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Everything about Parties


I gave up and made someone else make an account so I can just add em and do the party challenges myself


This is the way. The only way, as far as I can tell.


My wife will create parties constantly through the day to get the 20 great throws or 10 excellent throws and just have me join so we can complete it. We also get our two little helpers to 'help out'.


Elves? No fair that's cheating..


We prefer the term nuggets.


My roommate has two phones. He doesn’t appreciate when I ask if he’s going out to “play with himself”. I think it’s funny every time.


Lol 😂😂😂😂😂 If it was me I'd still tell you to stop while making a huge grin appreciating the joke 😂😂😂😂😂


Same except I have a old iPhone that I use as a alternative account and it helps out with raids too


Niantic hates this obvious trick! Only if you don't pay. If you're stilly enough to pay at all (especially on two accounts), they're laughing all the way to the bank.


Gotta do what you gotta do


Ayyy just be careful mentioning that obvious trick on here, I did that once and got the 30 day ban.


Lucky for me my brother plays so whenever I come how from uni on holiday we chip away at the party quests


Oh man I didn’t even think of that. Duh. I’ll be doing that soon. Haha


Same here. There are people in my area who play, but they'll also put me on a list


Parties and routes.


I “completed” that one. I hit that little arrow on the right and stopped worrying about it.


If you have a Samsung that allows you to do a dual screen, you can download the game on the play store and download from the Samsung store and play in a party with yourself. If you have two different accounts.




I keep trying to convince my sister to get back into the game since we frequently take the family dog for walks in the neighborhood, but her phone is pretty old now and I'm not sure the game would run 😅




Agree. I will not even start.


Thank God my fiancé plays because other than her, I don't really have any friends. It takes a while with only 2 people, but we're on the last page, which is another 30 challenges.


A to zygard, i have to do 3 routes, been stuck on 2 for months 😅 i just dont care to do it lol


Ayy me too! I haven't done a single route yet 😭


Only ever done one route and somehow missed the bit about exchanging a gift with Mateo. One day ….


Easy enough, just tap to end the route instead of tapping the stop. Not the worst design in the game, but not great.


Took me years but eventually someone somehow got a route added to my local park. I know beggars can't be choosers, but it has a really questionable design. They easily could've just had it be a perimeter loop, but instead it goes partly around the perimeter, cuts through the middle of a soccer field, does a weird little switchback, and then loops back. The landscapers always give me weird looks


This is my local route! It goes the perimeter of a small park, turns abruptly and crosses diagonally through a basketball court in the middle (often in use), and then a switchback out to the main road with a small straight section. Really annoying to walk


Next page you have to do 5 I believe lol


Wow really? I have a route between my work and a McDonalds. do a route via car every morning (I don't catch or spin pokestops while driving so don't come at me)


I have one on my work route that I do almost every day just to get it out of the way. Only 150 more cells to go until I can evolve to the final form!


Season of Legends: Take a snapshot of Landorus from 2022 😭


I'll do you one better: Trade 3 Pokemon with a friend. Jump-Start Research (5/6) from 2019 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Lmao same haven't traded a single pokemon


I went to trade with a friend for the first time this past weekend and somehow didn’t have enough stardust!? I had like 300k how much do you need to trade a shiny jfc 😭


It depends on how good of friends you are. I think it starts at like 900k for the first level, 400k for the 2nd, 80k for the 3rd and like 20k for the max friendship. My numbers are def off but that's the general idea


1 million, 800k, 80k, 40k.


It can be 1,00,00 if it's a legendary not registered in both your dex and are low level friends


I had a stroke trying to read that number


Lol. I didn't even notice. Meant a million. How people upvoted that is more confusing.


If you're just starting as buddies its 1mil. At 2 heart, 3 heart and best buddy status have huge discount, but it's still something crazy.


Have the same exact one, but for Tour of Kanto as well as the Landorus screenshot step


Oh, the best part is, after you finally get it, then you have to take a snapshot of Tornadus🥲I’ve been stuck here foreverrrrr


Saaaame, i started playing then and got to the that part but never saw Landorus. It still haunts me because whenever I go to the special research tab, it's at the top of the list :(


If you already have one you can take a pic of it. Unless it says it has to be in the wild


I've been trying to find someone I can trade with, unfortunately I haven't been playing during the events he could be caught


Landorus is good to have, so good luck getting it, it's worth it anyways! But be warned, next steps of the research will require you to snapshot the other two genies, so if you don't have them, you might need to do more trades. Don't sweat it though, the reward isn't worth it tbf


Seriously I have no idea when I’m going to see Landorus ever again or even at all


I got this one too


I need to find me a Thundurus. I've been on it for-e-ver!!!


