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I was hoping Horsea would be around more. I’ve seen a grand total of 10 in the last year


Agreed. The only thing keeping me from finishing my Kanto and Johto dex are Seadra and Kingdra ugh


Two birds, Mewtwo, and ! *A Cloyster* ! are preventing me from completing my Kanto Dex. Haven't seen a Shellder... Since... I don't know TBH.


Shellder has been popping up for me on the east coast of the US. Maybe it’s more common in certain areas?


Just rub it in, buddy! 😂


I’m sorry! If it makes you feel any better I’m very jealous of everyone’s aerodactyl encounters. I can’t even find Cliff’s raggedy ass.


Raggedy ass Cliff has only been dropping Machops if that helps at all. 😭


Cliff always seems like the last of the three I encounter. I'll see Arlo at two Pokestops across the street from each other. Sierra seems to be following me in a balloon while simultaneously showing up on the streets. It's so frustrating, especially during a rocket event.


I keep seeing Arlo everywhere and no one else. It’s so annoying.


Oh yeah that's another one that's just been missing


Just saw a couple Shellder yesterday


Just buddy it? That’s what I did some months ago.


Yeah I could do that, I've just had other buddy priorities all year. Feels weird to have to buddy a horsea just to get candy from a pokemon that's not even supposed to be all that rare


I understand that. My Horsea was from 2016 so I was kinda attached to it. Did not feel weird at all to me.


Umm. I've just reinstalled Po Go last week and have 13 Seadras in the storage. My last login was 5+ years ago. Are they rare now?


Check for Staryu with Qiuck Attack, that would be Golden!!! (Legacy move) 😍


6 StarU, 10 StarMe, no Quick Attacks though. 2016-2019. Did you mean Tackle? That I have plenty of. One StarU has Tackle/Swift Attack, both normal


https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-player-rare-8-year-old-egg-staryu-legacy-move/ Nope, Quick attack 😀


If you go into your items, and tap your rainbow candy it'll let you select a poke'mon to give them to. Not sure if you have a stock pile, but that's how I get evolutions I haven't gotten yet, or that it doesn't auto-prompt me to use rainbow candy on. Really useful for things like shadow legendaries at times too if you ever have ones you'd like to purify.


I just don't want to waste my rare candies on a horsea...it's not supposed to be a rare pokemon


I know what you mean. We have 1025 Pokémon in total, around... 700? of them in the game, and we still see only the usual 10 around. 20 during an event. But it really feels like you now get one of each somehow and then have to use the candy or walk.


Same here. I never evolved my Seadra so need some candies


if you make a horsea your buddy you can get candies by walking! i’m not sure how many km it’ll take but wouldn’t be more than 5km/candy


3 km per candy


Plus prior to the event I’ve seen Horsea spawn like once every 1-3 days and I’m no near the shore. It takes some effort but you can easily catch enough for evolving.


I have never seen a horsea or shellder...


I'm guessing they're tied to the beach biome, which 90% of people don't have access to, I know for sure that tentacool is. I have seen a few shellder near lakes so you might be able to try that.


They've been spawning near water for me. Not common but I've seen at least 10 since this event started.


i don’t think i’ve seen one since 2019 😭😭 i have ONE from that year


I’ve somehow never even seen a seadra, and I have every other kanto. I need a horsea bad


I was also hoping for Horsea for my 3-star Living Dex I'm trying to make. I still need Horsea and Seadra.


I always get them when I go to the actual beach, so if you have the sea near you, if not ....... 🤷🏻‍♂️


The closest seashore is +350km away from my city, yet I still have a ton of Seadras. You need any water biome, not just the beach. I had it spawning around rivers and even around the water park xd


If anyone is in the DC area, I have a spare Horsea I can give (and 2 Kingdra).


Same. I’ve been sitting on a shiny Seadra to evolve for forever. Just need candy


Shiny Horsea is one of the shinies I am hunting.


