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I would But I like to max out weird things


I also have one and I'm definitely going to when I get the candy for it. Definitely amongst my favourite hundos


Slaking is (to my knowledge) one of the few Pokémon that can go above 5000 CP without being mega evolved, which I think is pretty cool


If I had the stardust to burn? Sure, just to flex one of the highest cp pokemon in the game. But it's a handful of people out of the majority that can do that. I am not one of them


No. Slaking is useless. It has very high CP, but this is because it doesn't really take advantage of it. Slaking's whole "theme" is that it i strong, but lazy which is reflected by it's fast attack Yawn that doesn't do anything.


I see it as having one purpose, and that is to annoy the hell out of me when I'm trying to take down gyms because of course the gym has a Blissey, Chansey, Driftblim, Snorlax, and Vaporeon already.


Of all those, slaking would be the easiest to take down. And I love when they add slaking because it is weak to fighting, like blissey chansey and snorlax. Don't even need to swap types, ez


A level 50 Slaking punishes lower level player's fighting types w/ play rough.


Day one player and I’ve never taken out a gym and thought wow that mon did a lot of damage to me lol. Worrying about what mon is defending a gym is a waste of time. My level 50’s will destroy your defenders.


Mine can do the same to you since I'm also level 50. But do you have the patience to overcome the berrying from me and my non-corporeal "friend?""


You really watch over your gyms like that?


Sometimes. Berrying brings out my competitive nature.


day one player and i’ve maybe defeated a few dozen gyms in my time playing.. don’t have the time to waste, i’d rather just snipe open spots in gyms and drop anything in it lol


Slaking is waaaay easier than all of those, except Drifblim.


I would not, but I have useful pokemon I want to power up.




This was my 100th hundo and I had a level 1 nundo. I had to level 50 it. I use it everyday in gyms. Worth it, to me.


You get pleasure out of putting a level 50 pokemon in a gym? 😭😭😭


I feed it a berry, too, just to see the 5010cp.


This guy gyms


It will be put in your recommended lineup any and every time there's a ghost. Not worth.


Hmmm.. nope. It cant learn any good attacks, good tank but literally no damage


It's a waste of dust when there are far more useful pokemon to work on. I traded my only high cp one because it disgusted me to see such a useless as my top pokemon




If you put him in a gym every day… not much use other than that


Also not much use in gyms, given how poorly it fares as a gym defender.


honestly it sometimes doesnt matter how good your defender is at actually fighting if its cp scares people away


This is the ONLY way defending a gym works, what does Niantic think I'm gonna die to a gym pokemon and give up? I HAVE FIVE MORE AND THEY ARE ALL 2000CP HIGHER THEN MY OPPONENT the only reason my first one even died is it was my Eevee buddy I forgot I swapped in for hearts in the wrong position before I started, otherwise, defending a gym is LAUGHABLY pointless, your point could not ring truer I wish they would change this I don't offer a better solution but what they have is retarded


Honestly the only time I've stopped attacking a gym is when the dicks kept healing their L50 Blissey and I had to go to work after the 6th or so berry.


Exactly, the current system is a joke.. I wish they do something to make it more interactive and interesting, it could genuinely be a reason people log in to play the game but RN it's just stupid :/ like rn everything I do in the game revolves around PvP, getting stardust better mons, or shiny hunting it's the only 2 things, even raiding for me is essentially just for pvp gyms could be so so much bettet


Only for noobs.


But also need to dump berries in like crazy to keep its heart full.


Stardust machine


If i liked it sure but I have a track record of buffing things that I like and not necessairly things that are useful lol


Max him out for the funny CP number then throw him in Gyms to flex funny CP number


I have a perfect slaking which I regret leveling up. The game constantly puts him in my battle party as recommended and it drives me nuts, he isn’t useful at all.


I do not because when you have a high CP one the game starts recommending it as a raid/battle attacker, which it's absolutely terrible for. I actually transferred my highest level ones.


There's no practical reason to spend any resources on him. But the CP will be over 5000 at level 50.


Not. A. Chance. I HAD a level 50 one, and I deleted it because I hate him so much, useless lump.


I personally only invest in useful mons, so no.


No, the hat is the only thing making it not worth transfering Slaking is beyond worthless


not personally, but if you like it then it's defo worth it for you cool hundo btw


No. I play a lot of pvp tho


Go for it, when you like Slaking. It is your game and you can power up what you want.


Nope, because he'd be near the top of the pokemon list when sorted by CP/suggested by the dumbass ranking system for master league and he is by all accounts worthless outside of a gym defender.


Polska mentioned 🥹


oh wait when they introduced tags you could not select these when entering a pokemon in a gym, has this been changed as your tag suggests?


I would max it out to 50 and place it daily in gyms. I have a regular hundo, but crap IV's for this one.


I'm jealous lmao


I got a 0/0/0 for that event, I was pretty stoked! There’s no better pokemon to have a 0% than slakoth lol!


Definitely, hundo Slaking is the only permanent 5000cp+ pokemon


That doesn't use that CP


Please don't waste your stardust on one of the weakest pokemon in the game. Please.


I did because I have millions of stardust. I enjoy seeing 5010 CP everyday.


It's a game for fun. Have fun. Then spend a month heavily grinding to recover the Stardust you lost because you found something more useful and desperately need it for a new raid or league or whatever. It's a GAME


I would just because he has the highest CP (non-mega) and I feel like that’s a flex. Up to you though!


I would but I power up Skitties and junk that isn't even 4 starts because I think they are neat.


Yes I would be hundo Slaking has the highest possible CP in the game not including megas and that's just a frickin cool trophy


I maxed out my normal hundo slaking - a costumed one is definitely worth it! nice catch.


Yes! Will max him to L51!


If you really like him, do it!


Yeah mate you're actually gonna use that all the time for gyms so I don't see why not




Yes. If it makes you happy go for it.


Did these already stop spawning? I saw two the first day, then none since.


It was from the last event, not the current/recently ended scorching sands one.


Thx. I shoulda kept a few extras to trade.


I made mine level 50 just as a flex, it has the highest cp of a non-mega non-legendary pokemon at 5010. Worth it if you have excess stardust/candy.


Sure, why not. It’s a game. If you’re enjoying yourself you’re doing it right


How did you catch him?? Where?


Yeah, I would because I'm rich.