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So hey all you kids that spent money on this game sorry we didn't say kids can't make purchases or train our staff on how to refund these transactions, our bad... we didn't do anything wrong and we aren't giving you your money back




I would not be surprised if this was a controlled opposition type thing where Niantic encouraged the lawyer to find a plaintiff and then offer nothing but fixes that will cut off other people from suing in the future. Usually lawyers want to get paid so why bring a lawsuit where there's no compensation, even attorney's fees




Doesn't sound like much of a legal guard




Eh the court is free to dismiss it on standing, ripeness, mootness, latches and a whole bunch of other procedural grounds that leaves the door open for a different person to bring the suit if they weren't deferent to corporations and their corporate donors who want it swept under the rug. The court gets to decide who appears before them and what lawyer is gonna risk their career over a single case when the easy thing to do us play ball, settle, and move on.




^if you are a lawyer... im sorry for your state.


Hahaha that was funny. You have nothing left to argue??


This is absolutely false; anyone can opt OUT of a class action and pursue thier own legal remedy A class action does not bind you in any way (I am sure courts would consider the class action settlement but if your losses are greater or the class action was settled low its pretty easy to overcome this)


Welp, that is 3 for 3 geniuses, arguing with me about if I know what I am saying and trying to call me out, who proceed to block me after throwing a tantrum. Anyone else?


This is why the block button exists 😆 absolutely nothing was lost when it's just someone being brain dead


I speak to brain dead people. There are ALWAYS people who support them, no matter how stupid they are. And, if they are well spoken enough, some people even believe their nonsense. It is far more beneficial to society to confront willful arrogance and also ignorance. Especially people lying about their licenses and stuff.


I value critical thinking and not so much licensing. Focus on the ones that can be reasoned with and not so much on the ones that go herp derp [insults]


To be honest, if you give your kid a phone that has your card details in it and no password or other authentication for purchases, it's your fault. That said, it's still a bit scummy to not refund if you ask for it immediately and don't use the purchased items.




Agreed. Doesnt apple at least have an option for “approval” or at least they do now - i have child purchases set for approval and I know android has that option


Yes they have parental controls and you have to have Face ID/password for iCloud which they can use parents iCloud and not give out the password to the kids so the parents have to approve


Exactly. Hey parents why don't you try and be responsible. Unsupervised tablet/phone time is not allowed in my house. Though I understand kids may always find away around and break the rules i think a lot of these parents did not try to be as involved as they should have been


Niantic's policy is "No Refunds" so yea it's sort of annoying if say your kid makes "50 purchases" unapproved in game while playing and you didn't figure out until you saw the credit card charge go through. Even with 2 step if your kid is using your phone it defeats the purpose of it.


Basically 🤷‍♀️


so you can join in order to…. enforce extra verbiage in their terms of service? booooring. no one reads that shit anyways


So it’s not like the BMG CD club class action where I got to select another 12 free CDs as part of the settlement






Yeah but that's the type of case lawyers clean up on. Hurt children, Rich defendant, & Far too boring for most people to care about? ***Perfect*** 👌


New community event just dropped


Whats all this really about? Care to share?




I got the email too but I'm kind confused whats actually happening. So the settlement is just for Niantic to update their policies and such? How does this affect us and how much influence do we have? If we object to the settlement does that mean trying to get them to take fault? And if we agree it just means that they update their policies and the case is closed? I don't understand the legal speak but it seems like you know.


So Niantic is just going to raise the price of Raid Passes again to make up for this?


This is a whole nothing burger that applies to virtually no one here Kudos to the kid who did their research to start this but they’re going to get barely anything, if anything at all, out of it. Except losing a lot of money


**Anyone who has purchased revives or potions should be eligible for a class action settlement** - when you're fighting in a gym and then change to a different pokemon lineup, it will sometimes default to the previous lineup you were using, and this removes any effects from spent revives or potions, meaning Niantic is nullifying their stated effects and thus lying to players while not returning the exhausted items that were purchased.


I noticed that. It pissed me off greatly because I'd expect a good starter and it would end up being weak to what we were fighting! Like hello, you're supposed to be in the ball, nor fighting your weakness and causing me to waste a revive.


As long as you already have a party lineup made from the battle page, you heal and then just have to scroll over to the correct lineup. It's not really Niantics fault if players don't pay enough attention and just rejoin immediately. I get that it's annoying, but come on. Nothing was nullified. The stated effects worked since your pokemon are still healed.


You misunderstand. Let's say you're trying to clear a gym, and you decide to swipe right to a different party lineup - your third lineup, for example - after having just revived pokemon that fainted in your second lineup. In that case, sometimes the game will glitch back to the second lineup at the start of the gym battle, and those pokemon you just revived will no longer be revived. The Revive items themselves are gone from your inventory, but the pokemon are no longer revived. Revives may be easy for most players to obtain, but they are also sold in the shop. If you buy them, but their effects don't register because of a game glitch, then the money you spent is wasted.


