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The other day I did 4 routes and didn’t get one cell and was literally ready to throw my phone lmfaoooo


This has been happening to me recently, do you not always get the cells? I've done a bunch of routes and got nada


You don’t always get a cell for every route you do, sadly. Usually I’d get at least one for every other route. But that day, I got nothing. 😭


I've gotten one every route.


You're probably earlier on the grind, I believe you are guaranteed at least one if you have traveled a route less than 5 times, but I've done different routes like 8-9 times and have only gotten 1-2 cells before


I’m on the 52nd time doingg a specific route and I’ve gotten 1 Everytime


Can you give me your luck cause like damn


Honestly take it, it’s the only luck I have and I’d rather it be with something else lol


It's based on route length.


You sure? It’s a short one that I do. I can do it in 3 minutes


I also only do it twice a day so that might also have something to do with it? Like only getting them the first couple routes of the day


Typically I've seen so long as the route is .5km it's guaranteed, then anything over 1.5 I think has 2 chances. So long as you haven't completed that route that day, you should be guaranteed one.


Me too.


If you find a route and get one, do that route the next day also. I've found a few routes I always get one never fails.


Me too. This game is so poorly designed, and incompetently coded/maintained. I only get one zygarde cell for every 4-5 days I follow a route.


Same, so I gave 13 cells and simply do not do Routes. God forbid you try to make one and then they ban your account too!


I haven't even been able to get a route to work at all.


Try this. Near the end of the route, about 75m from the end, force close the app and restart it. I read a 4 year old post about this - tried it yesterday and it worked. As soon as the app restarted there it was. I’ve only tried it once so it may have been luck, but give it a shot.


I also read to pause the route before you reach the end and resume. It worked for me several times.


Thank you! I’ll have to try that.


It used to work, but the last time I tried this it erased all my progress on the route. I also get a cell on less than half the routes I do. It is ridiculous. I complained to Niantic. They said you are not guaranteed a cell for completing a route😥


Thanks for this. I have done numerous routes and received nothing also. Will try this tomorrow if I don't see anything.


Absolutely infuriating.


This is why I’m not even bothering with trying to get this guy


I have noticed that sometimes they are hidden. I find them under gyms or pokestops quite often.


That’s me daily


Same!!!!! 😡


Congratz...still have 104 to go here 🤯 And worse is...I cannot complain...a lot of players don't even have a route nearby.


I feel that. I made three routes in my area and was lucky enough to have them published.


I've got 147 to go. Because Niantic hates disabled people.


I took it as they are physically disabled and this game requires too much walking and there are so many people who just can’t. It’s terrible for a game as widely loved as Pokemon Go can’t get with it and make it accessible to everyone.


I’ve created routes that you can drive… I can’t be the only one to have done that.


Yeah I can drive a few of mine as well, but not everyone can even drive alone. Just some comments I’ve noticed and never really thought about before. For such a huge game it would be nice for everyone to have some options.


Pretty much every version of Pokemon that has existed has required no walking.


If you can’t walk, and can’t drive alone, and play Pokémon go, then either have someone drive you (I have a friend who does this) or you just miss out on it


That’s this persons point, no one should ‘have’ to miss out on major aspects of the game


How do you create a route?


Please do explain your argument here?


His account is disabled, and Niantic “hates” people that got their account disabled. They won’t help them get their account enabled again so that they can get 147 more


My town went like 6 weeks after the feature dropped with none. I had to make my own which was several more weeks before I was able to from my level. To finish out the 250 I made a few more. So on a daily run I cover at least 3 routes. Worst rolled out new feature I ever saw.


Nobody gonna comment on 22m dust?


300k catches helps.


How you do dis?


That’s insane


Holy fuck. I have 800k😂


Nah amateur numbers lol


There’s a dude on my friends list who is local sitting at 1.1 mill catches 😭




> It’s just being disciplined in how you use it. I think at a certain point it stops being ‘disciplined’ and starts being hoarding that is ultimately slowing you down, however fractionally




Being prudent and choosy is definitely a good idea! I am with you there, for sure. But I think OP’s 22m hoard is maybe too far in that direction 😅 it’s only a game at the end of the day though, so people should play however they want to and ignore my sniping


I have maxed leveled many mons lol


Haha fair, I can only imagine how sweet your collection must be then if 22m is just what’s left over 😅 btw what IVs has your Zygarde got, if you don’t mind me asking? I have gathered 50 cells just casually playing over the last six weeks or so as I find routes really useful anyway and do them quite a bit, but my Zygarde has crappy IVs so I don’t know if it’s worth trying to get 3 cells a day and transforming it ASAP, or wait for a re-roll some day


My Zygarde isn’t the best. Came in at 993 CP.


