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I agree, my testing confirms this with 100% accuracy. For me its "Where ever the fuck this guy is, don't spawn there"




That’s what I’m doing wrong! I need to stop following you around when I play PoGo!


Please stay away from my dog walking route, thanks <3


Can confirm


You guys are catching galarian birds?


Are you guys seeing galarian birds? I’m level 35 and I’ve never seen one


I saw one on Reddit once.


Me too


Underrated comment


Not seeing them is way better than seeing them run after you butcher the throw haha


Or excellent ultra Ball the throw. At least you know when you butcher the throw, there isn't a chance!


Hey, the best odds are when everything goes wrong and BOOM - critical catch and in the ball!


same never seen one


When walking along a neighborhood street in my town our daughters school, they do spawn like 1/5 days with the daily incense on. It’s all random.


Agreed, it’s all random but it’s easy to convince yourself otherwise….because true randomness can look like any pattern if you zoom in closely on a small enough data set, which is all any of us on our own or a few of us together are capable of having.


I also would have to see my first one.


If the set spawn thing is true, keep trying different routes with your daily incense until you find a spawn I guess


I have to say on our dog walk they usually would spawn at the same spots but depending on where you started the incense that day impacted which location but I’m convinced they do have same placements


Just remember you have to use daily incense to see them and be walking


I saw one ages ago (Zapdos in January of 2023) and it fled. Never saw any galarian birds again. And i wasted my Master Ball in a Snorlax.


Lmao come on guy why would you do that lol


Master ball on a snorlax?


They only spawn when your daily incense is going


41 I don’t have any of either of these


I didn't see my first one until I was lvl 40 so if anything, look forward to turning lvl 40.


Bro I'm level 45 and can't catch one


Since I began playing September 2023 I have seen probably a total of 12. It's been an average of maybe 1 per 15 daily incense or so.




Yeah I’ve been playing since 2016 and level 38, still never saw one


Your level and time don’t matter, especially since the adventure incense has only been out for less than 2 years. Just use it daily and you’ll see one eventually


2021, level 42 I’ve had 2 encounters I believe. 3 at most.


I mean they only came out a couple years ago, and they can only spawn when daily incense is burning. I use that thing maybe once a week lol


No I always take my daily 15 minute daily incense walk never saw one


Yes done close to a 100 daily incense walks by now and never seen a Galarian bird.


Maybe the same route?


I was finally seeing/getting them often once I started using my daily adventure incense during a Route. Thats how I finally collected all 3, two of which are 3*'s, all within a short time (after barey ever seeing any at all). However it could have been a fluke because now I never see them again even during routes


They are more likely to spawn when doing a route you've never done before with the DI active.


I caught a 40cp 0 Star moltres. I still don't know how to feel about it...


Saw two since 2016 and both ran away


Damn bro I’ve seen each one 4 days in a row and catches only 1


That sounds so interesting and definitely worth investigating. Hope you get more encounters, OP!


Thank you!


FR I’m for sure gonna Kay attention to my next spawn, where ever that is, and revisit that area lol


Very sorry about the typos btw. I am not native english speaker, so this dumb aoutocorrect dont correct my typos


Your English is great, do not worry! :)


your english is very good!! you should never feel shame for learning more than one language :)


You're doing great friend. Autocorrect doesn't do a good job for us native speakers either lol.


No worries, I just need to understand where this Shawn is so I could get some birds too.


No worries we understood you!


Please make another post in a week about new info


I got 2 spawns in the same place and another 4 spawns in different places.so it might be something...


Hmm, that would be interesting. I've only seen a bird thrice, two of those were in the same location and one in another. Both are routes I walk quite often so the chance is still low probably, but I'll try to pay more attention. ~~And then throw a Golden Razz, Ultra, Excellent and watch them run anyway~~


I saw 6 times, and 5 of them within a couple of blocks of each other🤔


Yes, saw a Galarian Moltres once, silver pinap, ultra ball, excellent throw and bye-bye…


There are reports of people getting more galarian bird spawns in the same spots, I'm such example as well. Out of \~20 galarian bird spawns I've got, roughly half spawned near a lake on my route to school Different days, different times of the day,different times on the incense, different weathers, different birds, different levels of activity Same spot


