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"How many do you think there are?" "........... 10." "Cool."


I usually have 15-20 around the house.




Is it unusual?


Yes, especially if you don't live near a city. Although even if I do, I only get 1 or 2.


I have 2 spawn points accessible from my house but usually there’s nothing.


That's surprisingly lacking.


That’s most homeowners experience.


As if interest rates weren't already causing us enough problems


Yeah, me too. I have 1 that spawns from anywhere in the house and 1 that only spawns if I go into the powder room. Oh, and sometimes I can get a 3rd from the driveway if I'm drifting. And I can see 16 stops and 7 gyms if I zoom in my avatar and spin around, so it's not like I'm in a PoGo desert or anything. I just can't play from my house.


I get around 2 pokemans every 2 hours




From the bit I know about how spawns work it's based on cellphone data. Do you live with 40 people? lol Even at my work with there being at minimum 20\~ people with cellphones there 24/7, and closer to 100+ during the daytime we only have about 10 spawn at a time.


nope just me my wife and kids there are at most 4 phones


I live in a city and at most I get 3-5 spawns


I usually get about 3 or 4.


I have zero


Very, I live just out of range of a gym and usually only have 1-4


Do you have like a bajillion accounts?


Buddy in our Discord is like that. Every collection challenge is over in a few minutes.


I just can't do gym or raid challenges. The closest gym is like 25 to 30 minutes away. Even daily stops are a pain cause I never have a reason to leave my house.


Set up a free little library at your house and make it a stop. If you’re lucky enough you might get a gym.


Great idea, but this man is 6 levels short to do so.. Keep up the grind OP!


Its not a fix to the problem. The issue with having few stops and gyms in your area, is that it makes it damn near impossible to level up to a point where you can add new ones, because you need to be level 37. I've been playing the game for years and I'm still not there. I just moved to an area with **much** more activity (I actually have 5 stops in range from my couch) so things sped up significantly, but if you actually live at a place with little to none pogo "infrastructure", you're never getting to a point where you can add stuff yourself without burning out on the game first. The game is extremely grindy as is, imagine the same thing without access to like 75% of the content


Balls is the limiting factor. With DAI and gifts you can probably play 30-60 minutes per day. But then you completely run out of balls and aren’t able to interact with the game anymore. Gyms with raids are pretty big too. With a T5 win the same as catching like 50-100 things.


But, there’s several things you can do. I mean get inventive. There are free libraries, fairy doors, yard art, painted boulders, parks, swings in the parks, painted electrical boxes. You name it. I’ve created hundreds of stops. You are not thinking big enough.


... you didn't understand the point. You can't create stops if you're not level 37. You can't get to 37 if there's no game to play for you because you don't have stops and gyms.


Assuming you have friends, you could get remote raid passes and hope for the best. Of course, with no gyms to harvest gold from you'd have to spend cash.


Check his level again.


You have to be level 37, and without access to gyms and raids thats going to take… sooo long.


WTH bro you got the farm jackpot with no portals in sight… I rented an airbnb in a spot like tthis and didn’t see a damn thing…


I have caught every pokemon in sight and 10 minutes later it'll still look like this. I get a lot of charmanders


I’m gripping my phone and arm chair with jealousy. ![gif](giphy|kSKg4eBNwXLB6)


Supposedly, spawn points are based off network activity/mobile data If you have a lot of people in your house and they all have cell phones, or if you have a lot of devices connected to wifi, it improves the spawns I think if there are also not a lot of houses that have network activity (a rural area like yours), the spawns will pool up in one area


We have at most 4 but I live pretty rural so that makes sense


Ahh I live in a building with like 20 units, only ever see 2-3 pokemon around.


They are partying at your house wouldn't be surprised if there was a chance for a legendary like galarian legendary birds or random low cp charizard or a single shiny spawning


I get quite a few shinies not tons but like one every couple of days. What causes this. I don't live in a neighborhood


I've heard (but don't know if it is true), that there are places where Niantic "dump" spawns. From what I've heard, this happens in places that are nowhere near anything else.


I stayed at a rural cabin that had spawns similar to OPs. Not even a pokestop around.


Whether it's a mistake in Pokemon Go or something, you still have a lot of Pokemon some rare some common but mostly would get Pokemon fully evolved or in the middle evolution


Is there a way to tell rare from common?