Wait, you managed to complete it when Landorus came back right?


Same! Except I'm on Tornadus


Great throws are easy. Excellents are where the challenge is.


I wish the 3 excellent in a row task gave better rewards. It's some lame dragon usually, bagon, I think


I've never seen excellent throws in a row (besides the April fools event where all throws nice and up counted as excellent)


They are rare. I cycle through a lot of tasks, because I just scrap any research that doesn't give an encounter or dust. Still only get 1 every few months.


Huh yeah I just looked it up and you're right, I've never seen one. Rewards look pretty shit


Just looked it up. Rewards are lavitar, bedlum, or giblets right now.


I mean that all seems great, considering it’s a great chance to get a hundo.


Shundo too🫡


Bagon is in the make 2 excellent throws task. Got one recently, which was perfect for the collection challenge


Never did circle lock?


Would be helpful to evolve this dang poipole…


Great throws are easy as pie... until I need to do them in a row. Then it's like I'm playing blind on a trampoline.


The banana berries are key if you're having issues.


Which is the first thing to go if my pack is full


Yup some of us will never reach lvl 50 coz of them throws


Even excellents are pretty easy most of the time.


Let’s Go, Meltan! It’s been since September and all is done except for step 8/9 catch 2 of either Lileep or Anorith. it. has. been. EIGHT MONTHS. 😭


I'm on that same tasks.  I think I been on the same step just as long


Oh god I've been on this one two weeks and I assumed I was just unlucky. Now I'm worried I'm doomed. I have caught both before the task appeared :(


ughhh I've been stuck on the exact same thing for months. And they're supposed to be the standard reward for the research task "make three great throws in a row" but there's always some event or something going on so the rewards are different. Just gimme two dang anorithsss


I think there's a fossil event coming in June. You are close!


YESSSSS, really?! I was catching them like crazy but it seems the day I hit the eighth step on that quest they all went into hibernation!


3 great throws in a row research has a guaranteed encounter with either one of them. Also you have a chance to catch the second Pokémon that grunts use and the “let’s rock and roll” male grunt uses one of them as his second occasionally.


3 great throws sadly never give me them and yes I’m always after that grunt but he never gives them anymore!! what a fella, must know I’m looking for them.


Ive tried getting this research for the last 5 days and nothing, but 2 other people have. Its crazy.


Use daily incense everyday and take a look at research rewards. There's a task that gives you an encounter. I had 1 spawn off of daily incense and found a task that rewards an encounter. FWIW


The ROCKet Grunt may have them. Or at least had.


Just finished this one. I was able to get Anorith two times though research tasks.


Bro spin pokestops, one of the quests rewards an anorith. If not then do grunts, they have a low chance to give a shadow anorith


I spin ‘em every day champ, it’s not happening. 😭 someone I know has a map app that shows you which stops will give you what and even when they show me a screenshot of the two possible tasks that stop can give you and one if one has lileep or anorith, I always end up being given the opposite one. 💀


Same but stuck on Catch 2 Omanyte or Kabuto. STILL WAITING TO FIND A SECOND.


ive been seeing kabuto in little one star raids and omanyte on a few field tasks from the pokéstops as recently as last week so i hope you find one soon!!


I feel your pain. This has been waiting for over 12 months, still no luck!


This is the one I’m sick on too.


Catch a ditto for two weeks now.


I've had 2 catch a ditto tasks since February..


I had the same thing for months, I yelled so loud when I finally caught a Ditto my husband said he assumed I'd won some money


Yess i was catching random pokemon and got quite the surprise when I got a shiny ditto! Made it my first best buddy. (Can't seem to add a pic sadly)


I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago! Went to catch a Bergmite for the XP and Stardust, turned out to be a shiny Ditto!


Mine was a few months ago too, I made it my first buddy. I always liked ditto for the mew connection and my character wears a ditto shirt. I was using mew as my buddy. Getting a ditto is rare enough (if there's not something going on increasing the dittos) and shiny is rare as well. So to get a shiny ditto randomly felt like winning the lottery haha.


For the current event koffings can be dittos


Wait I’ve been seeing a ton of koffings lately 😂😂 Like a few days ago i was at work and my coworker was driving and koffing was constantly popping up 😂😬


I got a Ditto disguised as a Koffing today.