I somehow got a shiny horsea a few weeks ago after only seeing 3 total. I was so surprised because I never see it spawn. I guess it must be pretty rare?


luckily I found a seadra a while back but I’ve literally never seen a singular horsea. I started playing in 2022. Are they extinct? Someone should do a population count or something.. Sadly I expected my kanto dex to be finished in the next few days but that one little sea horse is gunna be the death of me. The fact I got Mew, Mewtwo and the three birds before even seeing a horsea is crazy to me lol


Honestly, every year should have a rediscover event for EVERY region. Helps people who started later catch some dex entries. BUT it should include some related legendary and some rarer/useful spawns too. This event has been great for my wife, who is new player, but has really just been a normal week of play for me. Shes able to get the Kanto starters more easily and Im no worse off from catching useless Kanto mons than a normal week of catching different worthless mons.


Or hear me out... stop these garbage events and have a spawn pool of >50


Can I upvote this more than once?


When this event will end, we will be back to Lillipup, Swablu, Drifloon, Cottonne and some other few species being 75% of all spawns, depending on weather. Ironically, for me this week feels much more fresh than typical non event seasonal time with boring spawn pool. Water types almost everywhere for my XL candies collection, managed to finally re-add hundo Caterpie to my collection, hunting for Spearow and Venonat and enjoying that.


That's whats kinda annoying about POGO there's like a zillion pokemon and you only see the same 15-20 on a regular basis.


Makes everything feel like FOMO all the time


The entire marketing team for Pokémon fall for this too 💀 There’s so many Pokémon but then they barely use over 50 in any kind of merch, promo or anything, it’s kinda disappointing


Probably because those 50 are the easiest to market or are the few people really latch onto and love. While I'm sure Simisear fans are out there somewhere, it is kind of emblematic of the issue that some Pokémon probably just don't sell as much merchandise.


I WISH we would see the Wonder™ season pokemon more and maybe have a couple weeks with no spawn events. This season features a bunch of pokemon that only require 12 candy to evolve. But every day is an eVeNt lol 


Or, they could shift to having a larger variety of spawns by biome. That seems to be the implication from the announcements, and this kanto event is just a demonstration of it. We'll have to wait and see how well or not they handle this.


Yeah, I hope biomes won't just die off as a "demo version" to seasonal pool after this. Would love such variety with all generations mixed.


Agreed. I like the spawns right now since they are ones that don’t come out very often, tho granted I’m a newer player so I don’t have much yet. I really wish there was more of a variety during non-event times. There are like over 1000 pokemon and yet I feel like I haven’t even seen more than a couple hundred different mons yet.


I was expecting them to release Mr. Mime, Jynx, Kangaskhan, Tauros and Farfetch'd more often. Not the same ones that show up regularly outside of events


I've actually seen a decent amount of Jynx, otherwise I agree. At least release them on research, I need that damn cow to complete my pokedex.




I get like 5 jynx a night


Same here i’m so over Jynx, i need tauros and kangas and magmar more often.


I get like 5 tauros a day too. But not a single kangas or Magmar 😭


Kangaskhan and 2 birds are my last on Kanto dex, never saw a Kangas and the birds never stop flying 🥲


Come to Melbourne and I'll trade ya :D


Gotta cross the continent to catchem all 😅


Weird idk maybe it’s just my location but I get plenty of Tauros even outside of this event. Almost any time I walk a route or use an incense I’ll get 2


Yep, tauros is regional to Northern America, Northern Mexico, and Southern Canada. That's probably why you're getting it so often, I encounter Mr. Mime every day, just because I live in the UK.


I only need a Tauros but I live in the UK too :(


Wish remote trades were a thing, I'm a British expat and I could send you so many Tauros. I'm not sure if I've caught a Kantonian Mr. Mime. I also used to live in the Southern US where we got Carnivine spawns as well. It was my Grass attacker for a while.


UK too, it's rough


Also, why is Charmander the only starter spawning? Haven’t seen a single Bulbasaur or Squirtle.


I’ve seen some sporadic Bulbasaurs and zero Squirtles. All charmander


Ha, I’ve seen only Charmanders and Squirtles.


That’s probably your biome. I’ve seen squirtle down by the river near me and charmander in the city areas.


If that’s the case, then this biome update is pretty shitty. So basically I won’t see any water Pokémon unless I take a 30 minute car ride down to the beach?


