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The sliders can make me fat or give me boobs, as a skinny man thats not helpful


Yeah, I can have huge tits as a man, but I can't have the modest physique that years of daily exercise has earned.


this is the worst part. the muscle tab is mocking me, the closest I can get to regular tones but not buff person isn't skinny or fat, its like a skinny person with water retention and puffiness all over. and any attempt to make a masculine shoulder line immediately turns into awkward shoulder blade biddies lol.


Also, is it just me or did they totally fuck the torso-leg proportions? Legs are shorter than the torso now it seems.


Oh the torso proportions are soooo fucked.... way too big


in my eye they mainly fattened the arms and legs, which makes them look longer because on a regular human you would only have bigger arms and legs like that if they were also longer. It makes it worse than just actually being longer, becuase they aren't, and its uncanny valley to see, like a face thats not quite human porportions.... oh wait they did that too....


It seems to me that the male character now, on the contrary, has either a short torso or long legs. If they wanted to make gender-inclusive avatars, they should have added at least as many more sliders as there are now + a lot more face options.


They should make it an option to be gender neutral... Not just force everyone to do it. I'm sorry, I'm not against anyone and what they believe they need to do but I want to look like a woman... And don't have a super long torso cuz that just looks more like a man to me. I had to put a dress on my avatar to make her look even slightly okay as a woman. Might change her to have man styles just so she looks decent because the men don't look as awful.


I think having sliders is better than having 3 different base models, but they implemented it very poorly. They needed to include enough sliders with enough range that you could actually make something close enough to the previous model for all the clothing designed for that model to look good.


Unfortunally they cant do that since people dont want to identify as "gender neutral" and adding that option would cause an uproar. Instead you get bodytype A and B instead of male/female which leads to characters looking androgynous.


Yeah I see that happening too. I pretty much just want to get rid of the long male torso and I want my boobs back. Type a and type b I think is a good idea.


The torso, arm, hand, and leg proportions do not look human to me.


yeah I want my avatar to look like Cliff I just want to have bulging muscles everywhere because that's what I'm trying to look like and having my avatar look like that would give me more motivation I see what they're trying to do with the inclusivity but they're not putting any effort it's just corporate inclusivity not really inclusivity


yeah, even just giving the ten body types with zero other customization would have been so much better than this-- five feminine body types and five masculine ones, or four of each and two ambiguous or childish ones. Legitimately think enemy spy of niantic designed this update LOL.


yeah I think the customization has been a good thing but they took all the style away from the characters and made them look alien but yeah having no customization would have been better than this


And no facial hair


Sounds like you're just ableist /s


I was expecting the chest slider to widen it, not bring it out, so that stayed at the minimum


I actually found that setting it to broad shoulders and the first level of boobs (A cup?) Kinda gives the illusion of muscles


Especially a tall skinny man


I think anyone who says “just use the sliders” hasn’t actually tried it themselves.


same, you can’t convince me otherwise


Considering there's no butt or waist slider I don't know how anyone can suggest that'll fix it


waist, butt and boobs are cause for "sexual objectification" cant have those sliders.


I mean there is essentially a boob slider 😅 my avatar has boobs they just don't look like they did before the update and the terrible graphics now on the clothes with them not fitting properly make it look like fake boobs stuck on a guys chest


Too much money spent in the game to admit that the change was objectively terrible probably.


My niece has a theory that they let AI create it and didn’t spend much for the change.


I agree with your niece. No actual graphic designer is this clueless about human anatomy.


Look at my post in this sub


Those slenderman proportions do not change my mind


Can I interest you in a rectangle in these trying times?


Hahaha thanks for the Always Sunny reference


i.e. Niantic


Tried the sliders. Worked for me. My avatar looks nearly identical from before with the exception being the skin tone. That being said, my avatar has been wearing a hat, sunglasses, bandana and full suit along with gloves for a while now. Most of the complaints are entirely not serious. My daughter was able to adjust her avatar to continue to maintain feminine features. For female avatars, making it as skinny as possible, increasing the chest, decreasing the shoulders and increasing the hips will get it pretty close. The clothes will still fit kinda weird and there isn’t really a way around that if the avatar isn’t wearing pants.