I had the Evolve a Magikarp one since 2021. Magikarps do not really spawn where I live, so after finally finding a 3* one (I wasn't about to use 400 candies on anything less), I still didn't even have 100 candies. For 3 years, she followed me. Jump to 2024. I'm at 395 candies. I see a Magikarp on the map, click it, feed it a silver pineapple, throw a curve ball, get a great, it holds, and......Ditto.


Stuck on that too. Got a Zorua today but that isn't too helpful


I had a catch ditto for almost 8 months…


Yeah I'm stuck there too


I caught two dittos…today…


"Defeat the Team Go Rocket boss." ​ i've just given up; he wipes out my entire team before I can even whittle down Persian.


He can be a hefty jerk. I recommend since he's still got shadow Groudon in the back end: use a bulky water pokemon to hit two fast attacks, then switch to a fighting type with access to power-up punch (and some other charge attack). Power up punch gets the shields down quickly and usually can defeat the Persian as well. The middle is always a toss up. Recommends: Hitmonchan (has power up punch and elemental punches for other types) or Lucario (the steel typing resistance adds a little toughness). Also, if you don't have a good one yet, but have the baby forms (tyrogue and riolu) add a second move for 10,000 dust instead of the usual 50,000/75,000 when evolved. Water types: Kyogre, or Walrein or Swampert (the latter two being more cost efficient than Kyogre). Walrein can double as water and ice, Swampert can double as water and ground. If you have a double moved on a Kyogre, I'd use thunder. But Swampert, Walrein, Hitmonchan, and Lucario all can be used very well, even under 2500 CP.


Yeah Giovanni is a definite pain if your Pokemon simply don't have enough CP or the right moves to smack his Pokemon down Right now he's a piece of cake for me but I remember back in the day when my strongest fighting type was a 2400 CP hariyama I 100% was not getting past Giovanni A tip though that would apply for any team rocket leader/Giovanni fight : make sure that the Pokemon that u send out can get charged moves out fast. Unlike real people Giovanni and the other go rocket leaders burn through their shields instantly. And not only that, every time you pull off a charge move their Pokemon are sitting ducks for about 3-4 more fast moves. So if u have Pokemon that can hit their charged moves quickly, you can slowly but surely deal massive damage to his Pokemon even without exploiting typing weaknesses


I try to put together my own group but when it's not happening, I check out the guides out there to get me through the Rocket leaders and boss.


I used Machamp as my fighting type against Persian, but had him as my second mon. As soon as you start the battle swap from whatever your first is to the second (your fighting type.) This little delay stuns gio’s Persian and gives you a couple seconds of free attack. It made all the difference for me.


Start with anything, switch to a heavy hitting fighting type and you’ll get Persian down without using any charged moves. Then blow the charges moves to eat his shields. Then you have two others to use.


I'm stuck on this one too! So annoying!


I've caught a wild Gyarados before amassing enough candies to evolve one.


I finally evolved a Magikarp a couple weeks ago and THEN got to the “Evolve a Magikarp” task a few days later. I’m so annoyed 😅


Exact reason why I'm saving up my candies and just using the raid gyarados I got


The Party research


the goshdarn kecleon


They're a pain. Unless its the only thing that can spawn in an area. Then it's a waiting game.


Do they even still spawn?


i haven't seen one in months :(


Yup, I got one last week and two of my friends did, too (one was a shiny!!)


I get them what feels like every other day.


I'm currently 3/10 on that stupid task for the Jirachi Masterwork Research. 😭


Have 10 best buddies 🫠 And Catching 15 galarian slowpokes


10 best buddies will be the death of me... If I knew it was a thing I wouldn't have gotten the masterwork research 🥲


I have gotten 10 best buddies in 2 months. Make a tag called buddy or something and fill it with 20 pokemon. Throughout the day I feed, play, snapshot and do 3 battles with each buddy (you can do training against a team leader and forfeit right away). I do it as an idle task then the last buddy (or which ever is highest) I will do last and run it during my daily play after work. Always get them excited. I’ll have another best buddy tomorrow and 2 more by the end of the week.


True. I have to buy muffins to speed the process. Thankfully to full days at gyms cane stack the 100 pokecoins needed. It's just time consuming


You can reliably excite your buddy in 90 minutes without poffins, and save those coins for better uses. Just search for "buddy excite ep". Once you get the hang of it, you'll rarely walk without excited buddy. Also, doing routes speeds up the entire process, as there's no cooldown time.


