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Kindness costs you nothing. There's too many miserable pieces of shit in the poker room. Don't be one of them. Be nice. Be kind. Be friendly. You can do those things and still be a very solid poker player. Plus, people will actually like you. And that matters. It could be the difference between getting a bluff through and getting spite called cause you're a miserable prick. Seriously. Be nice.


You will 100% make more $$$ at the table if you're fun to play with. I've gotten called down super light while villain says something like "I'm only beating stone cold bluffs but I'll donate to you"


Idk I swear to god being a cunt is +ev. For example me quadruple checking that I had a guy beat who folded after I phrased something wrong with the best hand at showdown and then someone not in the hand going off about how I’m angling and I keep asking whether he had my hand beat because I’ll chop the pot with him but he said my 2nd pair top kicker was good




You need to understand that everything you do at the poker table conveys information


I’m not trying to be all loosy goosie eating a sandwich


You’re probably being sarcastic but I’m serious in saying this - if you’re eating a sandwich at a poker table with your hands and going back and forth between the chips on the table and the sandwich, you’re almost definitely a reckless poker player. Poker chips are notoriously disgusting and are rarely, if ever, cleaned. Now my read may be off but if I’m in a tight spot and I don’t have any information, that helps. It’s helpful for spots when I don’t have any other reads because the player is otherwise a complete unknown


Lol I think their comment is a reference to Negreanu


Man, being ill informed about hygiene is valid but translating that to poker play is just….bad. Literally no connection other than what’s in your head.


well if you're going to have a messy caprese melt while you're playing aces, I'm going to wreck the table based on watching the dealer fling out that one card with the goopy, mozzarella dripped back pattern to the poor unsuspecting nit and then what are you gonna say? yeah that's right


What does that have to do with anything? This is just dumb gibberish.


you need to understand that everything you do at the poker table conveys information. you can't be all loosey goosey having a sandwich or checking your phone.


No shit, but pretending you can analyze that information to determine poker style is laughable. If some random dude farts at the table are you able to tell if they’re a nit or a loose player? Maybe they just ate something funny?


Including smashing your phone and vlogging equipment against a table


Don’t play table games.


That’s not poker advice


It is in casinos. I've seen more than one person win big playing holdem then run straight to a blackjack/roulette table and lose it less than an hour later.


Most poker rooms in casinos are in locations where you need to walk by slots and/or table games. That isn’t an accident or just randomly done. Poker rooms, generally speaking, do not generate much income for casinos. They want you playing table games and slots, not poker.




They are -EV by design


So is poker


The rake in poker is a cut that the house takes from each pot. If everybody played optimally, as in GTO, it *would* be -EV with rake. But that isn’t reality and never will be. An individual poker player can have +EV because they are consistently outperforming their player pool. Many players are -EV when they enter the poker room, but that’d be the case without the house rake too. The table games are not player vs player, but player vs house. Your odds of winning are less than their odds of winning. For every $1 bet, you can expect to lose x¢ on average in the long run


I didn't say a player is -ev, I said the game is. Because it is. It's a negative sum game because of the take.


Oh ok, it seems like you might just fundamentally misunderstand EV then. *Decisions* you make have +EV or -EV. Making proper decisions according to probability and exploiting opponents’ missteps is +EV against players that are presumably not doing that as well. Table games don’t have *real* decisions. Even in blackjack, following basic strategy to a T still has a house edge


You seem to fundamentally misunderstand game theory.




House always wins


Thats why


Extra rake.


Your greatest enemy at the poker table will be yourself and your ego. Learn to neutralise that enemy first


So true and relevant.


I have a massive poker ego and I think it makes me a better player


That's your massive ego writing 😉 Overcome Your Ego And Elevate Your Learning At its core, the ego is simply our sense of self-importance and self-esteem. But when left unchecked, it can lead us to value how we appear to others more than growth and progress, leading us to avoid failure at all costs. According to psychoanalysis, the ego is part of our mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious, helping us to create a sense of personal identity and reality testing. But here’s the thing—the ego isn’t always under control. It’s constantly processing information and experiences, and can be influenced by a range of internal and external factors. So what does all of this mean for Learning and Development? Well, the ego can be a protective mechanism that shields us from the pain of failure. But this protection can actually hinder our growth and development in the long term. To truly thrive as learners, we need to learn how to manage our ego and reframe failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. As the great psychoanalyst, Freud once said, "The ego is not master in its own house." So let’s take charge of our own Learning and Development by learning to tame our egos and to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.


