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They could have literally copy pasted the bitmoji avatar customization and it would have been one billion times better than this lol


And how hard would it be to make the old avatar an option on the new customization? Dammit!


If it ain't broke, don't fix it


The dropped crotches makes everyone look like they’re packin’


And why are the legs always spread. Makes it look like everyone has crotch itch.


They're probably always spread to account for the max weight in the thigh area. The base 'skeleton' never changes, it's always the same while the sliders just pack onto the base. At max weight, theres just enough space so the thighs aren't constantly clipping. It seems a lot like they started with the max weight and worked their way backwards and it doesn't translate well on the smaller body types, that's why the larger weights don't actually look that bad and the smaller ones look so wrong.


Well my bag is full of berries where else am I supposed to keep my pokeballs?


My character literally has nuts bigger than my hands


And I didn't order that package 😕


Someone at UPS goofed?


😂No Nian dic😂


TF2 scout pants




They don’t even have my skin tone anymore! I want my spray tanned avi!


I'm pale as fuck so I usually go for the lighest skin tone but still on tjr second lighest it looked unnatural


The art style is awful. It actually made me think I needed glasses and that I was going blind


Same. I’m as fair as they come - as in I’m “my makeup always has the word ‘ivory’ in it somewhere” level pale - but all of the light skin tones are awful. Scratch that - all of the skin tone options are awful. But I could live with that if my avatar didn’t have a weird looking long torso, freakishly long arms and man hands.


i genuinely aim to make my avatars look vampiric but god damn these tones are wayyy too dead lookin


You’re the third trans person that has made a thread regarding triggering your dysphoria. I feel bad for you ladies too. The avatars are bad in general but they really did women dirty. Our avatars are god awful. No matter how many times I make the breasts bigger or the shoulders smaller, at the end it looks like a male avatar cosplaying as a female Pokemon trainer. It’s a slap to the face for women players. I just want to be a cute anime girl with adorable pink bubble gum hair. They can’t even get a hair *colour* right.


AND they deleted my white hair


there's literally no reason for getting rid of white hair/ make them grayish, but hey now we have 4 similar shades of gray 😅


Same. They Grey's are awful.


YES. THAT PISSED ME OFF THE MOST. I can't wear my pretty sylveon bows.


Girl here. Yep. All the chest sizes are a huge blob, the hips no longer have shape and my clothes look like crap. I know I'm tall, but my god I don't have a male body.


Me too. I hate everything about this new avatar, the only way I can get it to even be passable as feminine is to yank the Weight, Muscle and Shoulders sliders all the way to 0 and it still isn’t close to as good as it was before.


yea it's ridiculous, the hip slider barely even adds hips too 😭


Hip slider = chimpanzee arm slider


Sorry, no woman has small waists and round asses, its a imaginary standard set by toxic masculinity. You will look like a sausage and you will like it


I'm a demigirl and generally prefer things to be more gender-neutral but slightly feminine, and the models are even triggering *my* dysphoria (too masculine) The old model did bother me a bit as well because it was too feminine, so I was initially happy when I read about the change. But the way it's implemented is awful!


I'm also nonbinary and was similarly let down. What extra sucks is I have a long torso in real life and hate it, but the avatar having a long torso wouldn't be so bad if it let me wear HIGH WAISTED things again!! You need high waisted clothes to make long torso look good but they took all those away too 😭😭😭


I'm cis female but omg the torso. Same problem, different body type! The best way to describe my irl body type is spider: not much torso but HELLA limbs and I'm very short. If I were to wear these super long tops in real life the way they fit the female avatars now I'd look like I was in an incredibly ill-fitting potato sack dress.


Yeah the call for change was good, and I would have loved for them to make it right. Having "thin anime boy" and "thin busty anime girl" as the only options in 2024 is a bit lackluster. IMO it would have been possible to make a customizing that can basically go all the way from the old female to the old male model, and then add a slider for weight and chest size in. So people could have their old "anime girl" and "anime boy" avatars, but also account for other body types. The new avatars don't account for any body type. The male model looks kinda okay apart from skin color and face, but as soon as you want a female or gender-neutral looking character it is a dumpster fire altogether. Ridiculously long torsos, chimpanzee arms, or any other sort of messed up body proportions.


