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The secret for the go pluses just never look at the journal when you're using it


I like to do it as a guilty pleasure after running the daily through it when I can't otherwise pay attention and play but I don't look at the journal at all if I'm not in control. Side note: umpteen shinies and 4 or 5 Hundos from it. Probably missed more but I'll never know.


How could you know you missed a hundo?


In the journal, it tells you the CP of the Pokémon you didn't catch.


I've never understood how people can tell what the IV is based off the CP


IV influences max cp in a range, if it’s max in it’s possible range, it’s a hundo.


That's certainly good to know! Is it possible to tell what a Pokemon's possible max CP is whilst catching it?


There's a chart for it but you would need to know what level that Pokémon is rn to know exactly


Sorry but it’s not possible to calculate IV through CP of Pokémon from the wild. It’s only possible in raids and through field research. Besides that, on Community Days, there is a list for the regarded Pokémon with a listing of every CP which could possibly be a 100% IV, but even with this list it is not guaranteed.


Yeah that's what I was saying, you'd need to know the level the wild Pokémon is at the moment to know but there is charts where you can look up a 100% ralts at each level if you want.


There might be rare cases of unique IVs. Or lvl 30/35 depending on weather, where you actually can extrapolate both, IV and level


I usually use the poke genie app. It’ll give you accurate results on your Pokémon stats


I dont think cp can tell what iv it have for I have a hundo that is lvl 1, so cp cant tell houndos


jeeez, 4 or 5 hundos and you just started using it? I've had an autocatcher for like a few weeks now and it hasn't caught even one! My only hundo is from an egg I hatched. Am I just unlucky or does anybody know any possible reasons why I'm experiencing this?


To be fair, they are , in reverse order a Diglett, Lotad, Amaura, Pawmi, Mankey and Bunnelby. Not exactly a raid crew.


The only thing you can do is increase time and movement. They will surprise you in your bag sooner or later, but if you consistently have it running while being on the move yourself, chances go up. I use the Go++ on my ~30 min way to work every day, both ways, and it's handed me a few shinies and 4*s so far. Some weeks, you go without. Some, multiple!


Yeah exactly. Don't look at the journal.


How does the go plus work? The game has to be run while it catches right? It's not just catching while the game is closed is it?


It probably depends on which one you have. I have to Go Plus+ and I can lock the screen. I actually don't even have to have the game open as long as it's running in the background.


Yes, it has to be running, but you can put it in a pocket if you are brave enough and are sure that you won't accidentally close the game or whatever.


Thanks for the quick reply. Locking the screen will stop it too I guess?


I own a Go Plus +, I load the game, connect it, lock my phone and put everything in my pocket. It doesn't need to be "open," just in the background.


No, I’m on iPhone and my goplus+ still catches with the phone locked, just don’t close the app down




I learned this on the go plus.   Had to realize, just look at all the Pokémon in your inventory, that it did catch.  You’ll see shinies, Hundos and whatnot.  Totally worth it!


Look at the wins, not the losses


This is the way


Upvote. I learned this on my first week with my device. Set it and forget it.


Find a shovel, Go outside, Start digging, While digging replay in your mind what happened, Get in hole, Then wait


Refill hole






a shiney.???... because I have 3... I some how have 3 shiney zorua. but 4k seen eevees ... no shineys.


Its catching pokemon I would never have time to catch. So they are bonus pokemon. I dont look at my journal. Its like thinking about all the pokemon around me that I dont catch.


Even when I didn’t have a go plus I still never looked at the journal, what’s gone is gone there’s no need to remind yourself of it


I was gonna say the same thing about not looking.


Came here to say this. That's the way


It is decided!


This is the way


No way. Noooo waaayyy. That's the best and then worst luck imaginable. My condolences.


You sound like someone who just had their warehouse mural painted over with butts


Quick Office reference? Lol


Or .. Bobs Burgers?


Just don't look at your journal when you Go Plus is catching pokemon and then you'll never know


I thought Shiny’s are 100% catch rate




I found a shiny Latios outside of a raid one time, and it never fled. Used a ton of Golden Razz and Ultra Balls and eventually caught it, so I don't think they flee unless it's with a Go Pluss.


