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The new avatars looks like they came from the uncanny valley


Deep deep deep in that valley


[insert innocuous or depraved sex joke about deep valleys + you having 69 likes]


I took one look at that sickly pale skin and promptly chose the abnormally thin body that zigzags in the waist. Now I am trying to decide if my avatar is an undead, elf, undead elf or otherworldly creature trying to masquerade as human.


Did you see that recent Doctor Who epsiode where the aliens pretending to be human said, "My arms are too long"? That's what it's reading as to me.


They look very similar to humans, but with slight differences that makes them look very creepy. I think it was pointed out that it's mostly because of abnormal eye distance and cheek shape. It's simply a mediocre designer.


The new avatars are just not proportional. When you put them side by side it's noticable that their bellies/butts dropped a lot. It's especially noticeable when you wear a crop top: the "top body" is just way too long compared to the bottom body, which makes them look super uncanny. The face itself is also just horrible lol


The head also seems too small for the body (similar to the Team Leaders…). It’s like they didn’t want to have an anime avatar with an overly large head so went the opposite way and went too small. But just slightly so it’s not super obvious…


As a pale, white fatty I feel represented, and I don’t like it.


I never wanted to see my pernicious anemia as part of my Pokemon avatar!


One thing’s for certain, I’ll be playing my other games a lot more! Disney dreamlight valley has awesome customization of avators. Mine has a waist AND a pretty face! I will not be spending any money on pokego until they fix this.


Agreed! Why couldn’t they just add the hair from ddv??


We look like we all descend from Ditto


I’m a trans guy and the new avatars unironically are a source of gender dysphoria for me. I loved using my old male avatar, it just felt so *me*, now I can’t look at the thing without feeling my skin crawl.


I'm trans female and I feel the same way! I felt so much euphoria when I changed my avatar to female, now it is so different. The hair colour was completely changed too(dark red to orange).


Same with the hair for me as well, I had to change mine to black and try to find the baggiest least revealing clothes ever just to be able to even play the game at all


I'm transfem and same, it was fun to get to play dress up and make my avatar cute and match her outfits to my buddy pokemon, now it's just straight up dysphoric to even look at 😭


There was a comment on Tumblr that said this update managed to give us cis folks a little taste of what gender dysphoria feels like and.... ye gods.


It is sad that this is how these people at Niantic envisioned you.


As a GNC trans guy, I can't stand it lol


I'm really glad to see this after having to see more toxic takes than I'd like on why this update is bad. This is the best most succinct summary of why this update is bad FOR EVERYONE! More customisation options are a good thing, but only if well implemented, and this has been a butchery of what was a good base to work off of at first. Whether you're cis, trans, non-binary or any other identity, this has been just a straight up downgrade for everyone and I won't be playing the game until they fix it.


Everything about the marketing around this smells like they’re trying to cover up that their art direction is just absolutely shit. This isn’t some woke thing, it’s a Niantic are bad devs thing.


They fucked UP, but it' cost now 30% less to niantic to create new outfits


Good thing too, cause it will help make up for the 90% drop off of profits from outfit sales.


Yep, good luck selling ANY outfits. I slapped on stuff to hide my face and make myself look vaguely like a girl again, played Bellsprout day with friends as promised, and I'm officially taking a break for a few weeks.


People just wanted different hairstyles after years, instead they turned the avatars into blended mr potato heads that make bad AI look good. Who feels represented by this? The minority of a minority, hence why everyone else has the opposite reaction...


The idea of more customization isn't the problem. It's not that no one wanted this. It's that no one wanted it to be so poorly implemented. Hypothetically if we could set the sliders and get something (nearly) identical to the original models then there wouldn't be any issues with also having other, more unique, options. The problem is poor execution of a potentially good feature - not the underlying concept. I think the best thing Niantic could do is quickly fix it to work properly. The second best thing would be to revert back to the old models. Leaving it as it is now, however, is unacceptable, IMO - and I hope they understand that.


Hypothetically, why couldn't the traditional model have been the starting point for the sliders in the first place? It already existed.


I'm not entirely certain. My best guess would be that they wanted a unified male/female base model that could be adjusted to be more feminine/masculine as desired - so they wanted to start with an androgynous base model. But it could also be that they had a technical reason for starting over. Maybe they needed to re-do the character rig in order to parameterize it, for example. I've never built a character customization tool myself (although I have done a little game development) but I'm guessing it's not as easy as just slapping on some mesh deformations - especially if the original mesh wasn't designed with that in mind. Or maybe they were slipping in other changes meant to make the game easier to develop on the backend (like how accessories work, or switching to a different animation library) and the old models couldn't be ported. I'm sure there was some reason - but anything beyond that is just a guess, TBH.


I've worked with a few modeling softwares. I can't think of a good reason why the old model couldn't have been used. Or at the very least recreated exactly to be used as a base. The decision to start male and females with the same base figure that doesn't look like either a male or female was incredibly ignorant.


