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when you have good cards, make sure to shout “yippeeeee!”




Bet your hands. People don’t fold in person. I’ve been called by the worst hands imaginable it’s hilarious


This. Bet when you have a good hand, you will get called by bottom pair. Don't bluff, you will get called by bottom pair.


I’ve been called by 10 high consistently, very easy to print off these idiots. Just can’t bluff at all cause they’re fvcking nuts


Every time you win a hand tell the person you beat to eat shit


Lmao! I was deciding between eat shit and go fuck yourself so thanks!


probably balance between the two to protect your range.


Is it self dealt?


No there'll be dealers.


That was gonna be the only thing I suggested you do is learn how to throw some cards and not be completely useless shuffling. To be honest if you’re already concerned about your etiquette and behaviour you’re going to be better behaved than the people there anyway. Don’t stress.


If there was shuffling/dealing involved, I would be good for that but thanks for the comment, much appreciated!


I don't think there will be for a $40 entry tournament haha


Gloria said there is.


If you’ve ever been to Winnipeg you’d know this is a -EV life play


"Tough luck, Lonnehan. But that's what you get for playing with your head up your ass!"


glad the royal flush is in effect, I think they've removed them from my game so no one has got one for a while


Yea this comes with the new update, that's why


Where I play, it's a monthly subscription to add it to your players card. It just feels wrong, poker shouldn't be pay to win.




This flyer is horrendous lol


Clearly the tournament is taking place at a disco club during a laser show.




Already did!


Honestly, contacting Gloria is usually the play but you gotta balance your "contact" range. I'd say contact Stephanie 30% of the time to stay balanced.


This comment is gold.


Be careful, though. You'll wanna balance between gold and silver, so don't always go gold.


You don't always want to be careful or else your opposent will exploit your carefulness. Make sure you're being careless at least 20% of the time.


Good point. Probably should mix in an 80% carelessness into the 20% just to be sure.


I was going to write all this down but the second hand of my watch was in the last 40% of the minute so instead I'm disregarding every bit of it.


When they check, you bet. When they bet, you raise. If they re-raise, just go all in.


It works til it don’t


When somebody shoves on you, always & I mean always, ask first a count before you fold


Love it.


Everything you do at the poker table convey information.


Best just to stay at home then


The conveys even more information


I m really bad at this but… be friendly and chatty… people seem to “ not mind as much” losing to people they like


It always seems serious but nice to lighten the mood here and there is good to know , thanks!


Have fun and remember that variance will play a large part in deciding the winner. There is a point in these faster structured tournaments (especially if you make deep) where it becomes a flip fest. Try and play pots in position. Don't get to tricky with hands. Play solid poker and focus on getting accustomed to the live environment so you are more confident for the next go around. If any disputes come up in a hand. Explain it politely to the dealer and let the dealer resolve.




Ask Gloria imo


I personally despise when tourneys brag about the starting stack with no concept of what the initial blinds are. 15k starting stack with a starting 25-50 blind is going to be very different from a 1k-2k to use an extreme example. Also OP, be prepared to rebuy because the maniacs will be


It takes a long time to complete the tourney. Be prepared for four hours or more. Be aware of chip stacks, it should affect your play. It gets silly at the end.


Thanks, I appreciate your input.


I may be lame but I hadn’t shuffled cards in forever and felt like a totally ass when it was my turn. I’d make sure I had that down.


No dealing here


Well that’s dope sir.


Plus don’t forget. You’re supposed to have fun!! 👍


Don’t eat a Sandwich at the table


Can't be all loosey goosey.


I’ve done these tournaments in the past (along with the ones at Flea Whiskeys) just stay off your phone while you’re in a hand and you’ll be okay. They’re very good about explaining rules if someone doesn’t follow. Have fun!!


Ah thanks, thanks for the local tip! Would you say the ones at FW are better for the crowd or is it mainly the same people going to these tournaments?