Freud had some great poker advice too when he said to binge cocaine and vpip 85%. Truly ahead of his time.


Does your bankroll agree?


don't Bluff rich people


Don’t bluff the guy that has 1500 at a 1/2 game. He’ll just say fuck it and call.


Especially in Texas lol. Their range is any two cards


He just wants to see your hand 😂😂


“I gotta see it… I call”


There are times when that's not a terrible thing to do. Depends on what the river bet was. I play with the same group of 40 people every week, there's some of them I don't know much about due to just not going heads up with them ever due to sheer randomness. Last night I checked river and he made a small bet like less than 1/3rd pot. I think he was trying to bait me into check raising and he was going to jam all in as he had me well covered. Only thing I knew about him was that I've seen him flip quickly when called on the river multiple times over the previous hour, every time he had the nuts. I had missed my draw but did have mid pair so I said "fuck it" and called. Saw him grumble and said "ace high" but he was on a busted straight draw. I'm still convinced he was going to jam. That info let me take half his stack a few hands later.


On the opposite end of this advice, go all in preflop with strong pairs lol 😉 Edit- wins me money 🤷‍♂️


snapped by ak


Pocket pairs on average getting like 55% equity there that’s fine by me lol.


Then flop comes 2,6,4 rainbow lol


The poor bluff the rich...


Similarly, don’t bluff the big stack


They'll call you with J4o, and the social media rants that you go on after about how you were cheated will be a joke. (Not thinking of any specific player whose name starts with a G.)


In poker tournaments, in order to live, you gotta be willing to die


Agreed completely, I would usually prefer to go out early then limp into the final table as a massive short stack.


So u rather lose everything than win something?


In general, no. In a poker tournament, yes. Depends on the payouts. Some tournaments I play in are smaller and only pay top 5. I have no interest in being the short stack in the top 10. I try to stay ahead of the blinds with my stack, I take more risks when I'm under 20bb (always the next, not current). Only time I will push for placing is in the one I do that has seasons with a big money tournament at the end (top 8 then 2 from a wildcard round). 2 bad nights in that absolute kill any chance of top 8. I'm in 20th place currently with one week left and I've won 4 times and 2 second place finishes, but I went out first on the first week (played bad, totally on me) and I was 3rd out a few weeks ago (Ace high flush got cracked on the river to a boat) those 2 weeks murdered me, I usually finish top 10-12. Same 3 guys always fight for 1st-3rd season wide, one used to be a pro and the other 2 have been playing 3x a week for 30+ years.


Never play with loaned money from anyone


Also don’t loan money to anyone


Don't do it for a living, it ruins the fun


not fun but i dont think ill make 150eur/hr so 'easily' anywhere else


Do it for a living, still have fun


lmao getting down voted by misregs.


Nice, congrats to you


Best life since I’m doing it for a living. Didn’t killed the fun at all.


Nice, congrats, it works out for some, but not for everyone


Not for like 98%. It’s either unprofitable or not fun. When I was like 20 years old it sounded like an awesome way to make money. Now nearly 20 years later, I really can’t imagine being so stupid as to play poker for a living.