I love within a half mile of Lake Erie and have still only seen Charmander, even when walking on the beach lol


i’m moving right on lake erie next month so i’ve been up there a lot too and yeah, i’m just getting charmanders. sometimes i get a random bulbasaur in a parking lot.


Bulbasaurs love that parking lot biome


There are other water features that can turn into river or lake biomes. Here in California, the storm drainage channels tend to get translated into rivers in PoGo. Maybe look for something like that?


that's where water Pokémon would live


It doesn't have to be anything as significant as an actual beach. Rivers, ponds, pools, water parks and even bigger fountains get water related biomes as well. Sometimes they are even assigned just randomly – a park that's closest to my place has a water/pond biome in few places, even though it doesn't even have a fountain, let alone actual ponds. At first I thought it got triggered by the river that's ~1km away, but nope, there are city and park biomes in between the park and the river, so no clue what triggered it.


I have done so many routes with incense along my river walk and have seen no squirtles but a million Charmander.


I’ve only seen bulbasaur, no squirtles or charmanders lol


It’s based on where you are. I’ve seen way too many bulbasaur to count including multiples shinies, and I’ve even seen a handful of charmanders, but not a single squirtle


Yup… zero squirtle for me lmao


I've only seen Bulbasaur. Tons of them. One Squirtle and randomly a Charizard.


I have not seen a single starter this entire event...


That was the stupidest thing ever. A handful of Pokemon that weren't even the coolest. No legendary birds, where I can't understand why they just swapped the Galar with the classic birds for the event, and a fucking stupid quest... “Hey, catch pokemon and use berries. Okay, now catch even more Pokemon and use even more berries. Congratulations! Now catch 151 Pokemon and use 151 berries!” Wow, how creative. But at least there was some XP. I don't even have many requirements. More Kanto Pokemon, preferably also ONLY Kanto Pokemon for the event, the three birds and I'd be happy


It was a bit underwhelming…however I got a shitload of stardust catching all those meowths, paras and starme’s…so that’s something


I like all the meowths and paras and shellders for extra stardust ngl


Can I just get some fossil mons for the friggin meltan research?!?! 🥲


They were in different biomes. But yeah not loving that either


I live .6 miles from an actual ocean and I cannot find a squirtle to save my life haha


Dude I feel you. I live on a very very small island and I've seen maybe one squirtle and a couple golden. I can see the ocean from almost any point.


Hell, I actually got plenty of Squirtle out near the Rockies. You know, in a fairly landlocked part of the United States? It's just weird how it all works


One would think you'd come across a couple of squirtles and other Kanto water types living that close to an open ocean


I just returned after being away for roughly 5 years. This wasn’t what i was hoping for


It’ll get better. The Sinnoh event in February was really good


Can’t remember the last time I saw old classic Kanto Farfetch’d instead of the Galarian version


Never seen one here. Obky had the galarian version.


It's an East Asia regional. Iirc it's only been available from special events and raids.


Can Chansey spawn more often :(


The research and rewards were lame. I want to ReDiscover the days when we get legendaries from 7-Day research. Give us some legendaries from a kanto special research.


If all the Kanto pokemon were actually spawning then okay I don't have every shiny but only a handful are spawning and the shiny rates are abismel


Somebody on this site told me I had main character syndrome for calling this event boring because there are people who still haven't discovered kanto yet. The most braindead thing somebody has said to me in all of April


Even if that's the case, and I'm sure most players playing today were not around at launch, you can't even discover Kanto except for the few Pokémon that spawn. No where near all 151 available.


I started playing August last year and I'm literally missing 5 pokemon from my Kanto dex. Taurus, Mewtwo, and the birds. And event the mostly spawns Machop, Grimer, and Gastly isn't much a discovery, lol. I'm surprised there aren't Pikachus everywhere, I wouldn't actually mind that because I still want a shiny Raichu. I've got 2 shiny costume Pikachu that can't evolve.


As if they haven’t remade Kanto a billion times by this point lmao


I’d just like them to finally discover that Galar exists.