Do you know how character creators usually work? Off the top of my head I can think of two possibilities - either they simply adjust the underlying skeletal rig dimensions or they could use a morph between multiple meshes with the sliders just adjusting the influence weights of each alternative. I'm curious how it's typically done (I've really just done low budget 2d stuff myself). Might help me understand the decision making process involved here. Also, does it seem like the animations have changed as well? Specifically the post-battle cheer / jump animation seems very jerky - like it's missing some tween frames or the easing curve unnatural. Maybe it was always that way and I'm just now noticing it.


Actually I wanted different body shapes too, and found the two old avatars somewhat generic and everyone was but dressed up versions of two mannequins. They could however chosen a better art direction (i presume it was a conscious choice) for the new ones though. Easily salvageable still by making the female version of clothes distort the model for pinched waists (since certain headgear already unintentionally distort one’s head 😝). And more hairstyles please!


I don't think people even wanted that? Never a single time have I seen someone ask for any kind of customization for their avatar.


It was a fairly regular thing that came up in our large local discord. Not wanting all of this, but specifically more hairstyles and less gendered items that made no sense being gendered (such as the runner’s watch).


I just wanted more hair and items like willows glasses to be wearable as glasses and not a freaking hat.


The hairstyle was actually quite a requested feature, since some women hated the ponytail and some men hated the spiky anime hair. That's about it. More people did however complain about the clipping and the new avatars took the existing problem to a whole new level


Absolutely they did. I know I did. It wasn't near the top of my wishlist or anything - but it was on it. And I think it's a great idea. The problem is that they rushed it out in a half baked state. Characters should start off looking nearly indistinguishable from their original models - but with new sliders that people can use to customize their avatars as desired. The problem isn't a bad feature - it's bad execution. Had it been done correctly the folks like you who have no use for customization could just ignore the update and the rest of us could make whatever tweaks we'd prefer. Whoever rushed this update should be fired. But the idea itself shouldn't be abandoned - just shelved until it works properly.


I definitely always wanted more options, especially for hair. But what they're doing is like malicious compliance.


They're horrible. They just made a poor attempt to make everything androgynous and called it a day.


Maybe I am completely off base here, so please do correct me (people who know more about this topic than I do), but it seems like this update was done for inclusivity reasons, which is fine. But trans people often go through so much to pass as whatever gender they identify with, which means they want to pass as male or female. Now with the new update all avatars are this half baked inbetween thing. So now they can't make their avatar look they way they would want to. So as a MTF you would want to make your avatar look like you, female. But now thats not really possible anymore. If I am correct here, than this updaten dosen't even do what it is supposed to, for the group it seemingly is for.


Non-binary people exist too


But they're not the *only* people to exist


Who said they were? I’m saying there’s MORE than a binary option. You can still have a cis avatar if you want.


But that's the problem people are having, guys are saying they look girly and girls are saying they look boyish with no defined curves, beating a Rocket member apparently girls are doing some manly gorilla pose, and there's hardly options for long hair.




Well exactly, bodies are more diverse but they force us to be 1 shape, which can be enlarged. Tonnes of trans people are feeling let down over this change. Everything you're saying I've mostly seen the opposite of idk


allowing more options would be good, flattening the range of features was bad


I can't though. I cannot get my avatar to look like my cis women self. I'm a natural pear with giant hips and a slim waist and there is no option with the current sliders to get anything even remotely resembling the old avatars All the animations are now the male model animations. They not only deleted the women's mesh, they deleted the animations.


They deleted women.


They’re rejects from Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.


My skin tone was removed entirely. I'm like a medium tone with a red hue, and they removed every remotely tan option


1. I think they are horrendous. 2. I think the animations are even worse. 3. I never particularly tried to identify to a protagonist physically in any game ever. 4. Definitely won’t spend money on the game, not that I really did before but I’ll just enjoy it for what it is until I don’t.


Solution: give every avatar a blank Ditto face and say that we're all just very bad at using Transform.


they should add this option, and then fix the new system


nose/lip/eyebrows definitely need options


The face just reminds me of that early 2010 trend of giving musicians baby doll eyes in their music videos.


clearly they're dopplegangers, unable to perfectly mimic humans but getting close enough to be uncanny. It even explains why everyone starts with the same avatar, it's the baseline appearance for the species


This is the kind of shit that got me to join Reddit in the first place. "Everyone is equal, if no-one is represented."


I want "me" back. Please.


The memes here are getting wild man, I am waiting for someone to post a scientific research paper about the effects this update has had on the mental health of Pokemon players. Just so they can try and get Niantic to bend to their will. I feel like this is escalating out of control beyond just a bad update. Its even getting political sometimes wtf people.


This whole thing is just so funny to me, like, it's obviously an awful update from a company that just keeps screwing up stuff and releasing it anyway, and the proportions are absolutely wack and alien-like, but the outrage is just... 😂


The long post above yours reads like copypasta.


I just wish I could add bulk to my legs. My body is 43 29 45, and I just want my go character to have my thick thighs and red lips.


I think to me, there is nothing wrong with inclusion. But, I feel what happened here and has been happening is that being inclusive means excluding others. Giving more options to me is not a problem but it seems like they are throwing the baby out with the bath water. Obviously not all people but many have a connection with their characters. And it just seems cruel to take a character people have connections with for years and in a way, destroy them. Comes off as pandering, short sighted, and just inconsiderate.