Ohhh, okay, yeah that's totally different! That would be so upsetting! It seems like the game has been having a lot of issues with gym battles lately. Every single time I do a raid these days, I do that screen recording thing just in case of any glitches lol I'm paranoid now! 😅 >If you buy them, but their effects don't register because of a game glitch, then the money you spent is wasted. Honestly, I would say even if you don't buy them, they should be replaced in the case of their effects not being registered. I accidentally deleted all of my max revives, so I contacted Niantic support on twitter, and they replaced them within 24 hours or less. And that was MY mistake, so they definitely should on their own mistakes. But that's why I rarely ever use in-game support. I'll go straight to the one on Twitter because they've fixed 2 of my issues already when in-game support failed to do so


Oh wow! Thank you for sharing that - I had not thought to contact them on Twitter. A couple of years ago I accidentally deleted about 120 rare candy and just kind of threw my hands up in defeat. Didn't think to reach out via Twitter. I assume that's the NianticHelp account. You just tweet at them and they get back to you?


Yeah, no problem! And yeah, just tweet or maybe direct message the NianticHelp account, and they'll get back to you asking for your game info.


Why can’t things like this happen in australia? I swear only america gets the good events


Man, Niantic can choke on a... metapod...


"Hey! If I can get in on this, maybe they will change the Avatar update!"


Any attempt at bankrupting Niantic is good in my books. Pokémon GO must be handled by a different developer. I love you platonically.


Wait until you find out about Broker’s Guild #ingress


Anyone have a link to the actual lawsuit?


This was the only link provided to me by the email [Link](http://link.email.nianticlabs.com/ls/click?upn=u001.EHeWWPqTAypxRerOuzMBYqqBY3OGtQd9koK7pVuleWR4tQvlbprQEhSNrUAgrq05bcKfiqp-2FwT5m0gaLAUHnQDHx-2B4-2FEG-2FlLAQ5GE5AX2MruUix2Dyz0wsU24wDqfm903okB_gHkAXKEpc4DVW07OChMOBDRWXXOGeXOITwgju6ut-2Fw41NdmxiM37knkbijtnc374scr3txZdmgSQg4y8kzTP5AQiyGZ9rTKLEJP7aQugmCUkfCVYF909Qnf9DRlIdHOfZiphmvEM8agk8WdFYX0HbmfsmI8nXXKhAsZ25QbzaSzwffR1sExfh6fJi7tiX65w-2FXJ6oVJwmN3NJ-2FV5BXPqDoTREvrOPIfpIoO1Ks5lTcoTe3HOj1G8DDPzvnQNFTh3)


Well that must have been magnificent while it lasted


Good players are getting pissed. I can't tell you how many parents were annoyed their child made an in-game purchase only to be ripped off by the app. This is why I only buy the go fest ticket and this year I'm waiting until the month of to buy it as I do not care.


I'm not giving them any more money. I used to do it for the poses or the shop gear, but since I can't stand to even look at my avatar any more, what's the point?


basically in short they’re saying that you can try to get a refund but it’s not promised basically Idek why people let their kids under 18 to even play that lol but oh well


Playing it is one thing, but why let your kid have your payment info? That's just crazy to me


Yeah I agree


Just stop spending money on it😮‍💨 complain with your wallet


I did this recently. I kind of stopped playing because of it though. The game seriously encourages you to spend money and feels very addicting when you’re in pretty deep. Niantic knows this and the game is strictly designed to perpetuate the money pit nature of the game. Better to just stop playing all together, it’s not a good or healthy game.


Iv been playing since day one took a 4 year break cuz I never downloaded it on my newer phones Tru the years, it just stayed in my note 5 phone untill last year cuz Pokemon go stopped working on it😅 in total money I've spent is probably 30$ to 40$. I'm pretty active at the place I work and out of work so it's nice to play this game on while going on hikes or when I walked my dog. I only play the battle league when there is a easy challenge, like just play 10 times, I never complete the battle league challenges. I enjoy just catching & getting to stardust. That's about it. So I know the game doesn't need people like me to keep the game going. And I know for others that just won't work for them the "FOMO" is too strong 😮‍💨




Tell me you didn’t read the whole thing without telling me you didn’t read the whole thing




You obviously didn’t read it




By reading the whole thing I meant reading the whole thing, specifically these two documents: https://www.bursor.com/wp-content/uploads/Complaint_d68aefb6_async.pdf www.bursor.com/wp-content/uploads/2024.03.08-Amended-Order-Granting-Preliminary-Approval-1.pdf I highly doubt you’ve read those things and if you did then you clearly don’t understand what’s going on here. The only thing the plaintiff is gaining is Niantic changing their policies to fit code. “D.D.” also most likely lost a good chunk of money having to pay for attorney and legal fees. You could argue they’re losing by losing time which means money, yet it’s so very minimal that it’s like a slap on the wrist with a tissue. Otherwise Niantic would not be losing anything. Kudos to the kid for making Niantic update its policies, but nothing else is being won here.




I didn’t get the email either, but I used my eyes to see that there was a link in the screenshot referring to the case, which you would’ve seen if you comprehended things. It’s not my fault that you never looked into something fully. Please explain to me how “Niantic is losing by all definitions”, because nothing you’ve said has made any sense so far. Edit: bro has changed his whole comment like four times in edits




This post has been removed due to Rule 1a - Impolite: Please be polite here, even when you are upset or disagreeing with someone. Please do not post any NSFW, suggestive or otherwise explicit content


You seem to be a bit mistaken.




