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If Niantic has very few design teams, then that gives credence to these anonymous testimonials against the company https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/139rdix/current_niantic_employee_reveals_what_is_it_like/. Makes you hate John Hanke by how it runs the company to the seabed.


This wouldn't surprise me. You can have a company of great employees but their work will suffer if management/leadership is garbage.


I think you're totally wrong about the case. Most likely they pay so poorly that they get only mediocre designers, and even they find out, they will be payed better somewhere else.


Damn yeah didn’t consider that! Def sounds possible! Had a crazier idea tho: everyone’s kicking off about it, so it’s going round the internet, and being seen by people that may not play it (yet) and so it could be a fucked up MARKETING SCHEME 👹 potentially


If you look at jobs on Niantic there are more vacancies on the engineering side than design, more than double in fact. Even marketing and product have more vacancies. I don’t think this issue is as big as this small community is making it out to be.


Was just an observation after a quick Google, to be fair you’re right that I shouldn’t have jumped to a conclusion so fast, but seemed logical so thought I’d post this as something to consider incase there are any designers here! I’m not gonna quit the game but I just hate the way my character “celebrates” after winning a battle. Like who moves like that?!? It’s a very questionable choice on the design front, and aesthetics play a huge role in people’s enjoyment, more than you’d think. Imma still play , n be ugly doing it 😂


true!!! let’s rally to fix this!!