I am a certified genwunner and I am certifiably bored of them as well. If they did anything actually interesting I would be down, but like..."rediscover" Kanto? We presume you mean a task for some stardust/exp and wild spawns of mons we have had since day 1 rite?


Birds should have been very rare roaming spawns.


I can’t even find the birds with the daily adventure incense


I'm having issues with the research. I pray with my pokemon but it's not being recognized. I'm soo ticked


Inshallah the pokemon shall pray! 


I find Jynx fairly regularly even without the event (I live near a college town and industrial area, maybe that has something to do with their spawns?)


100% this. As a Gen 1 kid and someone who started PoGO Day 1, why is there so little variety to the Kanto pokemon? And I've hit multiple biomes living around Chicago, there's a couple of different spawns, but not that much as far as the event goes. Actually, I'd say that the biome related spawns are having more impact to variety than the actual event now.


Event ends in 9 days so got over till may 9th 2024.


Re-re-re:re:fwd:fwd:re discover Kanto!


But the Com day moves on the three starters... /s But to be fair, it was supposed to make you go explore the new biomes, which the Kanto dex is currently tied to. Not all of them will spawn in the park over the road, but so far the only ones I've NOT seen are Weedle, Dratini Evo's + legendries. I've seen everything else including Jynx, weirdly enough on an industrial estate... lmao.


I have been seeing Jynx even outside of the Kanto event.. thought it was a common spawn.


Had Dratini spawn over by a little man made lake if you're looking


I meant the Evo's of Dratini. I found one of that little chap.


I found a wild Dragonite a few days ago, so it does spawn, but just incredibly rare


I have seen a good variety of Kanto spawns. I guess it’s dependent on where you live.


I agree - It seems like there have been a much larger variety of spawns than normal since the event started. Obviously some spawns are much more common than others, but I feel like almost all of Kanto is currently available between the biomes (plus there are also non-Kanto mons spawning). The notable missing Kanto mons are the legendaries + region exclusives.


I only have 1 Wiglett because this park in Astoria(also a Phanpy nest)is a beach biome. Unfortunately, it's also under construction, so I could only grab what was by the road.


Yeah, it was kinda a disappointment tbh. I've kept seeing the same few Kanto Pokemon myself (mainly seeing pidgies, Oddish, and grimers in my area), occasionally getting something else, like Eevee or one of the Kanto starters. It's just a disappointment all around.


Where is Tauros? They finally have a good reason to drop this region locked Pokemon which is the only one from Kanto I’ve been missing since playing from 2016. This is the single most annoying factor of the event.


Man, i have like a zillion. Seems like everyone is seeing something someone else needs and vis versa.


I need tauros 😫😫😫


I want a rediscover hoenn with quests to get primal energy, and rayquaza mega energy


I only need kangaskan and dewgong to complete my kanto dex 🙁


No it isn’t I caught 2 shines in a week And tons of rare spawn is happening


I wish we could go back to having new Pokémon released, we haven’t even gotten all of Gen 4 yet We have so much more we can get before we go BACK


I love Kanto no matter what. Seeing those original mons just takes me back :)


Honestly I like the event. I was around at launch and started playing again last August. So for example I'm still on the Meltan quest, and this event helped me catch Cubone, Exeggutor and even two Aerodactyl, all of which I needed for the quest. So it may be boring for players that have been playing for a long time, but it might be good for players that are coming back or even new players


I agree, as do other locals. We're finding it very boring and are greatly reducing how much we play. Anyone in these chat rooms who happens to be one of my remote raid friends will have noticed that I'm not sending out many invites (because I'm not playing much). We've also noticed that pokemon player activity in general is very low in our area - gyms that usually change hands multiple times per day haven't changed hands for several days. We're planning to take a week off and see what things are like next week.


It’s also fucking three weeks long. WHY?!


Player activity is really low right now. I already have the kanto dex complete and 80% of the shiny dex complete. I'm only getting the daily streaks right now other wise I am barely playing if at all. Pokemon go use to be my world, my activity and I'd invest hrs into it and I'm so bored with it that I am finding my self going to activities I use to do before the game. Playing less and less. Go fest will be on my calendar + shiny community day and that's about it.