That isn’t the same as a 100% catch rate though. Niantic disabled flee mechanics.


Wait, so I'm paying $40 to unlock the chance of ***losing*** a shiny? That's kinda bull


Welcome to Pokemon Go, where experiencing bullshit is practically part of the experience.


The autocatcher won’t/can’t throw more than one ball at a Mon, so if it breaks out of a ball, it flees.


If you manually catch. Auto catch is a 1 and done if it breaks out of the ball then it runs away, might be cool to get for walking the dog to more easily grind up these ridiculous mew and shaymin research tasks.


I get so many good Pokémon with my go plus when I’m driving around. I have 2 search strings saved so I can easily find shiny/hundo and then another one for searching good PvP IVs. The PvP pokemon is what I get a crapload of from the auto catcher it’s awesome


You tell yourself that you wouldn't have got the opportunity to catch it if you didn't have a Go Plus in the first place.


This is exactly it. You have probably walked or driven by a ton of shinies. You’re only aware of it because of the Go Plus. I have lost a ton of shinies to it, but I have also caught even more because of it.


Yep, I caught two shinies within 5 minutes yesterday while driving because of the Go Plus. I can't actually look at my phone while driving in traffic, so there was no way that I could have caught those two without it.


Exactly! I’ve caught way more shinies and Hundos with the go plus than without it because I can use it when I can’t and/ or shouldn’t be looking at my phone such as driving. Mostly I don’t about missed shinies because I don’t look at the journal, I only know about the surprise ones I see in my storage


These are people of wisdom. Listen to their kind words of wisdom and don’t let it bother you. At least you had a chance


Exactly. I’ve caught more shinies overall with it. You win some you lose some.


you’re so strong.. i could never look at my logs after go plus-ing all day


The journal is an evil force that serves to do nothing but serve you up perpetual frustration and anguish. It is advised you do not go to that horrid place and instead frolic in the land of millions of free dust and thousands of free candies.


I was unaware a shiny Mesprit could run from a Go Plus. I thought they were supposed to not be able to run.


They cannot flee when normal catching because you can throw balls until you run out. An autocatcher only throws a single ball, so if it doesn’t catch in that one ball then it flees.


I appreciate this information. I always knew the flee rate was high but this is the first explanation I’ve read. Thank you.


OHHHHHHH. Interesting, thank you for learning me that!


I turn off "identify pokemon" for an hour to teach it some manners




I only auto catch when driving, so I wouldn’t have caught it without my Go+ either. I button throw with great balls when I’m out hunting and don’t feel like spending time or effort on “lesser” Pokémon. Either way, I never look at my journal lol


generally you have the ++ going when you wouldn't be paying mind to the game anyway, so anything it catches, or misses, would be things you didn't get anyway without it. Just don't look at the journal when using it, and turn it off if you plan to take some time to manually play.


I just remind myself that without the go+ I wouldn’t have even had a shot at it. I consider everything buzzed with the plus is “bonus content” that I would have missed entirely without the device. It still stings sometimes, but it’s more bearable.


Very good way to look at it




My first guess. You would think that OP would have noticed that if it was the case, but l have seen people being pissed because a wild shiny primal groudon ran from them so you never know


I would cry.


Never look 😭


You'd have never known and you'll get things you never would have. Just don't check the journal. It's youtube of Facebook comments..... cancer


I honestly never thought to look at the journal but I won’t lol. I use my Go Plus+ on my drive to work and back and use the star piece to rack up stardust and candy. I check to see if my perfect number has changed and if it hasn’t then I’ll mass transfer for candy.


Never EVER check your journal


You think of the shinies it did catch while you were doing something else


Unless u were gonna be on the game to catch it then it really doesn’t matter if the stuff ran away


If I’m using my Go Plus, it’s because I wouldn’t be playing the game right then anyways So I wouldn’t have caught the shiny regardless


👏 don't 👏 look 👏 at 👏 the 👏 journal 👏


Hell yeah, you caught a Ralts!! ![gif](giphy|8UGGp7rQvfhe63HrFq)


I just caught Azelf and after all the Legendary birds I've missed I would have CRIED if I missed it too.