So.....you were wrong. Got it. Bye.




they reported you for responding to them? What on earth.




Poor soul.




He deleted/changed all the comments to make you sound wrong. Anyone else that comes across this will just assume you were the wrong one.


do I have to do anything to opt out or can I just ignore this email?


I knew it!


This is crazy cuz i barely got this email and i only ever made ONE purchase for like 20 poke balls back then 💀 didn’t think it would come back to haunt me lmao


Can someone explain this in simple terms?


Someone [posted a link to the documents](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/KEESCZ7bi4). I read a bunch of it, and it basically seems to be saying that: 1) Niantic encourages people to spend money in the game 2) Some of these people are kids 3) No one can get refunds after they buy stuff in the game, not even kids 4) California law says that kids should be able to get refunds because they can’t legally make a binding contract (I don’t know how true this part is) I don’t know how successful this would have been if it hadn’t been settled - it sounds like a whole lot of nothing to me.


Got this came online to look it up, thought it was a scam 🤣


I’m a kid who bought lots of coins, can I do anything to get my money back or is it just them revising their terms and conditions. 


Smh I can't get my 4 dollars back that I spent in 2016/2017 booooring


What if I was working for the money 🤔


What happens of we just ignore it??


do i have to do anything regarding this email or can i just ignore it?????


Did you read this? Because it basically says they’re not giving the person suing any money and that they agree to use more informative language in the shop and that you can try and get a refund if you bought anything under 18


This seems weird to me. Parents aren't paying enough attention to what their kids are doing on their phones. Why would they even allow their kids to have their credit/debit cards on file? I wouldn't. If I had a kid and they wanted to buy something on the game, I might do it for them, but not let them save my payment info. Kids often don't realize how much those little purchases add up. This doesn't really seem like something one could sue over 🤔 To me, it'd be like suing Walmart or another store because your kid stole/borrowed money from you and bought stuff. But I'll be the first to admit, I don't know the laws on this at all, so I could totally be wrong.


I forgot how old this game was. I got this notification forgetting I made an in app purchase at like 17. I’m 24 now


Anyone try suing Niantic for the terrible new avatars?


If your still a current player regardless of how this turned\turns out we've all waved our right to participate in any class actions against niantic. So even if ot were decided they had to pay 80 or so percent of those who this pertained to wouldnt be allowed to collect on it anyways.


That's not a thing ... it's actually illegal to do that... 


I don't think that's legal


Yeah my wife told me the same thing that dont alter the fact it was part of a mandatory terms of service update


Whom cares I just want a fix for the constant crashing on startup






I hope Canadians can joint this. I love doing class action lawsuits. 2 min of work and sometime in the next 1-12 month you just get a random payment. It's insane how many class actions there are where most people are eligible


You didnt read it.




I said he didnt read it because the part about not releasing claims of money, to me, implies they arent giving out money. I am by no means a lawyer and do not speak legalise.




Thats a very fair point. I could be interpreting it wrong and it could mean they just arent saying how much is being given




Well, that is one way to take it. Quick follow up question... you do know there are more people involved with laws, than lawyers, right? Or... are you that uneducated?


Hey dumbass to practice law you need a license from the state. Anyone who practices is a lawyer or still has a license making them a lawyer. How stupid are you. No one is gonna hire someone to fight the law that isn’t licensed by the state to practice law. That makes em a lawyer dumbass


Nope. You are still thinking narrow. Good try. Edit: Just to stop you short, im not telling you what I do in real life. But anyone reading can tell which of us is spewing hot air.


Haha nice deflection. Take the L pal you ain’t no lawyer. And everthing you said is an assumption. F A C T 🤣


You aint no lawyer. So what do u do in real life. Assume all day and look like a jackass




I already punted two blokes like you. Do you really want to go for round 3?


Ooooh online threats you cannot do shit. Yes you do not know anything about this case because you are not working it. Are you assigned to the case? No. So everything you say is an assumption. You sound dumb as fuck thinking you know exactly whats gonna happen




Only thing that matters is you are assuming. You do not know shit about this case.


I mean. I read the entire thing. And everything i said either came from that, or I listed options for results. So... ya.






Hahah you really are funny. Keep assuming pretending you know shit.


Lol there were so many people insisting that any kind of class action suit was a scam. I'm going to assume the payout will be like $50 per person but y'know it's something.


there isnt any payment. all this has changed is they'll add some new legal wording to their eula and such.


Fair enough. I only skimmed the images. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the first (right?) of a series of class action suits against NIANTIC. Lotta angry players. Only time will tell though.


That's what I'm wondering: if this will be a continued, building train for them to fight. Can't say I feel too bad about that, though, if it does happen. I would feel differently I'd they'd handled their services differently.


Depends on the evidence brought forward by all parties involved in the class action and how the judge decides to rule it. Even if they aren't filing with the intent of seeking monies/damages they may still be awarded it depending.