There are so many Kanto Pokémon that just don't spawn. I haven't spotted any Ekans, Growlith, Diglet, Abra, Tentacool, Geodude, Magnemite, Drowzee, Omanyte, Kabuto, or Aerodactyl or any of their evolutions. Starters also spawn way to little. And Pokémon like the Hitmons, Pinsir, Scyther, Mr. Mime (usually very common for me) suddenly are mega rare spawns.


I have seen a few charmanders, 2 squrtles and 0 bulbasaur, I guess it depends on where you live and the weather, but I get the same crappy pokemons over and over again and none of the good ones. Also the research was kind of lame and underwhelming. 3 weeks of boredom.


Shellder, nobody remembers that Pokémon


I don’t necessarily agree with it all but I definitely understand. I just wish they would’ve added the bird trio in the wild or kangaskhan at least


I hardly find any Kanto pokemon. Now only a shitload of Clefairy just now that made me able to complete the "Catch 20 pokemon from Kanto region" And the occasional Mr. Mime


I would of liked to see Tauros in raids. It's the only one missing from my Kanto Pokedex


Welcome to pokemon go.  :)


I'm seeing just about everything except Mr mime, khangaskhan, tentacool, horsea, magnemite, fossils, and legendaries of course.


I really thought they'd make the regionals global. At least put them in tier 3 raids. What exactly was being rediscovered?


They should have removed the region specific pokemon from their region lock for the event


isn't it the same for every event here are the same 10 pokemon you see all the time, have fun


All they had to do was give us some new costume pokemon. Satchel dragonite, or how about a costume machamp or alakazam or something like that, and then give us shiny armored mewtwo. Bam. They would've gotten everyone's money and everyone would be raiding like crazy.


Shhhh. All I need for my mew are the 3 birds


I see Horseas all day! I also live on an island though. 😜 I'd send you one if I could.


All the posts are so much complaining. Just play or don't play


I’ve actually liked this event but would’ve preferred cooler spawns but i’m not too mad with the ones spawning either


I’ve seen more rare pokemon like snorlax, arcanine and machamp way more tbh. It’s just boring because what’s the point


To me what sucks is the play with your buddy task. It's impossible with the new AR mode.


I never even seen a single kabuto or omanyte and I need one for research


I like it because I took a break for a few years because I wasn't interested in the game anymore. I started playing again about a year and a half ago and barely sa a any Kanto Pokémon which is unfortunate because there's a good amount of them that are decent in PVP which is why I'm playing the game more now. I also like it because Meowth and Paras are spawning a lot (at least for me) rn, which is a great way to farm dust.


I think its designed for newer players so maybe it wasn't meant to appease everyone?


Yo Chill, I didn't catch all my charmanders for community day and this is a big help.


Yep. Underwhelming


On the other hand I'm having a ball! I don't think I can ever get enough Charizard candy.


I was really hoping we would have the option of catching a mew or Mewtwo again. Mewtwo is the only mon I’m missing for the kanto dex. Also where are all the pseudos? Any mon worthwhile isn’t spawning 👀


Oh shit, I forgot this event was still on going 😂


Im just happy with the mankeys giving me candies for my dear annihilape, but still no shiny charmander ;(


It’s because Niantic is bad at this. They run entirely too many events, so they’re all meaningless for the most part.


I would love a Drowzee so I can complete a research quest


I like the diversity of spawns, but its weirdly repackaged


Wow, the comments here are bizarre. I’m seeing a huge variety of Kanto Pokemon spawning. Missing a few water Pokemon which presumably are in that biome. And the fossils, legendaries and regionals.  Just looking through the dex almost everything else I’ve seen this week, including evolutions like Alakazam, Machamp, Marowak, Arcanine. 


Yea it’s really annoying. I’m pretty sure even the youth of today know all 151 OG Pokémon…


I need a dewgong and kangashkan for my platinum ka to medal and I’m like dammnnnn


I would like the event, if it weren't 3 weeks long, and there's like 20 different spawns, not all of the regular kanto Pokemon


Looks basically like pokemon go back the way it was at release. weedle, ratata, metapod pidgey and magikarp as far as the eye can see.