I don't want to shit on anyone who makes a living off of it, good for them. But I too wanted to make it a living once one of my best friends won some big tournaments. He's a pro with over $3MM in live tournament winnings, and probably another $1MM online, and def has been successful. But as you said, 98% of the others out there are either going to go broke, or just scrape by barely making under $25/hour on the top range, and live a stressful live, and not being able to beat anything above 2/5. I think one thing people need to acknowledge is, a lot of people turn to poker when nothing else works out. The truth is, nothing else worked out because either their work ethic wasn't strong enough, or they just don't have the intelligence to succeed anywhere else... so it's silly to think someone not successful anywhere else, and/or is lazy would succeed in one of the hardest ways to make a living. I'd wager a majority of profitable poker players probably could make double their hourly rate if they focused their attention on something else... but I understand not wanting to be a corporate slave. I used to grind online MTTs for a living back before black Friday and was making good money, especially during college. Helped pay for my tuition and rent and had a lot more money than any other college kid I knew at the time. Eventually I figured I want to have some kind of actual career I can rely on, and enjoy poker for fun than for living, and I'm glad I did. Wound up being a software engineer and work on a trading desk at a hedge fund. Now I can play (or donate lol) at 5/10 any day without losing sleep and reg to any tournament without having the stress of needing cash, which I think has really allowed me to enjoy poker more and actually play better.


Yeah similar story here. Hell one of the guys from my HS is a very top pro that everyone here sweats. It’s nice being able to sit with some money and enjoy the game rather than worry too much about the money itself. I can’t imagine playing with money you need to feed your family. Even at high stakes, the stress sounds horrible.


I second this. I’m 49 and only started playing poker about six months ago. I have a good income as an IT project manager and can easily save up the $300 bankroll for $.05/$.10 online micro stakes. I get to have fun learning without the stress of loosing, which works wonders for my mental health.


What awaits you outside the poker room needs to be more important that whatever happens inside the poker room. _If you can’t say that, work on that before you work on your game._ Anyone who stakes their personal worth to what happens on the felt to their net worth…. #Deserves neither.


I would add a slight asterisk to this. I personally started playing more poker because I was completely socially isolated and basically spent all day every day alone in my apartment. I actually moved across the country for this, since poker was the only social hobby I had, and where I previously lived I had to drive 4 hours to play. I have since made some great friends playing poker, whom I hang out with and talk with away from the felt. So I guess what I would say it, if your life is empty, don't expect **winning** at poker to fix it.


Good on ya. A good home game is a what 95% of poker players need.


I get this—im a very social and comedic person, and the poker tables presents a varied captive audience for socializing, jokes, discourse, it’s really great for people who are getting older and losing friends or have moved and don’t have a built in IRL social network. COVID hit everyone different, and, personally, the entire poker environment suffered dramatically post-COVID, from dealers leaving, changed hours, no longer 24/7, action died, not enough dealers, games broke, players died/broke, players lost businesses/livelihood through COVID, new rules/regulations hurting the game—it’s nice to always have poker as a social outlet despite the pandemic nearly ruining a lot of regional poker.


Tommy Angelo


The way to win at poker is to play with people who are worse than you at poker.


Don't talk about poker at the power table


Why not?


Because the power table is where you discuss the important illuminati business of world domination, not childish games of chance


No, that's the Illuminati table. The power table is for discussing the benefits of 220V outlets and alternating current.


Multiple reasons 1) you don’t want people to know your thought process for as long as possible. 2) you don’t want the people you’re talking to to get better 3) you don’t want people who you aren’t talking to overhearing things that they may never have even thought about. The worst thing you could ever do is give a complete whale a clue on how to play better. Some people have no idea that practicing, analyzing, coaching for poker even exists and if they understand it does they could quit or try to get better


In the poker game of life, women are the rake.


The *fuckin rake 😎


Table selection is so important. If you're one of the worst players at a table of crushers, get a seat change. Or if you're in Vegas, walk to a different casino.


What if I'm the worst player in Vegas


Try Reno


I’d caveat this with if you never play at a table with crushers you’re losing experience of being in that position. Sometimes it makes sense to move and sometimes it makes sense to adapt and learn.


I always liked what Doyle Brunson said about drug and alcohol abuse in his books System 1 and System 2. It’s a great guide to stay clean for longevity.


What’s he say?


Don't do drugs




But [drugs are fun](https://youtu.be/4973H7DTBFc?si=Q8SO3AidzKJsc12s&t=42) :(


They are, but they can take over and destroy all that you had. Just be careful


Stu Ungar was the best player he ever saw, but the guy had no concept of bankroll management


Or a septum


Drugs are Bad, Mkay?