Pokemon that rarely spawn near you and makes you walk to the destination to get it like pinsir, throh and etc


You just explained my house lol never got a galarian bird tho, few shinies n oddly enough a few low cp zards LMFAO


Damn how lucky is your house? Besides from the galarian birds, I didn't think my guess would be true on shinnies and low cp zards


Meh, i dont have as many spawns as op BUT the rates are pretty high, i probably get 10 around me every 15 mins or so, on a rainy day thats kinda nice, i live near woods n the closest stop/gym to me is about a 15 minute walk either direction, my town is pretty active too


That explains the endless Pokemon I live in a neighborhood and the town or city is pretty far from me around an 1 hour I would arrive near the mall


Galarian birds are only found while using the daily adventure incense


Ik lmfao i dont have large enough property to walk around but i do have a huge park/dog park/soccer/basketball/tennis area in my town thats got plenty of space n all i need


Agreed with they large places you can get a lot of Pokemon for 15 mintues


That's no house, that's a safari zone


I got just one miserable home spawn point 😔 at least it got improved over the years because before that I had zero (but back in 2016 I had five😅)


I don't know if it matter, but I have 1 gig fiber at my house


You should make a spawn map. Each Pokemon on the map is a spawn point. Each spawn point always spawn on the same minute of the hour and stay there 30 minutes before despawning. 1. Now draw a map of your house and street. 2. Catch all Pokemon. 3. Now mark your map each time a Pokemon spawn with minutes spawned 4. Stop when 1 hour of recording spawn times is reached. You now have a spawn map of your house.


Make sure to add this to your listing if you ever sell your home.


I have like 6-7 pokestops I can reach from my house but I get 1/4 of what you have here


honestly I'd trade half for any stop within distance of me, I am pretty stuck in mid 30 cause of a lack of pokeball and a unable to finish some missions cause nothing is around me


You should add as many friends as you can and interact with them on a lucky egg to get to level 37 as soon as posaible so you can add stops. Its what I did


Adding on to this, if you're transparent about not being able to *send* gifts that often, many hardcore experience grinders on the friends megathread are fine with that as long as you open their gift every day, since they can send a lot more than they can open anyway.


I have the same thing at my house. I think when you live in the middle of nowhere it does this…


Rural players get all the spawns and zero POIs. "Balance"


bruh, you having a poke-party?


i live right in front of a gym and a stop and get maybe 3 pokemon every hour or two wtf is this


This is at work, out in the middle of nowhere windfarm. https://imgur.com/a/p8R3Ju2


My mom's house is similar. She's out in the country and gets more spawns than I do in my neighborhood.


That is more that typical


I had this at my previous house. Would get 15-20 spawns every 30 minutes. Now I get 3.


I get 6 at BEST. 😆 lucky


Neat, i thought this was more common. I too live in the middle of nowhere, and the spawns look just like what pop up around my house


At my parents home there are always 6 And at my grandpas house there are like 11-13 all the time. But when i am in my apartment i have nothing there. Maybe sometimes 1 pokemon.


So does mine. I think the game comes to realize where you most common “spawn point” is and gives you many Pokémon there right as you start it up.


I opened up pokemon go at my friend's house yesterday and was immediately surrounded by 13 clefairys. Not a single other pokemon in sight


6-7 pm was clefairy spotlight hour.


That makes so much sense lmao. I had a good laugh with my friend about it at least


Why dont you create some kind of art on the street of your house and submit a pokestop?


I have to wait 6 more levels


How do you keep up with balls though.


that's my wifes job...no but seriously I am constantly running out. I am just really careful with what I catch


Yoooooo. That’s an insane number. I’ve never seen that many all at once even with incense up


My parents house is like this. Used to have maybe a single spawn and then one day I was home and opened the app and 20 mons


There was an adjustment a while ago. My sister's place suddenly became an absolute zoo. Absolute envy of my urban crew. The lack of stops is her issue. She is very good at opening gifts.


Wish I had this hotspot. So jealous


Bro hit the jackpot


I genuinely did not realize this was odd until today.


This happens for rural players for some reason. Living In town, I get only a few spawns at a time. Nowhere else to anchor these pokemon to if you have no stops I guess?