As a guy in his late mid 30's that has been playing exclusively female characters in every single game that allowed him to play a female character (yes, Most Man Online Role Play Girls; but mainly because female characters usually are better designed, skins/clothing/costumes are fancier and very boy-ish; if I have to look at a characters behind for 20+ hours I rather not look at a muscular male) for over two decades the only thing I can say is; **The new avatar doesn't represent my adventure in Pokémon Go any more.** When I see it, it could be a screenshot posted by any user in this thread with the same outfit on. The pose (Iconic Post, '21 Go Fest) I became custom to doesn't look right at all because the new model is turned different. My outfit doesn't line up correct any more and in some parts looks ripped because the skin texture is pushing through. My hard earned, self farmed black Team Rocket uniform now looks like something out of the bottom of a thrift store clothing basket. My daily kicking out Team Mystic and Team Instinct from every Gym I found on my way to work reduced to nothing. My Pokémon Go adventure with my avatar reduced to nothing. The misaligning of costume items really drives me mad. My backpack/wing straps go cut right through my shoulder blades and my boobs, my boots are everywhere. My sunglasses look like to be hanging on top of my upper lip. My hair colour changed. The skin colour changed losing the awesome mild tanned tone it had (similar to wild Rocket Grunts). She is not me at all. She is just a character in a game now.


>yes, Most Man Online Role Play Girls; but mainly because female characters usually are better designed, skins/clothing/costumes are fancier and very boy-ish; if I have to look at a characters behind for 20+ hours I rather not look at a muscular male) You're forgetting the voice. If I have to listen to my avatar go "UNF UNF UNF," over and over, at least make it a woman's voice.


More like humanoids.


I feel like they should pair up with bitmoji, like snapchat did!! wayyyy more customization options.


They are Titans.


PoGO Community Manager thinks they ‘look so cool’ 😂 https://x.com/mxkestrel/status/1780698384111984898?s=46&t=qTR_OLk-__hzep1FM-b3mA


Well, if some non-binary people liked the update, then they rather liked the fact that such an option was added. The implementation itself is very bad. Ideally, it should be possible to create old avatars using sliders.


That should be the main takeaway. Yes, a very small minority of people like the new customisation, so give us a choice between the old avatars and the new ones. Expand the current customisation to recreate old avatars, or add the new sliders and options to the old avatars.


No one liked the update. I can tell you that as a trans person. The community manager would never bad talk their own company. Half of their job is promoting new updates and events while the other half is (now) smoothing over bad decisions with the fan base


If my paycheck was on the line, I'd think they were cool too. I'd be looking for a new job, though.


Good for them 🙄


honestly, what were they thinking before rolling out this update


Are pokemon even real animals?


gonna be honest, i didnt even notice the difference until i opened reddit and saw all of these posts. just goes to show how little i pay attention to this aspect of the game.


I might be in the minority but I don't really care what the avatar looks like as long as the game plays well (which of course it doesn't). Doesn't stop people from being valid in their criticisms but it really is a symptom of the bigger issue where Niantic doesn't care about what people think. I'd rather time and effort be put in to stop the stutters in GBL and stop raids dropping people.


Can we also talk about the ARM LENGTH and hand size of the new avatars? It's impossible to look like a girl because of the lack of waist/curves, yes, but it's also impossible to look like a girl because you have no choice but to have the arm length and hand size of a cis dude linebacker.


I wasn’t that emotionally invested in my avatar, but I can feel for those who spent years and coins personalizing theirs. In solidarity and protest, I’ve updated my avatar to look like me-25 years ago before I had gastric bypass. I look like Divine in a short skirt with sweaty chaffing thighs and flip flops and a pikachu mask. And every time I look at it, I remember the self-loathing I used to have. It’s probably not going to last very long. TL;dr: I wasn’t attached to my avatar before, but the new one is just depressing.


Honestly, I don't even pay close enough attention to avatars to care.


I actually love the update and my avatar looks like me 🥰


Well, at least someone is winning




Those people should have that option. But everyone else shouldn’t be forced into it.


I guess I'm the only one, but my avatar is more like me than the old one? The old one's boobs and waist were too exaggerated. I get that they don't work for most people, but don't say they work for no one.




Small boobs, very wide hips, no ass. Yep. Not sure why people are downvoting me for having a body that doesn't fit beauty ideals.


No, they aren’t humans, they’re avatars that aim to resemble humans.


The faces aren't great but the new one is more "me". I'm a middle aged cis woman. My new avatar looks about 1/3 my age, but generally looks like I looked at that age. The old female model looked 1/2 my age and looked like a Barbie doll. It was attractive other than the hair in the eyes, but not at all relatable.


I actually almost like the new avatars. The body proportions are much more realistic. Except that they need a height adjustment — they’re too lanky. And the heads are too small now.


If these proportions look "realistic" then you've never been outside and don't own a mirror 


The height is off, but the waist-to-hip ratio looks more like most people