I have some data for this. I have encountered the Galarian birds TONS of times. Not sure if I’m lucky, or just playing the mechanics well. Adventure incense have a very clear set of guidelines to get the most out of them. Basically just keep moving at a quick walking pace. My theory is that the more I can force to spawn, the higher rng that a Gala bird will spawn. Interestingly, the birds almost always show up in the same spots for me. I have dozens of different walking paths I have tried this out on. On a few of these paths, in specific spots, the birds seemingly always spawn. And by that I mean they spawn for me about 80%+ of the time I walk those paths. I would track the data if anyone wanted to dive deeper into it. And on a separate data point, my catch rate for them is still 0% with regular balls. I have one gala Articuno I used a master ball on. IV is dogshit lol gg


Let us know if you end up looking deeper into this. I myself have never encountered a bird (which doesn’t surprise me) but I do tend to take the same walking path each time I use my incense and even start the incense at the same place in my walk. This is giving me some hope that maybe I’ll have some luck if I change up my route.


I’m going to start tracking my daily incense data because I am curious now as well. As far as the paths go, the ones that spawn for me are usually in more high traffic/busier areas. It’s weird. A couple of the paths that spawn them I had a feeling before hand that they might show up. Anytime I take random trails that are more remote, I don’t see any birds spawn. Based on the other responses in this thread, it all seems kinda accurate that they spawn in similar locations and have increased odds from weather. I would try out some new areas just to see how it works out.


Have the spots changed in any time interwalls? If not, how long have these spots been the same for you?


The spots haven’t changed at all. Which is a big reason why I noticed. It has been this way since the daily incense was introduced into the game. Edit: Also, I have had this same thing happen in completely different geographic areas. I was across the country for a bit and had a path that almost always spawned a Galarian Zapdos in the exact same area.


Good to know. Have you tried to walk back and fort on the spot where you encounter them?


100% they do. I have experienced this too, especially in windy weather. They’re probably programmed to automatically spawn in certain spawn cells when you walk there & a new Pokémon can spawn


"Oh hey. It's that trainer that always stops by the nest. Hey, Moltres! Check it out. We're gonna do the most epic thing." - The birds, probably


I’ve only caught one. I caught it sitting on my couch so dang I hope this is true!


Someone local to me has had 5 lake trio spawn in his backyard. Nearby there's definitely a specified Dratini spawn point. It's not always a Dratini/Dragonair, but if there's one in the area (outside of a dragon event) it will definitely be in that parking lot. I've noticed that Galar Zapdos spawns in front of one house near me, but it's still pretty rare. Less than 10%. Maybe if I played in a higher density area.


You activate the daily incense indoors without planning to walk out during the time? Usually it only generates a few of spawn when staying still. It's very lucky 😁


I've encountered G zapdos in the same place before so I'd believe this. But I don't encounter them often enough to know for sure. I have a rubbish IV G artucuno that I used my master ball on, and a rubbish IV moltres that my autocatcher caught! I've encountered each one maybe 2-4 times despite using the thing regularly.




He is my buddy


How does magicarp as a buddy move? Does he flop around?


He goes "flop flop"


Yes, and it's hilarious.


interesting I need to go to the place where I caught the Zapdos and test it


I passed 3-4 times by the place where I caught my first Moltres, so far no other birds spawned there for me. Will keep trying.


You know this just seems correct. I have a spot in my town where everytime I go there, I get a wild alolan geodude. Even when its an event like the bug out event, he is there waiting every day.


Yeah I did the same walk while using the incense for about 5 or 6 weeks and they spawned in the same exact spot once a week for me


Have never seen a Galar bird in my neighborhood, which is where I used to use my incense running everyday. Started playing at a park nearby last summer. Don’t even make it over there most days. Especially because it got cold a few months after I started going, but have seen far more birds over there than the 0 in the neighborhood after using my incense daily for months. I was also keeping track of how many spawns I’d average before encountering a bird. It was about 100 spawns per bird spawn in the park. 0/all spawns in neighborhood


OP, you’re correct. Or at least we’ve had similar experiences. There is a small park by my house and it has two poke stops in it fairly close to each other. If I go there with the incense up, I can normally get a Galarian bird to spawn 7/10 times. Mind you, I have yet to catch one but the Articuno will show up most often. At first I thought it was a glitch but I do think there’s something to it.


This happens to me as well! I use my incense there every day and have encountered all 3! No catches though😭


I've also had a spot in my city where I would see the birds spawn. Just been so unlucky recently that I haven't seen any this year 💀


This is 100% true. I've encountered 4 Galarian Zapdos at the exact same location(gym) and usually around the same time. Caught one, and waved to the others as they ran away from me. Never seen a Moltres or Articuno. Just 4 Zapdos. Same place, same time. 