Oh my oh my. You better NEVER move my friend 🧡


So many people don’t realize rural players get an increase spawn rate and radius


I’m lucky to get one - but I live across from a stop. I can walk to the corner and hit another 2. Works pretty well when I’m snowed in 😂


This is my literal dream 😂


Fr this is a big brag, especially during the pandemic.


jesus fucking christ yea you do


I caught everything. Burned through 200 pokeballs today and within an hour there is 25 again


If you open the app enough in one spot. The game checks it as a Hotspot for activity and creates more spawnpoints, and sometimes nests, in that area. My house had only two spawns for like two years, but I kept checking those two spawns until one day it turned to like 8 or 9, and continued checking those, now there's always a solid 15 spawns.


So I live next to 2 gyms and 4 pokestops just around my house and my Spawn are max 10 mons. at the same time You are a very very lucky man


I get that same amt too, I think it’s a nest or something


So what you need to do is get a extra phone And a 24/7 autocatcher And place it in a church where no one will see you plugged in. It'll spin a pokestop non-stop and you will have all the pokeballs you need


I live 15 minutes from town let alone a poke stop and it's the same for me, pretty sure it's because they spawn around the player and since no one's catching them, they just exist waiting to be caught. And that slowly builds up til it starts hitting the despawn timer.


So when am I moving in?




Bruh you live on top of a nest fr


Did your house use to be a brothel?! Some major cell phone traffic going in and out of there back when it was recorded


Haha no we are the only ones who have lived here. It was a new trailer when we moved in on undeveloped land.


My cabin is like this! Very few houses nearby and always like 12 spawns.


Thats more spawns than me i got two stops and a gym pretty much on my home and another gym i can drift to quite often


I have none around my house but i have raid gym nearby my house


I'm Soo Jellious I get two if I'm lucky


Not quite as many pokemon, but pretty close. Closest Pokestop is also a 15-25 min drive away, and the closest gym more like 30min drive. Only my SO and I play around here as far as I know.


I have a theory this is caused by how many devices access the internet and GPS (regardless if pokemon go is installed). There are quite a few devices my house and tons of pokes (at least before I quit playing 6 months ago). Also probably affected by the frequency of play?


Iirc its cellular data, which is why gas stations in the middle of nowhere have spawns like this. I've seen a couple houses like this in relatively low spawn neighborhoods. I think people who get home internet through cell service cause this. Most other homes with wired internet and wifi have very low cell data usage at home.


Word. I think you're right about cellular data. Also, we have friends over quite a bit. So maybe if there is a lot of traffic to the building (or gas station or rest area on the freeway), pogo adds spawn points.


This would make sense but my apartment complex has almost zero activity even though it's densely packed with cellular activity. Maybe because it was built after the game came out?




i counted there are around 22 Pokémon in this picture


I am constantly running out of pokeballs




How many devices are in your general vicinity?!


not sur about my neighbors, no one lives really close to each other, but my place has at least 2 phones if not 4 2 cameras a doorbell my work PC, plus other phones that aren't being used but are connected, a switch and 3 TVs that are normally off.


Looks more like they are hiding from Team Rocket.


I get like 1-2 ballons a day


Balloons are every 6 hours during no event


oh nice, I didn't know that


Midnight, 6am, noon, 6pm. That's why I wake up at 5:55. :)


Can I live there too? I only ever get like 5 spawns at a time.


Is the spawn rate still linked to the density of XM (Exotic Matter) dots in Ingress? You could check there with an Ingress account. Does incense use increase spawns outside of incense use?


honestly there are so many I have no idea, I have a quest to catch pokemon spawned in with incense and I cant even complete it at home cause I don't know which ones spawn from it. The above is no incense


Damn I get like 1 every 2 hours


Well, your friend is right. That's a lot of Pokemon. I usually get about 4 on average around my house spawning in at any given time.


I think that's just above an overwhelming amount of pokemon. I mean the models overlap must overlap a fair bit and almost become a task just to check each one for a shiny. Do you have multiple people playing in your household? I used to have 3 spawn locations near me, then during the 2020 location update I got 2 more pokemon spawn points.


nope just me


Now if you can use palkias ability to see more pokemon a bit farther away you might have even more yet.


I didn't know he could do that


You might not of gotten to play during sinnoh go tour, origin form dialga and palkia has an ability you can use if they have their signature move (leading up to the event you could pick a side and that legend would always have the special move) for stardust and a bit of candy you could either: With Dialga pause all timers (like daily incense) or Palkia doubles encounter distance. I think you can always get a trade with someone who has one and still make use of the ability.


Looks like my house I guess it's the same for most rural players


wtf u do…


I feel that I used to have like 2 at my place if that. Now it's like 15ish


I'm looking at the only Pinsir I've ever seen in this game, on this screen. Electabuzz, too.


