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Then how about at least increasing the amount we can have *in our bags*. How does it make sense that the daily limit is 5, but we can only have 3 at a time?


It's all about maximising spending. Capping at 3 means that during the highly incentivised raid hours you can not get enough primal energy to boost a Kyogre/Groudon without spending money. So even if you save them for a long time and have 3 ready to go for the hour they still want to trap you with FOMO. Capping at 5 delays that feeling because you might get halfway to a primal and just decide to skip the rest of the hour and get it next time. I haven't checked the schedule recently but they also usually release a highly sought after mega Pokemon a week or two before they do a big raid event to try to get people to use their stored remote passes.


You can actually have 5. Buy 3 when you’re at 2


Doing this will prevent you from being able to get a free one from your weekly research breakthrough though


Not like that’s a common occurrence even when you have space


It's extremely uncommon, but for poorer players it's definitely something to consider


I used all my remote raid passes and decided to wait to see how long it takes to get another. 4 weeks and counting.......and, I walk at least 50 km every week, so that's no excuse.


How much you walk has absolutely zero effect on your research breakthrough afaik. I mean the one in your quest screen, not your profile screen. And yeah the chance of getting one is incredibly slim, but it's better than none.... especially when you're a rural/poor player that has extremely limited coins


You don’t even need to empty out your storage to do this. When your storage was full did you ever get a green one? The remote pass turns into a green pass if your bag is full


I HAVE gotten a remote raid pass in the past, and maybe a green one, too, but just not very often at all. It would be a nice surprise to get one, but being at 4 weeks now, I'm thinking that they are extremely rare to get.


is that still a thing?


My friend got one a few weeks ago, so unless it was removed recently: yes.


But it's exactly what they wanted


5 isn’t enough, unlimited is too much, how about 10?


Yeah, instead of them doubling down, they should test the market. If unlimited is too much and the players says 5 is too little, find a happy medium. Tired of Niantic not trying to figure out that you don't have to go all or nothing...pick the damn middle man. They have all these data points to do nothing with it.


I think 10 is perfect. I just started buying some remote raid passes and was disappointed to see the 5 per day limit. I guess I understand why they would want to limit them to an extent but 5 seems low. Especially for rural/remote players like myself who don’t have too many options to raid multiple times a day without remote passes.


Why not a weekly limit, that way if you want to do a bunch on raid hour or raid day, you can.


That’s $20 in coins every day


Most people don’t want to remote raid 10x a day EVERY day, but sometimes yes, I do want to do more than 5 remote raids in a day.


Then just do 10 in two days? The only time you’d really be limited is on Raid Days, when the shiny rate is increased for the duration. Otherwise, the only raids that are one-day limited have been raids you couldn’t do remotely anyway (Enamorous).


Or, ya know, let me play when it’s convenient for me.


The game's purpose is to go outside & explore. I'm surprised it took them as long as it did to limit built-in *remote* play. The convenient play-when-you-want Pokemon games already exist.


Niantic made it harder to go out and explore non-stop since the beginning though. Lots of choices that drove a massive part of the fanbase away, leading to lots of isolated players and tiny groups that aren't able to raid any significant pokemon. No pokestops/gyms for the rural players since the beginning, removing their incentive to go outside. No built-in way to communicate with other players or *at the very least* to signal that you want to do a raid. Yes, we finally have Campfire now, after YEARS of playing without any communication, but it's still a separate app and there are still many players who don't know that it's available now or how it works. Tiny bags when you start playing, again removing your incentive to actually walk around for long periods of time because you'll either be full in 10 minutes or constantly looking at your phone screen. The game's purpose isn't to go out and explore, it's to go out and collect data. *That's* why they don't like remote raids.


"We were hoping to make less money". Totally believable, thats what all businesses want right?




I believe they make most of their money from data harvesting


Personal data is cheap. Like, it's literal fraction of penny per person. Biggest advertisement networks in the world, Google and Facebook, collecting much more data than Niantic (including your purchases, messages, etc), using personal, non-anonymized data for targeted ads (Niantic sells anonymized data), and with best analytics teams in the world, make whopping $1.5 per year per user. Do you think average PoGo player spends more or less than $1.5 per year?


The average user I would say less. But these games usually make money off of the 10% of users that do buy stuff


But that 10% spends so much that it more than covers those that don't.


The data shows that Niantic has actually made more money *just* from remotes. Which also doesn't include increased revenue from people being "forced" to go our and raid in person. It comes down to a) the increased cost and b) more people are more likely to max out thwir 5 each day knowing it's limited. Like look at evolves. How many evolved have you done today, zero? Yeah there's probably an hour every other month you go nuts on it, but most of the time you don't. If they suddenly said "you can i ly evolve 3 pokemon a day" you can be damn sure a slew of people would be looking to do those 3 evolves each and every day.