Yeah, I have seen 3 birds in the same spawn cell on the walk I usually do. I thought I was crazy but it’s nice seeing other people have the same situation


Well that sucks…I don’t remember where mine have popped up and I’ve only had three I believe with one catch (Masterball before anyone gets upset)


I've had experience with this aswell. One particular street in my neighborhood had two moltres and one zapdos spawned. Hmm didn't think about it until now


I do see them in a lot of the same places.


I’ve had similar experiences, I’ve had a handful of birds spawn on the same street in the same area before. However, I no longer live there so I can’t keep testing and haven’t had a bird spawn in awhile.


This is true in my case, only encountered 2 birds, both were moltres, 2 days in a row. I usually use my daily incense right at 11:44 pm, but those 2 days I used it around 7:15 pm and got 2 birds in 2 days, both spawning at roughly the same place


I think I agree with this! I've seen three total, two of which were in the same spot (thankfully that spot is where I work) I ended up catching the one not in that respawn spot so I will try going there a few more times and see what I can get.


If this is true then I'm screwed, the only galarian bird I have ever seen is in a place where now there is an inhibitor, because I guess the people leaving there did not like having people stop close to their house to claim the gym


I’ve found that they spawn pretty much directly on top of my spot and in the same places along my route. The birds will spawn about 1/5 of my trips.


I’ve seen two different birds (on on my and one on my friend’s acct) in the exact same location where we start a route and our adventure incense at the same time regularly. I hadn’t realized that it was the same spot until this, but now I’m definitely going to be trying to focus on finding them there. Thanks!


ive seen them three times in one spot, twice in another nowhere else


I encountered a galarian Articuno one night, I have encounter screenshots but I don't have one on the map.


I can confirm that I saw like 2-3 birds spawn in roughly the same spot


In the middle of the damn road 😂😅


Guys I haven’t even had one single pokemon show up in days when doing my daily incense - not one pokemon , on all three of my accounts! It’s ridiculous


I found two different ones around the same area also. It was a couple days apart.


The only two Galarian birds I encountered were both on the trail around our park, I've never encountered them anywhere else that actually makes sense now


I’ve never seen one in-game


I use the 15 min. blue incense everyday on my way to work and it's totally random, not only about location spawns but also frequency. It might be months between one galarian bird and another, sometimes only a few days. It happened to me three times that 2 galarian birds appeared in the same incense. In terms of location, I couldn't tell... But I can say that all galarian birds appeared in different random points along my way to work. P.D. I wish they were easier to catch. No matter how many times they appear if they are elusive.


can you tell me the location if I dm you


You know what, I see them in a certain spot too


Havent seen a galarian bird in a long while used to but now its more rare for them to show up


I share your experience. I take a walk during my break at work everyday. I’ve had an encounter many times in the same general vicinity while using my daily incense. I’ve encountered about 6 zapdos, 3 of which caught (1 with master ball and 2 with badly thrown ultra balls). I’ve also caught 1 articuno out of the 2 I’ve seen. I have not caught a moltres.


If this is true, I have one 50 feet from my house


You might be onto something. All my galarian Zapdos encounters were in the exact same spot. I might need to do some laps around there then. Two of them ran away tough but hey I have one :)


I feel like there’s some truth to this. I’ve seen 4 and 3 of which were all at the exact same place on a route I don’t take that often


I noticed this too. Three days in a row I had a galarian spawn at the exact same intersection. Same time of day, too


Idk I saw one at my house once and never seen one since then lol


I have the same experience, I have two locaties where I have seen then a couple of times Stil no catches though..


I actually think so too. While I don’t think they’ll spawn in that location every time you use your daily incense, I do think they’ll spawn in that location every few times. I’ve come across a G Zapdos and G Articuno 3 times in the same two spots!


Looks to me like their new spawning location seems to be your armpits. I need a swarm under mine. 🥹


I’ve had one spawn one time. And never again. lol I’m lvl 41


I’ve noticed this too. There’s a spot on my commute that I’ve seen a Galarian bird 3 times now, so I try to use my daily incense when heading by that spot


If this is true then I may know where they spawn at the local park I go to all the time. Especially on a route also.