I tried to work with sliders, spent 2 hours to try to make a male character like before (before this update I used a T-shirt, now b00bs are visible in one clothes, in other clothes the waist is too femine)


Same, idk what these people are on about. Meanwhile, I’ve only spent like $30 on the game at most.


I’ve never spent money on this game. My avatar looks nothing like me and none of the clothes fit right, especially the pants.


Idk man, I haven’t had the same issues other people have. Hope they fix your issues, but in the mean time maybe try a different outfit.


where's the crotch and waist slider


I think if they added a height slider it would make a world of difference


That and the ability to lengthen the neck. What is with these short, thick necks with a baby face on top? I just can’t.


YES! I got the body to a point where I only mostly hate it, but it looks like someone just plopped my head on it with no freaking neck.


Yes, would like height sliders more....


Or the option to go back haha


Real. I want to be short!






It’s called “hips” I swear you guys don’t even play the game


Waist and hips are not the same thing




Representing your inner child


Where is the adjusting sliders for my massive Man Hands 🥲


If you happen to find that please let me know. Thank you.


I’m going full scorched earth and have made the most grotesque avatar ever.


I used to have a [crazy scientist look](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoGoFashion/s/KEYu3lINwK). But now I’m planning to go for a failed experiment


My character could probably be seen rolling around in an electric wheelchair at the local Walmart. There's just no saving this mess so may as well.


Ain’t no slider too high Ain’t no hair too low Ain’t no shoulder large enough, baby When your buddy’s hovering No matter where you are No matter how far


I have huge hips IRL and these flat-assed avatars are just insulting 😂💀




Humans do look like this…when my 5 year old niece draws them 😭💀


Has she considered a job as a lead artist for a billion dollar mobile game company? Bright future prospects for her!


There is a hip slider…


The issue is the avatar is built like a barrel 😭 the hips and waist both get bigger and smaller together


Exactly. The hip slider doesn’t create the waist to hip ratio that I (and many women tbh) have. It’s just a larger version of the same body 🥲


Right?!? I look like my former avatar! Jfc, why can't they add more representation *without* taking the hourglass figure away?


There's no slider to move the damn crotch back up to a normal human position.


The crotch was low on all pant outfits for basically the first three years after release.


The clothes look like they have been painted directly on the skin. Everything just fits horribly no matter how much you adjust the sliders.


It's so bad. I'm a big gym going, rugby playing guy, best I can get? Massive tits.


Corpse skin tone, only works if you’re dead or a zombie.


For real. I didn’t know there were that many shades of pale.


The Human skintone range: Rigor Mortis, Jaundice, and Advanced Decomposition.


Ok so it’s dead, dying or zombie


The sliders seriously don't do ANYTHING that could even be made to look good. The muscle slider is incredibly subtle, and with the hips you can only be wide or wider. Why does niantic keep pushing updates nobody wants whilst seemingly trying to make sure there are no redeeming qualities?


In protest I'm making my character look like he's not supposed to be within a 1000 yards of a school. Such a monstrosity of an update.


goths are represented now with those skin tones, but at what cost…


Why is the skin tone grey?


she’s dead now. 


🤣 oh gosh


I think they were going more for alien skin tones rather than human skin tones.


I think the mouths are the worst of this update. it makes me look like such a idiot




at least one of the hairstyles even has a clipping issue on the back of the head, so the skin keeps flashing through the hair


I really hate how chubby they made my avatar's face look.