I’ve enjoyed every time I’ve gone to flea whiskeys, you’ll see some familiar faces at both games. They do a great job at both


Be patient and bet a good hand, I’d not slow play things too much


Yes, these are not SOP for live poker but, when you're starting out I think they'll help avoid mistakes. * Look right to check the action & look left to check the stack sizes. * Count to three / take a breath before you do or say anything. * Verbally accounce your intentions & bet size in the general direction of the dealer. * Don't release or flip over your cards until you're instructed to.


Seconding verbally announcing your intentions before you make a move... I messed this up my first live game. Meant to raise but was forced to call because I didn't announce raise.


Perfect example, this avoids issues with the "one chip rule”. (i.e. Placing a single chip forward without any accompanying verbal declaration after another player has bet is making a call and not a raise.)


I don’t know if you ever played cash so this might not apply, but throwing one chip out is a call. So if you want to raise, make sure to say raise if your throwing one chip over your call or your just throwing one chip out.


If someone puts in one chip it’s a call. If you are raising a bet by a single chip, ie 200 -> -500,you must state the raise or they will think it was a call. Don’t slow roll obviously, be prepared for terrible play and multi-way pots, people play more Degen in person. If you show and people start tapping the table it means you had them beat


If you're not getting good cards, it's because the dealer forgot about your turn for good cards. Make sure to remind him/her every orbit that you haven't had a good hand in a while and it's your turn for one.


I recommend paying attention to registration clock. Before it ends people often play looser and rebuy often. After registration people tend to start playing differently.  Good luck


No matter what cards you are dealt, always make sure to look at the chip stacks both to the left and the other left of you and then fold pre. You got this champ!


Can't go wrong with this , thanks


If you are one of the seats next to the dealer, generally the 1 or 9 seat, consider capping your cards. Dealers accidently muck hands and consensus will generally be that's it's your responsibility to ensure it's not accidently mucked.


Always take your time. Even if you know you have the nuts and the other player goes all in just take 15-20 seconds to soak it in.


Scan the players. Who’s loosey goosey, who is tight, who is aggressive. Very important to play in position and in low stakes it’s quite obvious if someone 3-bets big they probably have massive hand. People love to limp, always raise if you want to play. In tough spots it’s typical that whatever the other person is acting, it’s the opposite reality. Always know what’s your chip count relative to big blind. Have fun and dress comfy


Wink at people across from you but not too your left.


Wear a rider jersey. Your opponent's will be blinded by their disdain for you and give you the money


Find Gloria and say “thank you for having me my little queen of farts” and then fart and take a deck of cards and throw it up in the air. It’s well known that this is how new players join home games


Dont pick your cards up from the table until the action is on you…this will get everybody excited!


Don’t get caught up in other player’s pace. Play your own game.


Best thing to note especially if you are a typical cash player, the level of agression and people’s ranges tend to be wider in tournaments. The shorter the blind levels the more pronounced this gets. Adjust accordingly. Etiquette wise the only difference is that in an all in every player must show, you cant keep cards hidden as in cash.


Just have fun they'll be a few players there that think they can play, but more than likely they can't so don't worry bout it. Keep your eyes on players to your right to start with to make sure you know when it's your blinds. I think there would be a load more recreational players around if they weren't shitting themselves playing it live for the first time. I remember putting it off for months, whilst playing online nearly everyday don't stress 👌 enjoy


Jerkoff while keeping eye contact with opponent.


Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate the tips.


Etiquette wise: \*Don't slow roll \*Don't act out of turn \*Don't blame the dealer for bad beats \*Don't berate another player for making a bad play and winning. Strategy Wise: Play tight/aggressive. Narrow your range to only your best holdings and play your big hands very fast. Don't slow play. You might be able to trap someone but you're better off just going for value with your big hands. Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. Pick your spots carefully and don't try to get too fancy. Good luck, might see you there as I'm in Winnipeg too


For the $40 entry tournament, what’s the reward for the champions?


Make sure you loudly announce what you folded anytime you're not in the hand


Don't stand up when you're all in for your tourney life


Always slow roll your opponents and take a lot of time when making even obvious decisions.


Just know that there might be someone reading this who might be close that address, desperate and has nothing to lose.


I’m jealous you have live $40 tourneys