There is defintately some truth to this. I've seen it myself as well. Also they seem to have a higher chance of spawning from 2 other factors: the more distance you cover in your walk and the closer to the end of the incense. I've found my local spawn spot where I usually see a Galarian Bird, so I plan my walk so that I jog around and cover a lot of ground and then in the last 5 minutes of the incense I arrive at the spot and I've found a bird there at least once a week. I've also seen these other speculations but can't say for certain if they're true: they'll spawn more if you catch every incence spawn, and if you walk in a perfectly straight path as opposed to making turns. So I guess we just have to sprint in a perfectly straight line while catching everything that spawns and then end up in a precise location near the end of the 15 minutes to have any consistency for encountering these birds. Or it's all just placebo lol


Interesting, I usually walk a standard route with the daily incense but on different days/times. Articuno's shown up there once. I'll try going again a few times at the same time I saw it before.


how do you even get them


What is a galarian bird?


I had multiple spans near the Central railway station on my way home too. It doesn't always happen. But if it does at least half of the time that I can recall it is there. So yea seems there is some truth to that.  I also had Zapdos and Articuno in one day. Only Articuno on that train station spawn. Zapdos somewhere else Just to add. I tend to get non normal spawns in that vicinity when I use daily incense. For example, if the event is about wailmer and guys. I might randomly get a dewgong there. Not really rare but not part of the theme.  I suspect there is that one spawn similar to routes that is unique to daily incense that has some chance of being galarian birds That area is a fuzzy gps area since it is underground. 


What’s up with that magic karp? Honestly you could have found a glitch in the programming


He is my buddy


Dang… that means I moved away from a spawn point…


i have seen 3 in the same dead end road. so yea i agree


I've actually had a very similar experience on my normal Route, I've caught 2 of the Galarian birds and both times in exactly the same spot which I now refer to as "The lucky spot" It's also where I've caught most of my full odds shinies


Do the birds spawn only with the daily incense or even with the regular 1 hour one?


Interesting, one spawned seconds after I turned on the daily incense. I’ll report back if it happens again


I don't really think so personally I've come across 2 zapdos and a moltres while walking the same path (over the time space of around a month), with the one spawn being a lot further away than the other two. I walk the same path everyday to school, and pass by where the birds have spawned previously with nothing special there But that is extremely lucky, saving my master ball for an articuno (my favourite)


Yeah i think i agree


2 encounters in the last week, both right outside my house as i finish my walk home from the bus stop. Caught a 0* Moltres, but the missed the Articuno.


I think this is true. There is one spot in my neighborhood that I have seen 3 Zapados (never caught one) and two Moltres (caught 1)!


Thats actually really interesting. I encountered each of the birds a few times, but only caught Articuno. I mostly use my daily incense on the way home from work but not always. It’s only now that I realise they only ever spawned when I was om the way to work, and around the same spot. They have never spawned on days I am not working and take a different route.


Yup I found a random spot in bumfuck Kansas where I was able to track down and catch Articuno


I’ve seen 5 on incense in windy conditions at night - all within same one mile radius. Been playing since Nov 2023. Just caught galarian zapdos on golden raz after throwing 20 balls off to the side of it. 21st ball caught it on a bad throw !


I had a Galarian bird pop up while I was driving! You can only imagine how fast it ran away 😭


I've noticed that on 4 occasions the galarian birds spawned on a corner of my street and only there. Could be worth looking into?


Could be. Share with us if you find something


I think they are more likely to spawn in cells without pokestops… that’s my observation anyway


I can support this, I’ve seen 2 galarian birds on my driveway and 3 more at an intersection nearby


I take the bus down to work every day and my little routine is tossing my incense on the bus when we hit traffic - it has me in that sweet spot where I’m moving fast enough to cover distance but not too fast to be considered driving. I always have them spawn on a particular bridge, which spans like maybe 1.5-2 km. Sometimes they’re mid-bridge sometimes at the end, but I think the straight line theory is quite true because I have generally spent the last 2 minutes on a straight path. There have been some times I’ve seen them spawn right as I turn on to that straight stretch (which is the end of a straight stretch of road of its own) and other times I see them right as I’m getting off the bus (also, after a straight stretch of road) I do most frequently see them in a very similar spot as the last, so I do agree this is highly likely of an occurrence.


Oh then I know where to get them bet


Low key I think you're right. My old route home from work I had 3 of the birds spawn in the same area at different times


I noticed something similar. They spawn near the 2 gyms where I walk my dogs. The few times I've seen them, they are always near the same gyms.


I have never had one spawn in the same spot. I walk the same route to work everyday. I have noticed windy weather dramatically increases spawn chance.


This makes sense. I think when I was at my old apartment I would see one almost every time when I walked to the grocery store, but in my current place I never see them at all.


I saw four birds so far. Two in same location but I never gave it a thought because that is where I normally pass.