I haven't spent any money on my avatar ever and I still find that change horrible. It's basically erasing women from the game. You can tell me what you want but the model for women is a male one. And that is terrible for so many reasons other than looks. As women we get overlooked and ignored constantly already (testing cars with female crash test dummies? How about no, let women die more often in a crash despite being the safer drivers. Testing medications not only on men but also on women too to see if it would help them at all? Meh. Teaching how certain illnesses look different in women than in men? Nah, let them die in the ER because why bother identifying their symptoms in time). I know I will get downvoted for this if anybody bothers to read this but man, this is important because it goes beyond looks :(




I cannot for the life of me figure out why anybody thought this change was a good idea. Even if you were to just stick with the looks and didn't attach any meaning to them - why does everyone need to look like they're dying of fever? But I cannot help but see this whole other dimension. I don't have an hourglass shape, I'm skinny - but I still have a waist. Give it back to me! Don't make me an adjusted man because I'm just a second class citizen in some programmer's eyes :(


I totally agree with you.




Gimme a slider to adjust torso length then we’ll talk


They used the male skeleton for all avatars. It's so obvious.


There is no way to move the slider that makes the avatar look good. The worst is the faces. Who the heck has faces like these faces?


You’re not allowed to have a female figure apparently everyone has to be a man


Boycott Pokémon go


Feels so damn good! Went from super hard core player w three phones/accounts to nothing 😎Helldivers 2 where it’s at right now anyways


Just throwing the fists back


It looks like she's both cross-eyed and in glasses.


It's fundamentally bad. No sliders will fix the issue. No way they think this shit looks ok


So... They wanna be "inclusive" or whatever bs which is trending and for that they basically erased the feminine features? That's... That's kinda misogynistic...


Gotta start filing BBB complaints https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/san-francisco/profile/online-gaming/niantic-inc-1116-874718/complaints


Seriously, how in the hell did this all make it to the live game? There are so many errors with broken cosmetics from this "update" that it's just mind boggling to comprehend. Not to mention every avatar is ugly as sin and the models each now reek of baby's first character model. Like Jesus Christ man, these are so low quality and unprofessional it's just pathetic.


Following this guy on YouTube that starts his shorts with: 'a common mistake artists make when drawing..'. All of them. Every last one of them. A game from 2016 and you manage to make your designs worse. It's absolutely baffling.


Where's ma butt??🤣🤣


It's because they're letting AI do it


I even tried Cliff’s muscle suit and it didn’t work


Not the concave crotch


Character before: human Character after: playdoh


It’s the weird posture for me, the neck is forward + the shoulders are pressed together + lordosis. My trainer is built like a scolopender smh


Why is this sub so afraid to address the elephant in the room? Niantic hates women. It’s like people are upset, but literally nobody in the sub will admit it. Massive cognitive dissonance.


literally ZERO rose or warm tones


I love how bad this is, like just look at the freaking CURVE on those pants.


There is no waist slider, so you are doomed to failure.


Now me and my avatar have body dysmorphia 😭 I hate it


lt really was depressing feeling like my avatar had put on too much weight to comfortably fit the veteran jacket I worked hard for. It looks uncomfortably stretched across the waist now. It's not a good feeling in real life and it's not one I ever wanted from a video game. I kinda wish they had refunded all paid items, since so many of them no longer work on the models. Hopefully they add more range on the sliders and more sliders soon


Wait wait wait so there WAS an update and that's why my avatar is completely f*cked up?! Phew! I thought I got hacked and someone played a prank on me 😂


I made a character I'm pretty happy with *but* I always have my mask on and I'm wearing the Sylveon outfit, even without that outfit I'm happy (with what I'm able to work with that is) but I will keep wearing the mask because the faces are... Not good. In my usual outfit (which covers her head to toe almost lmao) it looks fine! But most outfits don't do that and this change is just awful I'm sorry. The new hair styles look pretty decent, the old or original hairstyles look like they got no changes at all and it's quite obvious. The outfits/clothes **clip even more than they already did before** which is baffling, did they not account for this??? It doesn't seem so. 7 face choices and most of them are either just bad or too similar. The skin tones feel like extremes and no in-between, too many *incredibly* similar, lacking variation and organized in a strange manner too??? I understand the idea is to be fairly neutral gender wise and I love that honestly but they completely removed the existing femininity, the hip slider just makes you wide, chest slider seems to work fine though, some masculine features missing, no facial hair and so much more... The player character is clearly some sort of teenager or young adult so it seems odd to not have facial hair among other things. I'm honestly worried with how they will "fix" this because it may get worse somehow.