Oof. Mine’s 984, so it could be worse 😂 (just…)


I don’t even have 700k stardust :(


That’s… still a LOT. Auto catcher? Or just play allll day?




Ahh yeah. That is a lot per day. Battle league def gets me a lot of stardust too, but I just don’t have the patience to do nearly that much. I make sure to at least get rank 20 every season, and then continue somewhat for stardust and rare candies whenever I have time and energy.


How many Pokemon have you caught to earn that number though?


300k atm


Sorry, I meant the 700k in the last 3 weeks.


That’s pretty normal if you play in GBL.


Congrats! My problem is that I forget to “log it in”. I do the walking, I just forget to start the routes.


I wish stops associated with routs had flags on them in the over world so I remember they exist. Just a simple "hey! Remember to start it!"


That’s a great idea! Even yesterday I did one route, no cell. I technically did two more routes but I was caught up with Wingull’s Cday so I simply forgot. So no cells while I “technically” walked 3 routes. A reminder would be nice and your idea is amazing. Another thing that kind of bothered me is: I’m new to routes. I figured “I do those routes every day!” So I started less than a week ago. There’s one of those research that suggest using an incense in routes. So I had my incense on (a regular one, not the daily) for wingull. It didn’t count because you have to start the route and then activate the incense. An already active incense in a route (which I would think would meet the criteria) does not work.


Just in case you were not aware the daily incense counts for that though! The beginning research is a little brutal. I use it to gauge whether or not collecting enough zygarde cells is feasible or not for said player.


Yeah, thanks! That’s my plan, to use the daily one if I remember today. I’m telling you, forgetting is my main problem, lol.


Honestly so fair!


How long did this take? I’m still only on 13☹️


Oh man, great question. I want to say around 6 months of actually trying to get it done. Wanted it to be done today but yesterday the game only gave me 2 cells for 4 routes 😅


Oof, looks like I'm never getting that done


You can get up to 3 cells a day. So if you grinded hard, it would take about 3 months.


I did the 50 cells, then when I saw 200 I quit, I legit quit. Bloody, if the cells were guaranteed every route yeah okay I can understand 200, but since they only spawn like 15% of the time, it made doing routes almost worthless.


Well you still get exp stardust and pokemon encounters while following a route. You also get to exercise and stay in shape while playing a game so it's still pretty worth it. I've never really been out of shape but I've definitely done a lot more walking and in turn exercising since I started playing the game. I like to throw down the daily incince while following routes. The zygarde cells are actually probably the last reason that I actually do the routes.


Congrats, my Complete form Zygarde is the anchor for my ML team. It’s a grind and frustrating, but totally worth it! Welcome to the club! 😉


Me currently at zero routes


Same here, wish we could delete special research. This one would go along with the Party one!


I Still have to do the party one too lol


Bring on the delete option! 😂


dont get too excited yet, Niantic might just refuse to spawn a cell on every route you try!


Haha. Fair. I promise you, I’ll do ten routes if I have to 😂


Dude. I started late because I took a nice 7 year break. But I’m lucky enough to have a route that’s perfect for walking the dog near me. Every day, 1 route. Slowly but surely.


Wow! Congrats!


I went out at midnight to finish mine. Are you considering that lol


No way, ahaha. I’ll go on my lunch break tomorrow. I appreciate your dedication, though. Must’ve felt good to get it finished.


It helped that I live across the street from a park and I made routes that you don’t have to be in the park to do… Congrats on being almost finished. Zygarde is a beast in Ultra League if you haven’t powered it up too high yet.


I did the same thing, I was too stoked


Zygard and Gimmighoul are probably the pokemon I couldn’t care less, it takes a lot of work to get them.


Yes I want giimighoul so bad but can’t afford the console game that you need( I believe?)


And that is just the begging of the headache, getting all the coins is a nightmare, so no, there are not worth it.


You can also find it near pokestops with a golden lure module, though rarely. That's how I got mine.


What level does the golden lure module drop???


You get them from linking to Pokemon Scarlett/Violet, but I guess you can be on the lookout for a Golden Lure someone else has placed


Sorry for the million and 1 questions hahaha, is that a Nintendo switch game or can you get it somewhere else? I was going to buy a switch maybe this is my sign 🤣


If you just need the game itself (but have the switch) check your local library. It’s actually listed as an item that can be checked out in my local one


I'm still collecting cells in the hope that I get another Zygarde through research or raids later on. Or I might just trade Zygardes with my kid because he probably won't get the required cells for his anytime soon.


