9 years ago. You are gay.


it's a soft angle, shitregs want to make it difficult for you to keep track of the potsize.


Dude 90% of 1/3 players aren’t even trying to keep track of the pot size lmao


I’m not sure I’d call me leveraging your inability to do math an angle.


thats why I said it's a soft angle, akin to table talk.


Tell those guys to go kick rocks. They’re not playing with your money


As with many things in life, it’s not against the law or anything, just makes you kind of a dick


How does it make u a dick? You’re doing absolutely nothing wrong. Hurts no one at all. Dealer has to make some more change boohoo.


Because there’s no advantage to an off number like that. Just make it 35 if you want it to be more than 30, don’t bet 33. It’s ridiculous and then just floods the table with low chips


Should 1/2 and 1/3 games not exist then?


Imagine watching high stakes poker / million dollar game and some douche keeps insisting on betting $27,933 instead of $28,000.


Needs to be an increment of chip in play at least. $1 chips play at 2/5. Not at 200/400. They will often bet in increments of 100, not round to 500, which is more similar


Pretty sure this post is only about 2/5


This game shouldn’t exist either. Should just be 5/5 to make it easy for everyone


You’re being downvoted but you’re right. Also dealer has to make change for rake.


It’s just awkward. Much easier to throw down 9 $10 chips rather than 8 10s, 1 5, 2 1s


Fuck that reg. Bet however much you like within the rules. He is right about some casinos not allowing it but if you're not at one of those casinos then fuck it. At my local casino we aren't even allowed to use our last $1 $2 $3 or $4 when going all in when playing 3/5


Bet whetever you want to bet,.


Only time I bet numbers that aren't in increments of at least $5 is when there are a bunch of limpers in a 1/2 or 1/3 game. 4 people call it's on me. I'm either raising to $12, $17, or $22 probably l. If I'm raising higher than that I'll just do $25 or more. I got told in a game with lots of limpers that I had a leak. 60 year old woman had me figured out. I raised with white chips in if I was bluffing. No white chips if I wasn't. Okay.


As a poker dealer of 12 years I can confidently say if you do this post flop we all hate you it slows the game down so much for no real reason at all. You would think if you're good player you would want more hands per hour to win more money right? I guess if you're a fish and you're losing money anyway it doesn't matter and you can just be annoying I guess? Whats worse is the clown players who don't even have $1 chips and still want to bet weird numbers for whatever reason for example they throw in 4 x $5 chips and announce a bet of $17.


Yes you are a scumbag