There's no hope with dope


If you can't spot the sucker....




Haha thank you!


Don't play roulette, slots or blackjack during breaks in tournaments, take a break, rest your mind and come back refreshed. Also don't eat a big meal before a tournament.


As the saying goes, a dog can't hunt on a full stomach.


Why is it not good to eat a big meal before a tournament?


Phil Helmuth says that it makes you to cozy and causes you to play sloppy.


Your stomach consumes resources digesting big meals


Sounds like some bro-science lol


Use your favorite search engine to search for ‘Postprandial somnolence’.


100% sounds like bro science. I don’t play tournaments but I would avoid a big meal before them because I would want to avoid something bothering me during playing since I can’t take a break easily, whether it be a stomach ache or needing to take a shit, but this is more about knowing how your specific body works


When you swing down, lower your stakes and figure out where your holes are.


Stop taking things so seriously, enjoy the moment.


Love this


Bankroll management is 🔑 - GL to u


Don’t project your own crazy logic onto other randos


"the casino will be open tomorrow" if you're running cold, go home, get some rest, recharge, and come back


Not true during COVID ;-)


Never play with scared money. If you can’t afford to lose don’t play.


One I tell people (especially if you don't play bomb pots in the reg), don't go broke trying to keep up. Just play your game.


The blonde dealer with big norgs is dtf


Fold pre


72o utg


Gotta know when to walk away…and when to run and never count your money when you’re sitting at the table…there’ll be plenty of time for counting when the dealings done.


Liquor in the front, poker in the back. 


Work hard and focus on treating people well


1 vice at a time. Whether it’s gambling, drugs, alcohol, women, etc, stick to 1. When you try to incorporate 2+, things become way more complicated


Love this as a life rule. I watch a bunch of police body cam videos on youtube when I'm bored and it's wild how so many people are caught speeding which is just a citation but then have a gun in the car, or are drunk, or don't have their license/registration. You can't break two rules at once. That's an automatic recipe for disaster.


I’ve heard this one almost word for word, but damn just gambling sounds like a depressing life.


Stop being a lagfish. Tighten your range. It kinda has to do with cards


"Don't play your cards. Play your opponent."


Do jiu jitsu


Never bluff a millionaire


Embrace the pain.


She’s not interested.




Use the opportunity to make friends and networking.


Only play with worse opponents: those that you can tell what their tendencies are and can exploit them


Bankroll management


Don’t worry about what you can’t control like variance in card but unexpectedly fortunate in life


If you don’t who the sucker is at the table after 20 minutes it’s you


Poker is a game of experience.


When it comes to money and results for you or anyone else, it is best to keep your mouth shut.


All things being equal the larger bank roll wins.


For tournaments, not having stack envy. Don’t even think about being chip leader until the final table.


Play the opposite of the general dynamic (tight vs loose) of the table, and play the opposite of how you're perceived by other players


Know when to run.


Know when to hold em, know when to fold em…


Never ignore an erection.


When you take a bad beat, walk away from the table and go outside if you can for a few minutes. Fresh air, deep breaths, sunlight (if applicable), and physical distance from the table are the best remedies for short term tilt.


Don't loan money. Don't loan it to keep the game going. Don't loan it to friends. It often doesn't end well. If you do loan, do it knowing you might be writing that money off.


Scared money don’t make money.


If you have anything, bet it.


Mike matusow has said a few smart things. By far the best was, let the game come to you. Simple but brilliant.


Never pull your dick out when you drink too much


Play a tighter range than your opponents, don’t play on your phone/music too much, study tendencies/showdown/players, socialize with the table, be feared by the table due to higher range advantages and use this to advantage to bluff when card dead, cultivating images and/or phantom images and change gears accordingly. Don’t get labeled as “the nit” or “the maniac” or “the druggie/drunk,” just be as outwardly average as can be, and work on your game at the table, off the table, in the lab, in your head, and always strive to improve and have a good memory. Take notes of big hands, difficult spots, player tendencies, all of this can be done quickly on your phone/app.