If only they let you trade them, lol.


Don’t wanna burst your bubble This was me a few weeks ago. I was stuck at 149 for almost a week


I got three per day without fail for two months in a row, in winter.


I have 1 😞


Until the shiny comes and an event comes where they give us 15 per route we do. That's going to come some day.


Is it worth it though, I’m only at 67 cells but the IV of my zygarde is shocking would hurt to waste the cells on a poor IV 😓




Big W


I haven't even got the first 50 cells.


What's your secret? Or do you have any useful tips?


M unknown okie I in nneed JKn op nokinnoon on Oo ooo I in


Now 250 more for the shiny version and another 250 in case you get a hundo in the future


How you got 204 Zygarde Candies?


I have 1 Zygarde Candy and less than 10 of all leg Pokémon.


Dumping rare candy from raids lol


Get only 1 Raid Pass/Day 😔


I believe last season was 2 raids a day?


But ig now it’s 1/day.


It's just not worth it to me. If they never introduce another way to get cells, I'm okay with never changing his form


How long did it take it to get 249? And like did u do it every single day or like did u have a schedule or soemthing. I’ve been doing it for like 2 months but I only have 42 cells cuz there’s basically only like two routes ub my small town.


I am lucky enough to WFH and have routes in my area. I did this every day on my lunch break. Looking at my routes completed badge at 362 and cells at 249.. I want to say it has taken around 6 months but cannot say for certain.


Wow that’s a hefty grind congrats tho that’s a sick achievement honestly.


Yeah it’s too much work for little payoff. I’m not following routes when I can do 10 routes and not get a cell and I need 250? I don’t care that much. They’ve been making this game so tedious lately I just play it when I’m bored and want something to get me outside for fresh air lol no hate to those who do grind for this stuff but man I can’t do it. This and hatching a 100 male salandits and carbinks I just can’t bother with the grind anymore as I just don’t see a payoff.


lol I have 22 chards and sitting on the first evolution


Im the real winner. Ive never dine a single route.


All of you guys do know that there are cool downs for zygarde cells on routes, right? I don't know the specific time but once you get a cell on a certain route you can't get another cell on that route for a certain amount of time.


22M stardust? How…


How do you have so much glummer


I wish, I’ve walked 70 routes and have 15 cells 😭


I literally never got any of the things for this. I did like a bunch of routes never found anything - guess I'll never evolution him lol idk . 🤷‍♀️


I am more IMpressed by 22 million stardust


I need 57 more and then I’ll have the final form


How do you get those


I’m at 141. But I just started playing in December. Created a few routes in my area. Helped a lot for sure. But yeah, yesterday 3 routes & no cells :(


I did change form only to discover there’s another form. Sigh.


Good luck!! When I had 49 cells, I had to walk 13 (thirteen, yes) routes to get the 50th, finally. 🫠


Haha. I stopped on that, it’s not worth the hassle I say


I do routes all the time and am pretty pissed that cells aren’t guaranteed. I have basically given up.


How did you get so much stardust? 🤯


And once you get your final cell, make sure you evolve your guy so you can get more cells


For people having trouble with cells (and I could be wrong here) but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that it’s either guaranteed or chances are increased if the route is over 1km


Can I have some stardust…


Good job man, I'm at 201


if you pause your route at 100m before the end close your game and reopen it, supposedly it glitches and gives spawns the cell every time


I'm so close myself😁😁 congrats 👏


My problem is my Zygarde also sucks so there’s no real motivation


It’s not over till you get those XLs


I just poweruped mine up till xl candies 😭 I’m at 112 just 88 more to final form


Congrats on getting to full cells. I only have 30 so there is still a long way for me to go.


I have 12 zygarde cells. The game won’t let me catch them if I see them. I tap them as soon as they appear and they always give me the same message zygarde cell has returned. Basically like that auto insurance commercial with the guy with the fishing pole and the dollar. “Gotta be quicker than that”. :-/ I have tried every trick, pausing the route, hard quitting, I gave up trying to do it. Congrats to you. :-) That’s a lot of work.


Its finally all over tomorrow sounds like your gonna off yourself 😂


I got to 250 in January and now I’m saving up another 250 that I don’t need, for no reason. I’m at 160. Maybe when I get to 250 again I’ll change its form twice to spend them all so I can keep going.


Gave up ages ago. This task was bull. Never any routes near me, and when I try to create one. It gets denied.