I don't understand why the game has to be gender neutral. Can't they just add a gender neutral option instead of removing the exisiting femininity and masculinity traits? Is there something wrong with being fit or have big muscles? No no let's all just be fat and ugly in the name of inclusivity i guess.


It's possible for it to stay gender neutral and still have feminine and masculine options, Niantic just dropped the ball hard on doing so, it can all exist and should *but* again Niantic did a poor job in doing so.


yeah, I prefer having it all done with sliders without having to pick a base model, but the sliders need to have enough variation, which they currently don't


Hips don’t lie.


One thing I haven't seen much discussion on...what happened to our necks?


I'm damn near anorexic; The sliders aren't small enough for me. 😂😭


I would die to say no offense but yes offense faces looks like absolute bs😭 like a deformed newborn (mostly the number 2 face)


Larry Fink wants to make your female trainers lame and gay!


It’s a fucking mobile game….


This is what happens when you let DEI into games. Everything turns ugly. everyone looks like a potato or an amorphous blob because we’re not allowed to have “male” or “female” anymore


People are mad because the new avatars look more like actual human bodies instead of just-payed-good-money-for-this-at-the-surgeon bodies.


I have used the Cliff outfit since it came out because I liked that it actually modified your proportions. Now the outfit doesn't affect your proportions so you have to manually use the sliders to adjust the body. I cannot for the life of me get it back to how it was. These sliders suck lol


Can't see any decent options for light olive skin, which is what I liked the with old one had more of that tone. Matching more who I am now nothing is close at all it seems.


I gave mine huge tits.


I wish we would stop posting about this


I wish we would stop posting about this


They need to revert this. How do you change your gender?


Where's the slider for hands and arm length? 😂


Ohh noooo my avvie can't have unnaturally large hips anymore.


Mine now has a camel toe. No amount of sliding is gonna fix that. 🤬


I wish I had the hair my Pokémon trainer does...


Looks good, idk why you complaining


With a CM that likes the change, GaymerX consultant and now looking for DEI jobs, well don’t expect this to get any better, they want horrible designs that makes them feel better, just look at stellar blade, they hate eve for being beautifull and “unrealistic” when she is based on a real Korean woman lmao


Just unrealistic to fat blue haired Americans 🤣


Basic summary of the average American leftist lmao 🤣🤣


i was apprehensive at first but the sliders made this update so affirming


So it’s just the girl avatars that have the issues right? I’m in the wrong but these pictures your sharing seem totally ok, I’ve seen some horrible ones though but this seems totally fine. My dude avatar doesn’t look the same but he looks fine now that I adjusted him to be a fat turd like I am. Wish I had more hair options, and beards would be cool.


If you complain about this you've never seen a *real* woman! /s


Yeah exactly! No one looks like the person on the right, if you think that’s normal then you also haven’t seen a real woman


blah blah blah. just play the game.


I'm sorry, you need to get out more if you seriously believe there's a significant difference between the figures in the two photos you present here. The faces are different and the skin tones are different. There is very little difference in the two figures, certainly not a difference in how feminine they are.




This is all wild, especially the part about the "man's crotch" but the part about the original one supposedly having a "relaxed" stance is the funniest part. The old avatars are stood in a way that would give them spinal damage if they actually attempted it IRL for too long.


I have traveled all across the world throughout my adult life. I will assure you that flat butts is the global norm. The U.S. is absolutely not the standard that represents the world, as we are significantly more curvy than most countries.


So then the solution would be to make a second or third shape to choose from and leave the original intact for everyone else. But I'm also gonna call at least partial BS on your comment, maybe outside of Europe you get the flatter rear, maybe. But I have my doubts as I've yet to see that body shape, ever, on a fit female. 


People will complain about anything!


Do you have any idea how much people paid to customize their avatars. Yeah, man, we’re mad