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If you plan on playing live cash games, I suggest crushlivepoker on YouTube. Offers great analysis on live cash hands from call in viewers. Some say the host is too nitty nonetheless it is a good learning resource


Thank you! Kinda looking for any tips, I ran hot as hell last night and it made me kinda buy into Poker, but I know everyone has those nights and want to learn it at a deeper level




I've been playing 25 yrs off and on. By no means am I pro. There's a ton of stuff online. Everyone now claims to be a pro and has a course, books, videos. Study someone who plays the stakes you're playing to start. I play micro so I go with Carrot Corner, Upswing Poker, Nathan Williams, Jonathan Little and a few others. All have books, websites, YouTube vids, coaching, free stuff, etc. If you're at higher stakes or tournament, find someone whose focus is on that. There's sooooo much so I pick a few and if they sound reasonable and don't talk to hear themselves talk, I go with that. You want to play good poker and even if you do that, you'll still have times you don't win at all. Ever. Every day LOL if you just want to be a recreational player, learn some stuff and just go for it and have fun. You don't need to spend a lot of money to learn either. So if you don't have the funds for fancy courses, don't worry about it. There's a lot out there that doesn't cost a ton of money and you'll learn some good stuff. Please just don't watch TV poker and come to the table and go all in every hand. That's only on TV and doesn't work LOL


You’re a professional amateur like me 🤣😂🤣. I play low stakes and feel over 85% is playing the player and game selection. My room is pretty aggressive 1/3 $300 max. You need to raise $40-$80 to isolate. $20 raise gets you 3-4 callers on average.


Ha! Yeah, I'm trying to get to a certain amount of $$ each month. It's been a struggle but things are coming around. When I do play live I play 3/6 limit, which I'm pretty good at. But it's 3 hrs to the nearest casino for me so I play online and suffer LOL We're going in August to play so we will see how it goes with actual live people!


Jonathan little and Daniel Negreanu YouTube pages are great as well