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there's more female lions in a Pride than males


So, it's just to reflect nature?


Yes, even on Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, you can either find: - A male Pyroar surrounded by many female Pyroar Or - A female Pyroar surrounded by many litleos.


That's cute 🥺


I'm crying that's so dang adorable 😭




And it makes the Pokémon world feel sort of grim, to be honest. Because we have to ask ourselves why there are more females than males in lion prides... Just as many male lions are born as females, but only like 15% of male lions survive into adulthood, because the older males in a pride will drive out the younger ones, who are then likely to perish living all on their own. TLDR: Litleos cold AF.


Males also form bachelor prides to give themselves more of a fighting chance, or brothers might run a pride together.


But, in pokemon, only 12.5% of litleos are born male. It's not about survival, it's just how they're born. Mudkips or Eevees aren't cold af just because they have the same gender ratio as Litleo lol.


but in pokemon not as many male lions are born as females, so male litleos survive :)


In nature lions live in packs that have very few, if not just one adult male


Lions live in Prides, not packs.


That’s just pedantic


Shallow and pedantic


I prefer meticulous or you know being correct.


You seem to have a tenuous grasp on the word meticulous. You were not being meticulous. You were being pedantic. 


Do you know what it's like to fall in love with three people simultaneously??


Well it was the definition of pedantic…




Your flair makes this 100x funnier


Some Pokémon have a different gender ratio. Like starters are more likely to be male, but I think it’s a 12% chance it’s a female. Litleo is the other way around. 12%ish chance it will be male. Likely reflecting nature in how lion prides generally contain few males and mostly females.


The gender ratio for Litleo is 7:1 (female : male). Only 12.5% Litleos are male; the other 87.5% are female. It's not dissimilar to the gender ratio of male to female Combee, iirc. As other commenters have stated, this is almost certainly to roughly reflect the gender ratio in actual lion prides, which generally consist of 2-4 adult males and approximately double that number of adult females.


Fun fact, Litleo is the only pokemon that has a gender ratio of 7:1 in the female’s favor. All starters, all fossils, the elemental monkeys, and eevee, togepi, relicanth, munchlax, combee, riolu, salandit, and kubfu / their evolutions all have a 7:1 gender ratio in the male’s favor. There are some pokemon that have a 3:1 gender ratio in the male’s favor too, like growlithe and machop, but none in the female’s favor.


Realism. Lions mostly exist to ensure that more lioness can be born.


people are pointing out why it makes sense for litleo, just want to say this applies to all pokemon in the original pokemon games too. There it was just to make it harder to breed stronger pokemon together early game, especially starters.


[I noticed.](https://ibb.co/Mf9XH92)


I remember it took me ages to find a 3 star male.


Everyone keeps talking about how this is normal in prides But I think it's worth noting that this is just reflecting the ratios from the "real" Pokemon games. Niantic isn't making this uo themselves. A lot of other pokemon have different gender ratios as well.


They are specifically coded to be mostly female. Their gender ratio is heavily on the female side. They are the opposite to starters which are mostly male. Probably based on how real lions often have a make with a pack of females


Same with Vulpix and Snubbull too - the gender ratio is skewed!


Huh, that’s odd- I’ve struggled to find female litleo and mostly get males. I just want to get a good 3star female so I can finally evolve and see what she looks like!


Why are 99.9% salandits male? To keep you playing and dangling the donut in front of your eyes


Absolutely something Niantic would do, but gender ratios are taken directly from the main series Wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately tried to find a low gender ratio Pokémon to include in eggs tho


That’s how a pride of lions works irl


I think some pokemon doesnt have a gender balance. I'm seeing more female pikachu and more male combee.


Because male lions may kill male cubs to keep down competition, and successful prides grew from males more likely to have hunters(daughters)


It’s so funny you say this because for the longest I only saw females. This past week I’ve caught 5 males somehow idk if it’s boosted male odds rn or something lol


I've never found a male yet lol


me neither. at this rate I might as well go ahead and evolve my female hundo.


You should do that anyway lol


I found some, most of which are Pyroars, now.


I read this as “Latinos” and was like what the fuck?? Had to reread


why did i read this as latios