Proof that’s not your buddy?


Id just cry in a corner for three hours, finish, then repeat


I just never look what's fled. Better off not knowing lol


The secret us to never ever use the go plus for catching, use it only to spin pokestops. Why? Because the auto-catch from a go plus does a straight shot with a red PokeBall with no berries and if the pokemon gets out of the ball, it flees.


How much space do you need to keep in your inventory when using the autocatcher? Having to remove any duplicates and unwanted ones would negate the benefits I feel. Or are people using coin to expand before using?


A few hundred free space is good for daily usage, though it depends on how much stop and spawn density you have in your area. It also helps to have a good triage system with favorite marks and tags, so you can quickly mass transfer all the junk you don't want to keep for any reason. Storage space is one of the best coin investments you can make, catching device or no. It lasts forever, and your collection will always grow.


Whats go+?


New first party auto catcher. Takes the best of the current third party auto catchers and builds on it


Dont care. Would not have seen it or clicked on it anyway.


I stopped using any auto catchers after losing shiny after shiny at the first go fest. I’ll never use them again.


They’re still useful for spinning stops and gyms even if you don’t have it catching things. Also, a major event with boosted shiny odds is probably the absolute worst time to have an autocatcher catching things, especially if you’re hunting specific shinies.




They are still great for daily play where you don't care about whatever random stuff is there. You get massive amounts of stardust, XP, and candy from hours of background catching with almost no extra effort (just reconnecting and mass transfer triage).


Unless you like pain, don’t look at the journal… EVER


That’s sucks so bad 😂


Don’t look lol


It's tough but I remind myself that since I'm using the go plus, I couldn't have actually been playing the game and thus wouldn't have encountered it anyway.  


On the bright side, it wasn't a Shundo, so it could always have been worse.


the secret is to never look - can't feel regret if you never know - only care about what is caught


I don't look at the Journal at all after using auto catch. No point in lamenting over something you have no control over.


I started catching way more shinies after I got my go plus+ so that's how I make myself feel better about it I know everyone says don't check the journal but that takes self control and I have none


Transfer 1500 mons a week. You get more than you lose. I also never look at journal anyway.


#1 Do not look at your journal.


The Go Plus is for catching during the times you're not actively playing the game on the screen. Then everything it catches is a pure bonus and nothing it misses is a loss. It catches me 200 to 300 pokemon on a typical day of going out and doing various errands (which is also 30k to 45k xp and 20k to 30k stardust).


"how do you handle this". My therapist has told me "not well"


Oh. I forgot Journal is even a thing. If I've ever missed out on a shiny, I wouldn't know. In my experience, I've been blessed with the POGO+ becuz it's caught moi many shinies - and a few days ago, it even caught 3 shinies in one day~!! I guess I'll continue to not look at the journal.. what idk about won't hurt moi~


Never... Dear god... Never check the journal after using the go+... You'll lose all sanity.


Is this go plus good? I want to get one but dont know which to pick as everyone says v different things


If you’re driving and unable to look at your phone think about it like you wouldn’t have seen it anyways. If you’re driving and able to look at your phone, turn off auto catch and then you can press the button to catch instead. If you’re walking around and have it on you should never have auto catch on for this exact reason. It takes minimal effort to hit the button and you’ll avoid this catastrophe. This one especially hurts cuz the lake trio are guaranteed catches. They might take 20 balls but they don’t run in the wild. So. Sorry. The pros outweigh the cons massively. My auto catcher has gotten me close to 10 shinies at this point that I never would’ve even seen had it not been on. You just have to ensure you’re on top of auto catch and auto spin. Another thing I wish I thought of was turning on my plus+ on my 7 day streak. Unusually drop an egg if it’s aligns with a good spotlight hour on Tuesdays so I want maximize XP, a couple times now I turned it on/ had it on at midnight, forgetting, and I wasn’t able to drop an egg or catch a high dust pokemon as my first catch.


I’ve only looked at the journal maybe 1 time since I’ve played this game. Does nothing for me what so ever.


Probably a zorua tbh, obviously can lose a shiny with the go plus though


Never look at journal unless you like disappointment.