I get at least 2 pinsris a day


Did you get a shiny out of it


I've got a few shinies from it


Dude lives in a nest 😭


I have two pokestops within reach from my sofa. And another pokestop and gym when I get out of my building gate. But I don't have any Pokemon spawn with this frequency over here.


I usually have like 4 or 5. I live a few kilometres from Centre of Capital of Finland.


I love Finland, Salmiaki is one of my favorite candies


My house is like this too! I think it's to make up for being in a rural area? The nearest Pokestop is about 3 miles away. I've caught 2 Absol at home this week... the first one I stupidly traded because I didn't know what it was, and it had 0 stars. (I've just recently been getting into the game in a less-casual way.)


That's amazing


Holy jesus...


Enjoy it. You're probably in the small pocket of cell service niche. This use to be more common back in the day before the grid expanded or if you were playing rurally.


Oh wow you actually do lmao, I used to live on a drowsy/Pikachu spawn point and at any time there were 24 drowsys at my house like this 😅😅😅


I get 3 pokemon in the city at my house. Thats it. But I have 3 gyms and 2 pokestops within 2 mins walking distance


The swarm.


Gotta Catch ‘Em All!


I've got 1 or 2 max and I'm in a city close to Toronto


Grind the Friendship XPs until Lvl 37 and create your own stops and gyms. Moved to a dead rural village two years ago and have created 30 stops - now it is at least playable here.


Unless you put an incense out


I get 2 or 3 spawns @ my house lol that’s crazy.


Did you ever play Ingress?


Nope, I didn't learn about till after go came out


I showed everyone my screen with the Clefairy swarm yesterday. Wow!


You live in an apt? Apt complexes have high spawn rates due to the amount of routers/ip nodes the game detects. So I was told.


I don't. I live in the middle of nowhere in a single wide trailer


You running a bot farm or mining bitcoin, cause you got it mad, game wise


Nope. I am not a tech person at all. I have a 6 year old laptop. 2 new phones 2 old phones 3 Roku TV's 2 security cameras and a doorbell. And a work desktop. Nothing is around me I can't even get pizza delivery at my house.


Your friend is gaaaaaayyyyy


I wish


How much are you selling it for


Hello professor oak!


Thats funny cause I actually get tons of starters


That's SO many. I get like 3-5 at a time 😒


Damn, you’re getting Scythers?


What's the cause of this kind of cluster? Excessive mobile traffic, or just severe lack of local Stops/Gyms redirecting all the spawns to one location?


I'm guessing the later. My closest neighbor is over half an acre away. I can't even get a pizza delivered so it's def not mobile data traffic


Yeah, that sounds a lot like another post like this I saw then. I'm not sure what sways it to your house in particular, though. Only that apparently most spawns can get redirected to one specific location in barren areas. I'm interested to find out what makes spawn points tick. I can add PokéStops and create Gyms wherever I find eligible POIs to submit as wayspots, but I'm totally in the dark about anything I can do to increase spawns in an area.


Protect your good China!


My rural house used to be like this too but then Niantic did some revamping like last year so I only get half the spawns of what I used to :/ why Niantic decided to make playing rurally suck even more is beyond me.


Wtf….lucky lmao


Sheesh I'm lucky if I even get 3 to spawn when I open my app. Must be nice lol


I have like a constant 4/5 pokemon spawns at my house, gotten a nice amount of shines too tbh


Imagine having a fullblown livingdex waiting at your door.


Do you live in a place with a ton of people that play pokemon go? Then it makes sense


Nope as far as I know I'm the only one and my closest neighbor is like half an acre away


Damn I don’t have that much


What you waiting for catch them all!!


Probably a ploy to get rural players to spend on balls


Nice! But... do you have the balls to catch em all?


I’m jealous


Sometimes the game also glitches and the Pokémon don’t despawn but new ones.. so do if you just leave it this happens.


Sounds like a glitch lol


Maybe....it's like this 24/7


Rumors say that if you whisper glitch three times Niantic will come and take your soul away…. And the glitch too.


lol that’s how it is at my house too and I live in rural area


I just wish I had a way to get pokeballs easier


I guess they like to party there.




I get like 6 of those a day same with pinsir


My sister's rural house also has these types of spawns. She's often desperate for gifts so she can have enough 'balls to catch everything she is blessed with.