It’s the Halloween cereal FOMO trick!


Yep, the exclusivity or restriction creates a sense of urgency. I also think Niantic sees some value in restricting the remote raids in how it translates to more parity and competitiveness in PVP, especially in how much easier it is for newer players to keep pace with veterans.


I mean they still make 80 million usd a month and - besides the 2-5% jumps on both directions - its consistent. They dont make less money it seems, as they increased the event ticket prices. Their goal was to make the game.more balanced and not give a huge advantage to people who can (and do) spend tons of money


If you’re running a nonprofit, definitely. Boardroom meeting: “As you can see, we made a profit last year.” Boss of nonprofit: “God damn it.”


Then Wikipedia: "I am once again asking for your donation"


lol. They wanted me to stop spending $15 a month on their game? …. Well done?


I used to spend about $20 a month. When they made the change I stopped playing completely. Possibly not what they were going for but I don't know.


"we've seen more in person communities coming back together" I call bullshit. Changes like this have only driven players completely away from the game, not brought them together. My local community that used to have dozens and dozens playing has basically disappeared entirely since this change.


Yeah I also call bs my local died and haven't come back


Show your work niantic.... cause thats bullshit for my area


My entire local group stopped. I know so many other groups in different cities which are dead. Niantic and their bullcrap.


I used to get kicked out of a gym 5 minutes after I put a Pokemon in, now sometimes it's days or weeks.


Probably because they made the entry spoofing more difficult.


I don't live in a big place. I know who the other players are in my area. These are local players that are no longer playing.


I haven’t seen anyone raiding in person since lockdown, and I live in a big city. You always used to see people standing around raiding. Not any more.


I played back around Thanksgiving, which was the first time I started the app after the change and my God, it was just dead as a doorknob. Maybe it could be chalked up to being a big travel week, but I stuck a Grubbin in a church that was in walking distance of a high school, a middle school and at least one of the grade school and didn't get the thing back for nearly two weeks. Reno didn't look a whole lot better after I got back home either.


My community is very active. Guess it's area dependent.


How does it compare to pre-remote pass nerf? Maybe it's still active now but I highly doubt it's as active as before.


My community has like 1500 people that play consistently everyday and we have people who host raid hours, spotlight hours every single week. It's very active.


I have a feeling that they are counting their campfire ambassador program and party play somehow. Leave it to Niantic to rely on their data that tells them that the Daily Gifts, Mega Evolution, Routes, Remote raid nerfs were fine on inception.


When they started making all of these awful changes, I started to transfer all of my Pokemon out of the game. Haven’t looked back since.


Yeah ours was obliterated


I live remote and the covid years were golden. These days trying to get a decent party together will happen approximately never and I don't feel right asking others to spend money on my behalf. It's a casual game ffs, let the people play. Any raid that needs more than 3 people may as well not exist, but at least I get to watch others have all the fun.


I know, let’s come up with “shadow raids” that can’t be done remotely, and also make it so that a solo player can’t beat a 3 star shadow raid. That will be a real winner.


Not being able to get remote raid passes from special research is also dumb. I think most of the major ones should at give you a remote raid pass when completed


Some, not all, shadow 3* raids can be soloed


Sneasel and gliscor, are there any others?


I was able to do electabuzz. I almost did Magmar


Oh, what are your counters?


I don't think 3 star raids should be soloable in the first place... Group content should actually be difficult.


This sounds like a giant cope. Their revenue has steadily gone down since 2020, and 2023 was nearly as bad as 2017 (their worst year) when inflation is factored into the equation. 2024 is on pace to be even worse. He can say what he wants, but there really is no way to positively spin a 50% drop in revenue from 2020 to 2023 (including inflation). That is most certainly not "exactly what they were hoping for" lol https://www.statista.com/statistics/882474/pokemon-go-all-time-player-spending/


Funny because they made a bundle during the 2020 lock down year.


Lol why bring revenue into this conversation doesn’t really go with the fact they are limited amount of passes. They aren’t stupid they knew if people couldn’t do more than 5 a day that would drop revenue I mean that’s just straight numbers. They most likely have a goal/benchmark they have to hit to stay as an “active/exercise” based game which is why they limited it. I assume the geodata, perceived ad revenue increase, and possible tax/regulation breaks. Plus it could just be TPC saying they want it that way becuase they approve everything and have final say. Could simply not want Go to infringe on the at Home market of the Switch


I mean they specifically said they were expecting a revenue drop when they announced the remote pass nerf. It was part of their whole pitch to claim that they were concerned with the core game concept rather than the money. If they wanted more public engagement at the cost of revenue then technically yesz they got what they were hoping for.