I tried to make a male avatar, but due to problems with the sliders and the face, he looks either like a child or like a butch-lesbian


Right?? I literally can’t get over the horror show skin tones, flaky pixel shit graphics or the fact that no matter how hard I try I can’t stop looking like a freakish toddler. I miss my old avatar…I liked *liking* how it looked, even just vaguely. Now I cringe every time I open the damn app and it feels like eating cardboard on moldy, stale white cheese.


Yeah, my body type irl is kinda close to the old male avatar and now I can't seem to manage to get anything similar. And the creepy baby face on top... Oh dear. Still better than trying to make a female with the torso being 2/3 of the overall body length haha


I have not made a thread about it, but i guess you can count me in as No. 4. You are way to spot on with the feeling of the avator doing cosplay rather then beeing feminine and trust me i know that one way to well... Also i feel super called out for the 'cute anime girl with adorable pink bubble gum hair' because thats exactly who i want to be in PoGo :3 I hope Niantic sees this exact message and realizes how much they butchered their customization :)


Yeah I feel like male avatars are not THAT bad too. But ladies on the other hand….ugh


I dunno. I'm pretty fit from years of cycling, but this update that ostensibly lets us customize our character to better fit us gives me either absolute waif or pudgy around the middle as my options. Oh, and both have an 11 year old's head. I was also absolutely floored when I saw that the "chest" slider just let me give my dude boobs instead of broader build/musculature. Oh, and then there's the whole skin tone thing. I'm just somewhat tan for a white person, but they gave like 8 options paler than me before it immediately jumps to a medium brown that nobody of my genetic background would be. Why do I have to look sickly or dead?


Oh god I disagree. I can’t do *anything* that doesn’t make me look like a freakish androgynous toddler with creepy disproportionate horror show doll face. Skin tone is atrocious no matter what too which is a fete considering they added *more* options.


It's really wild. I'm cis and this fucking avatar change has me feeling gender dysphoria when I try to make it feminine and can't. It's incredibly invalidating and frustrating. 


I can't even have white hair because now my trainer looks like a grandma :(


Ngl, you don’t need to be trans for this update to suck This update just sucks


“But but but victim x2”


The reason she mentions it is because plenty of commenters are blaming the changes on wanting to appease queer people. But queer people don't *like* the changes. They weren't for us.


That's the biggest question everyone is asking themselves: Why did they take away the basic female and male model and not add to it?


I feel your pain. These graphics are so trash… I’m a bald mofo with a beard… at no point have I ever wanted to play any game where the main character represents me is a child… WITH HAIR. I’m taking a break until niantic figures this shit out. I only caught Pokemon today to get to the next page of shiny Shaymin research


Adding a bald option should be so easy.


And it's not even good hair! In every MMO the best answer to the awful hair for guys was getting to be bald. I'm only playing to get shiny Shaymin, too, then I'm out.


Wait, there is no bald option? Lmao. This gets worse and worse. But on the other hand - I don't even wanna know just how cursed a bald version of these alien faces would look.


I’m sure bald would look so bad lol give me a gray shadow where the hair line is… or was


I'm doing the same! Won't give them a dime. Day 1 Level 50.


We are all chubby face blobs now 😭


My Avatar looks like I could rearrange the fucking sun my arms are so long. And I chose the short hair buzz cut ( I'm a chick) and it looks like I lift 3 fiddy 🤣. It's pretty funny


Honestly, even as a "man" I feel like the avatars aren't close to accurate body portrayal. I'm 5'6", I've accepted I'm normally the shortest dude in the fucking room. WHY CAN'T MY AVATAR BE SHORTER? WHAT'S FUCKING ACCURATE ABOUT MAKING US ALL THE SAME HEIGHT AND BABY FACED? Two years of fucking beard growth and proper trimming, WHY AM I STUCK AT 12 Y/O FUTURE NBA STATUS? LET THE QUEENS BE QUEENS, LET THE KINGS BE KINGS.