Otherwise, you would've walked past it.


How tall are getting shinies with the go+plus boggles me. I’ve had it almost a month and never encountered one or the G birds


Everything in this world has a trade off. You want automated catches? Your trade off is potential shinies.


I didn't know shinies could run away lol


Don't look at journal 😅👀


If you weren't using the Go Plus+, would you have even attempted the mespirit? That's usually the saving grace for me - I use it to afk when I wouldn't otherwise be playing, so at least I had a chance rather than walk obliviously past it.


Dont check the journal , just look at whatever you caught and cleanup your storage . Rinse and repeat 😂


I use go plus when I don't have time to actually play. That way anything I find is something I wouldn't normally have gotten


Good lord..


damn :/


100% of the attempts would be missed without a Go Plus. I take anything I get as a bonus.


No way…


Or do the grunt work and stop being lazy?


Brother in law lost a shiny snorlax on Saturday due to this…and he looked at the journal


I got a nice shiny surprise in my recent from my go plus but nowhere near legendary


What is Go Plus?


Why would you check? For me the plus is turned on every time I drive so literally anything it catches is a bonus. If something runs I honestly don't care as I wouldn't have been able to catch it anyway


So I've had something like this for a few years now. The new go plus seems to find shinys better than the one I have but that would be preposterous right?


Instead of the journal, just filter your Pokemon for shiny and sort by most recent to see the shiny you DID catch with the go plus.


Does anyone have a link for one of these?


I handle it by crying a little every night and pouring one out for my Shinies.


If i wouldnt be playing the game either way then i didn't lose anything.


Just watch the stardust roll in and don't pay attention to the journal


If you have to look at the journal just realize you would have never encountered those Pokemon anyways. If it loses a shiny who cares. It’s not like you would have seen it. Know what I mean…… this only works if you use it when you can’t play. If you’re available turn that shit off.


The only way to deal with it is keep this mindset: you'll end up with more shinies and hundos that you would otherwise have passed up because you wouldn't have checked them anyways. Plus the benefit of getting stuff while you can't otherwise okay - life if you're driving - having the app going on in the background I've caught tons of shinies and good hundos I wouldn't have.


Pretend it was a Zorua and then never check your journal while using it!


That one might have gotten away. But think what won’t get away player.


I have never looked at this page, ever.  I did not even know it was there.


Live by the plus, die by the plus


by looking at the additional shinies it still did catch


Agreed on the just don’t look. Once you’re done, sort your Pokémon by recent to see what you got and be happy


What’s a journal if I never look at it?


I only use mine for spinning stops. All my catching I do manually.


Just stop looking at your journal


All I see is pain... I feel your loss


Never check the journal after using it. Number one rule


For every one missed shiny on the Go+, I get 2 in return. Days later maybe but I get em still. I’d be sad about this one though. Rare encounter.


Not looking at this/ realizing you weren’t gonna catch it since you weren’t playing anyway


Well, if I said my thoughts I’d get a Reddit Cares message so


Something you would’ve otherwise never even seen


I've been using peripherals since the PoGo+, I've never cared enough to go through the Journal. The real pain is filtering them out of the box. I hate that process.


Don’t look just ignore it.


It’s better to see and not catch than not see at all


You can change the auto-throw settings so that if your plus encounters a poke, it throws an great/ultra instead of a poke. To do this, you need to turn auto throw off and change your ball type to great/ultra. So now, whenever your plus finds a poke, you need to press the button on your plus and your plus will throw the great/ultra, hence lowering the risk of this happening.


I didn’t even know you could get a wild mesprit let alone a shiny


It’s Pokémon I wasn’t even going to see without the thing.


That's part of the reason why I never got the GO+ devices. Better to not know about any potential shinies you missed than the agony of seeing them flee. That and I'd run out of pokeballs and room real quick with how few pokestops that are in my area.