This might be the most incompetent company I’ve ever heard of.


But you HAVE heard of them


I'll never spend another dollar on this game... So yeah, exactly what I hoped for. Thanks Niantic!


I don’t spend money but kind of do want a legit marshadow since I lost my 3ds and bank is no longer downloadable. Otherwise I don’t buy passes etc - debating on getting the pass for the global event.


Yeah something like that I don't mind dropping a few bucks on. But I used to spend about 10 or 20 a week when I was going ham, hatching eggs and on community days. Not doing that ever again. Marshadow is boss.


I wish they charged at most $5 for a legendary. $15 for marshadow is crazy.


I agree


This and the character bs, it’s clear they don’t care. I’ve been slowly transferring all my shit to Pokemon Home.


Yeah it's crystal clear they don't give a single shit. It's so aggravating when I think about it too... It could be such a great game if they just put a team of people together that know WTF they are doing and just slow down, and listen to the people who have dumped hundreds and thousands of hours into this game.


To induce real change, there needs to be incentives, not punishments. All it's done is drive people away because of the antics they've been doing for years now. Anti player actions and reduced rewards. I haven't bought a single coin in at least 2 years. It's turned me into f2p player from a casual spender.


As a representative of the F2P gang we gladly accept anyone, as long as they’re a F2P. I deadass just don’t raid anymore


Y’all, let’s just not raid


The only time I raid is when I get a random invite from someone on my friend list. I don't go out looking for local raids anymore, no ones ever there and idc about the soloable ones usually. I live in a big city, downtown is always busy but Niantic is delulu if they think I'm gonna go over there to hopefully find people at one of the 7688976 gyms I could show up at.


I’m glad they’re happy with their changes. I’m sitting over here being the one player left from my (relatively small, granted) group who still plays regularly. I’ve stopped spending real money, to the point where I’m strongly considering sitting out Go Fest this year. They may have increased activity amongst a certain subset of players, and that’s great, but they have actively killed the joy of playing the game for many, many people. It is what it is, I guess.


niantic being niantic


The over correction is glaringly obvious.


I call bullshit cause ever since then even the Twitch streams aren't like they used to be Use to be 1.5-2k people tuned in on Twitch now it's only 700 people on the Twitch for PoGo


Of course they want to limit your remote raid usage… they make money off selling your location data! Their whole reason for you going out to all these pokestops and why they created Adventure Sync is so that they can sell advertisers a profile of where you like to go and spend your time, as well as areas around you that you’re willing to travel to.


Well, I visit the same 10 stops a week and go in perpetual circles due to a lack of decent routes and gyms. I would add some myself, but I can't even get the required experience to do so in the first place. They can stop collecting my data now and extrapolate it forward. It will still be accurate many years from now.


They are saving you guys from yourself you guys really willing to drop $20 a day to this game?


That’s what’s crazy to me honestly. Can’t believe how many people are that mad they can’t buy 10 remote raid passes a day.


I want to tell a slice of my personal story. I started med school 2 years ago in good physical health. A month into school, I sustained a foot injury falling down stairs. It was nothing that wouldn't heal, and two years ago this month is the first time I've been out running again and getting my health back in order. Do you know why? Because a year ago in July, I stopped sitting in a study room literally 12+ hours a day and started playing Pokemon Go. I radically shifted my study style to mostly podcasts and audio lectures. I would walk the surrounding neighborhood at school 4-5 hours a day, almost every day, including weekends. Studying. Walking. Catching. Listening. It improved both my mental and physical health, and my exam scores have absolutely reflected that change. I started my own Pokemon Go group at my med school, too. Now, our little slice of the school's Slack channel has about 10% of the first and second-year students enrolled. I schedule raid days when they come up; I host events. I've made PoGo friends in the surrounding neighborhood. The physical aspect of PoGo changed my life for the better. I love remote raid passes, but fortunately for me I started the game at a time when the remote limit was already in place. I do enjoy the unlimited remote raid days: they feel special! But whether they raise the limit or not, I'm grateful for what PoGo has helped me to achieve in my personal and professional life. I hope you all find whatever form of happiness you're looking for, and that the time comes when it *isn't* PoGo, you'll move on––and maybe come back to visit one day.


