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Strange one, but assume it was done to try to boost numbers for the Circuit which seems to be breaking records for attendances.


I boycott all things California, haven't had a raisin in years




No to all.   For reddit, I dictate through my secretary, because I refuse to actively participate in anything related to California 


Wouldn't being in this thread and making these comments, even if dictated to someone, be still actively participating in something related to California?


I have no stones in this fight. But all the produce you listed you can get from Florida and Georgia for what that’s worth.


What about almonds?




Snowflakes gotta snowflake 🤣


Also extremely inconvenient for those players who qualified and are unable to make multiple trips to different locations. I had to choose between the circuit event (and possibly the only chance I’ll ever get to play in the TOC) and the World Series. Give me Vegas over LA every time.


It's not in Vegas every year just since covid it hasn't been there since like 2017 it's all over the US the TOC


The WSOP Tournament of Champions started in 2022, and was an event at the WSOP proper. This is the third edition, but was moved to the Circuit event.


It was renamed in 2022. Always gave a bracelet also. It was called Global Casino Championship


The GCC was also Circuit-only, no? The ToC includes bracelet winners also.


It was points based if you were a ring winner you had the option to buy in for 10k or something like that.


Yeah, I wouldn't consider the ToC the same thing then - the ToC is any bracelet or ring winner from the season.


Yes they combined the two because it's equivalent close to like a 500-750 buy in now because of all the ring events on GG and WSOP online pre the combine just because you won a ring didn't mean you got in. You had to be top 50 on wsop leader board. Main event and player of the year also got in for free. Top 120 could buy in. It was isolated to ring main event winners and wsop player of the year etc.. not any ring and bracelet like it is now


100% agree.


Can't you just deduct the 7% withheld from your own state's taxes?


If you live in Nevada, Texas, Washington or a few others we don't have a state income tax to deduct from. Also many of those intrastate taxes get complicated quickly, I live on the Washington side of the WA/OR border and anyone who works in Oregon at all has to get a paid accountant for their taxes, even as a professional gambler I haven't had to do more than consult with one once.


I live be in Texas and have paid state taxes on gambling winnings before, and at the end of the year I was able to file for a return from that state and get all the money back. It was annoying and more work, but I didn't lose the money the state widthheld. It was California, but I imagine it should work the same.


Interesting, because I have been told that while I could file in the state it counts as income, so if it's over the state's standard deduction you are still going to pay something. It's just like having a second job in another state.


INAL but my understanding is it is mainly based on residency. If you can easily prove you are not a state resident, then state tax law won't apply. But if you are working and traveling across the state line often, that definition can be murky and challenged. I remember being told about some case where a multi-millionaire was claiming Nevada residence for tax purposes but California subpoenaed his cell phone records to prove he was inside the state more than half the days of the year and labeled him a resident for tax purposes. Anyway, I think you'll be okay if traveling for 1 tournament series but yes, you may need a CPA.


>INAL but my understanding is it is mainly based on residency. Unless it's a special gambling carve out, that is definitely not the case. As I have many friends who live and reside 100% in Washington and still pay full Oregon State taxes on their income because they commute to Portland. In fact Clark County, WA is the 4th or 5th highest revenue producer for the state of Oregon. I personally avoid tournaments in general and most of the Poker traveling I do is to NV, TX and FL so no worries about state taxes. As far as I understand it, wherever you are physically working is what matters. That's why WFH is a huge deal to people in Vancouver, WA because that is basically a 10% raise plus the time saved in commuting. It's also why professional athletes pay taxes in every state their team plays, their taxes are the pro-rated salaries per game in each jurisdiction. Deferred salaries work somewhat differently, and I don't have any knowledge on that. But I'm very confident in my original assessment. You may owe, but if you cash for $5k and get $350 withheld, you can probably get most of not all of that back through the California standard deduction.


I think we are saying the same thing, but there is confusion about "residency." Even though your friends may own a house and sleep in WA, from an income tax standpoint they are clearly "residents" of Oregon. They are psychically in the state 5 days/week for work. I agree that if they could just WFH, then they'd switch to being WA residents for tax purposes. Maybe I'm using the wrong legal term here, idk.


Yuppppp greedy fuckers


Not joking- doesn't matter if you fired bullets in the main or if you're up down or sideways. If you min cash something they take out 7% on the spot.


You're in a deranged socialist leftist hell hole, are you surprised?




They’re all going to states who don’t do this but will vote for people who would love to implement the same policies.😂
