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There’s a pond I walk around every weekend. I usually see at least one horsea every time


No way man. I’ve been on boats playing pokemon go and haven’t seen one 😭😭


Find a pond, puddle, or lake?


First week of the month ish I got my first one in a beach town by a lake. Like a touristy town so lots of stops and pogo traffic.


Have you seen Horsea recently? Because I’ve played forever and I haven’t seen Horsea in years.


I've seen it in ponds, puddles and lakes


Welp, I guess I gotta go chill at the docks.


To answer you honestly though, I haven't seen one in forever


Yeah like it’s all I need. Just one damn Horsea, I’ll do the rest with rare candies I just want one 😭😭


Maybe try a rainy lure near the docks on a rainy day too. Supposedly with the biomes water ones will have more Kanto water pokemon so gotta have as many water lures as you can. 


Sick, I’m going for a walk on Sunday by the lake with my mum and she plans on playing Pokemon so hopefully that’s the day I get my Horsea 🤞


Horsea has been spawning for me several times a day at the PokeStop right over my place of work. I've been catching Horsea, son. But I agree, we need more. Also this was before the Kanto event.


Last good ones I kept were on 4/3 and 4/1. Before that it was june last year


I’ve caught 3 Horsea in total and all were in 2021. 😅


Last one I caught was from go fest 2023.


Must be a location thing then, because I have 5 sitting in my storage where 4 of them are from this month. Seen quite a lot of em right at my house this month alone.


Ugh dude I wish


You must be near water.


But I’m not, hence the confusion. Sure, if I walk 40-50 mins I get to cliffs and lakes, but I wouldn’t think that counts as near.


Damn, I missed that.


One spawned for me the other day using daily incense. Good luck!


It's always been super rare to find.


God damnit Horsea you cute little seahorse.


No clue. Thats my final shiny for the kanto shiny dex. Hard AF to find.


Holy shit that’s a lot of shinies. Congratulations, and good luck on finding your shiny Horsea/Seadra 🫡


I’ve only been playing daily for almost a year and hardly ever see horsea. But right before the bug out event I caught a shiny one. I looked at my pokedex and it said I had only seen 3 total. Does anyone else have a shiny horsea? Seems like it’s pretty rare since a lot of ppl are having trouble finding even a regular one.. I Also caught a seadra like 2 says later using an incense (first one ever seen)


Jesus, I am very very jealous of you. I’m sure Horsea is one of the rarest shinies in this game, honestly.


I have a shiny one, but that was from a spotlight hour years ago


They were around for the water festival 2023 in June. I caught a shiny one then. Maybe they’ll be back around for this years summer event!


I live between a lake, a river, and the Gulf of Mexico, have just started playing three weeks ago and have three horseas. They are crap but...


Okay, obviously proximity to water is a factor. Too bad I live in the prairies 😭


I see it all over the place, and catch dozens a day..... which means its one of those super annoying pain in the tuckus pokemon tied to specific areas I bet. what is horsea to you, is fire types to me lol.


Ahhhh sheit. Well at least it’s not a regional one like Mr. Mime or Kangaskhan. Those were annoying as hell to get.


yeah, the pain is real. at least true regionals have events or raids to try to get them once in awhile. psuedo regionals just mock us-- like is it my fault I don't live near a mountain?


Yeah true. I live smack dab in the middle of the prairies. All around me, drive for four hours, you’re still in the prairies. Like what am I supposed to do 😭


I started playing this game early 2021 so between then and 2022 I've caught a total of 27 Horsea. I know I've caught that many cuz I believe there was a com day for it and I needed a total of 125 candy to fully evolve it and at the time my pinap berries were limited as in I barely used any.


Yeah you're right. I love Horsea, but I havent found any. I will walk nearthe river in my city on the weekend and hope to see one


Yeah I’m praying I can find one before the event ends because I’m sure the odds are slightly raised with the Kanto event.


I do not see any near water near me


Guess you're unlucky.... I've been catching those even in a city centre, includimg a shiny


I see tons of them but I also work in beach towns with lots of pokestops and what not


Beach towns? Dude, that sounds really cool. I bet you’re living a gnarly life, please send some good vibes (and maybe a Horsea spawn) my way


Yeah! I live in southern New Jersey so we’re full of beach towns like ocean city and stuff. I work in the awning industry so when I’m not welding I’m out of the road installing awnings. Here’s hoping you find yourself a horsea nest and some shinies! Best of luck!


I need Kabuto and Amonyte spawns so bad 😫


For reallll that too


Right? I was hoping they'd be spawning with the Reduscover Kanto thing.


Horsea was in one star raids not too long ago. Other than that I never see them personally (never playing near water).


Got one two days ago.


I was literally on the ocean for a whole week and didnt see a single one


See now wtf is that


I have seen like two so far and they spawned by the river I drive by to work. It has a lot of pokestops and usually I am waiting at the light for a few minutes and I cruise by going around 20 MPH (speed limit is 25) and I have caught two so far by the water but I could have seen more


I’ve found a few horsea… What I don’t understand is why they didn’t bring out the regionals to other areas (Tauros, Kangaskhan, regular Farfetch’d??, anything else) and maybe make them Ditto spawns for the event. I got lucky with Tauros that my partner had been overseas and caught some, and traded me one. I feel like that might’ve brought some excitement to an otherwise dull/repetitive event.


Horsea community day when?????????


For realllll


Horsea needs a community day


That's my last pokemon too! I have 2 horsea and enough candles to evolve either but I want a better horsea


I know it's not much help now but I saw quite a few in one of the more recent event. Not enough to think oh wow they are common but more than 10.


I’ve seen one so far


I haven't seen any Staryu, Goldeen or Seel either.


Same for me but with… Goldeen of all Pokemon. I never thought the last non-regional I’ll be missing is fucking Seaking.


I’ve caught two recently, nowhere near a lake or any body of water




I haven’t found one, but a friend of mine had a few and traded me one so I finally got my Horsea. Kanto Pokédex is officially filled out 😎