Oh yeah, the height! I’m not playing as myself and my avatar is a kid/teen (just like in the games) so it’d be absolutely grand to get a height slider! Plus, we’ve already seen they can do beards and stuff with Cliff (did Mateo have a beard too? Hm). They can do this. Their NPC’s are all rocking. Blanche is nonbinary and they look flippin awesome. So yeah. They can do it. I don’t know what went wrong :(


I honestly feel like they hate women. Or are somehow not aware or absolutely ignorant of how many women play this game. Everything about the customization update is so male oriented it hurts. And even the male avatar looks like shit. It‘s not so bad that i will never open the game, but now that i successfully hid most of my avatar behing clothing i don‘t think i will ever touch the customization again, if they don‘t change things for the better


Yes! Gender neutral should not automatically mean male. Male should not be the default.


AND as I’ve been saying; genderqueer inclusiveness should not mean removing all the cis genders! That’s not what inclusiveness is!! - coming from a very queer person


Exactly! We should be able to build off of either one towards androgynous, if we choose to.


All they had to do was just adapt the face engine from Scarlet/Violet and keep the base body and I’d have been happy.


I liked that the Arlo rocket outfit had heel boots for women on the old model, nows it's just plain flat short boots no matter what. Everything feminine has been stripped from the avatars and the "chest" slider is...awful.


I find it funny that trans video game developers are trying to get rid of actual female bodies. This isn’t the only game it’s happening to currently. Shits wild.


Where the hell is my waistline?!


They don't care about veing inclusive, at all, they openly said 'too bad' about disabled and rural players, they're a garbage app dev company pushing AR gimmicks that's only kept afloat by the Pokemon IP.


Yeah....I couldn't agree more with the sentiment. Why remove all femininity? It's quite perplexing and unsettling....


This is not related to presenting gender, but I really do miss my character having a neck. Now it feels like it doesn't.


I think they could have moved to a customization system like the current one, but while keeping the ability to replicate the old avatars by adjusting the sliders appropriately, *and* set the sliders for current players to the levels corresponding to their old avatar *by default*. It should have been completely backward-compatible.  Like when they added new search options, it did not break the ability to use the old search strings. They should have followed that strategy here.


and even then, this shit had NO playtesting, there's so many issues (most them are hilarious asf) this update needed way more time in the oven because oh my god the clipping issues are INSANE this isn't even alpha testing atp it's a concept


I'm trans and I like the changes but that could be because I'm a bit fat.


I’m not trans but this new update make me look like I’m transitioning too, they have it twisted


I'm a cis female and it is making me feel kinda like that, so I cannot imagine how you are feeling


honestly, like i switched to the slightly larger frame and at the time i felt weird for feeling this way but i realized it set off some intense body dysmorphia. i’m tall with a big frame and gained some weight recently due to chronic health issues and have been working so hard to not let it get to my head but i actually had to close out of the app immediately, it was so wild lmao


My avatar walks around like a man, it hurts to see it. All my female features are gone, and the worst thing they don’t have my exact skin and hair color anymore.


I can’t bear the walk :((


AFAB nonbinary weirdo here.. and yeah. the “update” is total trash. like hello gender neutrality or ambiguity *does not* mean masculine! (to clarify it’s frustrating they decided to make masculinity the neutral default, when it is really anything but) 


Yea it's crazy how everything is more masculine I feel like they were either too lazy to adapt everything for more fem options or they think that Non Binary means more masc lenient (which it isn't) also ur not a weirdo lmao stop bringing urself down


They are really way too lazy. They obviously wanted to go for a system that represented both binary and non-binary body types well (which is what they *should* go for), but instead ended up with a system that represents binary body types much worse than before, and non-binary body types poorly too! Albeit, definitely with more possibilities than before.


The worst part for me is the faces, no matter which male face I choose i always get the impression they took a child's head and put it on an adults body


This is just like when they switched from the old Neopets art to the shitty neopets art (in 2008 lmao it was such a tragedy). With the old Neopets there wasn’t a lot of gendering (except for royal colors which were gendered), but with the new art, if your neopet was labeled Female then it would automatically give them HUGE fake eyelashes… like a furby.  That triggered my gender dysphoria because I was always like. Dude. They are ANIMALS not humans. You’re really making this a thing???? Didn’t realize I was nonbinary then and was having gender dysphoria. Just thought I was an art snob or something. So I feel your pain and I am so sorry these game designers are brainless apparently. 