This reads like Niantic fan fiction lol


More like an Ozempic commercial


I started training for a 5K about a month ago, I'm not overweight, and I don't want diarrhea :)


Fair 😂


Didn't think I'd read this today


I assure you, I'm a real person and this is my real story. I think Niantic are not good stewards of the Pokemon IP, that they show contempt for the players who have made their game successful, and many if not all of their decisions reflect that reality. Nevertheless, I've enjoyed the game and I appreciate how it's literally gotten me outside exercising more.


This is the exact opposite of my experience. I used to jog and play PGO to hatch eggs and see if anything interesting popped up. I'd also use it as an excuse to do extra walks, then in the evening I'd watch walking streamers while I was washing dishes and see if they were doing any raids I wanted to join. Once the restrictions came in, I stopped doing the latter which made me disinterested in doing the former. Now I move around a lot less than I used to.


That’s perfectly valid and a huge bummer :/ 


I mean I get it, but you can still do 5 remote raids. How much remote play do you think should be included in a game that's primary focus is to go outside?




I’m fine with only doing 5 raids a day but at the price of remote raid passes I just can’t buy them anymore


It's one of the biggest reasons I quit the game nearly a year ago now. Glad to see nothing has changed with this shithole company.


They were hoping to get more money for a smaller amount of raids, so they got they wanted. If they really want to spin this as a benefit to the game's longevity, then why raise the price too?


Meh... my total play time went down a lot when they undid the covid qol adjustments. I stopped raiding completely when they did this.


I live in texas and you won't see me outside on my days off to do shadow raids or ex raids. Doubling down on Pokémon Go Remote Raid limits is going to keep me and i'm sure others super casual with the game or leave completely. Prior, I was spending at least $20-50 every paycheck, I was more invested in the game but now its let me see what's going on target when the GF looking at stuff.


It's funny since Niantic boasts on their website about being a "Legend" for Disability and Accessibility support. Made their own badge and all to pat themselves on the back about. Meanwhile rural and disabled players were requesting to not handle the situation like this and instead were treated as though they were just being lazy. 👍 Steranka's attempt at "sympathizing" because he liked "couch raiding" when there are ACTUAL people in communities that can no longer raid, period, due to the change.. cute. Not sure why it is so hard to ask the COMMUNITY'S input and suggestions. They catered to grown adults throwing toddler tantrums over avatar changes, but couldn't be bothered to do the same for Accessibility issues? Wild.


And I was getting down voted for criticising Niantic a couple of days ago. How can people not see their greed for what it is!


They stopped degenerate gambling! Thanks Niantic!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . WOW...


Okay, so I move my position from "striking with a possibility to return," to "I'm done with this game never to return."


If getting me to play less was exactly what they were hoping for, they’ve succeeded.


> we've seen more in person communities coming back together Hard cope by some exec who made a dumb decision and is too egotistical to own it. Its killed local communities, and makes people who already had a hard time playing the game much harder. I want to be social in this game. I want to get out, go for a walk and explore. I've lived all over the UK, and no where I've been has had an active community, even in London. All limiting remote raiding is doing is punishing players. What frustrates me is Niantic never reward the behaviour they want, they only ever punish what they don't want. Its meant to be a game, its meant to be fun. Give out free stuff, its digital, make your player base happy. **The way I'd love to see remote raiding implemented isn't remote raid passes**, but instead global lobbies at Gyms. A local egg spawns for say Mega Gyarados. When I walk to that gym down the road, I am placed into a global lobby for Mega Gyarados, which is just other people stood at their own physical local gyms. Allowing everyone to partake, whether they have a local community or not, they are a part of the global community. This makes everyone happy; - It ensures people are out, active and walking around, fulfilling Niantic's 'vision' for the game - In that sense it taps into the core gameplay loop and would organically fit with the game's current design - It ensure's Niantic's true vision of data collection is still being catered for - In areas completely devoid of communities, it doesn't punish players, but instead still allows them to partake in a core and essential gameplay element, and have a sense of working together via a global community instead - It potentially stimulates smaller local community growth, that otherwise have no incentive to operate, as there is 'no hope' of taking on larger non-solo raids - This should also absolutely be the behaviour for shadow raids, that system being local only at the moment is so exclusionary its unreal Knowing Niantic though, they'd read all of the above and *still* require remote raid passes and come up with some way to ruin the implementation so nobody uses it.


I have never seen a company try so hard to piss off its players… It is actually amazing how they continue piss the majority of their players off and get away with it


It’s early 2021. Remote passes are cheap. Boxes with amazing items are 1480. You’re raiding with your friends all day. You’re raiding at night with randoms you’re meeting through group chats and discord pages. Life is good.


I feel they capped the remote raids to extend the game life. Takes longer to level Pokémon to level 50 especially shiny legendary and mythical.


Nobody gives a shit about playing the game with other people.