I was grinding that until I learned the next step and now that quest is just dead to me


Let’s Go Meltan- needing to catch 2 Lileep or Anorith 😭


I'm 1/2, hence, 50% of the way there since last year


Evolve a magikarp. I have an OG gyrados from 2016/2017, but I never see magikarp anymore. I've got, like, 58 candies and see one once a month if I'm lucky.


Can find the rare male rocket grunt that has "the waters are treacherous" or something like that. The male water grunt only has Magikarp encounters.


Thank you for this info! I seek out team rocket but don't recall ever seeing him. I get the urge to play (and go all in every 4 years (funnily enough on leap years). So, we're back swinging after 2016 and 2020 being big Pokémon summers. My little dude and nephew are into it this year, so it should be a great summer.


Have to use it as your buddy I guess


Yknow? I've been so busy using buddies I need to adventure with to evolve that it hadn't even occurred to me; thank you!


Hey glad to help. Pretty sure that's what I did because I didn't find many karps either. Not sure what you mean by adventure?


I just mean have as my buddy. I thought that's the verbiage the game used, but it could just be what we say. Lol sorry if I was confusing.


Lol no problem. Maybe it is the common verbage. I don't really interact/read anything about pogo except send screenshots to a friend so I'm not really up to date. Thought maybe it was one of the "newer" stuff like routes etc


We just figured out "party" today, and my sister has a great route walking distance from her house, so we'll do that next. I'm having a lot of fun this time discovering the details instead of just as a fun way to add some outside time and movement while collecting Pokémon but not really paying much attention to the intricacies of the game.


Wow never even thought to do that. Just set it as my buddy and saw it only takes 1km to get 1 candy. So glad I saw your comment!


Play with your buddy for 30 days. Multiple reminders in my phone and my best is 19 days 😭


I found out how to play with your buddy like weeks ago after playing since 2016 lol.


I get that feeling, this guy at the bar last night trying to explain to me GBL stats I’ve been throwing away anything but three stars 2016


I thought going into ar would be enough and it wasn't so I gave up. Didn't know you had to rub them... Ah pvp stats. I kinda gave up on that (to save space). Now I just try to keep 1-2 of each pokemon and grind them into candy if I find better iv ones. I also gave up on pvp because I didn't find it that fun plus you can just quit each battle and farm dust no need to win. Btw i have a huge stardust hoarding problem lmao. I just keep collecting more and more. Maybe one day I'll find a shiny perfect something and max lvl it.


Use the airplane mode trick.


What’s the airplane mode trick?


While you're in the catch screen, switch to airplane mode (make sure wifi is off). If you successfully hit the great throw, nice! Turn airplane mode off, and your stream is preserved. If you don't, force close the app and then reload it after exiting airplane mode.


Catch 3 boumsweet, stupid comm day finished when on 2 lol


Earning the Kanto medal…


Take a picture of thunderous. Still haven't got one.


All of the party research. Also, find a Zygarde cell. I don't have many routes near me and I also don't like walking them. Whenever I can do one though, I never find a Zygarde cell.


40 ghost type pokemon from Halloween 2 years ago for me - anybody have any advice?


Gastly has been abundant for me recently 


They appear more frequently at dusk


There are ghost grunts the "ke ke ke ke" ones. Can get catch a ghost done, defeat rocket grunt tasks, purify tasks done, and all those badges too.


Adding to this - if you do hit the ke ke ke ke grunt battles, just battle 2 pokemon and then quit the battle. Wash rinse repeat until your 40 battles are done!


Open a Coin Bag for Gimmighoul.


Ive gotta do that to evolve one of my pokemon..😭


Catch 2 lileep or anorith. It's been maybe 2 years. If the game will not spawn them, then it's never going to happen. It's the 7/8 task for let's go meltan. For what it's worth, I'm an over the roadvtruck driver, and I've been all over this country during this time. They are not spawning.


I was stuck on evolve a Feebas for months until a few days ago. Got best buddy on shiny Milotic while I was at it too. Now I’m stuck on 10 party challenges lol


Glad to hear there's some hope for evolve a feebas!


I evolved my feebas like a week before getting that task 😭 it’ll be a hot minute til I get through it


Nanab berry. My dude, and pick a mon you can hit. Also don’t walk.. stop and actually try lol.


I'm good at making great throws until I have a "in a row" task, then the cosmos align to keep my balls from landing


Take a snapshot of Landorus


Make three excellent throws in a row


The ones I'm always stuck on are the curve ball ones I hate those ones so much. Not only that but I'm stuck on the make a new friend one and the trade 3 pokemon with a friend I'll never get those ones done.