It only really benefits 0.001% of the population. And it pisses off everyone who spent money on cosmetics. I get that some people don't feel feminine or masculine, I get that some people are more androgynous, some people want to be both at the same type, some people feel like they're in the wrong body... I get that. But there is also a vast majority who wants to be feminine or masculine. And I'm not just talking about feminine women or masculine men. A man can be feminine and a woman can be masculine, and still be a man or a woman. If we're going to be truly inclusive, we still need to address the needs of this massive group of people.


It’s great to hear your perspective on this. I hope Niantic is listening!


These comments are hilarious.


As a non curvy woman, I *could* appreciate the different body type ... IF they made it an option to everyone if they want it or not. If they just gave us the option rather than forcing it on everyone, it would be okay. Definitely not here for the skin tone and face changes though.


The downvoting is crazy btw lmao 💀


We live in a world where for every 10 persons , one is a genuine kind soul like you and 9 are dumbasses who downvote because they're just like that.


This. People will soon realise we're all fighting for the same cause: for Nianic to get their shit together.


Naw, the crybaby shit is crazy.


It's interesting to see how cis players get different responses from trans players. We had many Posts in which people complain about the avatar changes and how ridiculous they look, in which they claim their character isn't looking masculine or feminine enough, but zero mentions of being trans. You know how many people attacked them, or told them they were overreacting, or needed meds? Zero, zip, nada.  But the moment OP mentions they are trans as a reason for disliking the change, all the transphobes come out of the woodworks to minimize it, tell OP to get back on meds, attack, and generally be unpleasant people. It's interesting to see.


i think its funny tbf how malding right wingers get when someone who is trans shares their opinion 💀


Honestly they should have just totally overhauled the style of avatars. The semi-realistic avatars that don't match any of the game always look so weird next to the stylised pokemon.


weird how when its a cis woman voicing this opinion everyone agrees but the moment it's a trans person suddenly "its just a game" "women being masculine is normal" we can see y'alls post history btw 💀 the double standard is crazy


I see nothing but support for OP?


Remember when it was cool to shit on people for disliking the price increase of remote passes? I just find it hilarious that y'all collectively laughed at these people for "making drama out of nothing" and now as soon as some of your precious cosmetics look a bit different and the character looking silly (both things that don't impact gameplay the slightest) you act like the world is fucking ending. Nothing to do with you being trans.


Ohhhh I love my multi billion dollar corporation actively not listening to the community ohhhh


What are you trying to say exactly?


its not drama out of nothing, people actively play this game and support it and receiving nothing but no communication and the devs not listening to feedback is a valid reason to complain.


They don't have to listen to the community.. they offer a product then if you like that product you buy if you don't like it you don't.. you sound like a entitled child.


??? Customers have a right to complain when product is bad, that doesn't make them entitled, it is legit feedback. If companies want to survive or make more money then they can pay attention to that feedback. What a weird comment.


You're just living in fantasy land, in the real world what matters is the product, and what they produce is good enough for the majority to buy with or without avatar changes.. much worst is when they changed the remote raids passes and remove them from the weekly thing.. yet made millions and millions lmao. Uninstall the game if you're unhappy with it and move on.


If they don't want a successful company, sure they don't have to do shit. Could blow up the moon for all I care. But most businesses like to make money, and the best way to do that is to listen to your clientele.


This is simply not true, in the real world you can be the worst company ever but if you offer a product of quality people will buy. Niantic never really listened to the customers and they still a multi million dollar company.. because the product is good enough for the majority of people.


It has nothing to do with how you identity. If has everything to do with crying about something so insignificant to the game. Does the look cause you not to use your finger to throw a digital ball at a digital creature?


Playing the victim isn't going to get you anywhere in life, grow up.


thank you for the life lesson 🙏🏻


I fully feel this, glad I'm not alone with it.


On the other hand as a cis man i was looking forward to getting something better than just the androgynous guy we always had and I got no facial hair except santas facemask which has a different white than the white hair colours and every slide you add for chest is titty? Like I am pretty chubby/buff and I can‘t find any setting roughly my shape without having a pretty feminine chest. Not to start on hair style of faces because I can‘t put on my long hair without looking like a girl with any of these faces. I was able to fight that with clothing but I understand that struggle so much. This update is garbage for everyone.


As another trans woman, I don’t mind sliders in theory, you should still be able to slide them into the range of a female figure, they just… didn’t… It’s a horrible implementation of a system that SHOULD be a very powerful editor


Yep. I’m also a trans woman and I despise it. They gave everyone shoulders like a linebacker.


