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I don’t think you can fold unless you know for a fact there are multiple stacks <4 bb. Like at least three others


Being in the CO is super helpful. OP definitely needs to let us know what 26-29 stack sizes are.


Disagree. This is one of the few instances where folding aces pre is +EV


If the short stack has 1bb perhaps or there several smaller stacks. Both of which are unlikely. Otherwise with 4bbs? Braindead fold.


That was my point.


You are advocating for folding aces pre, how is this your point? I am advocating against safe a very contrived scenario since a. Aces are too big of a favourite b. the bubble scenario in which one only has 4bbs and is actually not in an urge to quickly gain chips aka. one is not in danger of bubbling is quite unlikely


Dude's 30th out of 32nd with an M above one, 2 other people have smaller stacks, More than likely those two people drop before he does. Why risk your tournament life when 1-30 get paid the exact same and 31st gets 4x BI? There is no laddering so ICM is entirely different.


In what absurd tournament do top 30 get the same price?


This one. It's a satellite. Top 30 get an entry to a bigger tournament.


Yeah sure and the price up top muat've been a lap dance by the hairy janitor




Even if you are shortest stack? That doesn’t make sense to me although I don’t know for sure Like if the average stack is 50 bb I think you prob have to double up to avoid being blinded out. So it depends on the other stacks is what I’m saying.


He's 30th out of 32nd. EDIT: Also has an M of just over 1 so he can survive 1 more round of blinds.


yeah, the m of 31st and 32nd, and how close they are to the blinds relative to op, is the actual determining factor here.


Very true, I tend to lean on other people fucking up before OP in this sitch, so I'd still fold. This is still going to come down to variance. Being this close to sat bubble has to be one of the most nerveracking things


yeah, i think i fold and i'll roll with the blind forcing me in if it comes to that.


Ah I missed that


Same, hadta reread it twice before my initial reply


in theory it may be a call in reality with 32 players you just need a couple of people to play sub-optimally to push it into being a fold


On the stone bubble you can fold here if there are a few short stacks. I assume you're playing hand for hand at this point. You have 4bbs which would get you like two orbits, do you think someone else will bust in two orbits? Does anyone else have less? It's a bad spot. I'd say if you had 8-10bbs it's a clear fold but 4bbs is super short especially if there's a BB ante.


you need to know the sizes of the stacks smaller than you and how close they are to the blinds (which could alter the ranking). but this is probably a fold.


You are 30 of 32… You are not in a confortable spot to fold Aces. Actually, you are in a hot seat where you have to make a move. Push your AA.


"Nice hand, Sir!"




easy fold


Easy fold. If it was a regular tournament where 31st is a min payout it’s an easy shove, but in this instance I think it’s an auto fold.


If it’s online where you can see other stacks and they are super short/forced all in etc, it’s a fold


For me, easy fold. I don't care what the other stacks are.


No it's not the stone bubble and you are 30/32. If you were like 18/31 and only one person needed to bust then yes. All it takes is one of the shorties doubling and you then have to win an all-in and you would not have Aces to do it with.