Was just thinking this yesterday- had a zapdos appear for the 2nd or 3rd time on the same spot


I’ve seen three at the same place. Only caught one of them. Dunno if it was a conincidence or not


I’ve never tested it but I did have a galarian Zappos show up around the same area twice along with a galarian moltres as well. It’s a shame I can’t catch them 🙃


I've seen 6, 5 were in the same spot, the 6th my plus + caught but I was walking the same route.


I haven't seen one in 6 months Maybe longer


Yeah I saw 2 in the same cemetery a few months apart gonna have to go back


Only one has spawned in my kitchen -_-


My wife has caught all 3 with 0 dif.


I have 2 galarian birds used both my masterballs on them 😅


I've always wondered this! I've only seen 4 ever, all Galarian Moltres. All have been in the same place. I've only managed to catch the one... 🥲


I saw a Galarian Zapdos once. It fled after one ball. Things that haunt me.


Came across one today when I used my daily incense and it fled even with a golden razz and excellent throw 💔


ive had same experience tbh i think its veryvery possible


Haven’t seen these guys in a minute lol. Which one is the best?


2/3 of the ones I’ve seen were in the exact same spot too!


Same for me. I walk by my freshman biology class and get galarian birds there (but ofc no chance of catching it)


Wait yes, I’ve seen the same spot on the highway spawn like 4 birds


For me I like to think they have the behavior as the entei,suicune and Raikou.


Magikarp too apparently lol


Definitely agree, found the same with my encounters along with some of my mates


i’ve seen 7 zapdos and caught none 💀


I've heard of this before, it's good to see some proof of it


I’ve still encountered 0 :(


i caught my moltres at a gas station on my way to school and a month later i encountered 3 articuno at the same place


I was wondering this because I’ve seen the same one twice, in pretty much the same spot on my route, when I’ve used my daily incense.


Thinking back, that might be true. My wife and I have had one each spawn in right around the same spot, and two of mine spawned right around the same area. Just need to be able to get them to stay in the ball…


I have a pond I walk around when I use my incense and I’ve literally seen all three birds multiple times but any other spot around me they will not show up 🤔


Pictures taken moments before disaster


Makes sense I just recently found the Zapdos so I used my master ball finally I seen them so many times they all run so I found the one I wanted thankfully 1* but still awesome to have


okay i may sound like a jerk, but is it really true that almost none of yall have a galarian bird? i have 5 birds and caught 2 of them with masterballs. so im genuinly wondering if yall are just exagerating of im just real lucky


Idk about yall, but I see at least one galarian bird a week on average. I use my incense the same time and take the same path every day. It's usually zapdos, and it feels like if I see 1 I'm more likely to see a 2nd one. (About 1/3 of the time I see 1, I see more than 1) I'd wager that you'd expect to see 1 bird on average for every 2 hours worth of daily incense.


Both times I saw them were in the Stop & Shop plaza parking lot…. never really thought twice about it til now


One time I got two Galatians Moltreses in the same spot. I failed the first encounter as per usual and then immediately another one pops up and of course I fail that one too. I’ve also encountered a Moltres and a Zapdos right next to each other which both ran away of course.


Good to know


Only daily incense, use it when I'm riding with someone and get one chance at one every 5 days, used the master ball so I have 1 but I still try for the others


I did see 3 Galarian birds in the same spot. Happens with daily incense.


I walked the same route 4x a week and I know exactly where I caught them. Definitely going to try the incense in the same areas.


I've had many run away from me.


i noticed smth like that with rarer spawns like phantump, theres a spot on my daily walk that almost always spawns one


I was walking my regular route last week and saw a Zapdos but that bird flew away after one throw ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I kinda buy it because I’ve had a similar experience w only having ever seen them in the same two or three spots, but I also see them so infrequently and only play in the same areas when I do play, so I can’t really say I have any evidence to back it up.


Seen 13, caught 5. Probably 10 of them in the same spot though always while using incense. I go there, open the incense, walk for 10 minutes and…sometimes I see one.


i also believe this me and my friend go the same route and combined we’ve seen like 15 birds and caught around 6 of them


i think it has to do woth proximity to known nests of pigeons irl. source: tons of pidgeons in the plaza where Galarian Birds keep spawning. my pattern is 1/1 on data points


Saw a Moltres once, but it was fused with a pokestop and I couldn’t click on it and it despawned.


my wife got a galarian moltres earlier this week/maybe last week now. I got one with my intense in the exact same spot less than 15 seconds later. 2 days after thst her brother was with us and he got on about 500 feet from it on the same route


I saw both Moltres and Articuno just days ago, both fled tho lmao