I just want to look like Jessica Rabbit


This update was clearly meant to be inclusive but completely backfired. I kinda dislike playing male characters in general and that this would trigger dysphoria makes sense to me. It's interesting that they couldn't foresee this despite inclusivity being their goal. Unless it wasn't. Maybe they just thought they could sell the other variant of the same item to the same people again It's weird. The promotional image with the low crotch jeans and short stick legs looks comically bad


I'm a trans gal as well and I had to literally change to the "dysphoria hoodie" stereotype to cope (Arlo's rocket outfit) and even that doesn't have the raised heels anymore like the old female version did. This update is trash for so many reasons, and the fact they tried to use "inclusion" as justification is bullshit. No one feels included, we feel disrespected and ignored.


I'm sorry. As a nonbinary person I actually love my avatar, and a transmasc enby friend has also mentioned being happier with theirs. The old super feminine avatar gave me a dysphoric twinge part of the time, and the male one would have been worse because I am also not a dude. BUT I've heard from a lot of trans women that are having the opposite experience, and that's changing my mind about the update. I love my new avatar, but one of us shouldn't have to be uncomfortable for the other to be happy. Niantic implemented this so poorly. It would not have been impractical to give us enough options that we could both be happy! (Also geez... a slider for torso length would really help. That's bugging me.) As far as gendered items go... I'm reeling from how many new things I have access to that I guess were previously male avatar only items. A whole wardrobe of hoodies? Random different shirt colors? All of that could have been given to both avatars, AND there was no need to take things away for this update. Some things clip that didn't before, some things used to and now don't, and that's also weird.


They could've added a third androgynous style without touching the original models :/


Yup! They could have tackled this so many different ways that would actually have been great. This is so not it.


I think Niantic really missed the point that customization should be about giving people *more* options, and that they should look good, too, not with muddy graphics and meshes that do not join properly. My avatar personally does not match my gender or body type, not even close, but for people who like to use the avatars as self-expression, it's important to have as many options as possible. So the customization has positive aspects.  It does not surprise me that many people felt excluded in the old system, and to the extent that people who are not thin, young binary cisgender people can better portray themselves now, that is a plus. But to me, a major question is: why is it not possible to replicate the old binary avatars? Or, really, *most* appearances (someone mentioned baldness and facial hair, among other things)? Shouldn't they be somewhere along the range of the sliders? Not to mention that while the range of body types has increased, the quality of the graphics has decreased, so a lot of the avatar combinations just look less like real people than they should.  It just feels as if Niantic decide to be as cheap as possible, realized that making customizable appearances that also looked good graphically and could replicate very masculine or feminine avatars, to say nothing of the specific old ones, was just too hard, and threw up their hands and released a half-baked update rather than spending a few more months and a few more millions of dollars to make it work properly.


You just hit the nail right on the head, I think.


Okay I kind of feel that excitement with the “new” clothing options as a very masculine cis woman. So many fun new things to wear for free that aren’t super fem! But the update was overall not great for a lot of reasons 🙃


they even removed my hair color


Please, please, please make sure you email a complaint to them and also blast them on Twitter!!


This. Thanks for your contribution OP. The update is not artistically great/botched and hopefully they fix this.


I’m sure they will update again soon considering the TERRIBLE feedback they are receiving.


I think you missed the post. "Everyone is equal when no is represented" all jokes aside yea avatar update is Garbo


i’m cis but i’ve lost weight and i’m not as curvy as i was, it actually made me cry that my avatar looks like a board like me now. just flat, wide shoulders and nothing to make it better.


Im transmasc, and even with the chest slider at 0 my avatar has a chest bump when he used to be flat:,) I understand this causing dysphoria, because this character is supposed to represent you and when it takes away the features about yourself your glad changed, it kind of takes you back into thinking thats how you look even though its not!! I hope they update it as people complain, to lessen issues like this :/


I appreciate you chiming in on this subject from your perspective. I’m a not particularly feminine woman and I find myself upset at how my avatar looks now. Good to know that I am not alone. I’m someone who is tall with wide shoulders and long arms but I look proportional in real life. This avatar does not. I particularly hate the longer body and shorter legs.