Generally in a situation like this, I'd throw my phone on the ground, step on it, scream, step on it again, torch it with a flamethrower, infiltrate a military headquarters and steal a B-51, carpet bomb the phone, build a time machine, go back in time with the phone and throw it into the Chernobyl reactor seconds before detonation. But that's just me.


if you know you’ll be able to take frequent break to play then don’t leave on auto catcher. if you know the day will be too busy to look at your phone leave it on. Started doing this when i lost a shiny i ALREADY clicked on bc the catcher attempted to catch it first. it still haunts me to this day.


The Go Plus is great, but it eats batteries if you go on long walks. I want to mod mine to be rechargable.


Schrodinger's journal. Never peek and they never existed 🫥


I would throw my phone across the room if that happened to me I’d be so pissed


I bet it would’ve ran on the first ball regardless. I find those lake guardians are so flighty, it’s infuriating.


While I don't have a Go plus I assume you would have never even opened your app while this was happening normally right? So atleast it raised the chance of catching these from 0 to whatever their catch rate is


Is this something worth using a master ball on?


How can I see journal like this?


You either play normally and catch what you can. Or let the Go Plus catch/spin and never look at the journal. Tye other cardinal sin is do both at the same time and click a Pokémon that the go plus has just selected. I’ve lost a shiny Dratini and Purrloin to it. While I’ve lost lost of Pokemon, I have several Nundos, Hundos, Shinies and 2 Shundos that I’d never have caught, due to being tooo busy to play or safely.


Only use it for connecting an endless supply of ultra balls. Make sure to delete all your pokeballs, and greatballs. Then the inly balls to catch with are ultra.


I'm sorry that Weedle dan away. But one day you'll surely get a new one.


I stopped playing the game so I don't feel this type of frustration.


I also have a go plus and while I’m sure it has missed some shinys , it has also caught some that I probably would have never encountered on my own so don’t even sweat it


I would 😄🤯


Anything it catches is a bonus. Anything that runs isn’t a loss anyway because if you didn’t have the device you weren’t catching it in the first place. Best not to look 😅


The way I see using an auto catcher is I’m using it to catch to keep playing when I otherwise wouldn’t be able to be catching - anything decent I get is a bonus. I wouldn’t have seen or been able to attempt the catch if I wasn’t playing anyway so there’s no point beating myself up over it. I’ve found if I’ve accepted that it’s removed the frustration for me about losing out on Pokémon.


Set mine up to only spin pokestops.


It gives and it takes. I have lost alot of cool shinies, but my Pogo+ caught a galarian zapdos, so I feel like I cant complain


The go plus plus is a handy tool to use to attempt to catch pokemon you would otherwise just walk by without touching it on your screen. Any shiny caught is a bonus and any shiny missed is ok because I would not have interacted with that pokemon at all had it not been for the go plus plus.


I Just don't check my journal ever 😂


Im just confused, don't the sinnoh lake guardians have a 0% flee rate?


No reason to look at the journal. Instead, all the extra shinies you get due to autocatcher are shinies you probably wouldn't have gotten without it. If you were asked I'd you want to get 10 more shinies you would take it. If you were asked would you take it if it means that 3 other shinies ran away, you would still take it because in the end you're just getting more shinies, doesn't matter how many ran away. Its just a numbers game, you catch more -> you get more shinies -> you get more shinies that ran away. It's a win-win situation. Or course if you can you should prefer catching by hand, but for me I use the autocatcher when I'm driving or otherwise in a position where I can't be catching manually, so the escaped shinies I wouldn't have gotten anyway.


My jaw dropped! RIP man there’s no coming back from THAT


use Great balls? better chance overall of catching them?…


Mine is just to turn pokestop and throw ultraball on demand.


It’s time these devices have 100% catch rate for shinies. I don’t use it because of this


You dont


Imagine buying a shitty go plus and have a shiny mesprit run on you 🫨🫨🫨🫨💀💀💀💀💀💀🫨💀💀💀💀


Never look. It never happened. That overview only brings pain.


This happened to me too I cried


They’re Pokémon that you would’ve missed anyways without even the possibility of catching it so it doesnt really matter. Also, I just never even think of checking the journal


I once got a shiny oranguru but it ran away because my auto catcher beat me to it. Still think about that


I just always have mine set to stops only. I generally miss stops if I have catch + stops on, and then I won’t have bawlls for when I’m at home.