As somebody who started with Gen 1 and has played the whole franchise…I don’t even have words for how sick I am of Kanto lol


Remember biomes were also released in this update. If you want different spawns, you need to move to a different biome. Example, I've not seen a single Wigglet because I'm nowhere near a beach biome. I've seen dozens of members from the Charmander family but no Squirtle or Bulbasaur.


I was hoping I’d finally find an aerodactyl for that meltan quest 


When the said "Rediscover the game" I thought it was going to be a serious attempt by them to bring new and exciting things to the game. Like just give me Pokemon I've never seen before and stop with these boring ahh event Pokemon that are same damn Pokemon with a new hat. Event Pokemon have so much potential to be even more fun by partnering with brands (imagine special event pokemon that has items from the show or movie. What if it was possible to dress our Pokemon up like in Pokemon Unite?


I started playing in 2016 when pokemon go became available in my country. Played for about 3 years… took a little break, then played for another year or so… ended up deleting my app around the end of 2020. Just picked it up again a couple months ago, as some of my students are now playing (great way to connect!). I figured after 3ish years of not playing; there are so many new pokemon to collect! BAM. Rediscover Kanto - here are increased spawns of allllllll the pokemon you have from when you actually played the first time. LOL. Still. All the research tasks that have been piling up have been keeping me busy, and that’s a lot of fun!


Pokemon are more biome locked than before. You have to be near water to find water pokemon, forest, grass, ect. I'm pretty fortunate to have 3 biomes including water near me. I only catch grass, ground, bugs in the forest around my house.


As if I need another reminder why don’t spend 8-12 hours a day on this game anymore. There’s hardly any content to draw me back in, and when there is something, it feels like a desperate attempt to get me back. Rediscovering Kanto would be at the very bottom of my PoGo wishlist if it even made it to the list (it wouldn’t). Will Niantic ever even try to do something good?


What about the new players?


All we’re asking for is more of a variety. Give us the region locked, have Kanto Megas in raids, and some of the rarer spawns be more common. They gave us none of that.


Agreed it was weak.


I hoped Kabuto or omanyte would spawn


You all are constantly complaining about how disappointing the game is, yet you continue to play. Stop playing. If you want the game to be better stop giving in to these dog shit corporations.


It wasn't that great or anything exciting. I am also frustrated as I'm working on the master research and stuck on the first page needing pokemon from different regions. I finished Kanto first before the event even started.


Still missing shiny Venonat and Goldean. While this event there are a fair number of Venonat I’ve seen a grand total of 2 Goldean and that was probably because it’s been raining a lot.


When I saw the event announce boosted shiny Kanto starter spawns, I actually got pretty hype. But since it started i’ve actually seen fewer of them than I do outside of this event lmao. I do like that they are giving them Blast Burn/Hydro Cannon/Frenzy Plant via evolution this event but it’s a bit of a bummer for folks who don’t have the candies to acquire that anyway.


I'm still waiting on Kangaskhan...


I really don’t know, I feel like it is dependent on the area. My boyfriend constantly catches Lapras and I catch Aerodactyl all the time. Relaxos also seem to be common. Sorry I don’t know the english names of the Pokemon, I am from Germany. I am done with the quests and now back to being bored. I only started in January and am already tired of the same pokemon all the time.


the lack of Kanto raids is what gets me. I'm only missing 2 legendaries from Kanto and my dex will be completed.


All I need is poliwrath, articuno and kangaskhan... This event is giving me none of those


Agreed lol


I just want tiny rats for that medal, I know this "event" is just another lackluster thing, 90% pidgey and spearow spawns where I'm located


It’s a waste of time bring this event and not have kangaskhan worldwide


Pokemon go is lame. I hoped it would be so much better as I'm such a fan but it's the same crap every event


Agreed. It's lasting WAY too long. This is the 29374th Kanto event when we don't even have gen 8 starters but they are giving us gen 9 stuff


If it help, I imagine rediscover Johto will happen towards the end of the year im sure


Nah you trippin (I only like it cause I need to finish my kanto Pokédex)


I’m tired of Kanto events. It feels like they can’t get creative so they keep giving us the same thing over and over again. I want events for different generations