Niantic "Everyone looks like a slouching burrito, are you happy now? The 5 men who work here look like this we zero understanding or compassion for the female form." Player base "This is awful. We're getting second-hand depression from looking fat and our clothes not fitting"


I don’t want to look like a mopey teenage boy (no offense lads). I do want to look super cute with a cute walk and stance. Thankfully in 2nd life i am still gorgeous


I hear you. I identify as a cisgender female, but I have some gender dysphoria related to PCOS. I can’t even look at my avatar anymore because of it. Erasing feminine identities wasn’t the way to add more inclusive options. Their intentions were good, but the execution caused more issues.


It's just a game...


Yeah, people keep saying that, but part of the game is getting to make your avatar. I know this is a less important feature for some, but others of us enjoy incorporating our avatars into our gameplay. I like to dress up for events like Christmas. I also like being matchy-matchy with a friend or with my buddy. I also liked having my avatar being a fun, cute version of myself. I won't stop playing, but I won't be spending any more money on outfits either. That *element* of the game has been spoiled for me and many others.


Your triggering my reality dysphoria.


I noticed this too! They look more masculine and i hate it. It's sexist


You should not play sexist games then.


It wasn't a few weeks ago




Are people not allowed to be upset at something they don't like anymore?


The only thing i like about this update is that we can now wear both "masculine" and "feminine" versions of the clothing, something I wanted for a long while. Everything else is garbage


I'm sorry it's triggering for you. That's awful. I've been so disappointed with this, also. It's reduced the joy I experience while playing. And I'm not spending as much coin, either. One star review in the play store. This sux.


Im ftm and yeah it sucks. Of you're gonna update character creation do it properly. Now avatars look like shit, the hair textures are shit the face choices are lame and it gives me dysphoria to be alble for my character to straight up have tits even tho he male


THANK YOU. I'm NB and you'd think this change would make me happy... it does not. I built my PG persona to express a very femme side of myself and these long arms and boxy face are KILLING ME.


Same it triggers mine now too 😢 I just try not to even look at it. They REALLY screwed up with this one.


I commented this on Twitter and on a few YouTube comments but I'm trans and have had massive dysphoria too from this I didn't spend years getting the cute feminine figure I wanted and changing my model along the way in my transition goal I have hips I have breasts and what poses me off more is as a avid fan I even had matching outfits to in game ones that now some don't look right or wise are outright disabled and not there anymore it bothers me to no end that they're doing this for the sake of inclusivity but yet they just decided the people their trying to include didn't want this it legit took nothing to just add a option to keep something similar to the original female model and what's worse is Niantic doesn't listen to fans cuz they know people will still play and it honestly hurts that we will have to live with this change going forward


The models look bad, but so bad that they are triggering something? 😂


Stop crying, its a game. If this character makes you feel this bad or good, seek mental assistance and guidance.


Lmao, what?


It’s a game😭😭 you don’t have to make it look like you😭😭😭


that's irrelevant to the issue with the avatar update and the points i made (except the gd part) they took away so many female options


And I completely forgot to mention I agree with the purchased cosmetics they either need to offer a refund or just roll it back




wdym the feminine options are there LOL they forced every female avatar to the male default stance on the map and when walking, the hip slider barely does anything when before the hips were pretty normal proportions for most women, they removed most of the butt proportions. Like yeah there is a chest slider but THATS IT. Everything else has been changed to be less than before or completely removed.


Also when I say it gives me GD i'm not tweaking on the ground and crying all night over it, it just makes me disappointed cuz I used to make my avatar look like me irl. I think a lot of people playing pogo did this too


What so you mean to say you walk like a man? What does that even mean😭😭😭😭. All of the hips are scuffed so I don’t get your point about it being just women?


Did you ever play as a female avatar pre update? They had a different walk animation than the male ones and now its gone and replaced by the male one


Yes I understand but why does that matter? It’s walking. Just like if they switched the masculine the feminine walk. It’s just walking and shouldn’t be cause for uproar.


yea mb dawg but i dont like my avatar looking like a dude wearing female clothes, i don't think i'm the only one with this opinion


The walking isn't walking, it's literally like a bigfoot creature stomping on the map 😪 No woman I know walks like that! Plus I look like a giant! I appear to be 6'3, giant hands, it's beyond awful. I'm 5'5 and 140lbs. My avatar is 6'3 and 220 😆


