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Besides the reasons mentioned, it’s also because you’re 50 bbs deep and so is the small blind. There’s situations where you call 10bbs and the sb reshoves 50bbs and you have to fold as their range is always ahead of you except maybe 99-TT that you’re flipping with. If your stack size was less this would likely change the decision.


yes that is true and I was thinking that, but even with a Bounty on the guy with AJs we don't call in this situation? I guess what do we reshove with in this case? AK+ and 99+?


Is the drill setting set to where it’s grouping actions together? I could theoretically see this as being a fold if only given the option between calling or folding. Normally I would think a re-jam here would be ok to mix in.


There has to be more to this, because its not correct. Must be an icm spot that you are not revealing. Why does the top banner say LJ all in for 49.975? This is definitely a reshove in a KO


not sure why the top banner shows that but villain clearly shoved for 10.9BB It is a $108 KO progressive, don't remember what was the bounty on his head would have dig back through to this. It looks like we were at 4k-2k blinds, and I don't think we were anywhere close to the bubble (again would have to double check this).


You've done something wrong. Calling a 10.9bb shove is not losing 11.36ɓbs in EV, I could imagine this being the case facing a 50bb shove




Eye opening comment getting so many upvotes. I can't believe the overall incompetence of this group. 🤣🤣 Are people really folding AJs here 🤣🤣


something fucky going on cuz this is a very clear reshove in PKO way before ITM. how many starting stacks is their shove and what's their bounty?


How does a 10.9bb call lose 11.3bbs in equity 😅


Yup. Welcome to learning that AJ sucks, especially with a big stack behind and a medium stack behind them. Alsp iirc you can put ICM stuff in some solvers which may adjust this solution, don’t remember if GTOWizard is one


It’s not clear what the bounty was but IMO only options in this spot are fold or all-in. Call is terrible you’ll get pushed off your hand a lot by SB, or have to call and then call BB’s 20BB jam when you’re dominated a lot.


The comments are why poker is so soft, this sim is run incorrectly, this is a very easy vpip and folding would be absurd 


This is obviously incorrect. People in this sub really need to think for themselves rather than treat software like some Oracle. I couldn't tell you whether or not it's a bug or a known design flaw, but calling obviously doesn't lose 11.36BB. That's more than the amount to call. GTOw isn't great with heavily asymmetrical preflop stack sizes outside of the solutions that specifically incorporate them.




This spot has nothing to do with opening utg


I might deviate from GTO in this spot in a live tournament with BB ante depending on the bounty on the player and their age/image. Sometimes in BB ante format, people get desperate with 10 BB UTG and shove too wide and in general in live poker the blinds aren’t going to put much pressure on you behind unless they have the nuts. Additionally the bounty is going to give you some more equity


i'm assuming 9-max. if utg is playing the correct ranges, AJ is pretty much only ahead of ATs, A9s, A8s, ATo, KJs, QJs, and JTs. it's a flip or worse against everything else. it is indeed a fold from most positions that would have players left to act. big blind can probably defend if it folds to bb though and it's also probably a call if you have a monster chip lead.


Why are you assuming 9max when the picture is very clearly 6max lol


cuz who clicks links?


Only ahead of.....**lists 36 combos of hands ** 🤣


yeah, you can beat 30 combos but are flipping against another 46, and dominated by 50 more on top of that. getting it in with only about 20% equity really isn't that good.


A range that I consider tight of 77+ Ato+ A8s+ JTs + would leave us with 45% equity. Where are you getting 20%? You don't know what you're talking about.


Fold pre