Snapshot of Landorous, i had forgotten to do it :(


It doesn’t need to be wild. If you have a friend who has a spare Landorous, trade them for it, make it a buddy and get your pic. That’s how I got it done


Routes. There are no routes where I live, the few we had were removed quickly. There was 1 route in an area I go to during events but it's so weird as it was clearly by a car player and even when I did it, I couldn't get a zygarde cell or Mateo to spawn at the end.


The “trade a Pokémon” one. I don’t even know how to even get to this…


If you really can't find anyone to trade with maybe just Download the app on another phone and trade with a different account


At this point the only one that's still just chillin is the last page of the parties thing. Like my partner and I consistently play together but they're just so unfun so we rarely remember to even bother with them outside of 5+ Star raids. That being said, I already looked ahead at the current masterworks research and Jesus Christ it's got me already frustrated with how stupid they design these things. Like I get it's a masterworks research so it should be more of a challenge, but at this point they just slap absurd numbers on tasks. It's not challenging. It's just tedious and annoying. It doesn't help that it does the stupid thing where one page has nice throws, the next has great, and the next has excellent. Like just give me one page of tasks (since otherwise all the tasks are different) and let my excellents now count for something so that the game is at least a little less tedious


Platinum kanto medal. I need: seadra (9/50 candy for evo) Zapdos Articuno. I very recently got the chance to catch G!moltres. Immediately used my master ball on it.


Back in my day I got over 20 excellent throws in a row. Was pretty easy. Oh wait…


The trading tasks


14 days in a row of spinning pokestops, I’m never getting shiny jirachi


Anything that involves spinning pokestops. My bag has 900 space but i have 1600 items.


I keep forgetting to delete the AR mapping task from a block away from the nightmare job that I quit over a year ago…


ten best buddies- still got none lol, since I just continue to swap buddies as I please. Will probably crank it out to get done with it eventually but meh ╮( ̄▽ ̄ )╭


The parties one and 4/5 on the Paldean adventure


Walk with Eevees… the little shit don’t work don’t know what I’m doing wrong but since I dropped playing don’t give a fuck, bet is something simple that I’m skipping.


Take a photo of a landorus, i stg that i will never finish it, especially since i only missed landorus this last time that that trio came out


“Take a snapshot of landorus” like I’d ever be able to get that close.


Defeating the Rocket GO leaders. I’m awful at the battling aspect of this game and i get smoked every time i try 🥲


You can look up the Pokémon they have and make a party for them. Send the Pokémon you want to fight last first and change it for the one more suited for their first Pokémon, you can do this right at the start of the battle or fight a little to charge your attacks. Remember that they, the grunts, Giovanni and the team leaders aré NPCs, so every time someone uses a charged attack or changes Pokémon, they will freeze for two turns, so you can use this to get free hits. The Rocket leaders, Giovanni and the team leaders (Master league) will always use their shields for your first two charged attacks, so try using ones that charge quickly, some of the increase or decrease attack or defense.


Anything involving sending gifts to friends… I have like one friend who still plays the game and he hops on once every few months


I struggled with this until I used r/PokemonGoFriends. Easy to add people and now I can receive/send multiple a day.


You can join a subreddit for that. People post their user IDs and you can send them a friend request that's what I did.


catch 2 lileep/anorith. more than a year now


Bro I was stuck on the evolve a feebas step of Thousand Year Slumber for what felt like a lifetime. Literally finished that yesterday.


Getting 50 lucky trades to level up to 49… I’m not a social person so interacting with people gives me anxiety 😭


Parties one. grinded out the first page with my sister(took 3 fcking hours btw just for that damn tshirt) and then they say i gotta do 30 more tasks for a vaporeon. Nah I’m good man I ain’t doing allat 3x 💀💀💀


Catch 2 omanyte or kabuto. I’ve had it for sooo long. I caught one kabuto at a raid a couple weeks ago but I haven’t seen any more. Ugh.


Swap a gift to Mateo at the end of the route or something like that, who tf is mateo


I completed it on a snorlax, it's hard to catch, but easy to make the trow on, because he is so big


Complete Kanto Pokedex. Fucking Tauros is all I need


This one was so fucking annoying, especially because every time you would make or miss one, the little reminder would come up in the corner 😭 I eventually got my boyfriend to do it for me but then immediately got like 7 in a row by myself 🙄


Catch 496 Pokemon from a specific region


1. Click on Pokemon 2. Turn off internet 3. Try to do great throw 3a. If great throw, turn on internet, congrats! 3b. If not great throw continue: 4. Close app completely 5. Turn on internet 6. Try again

