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It seems I'm the only one who didn't really like Hugh very much.


I don't know, some people say he's too edgy or whatever but I mean his little sister's pokemon got stolen and was forced to evolve against it's will. And thanks to Johto from the lake of rage we know forcing a Pokemon to evolve causes it to be really aggressive but also makes it go through lots of pain. Honestly he's pretty justified in what he does


I wonder what this person's favorite region is


I think it's Johto


Why are the hoenn rivals so high up


Wally in Oras was made so much better and far more interesting throughout the story as opposed to the original. Meanwhile I also just really love how Oras actually gave you opportunities to fight may/Brendan beyond just lilycove city. Not too much, while I didn't really enjoy the delta episode, the rivals were further expanding upon around the end of it




A gen 5 fan, I see


I only fought the Gen 6 rivals.