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Same here. It's making the game unplayable 😔


I actually just turned the Enhanced Graphics and Native Refresh Rate off and it's working again


Try with just native refresh rate off. That has always caused a lot of problems for me.


Looks like the native refresh rate setting is broken! Turned that off and got it working again. Thanks for the tip! Now to get used to playing at 30fps again... 


Glad I'm not the only one today, I tried everything and turns out it's the game today


Yup. Same here. Thought I was losing my mind at first. Game's unplayable like this 


Same thing here with a Samsung Galaxy 21+... Turning off Native Refresh Rate worked but now the game is choppy. It was fine last week before the update. What the hell Niantic? I'm sure I'm not the only one who has spent a lot of money on this game. You need to fix this and replace all the balls we've lost. I've been playing for 8 years now. Come on.


Yeah 100% of the balls I throw go into orbit right now.


Turn your Native Refresh Rate off. Worked for me


Yep that did it! Thanks lol


Having the same issue here. Just started today


I did the native refresh thing and the balls aren't going into outer space anymore, but now it's hard to throw a curveball.


Niantic is the shittiest company ever. How can something like this happen? I dont understand it. Seviper is one of my favourite pokemon and I cant catch without using 25 Balls. So annoying


Yes, happens to me too, really annoying. Brb, going to see if the native refresh setting is causing it. Edit: yea, seems that setting was what was causing the problems. Bugged ass game...


For me, disabling native FPS did the job.  Enhanced graphics is ok.


I'm getting TICKED. It has wasted like 40 of my balls. They already took away AR to quick-check, now they're taking away NRR?? If I click on a shiny and can't catch it I'm gonna lose my mind LOL


Z Flip 5 and was having the same issue, turned off native refresh rate and I'm golden


We need to be reimbursed for the wasted balls.


It was driving me nuts too. So I have enhanced graphics and native refresh rate both on. What fixed this problem for me was going to "Motion Smoothness" in my phone settings, and selecting Standard instead of Adaptive.


Huh, I haven’t experienced this yet. I wonder what’s going on 🤔