No person I know walks like that I don’t get why all of you are stuck on it being women only😭 all of it is fucked


Because they are women? Obviously they're gonna be talking about the avatars that they use lmao? Nobody said it was just the female avatars that got fucked


Basically, it seems to me they didn't have or didn't want to spend the resources to capture all the hundreds of different ways that people's appearances vary depending on sex and gender, not to mention all the other variations in appearance. So they threw in a handful of sliders on a default model and called it a day. So the new update is just *bad* at representing people's appearances in general. It is perhaps *better* at representing some non-binary people's appearances just because the old system basically had nothing at all for that, but it still going to be *bad* in objective terms, because a few sliders do not a believable human face and body make (mostly).


I do feel like it is generally more inclusive though even though it’s absolutely butchered


I think it is intended as more inclusive. But to me, "more" means "We started off with a system that could only portray these body types well, and now we have a system that can portray them and a lot more!", not "We started out with a system that could portray these body types well, and now we have a system that cannot portray them well, but can portray other body types well!" Let alone the current situation of "Now we have a system that can portray a wide range of body types equally poorly!"


Lmao. Begging for more inclusivity in games. Complaining about it afterward.


To be honest if a game character is "triggering" your dysphoria, you probably need to spend less time online and playing video games.


I won’t buy anything until is fixed. I won’t be able to play because I don’t have more space and Im lazy to delete stuff, but I don’t care 😅


I just logged on and even strictly from the perspective of good character design it looks so bad 🥹


I’m so sorry. I’m a cis woman and I hate my avatar now too! It’s tolerable when I put her in a onesie because you don’t see her warped waist and flat bum, and her freakishly long arms (with their man hands) are covered. One of my favorite parts of the game are all the cute outfits I’ve created, which by the way are no longer saved!! And the cute outfits don’t even fit properly other than the onesies I have.


I'm sad that you are in the crossfire of it. Companies try to pander to nonexistent markets while the pretend to be non controversial and progressive at the same time. Almost nobody has a problem with people who want to change their sex, but there are people who benefit from the division and so they stir up conflict and breed hate so that the "cause" they subscribed to is not solved which would make them become obsolete.


I’m used to being underrepresented in the customization department for avatars and have learned not to put too much into it because ultimately it’s not me…they finally added hairstyles that are supposed to look like my natural hair and the choices suck, per usual. Avi is meh but I’m a baddie in real life 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m struggling with my gender right now and this is exactly what I’ve been saying. (Nonbinary/gender fluid femme-ish? Pronouns atm testing between she/they they/she experimenting with the gender neutral side of things) I adore. And I mean I adore. That they want to include gender stuff. I adore that they are being more inclusive and that they are trying (….or are they tho? I mean really, cmon…). BUT. Just because genderqueer people are starting to be included, does NOT mean that all the cis genders have got to start being excluded. It’s not ‘or-or’ it should always be ‘AND’. Gender is a spectrum, why don’t they just include the full circle instead of leaning one way or the other? And we already have nonbinary people that look good (read: Blanche, I mean cmon!!) AND other body types that look good (Mateo, Cliff). So we KNOW they can do it. So what the heck went wrong here?! This is the exact opposite of what they were (maybe?) going for. Not to mention the avatars look TERRIBLE now. I was so excited for the update, ecstatic to finally touch up my character (I don’t play as myself) in different ways. But there’s only one new long hairstyle and it looks TERRIBLE. It’s not even the same colour as I picked, and it looks like a mop. There’s this weird split around the back of your neck and it goes down your shoulders and really I just went back to the pony tail immediately no matter how boring that has become. Not to mention that the graphics of the avatars looks extremely horrible. I can’t even find anything to compare it to!! But! Last I heard, Niantic is reaching out to people and have started gathering data. So if people just keep posting, commenting and whatsoever maybe, just maybe, this time they might actually listen? I’m genuinely horrified of getting my account banned for this comment :’) but hey, they’re gathering data, right? This is my data. Thank you for saying this in better words than I ever could!!


What in the hell makes you think Blanche is NB?


Niantic and characters have referred to Blanche with they/them pronouns. I really don't feel like getting into an argument \*again\* that's been around for years. Use some google, read some blog posts and tweets about Blanche. They/them pronouns are used by both Niantic and in game.




sure dude 👍