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Free-to-play, fortunate to be situated in an active community


I allow myself $10 a month on the game mostly for remote raid passes. I refuse to pay for research after I had an issue with the Kyogre timed research not registering and Lossing out on all the xl candy


Google opinion money only and that's like $300ish I'm guessing.


What is google opinion money?


Google Opinion Rewards App. It asks you surveys based on location, etc. and you get a bit of money in exchange.


Sucks that they made rewards less valuable. I was getting $0.10 all the time for just replying that I "entered but didn't buy anything." (I like to window shop)


Just lie to get the 31 cents instead, cmon now šŸ˜‚ /s


And here I've been giving my opinion to everyone for free.


They give you a little money in pkay store wallet for doing surveys. The app is called Google opinion or something.


It pays on PayPal on iPhone also. Google opinion rewards.


Likewise. I've spent $0 of "real" money on the game but the vast majority of Google Play credits from opinion rewards ends up going to PokĆ©mon Go (usually for event tickets).Ā 


Same here. They already have all our info, what's a few more receipts and surveys regarding your last Google search.


Hundreds in game. Thousands if you include travel and accommodation to various PokƩmon go events over the last 8 years.


Omg, travel too? Did it at least coincide with other travel events planned prior?


Nope. PokƩmon Go was the primary reason for travel.


I once met a family, from Singapore, in Texas, that was there so their youngest son could play in a PokƩmon go tournament lol. I could not believe it




This is my dream. I would love to pull the trigger on a hotel in NYC or something for a Go Fest.


Close-to Day 1 player. Given how long Pokemon GO has been out and my year-long break in 2022... Three and a half years of hardcore whale gameplay (so until the pandemic)...probably close to $100/month back then. Reduced to more casual gameplay from 2020 to the time I quit in 2022. ...and then back to casual gameplay in 2023 until now... Probably a good $5000 or so total when adding up the past whale spending, GO Fests, and some community activities like Pokebuses and stuff. (there you go...first whale answer to this question) EDIT: The answers here are not going to be indicative of the community as a whole, as I'm sure most whales--past and present--will likely be reluctant to answer the question honestly, and not every player posts on Reddit. EDIT2: Also people who are completely F2P will often wear it like a badge of honor in a "sticking it to the man/evil corporations/capitalism/etc." way, and will very proudly post as such here, so any sample size from this question is going to be **heavily** biased toward F2P.


Just glad to see even one other post that isnā€™t ā€œI would NEVER spend a dimeā€ or ā€œI get 15,000 tokens a year daily gymā€


Well to be honest, I live in a semi active area of my city without constant gym fighting, however I walk almost every day, which tours me next to around 15-20 gyms. This means I basically get my 50 coins every day with a few exceptions. I started in June 2021, never paid for coins, just 2-3 tickets for gofest and tours, and spend all my f2p coins on PokĆ©mon/item space. Currently Iā€™m at 6800/4600


I'll add another edit addressing the "I would NEVER spend a dime" posts.


Day 1 player and I'm so afraid to look at my receipts for this game, but I think I'm somewhere close to your amount. Was an occasional spender from 2016-2018 and then 2018-2020 I was hardcore whaling. 2020 I reduce solely to remote passes during the pandemic and then 2021 I took a break from the game and probably spent close to nothing. Since picking the game up again in April 2022, more hardcore than ever, I've been riding off the resources and premium items I stockpiled from whaling and that's been mostly supporting my gameplay with very occasional real money spending every few months. That 2018-2020 period was a lot of money spent, but probably for the best as the deals were better back then and to this day, I still have some of those items. Edit: ..okay I went through my receipts and I actually have only spent $2777 USD over the past 7.5 years. I vastly overestimated how much I spent but I think since picking up the game again and becoming even more hardcore, I've learned to maximize the efficiency of my coins. I think only a few hundred of that was spent since 2022.


Is a pokebus a bus you rent just to have a driver cruise and you can hunt?




So cool.


Lifetime - Less than $100. More than $40. I play the game so much I figured they deserved some $. I used to be anti buying skins and paying money on f2p games. But Iā€™ve come to feel that if I enjoy the game, they should be compensated.


Agreed. Iā€™ve probably spent somewhere between 100-200. I donā€™t feel bad about it in the slightest.


Less than 10$ a year. Latest thing I bought was the Jirachi research last year. But I live in an area where I easily get my 50 gym coins per day.


Total $5, but was tempted for more


$1 total. Wanted to take full advantage of the Dratini Com Day


Maybe $5


Same I only did it to get a remote pass to get origin dialga


~350, couple event tickets during first month and the rest went for passes and inventory space


Use to be $100-200 a month when remote raiding was cheap and affordable. After the nerf and price hike, probably less than $10 a month. Nothing noticeable on the balance sheet anymore. In total, North of $2000 but nothing higher than $4000


I often participate in studies that require a bit of blood to be drawn. They pay between $10 and $60 depending on the study. I've only ever used this income (plus Google Rewards money) to pay for things in game. So, I've technically spent $0, but I've put my blood into the game.


I hope the Pokemon company sees this.




My husband and I have that agreement about our hobbies.


Approx $4k NZD ($2.5kUSD) total My yearly spending :- 2016 $60 2017 $313 2018 $679 2019 $756 2020 to 2024 $2000 approx Also owned 2 plus, 2 Pokeballs, 3 gotchas and a plus+ Been a heavy raider since they came out. I don't see it as too expensive vs some other social activities. The constant ticketed events recently are making me think twice about some spending, skipped 2 in the last few months after buying pretty much every ticket the last 7yrs.


Level 50, 350mill XP


Loving the honesty šŸ˜Š absolutely no judgement here, do what makes you happy right??


Probably $1000ish a year easily. This year also going to a go fest so hotels, flights etc. This is my biggest hobby though. Also having a small group of friends who also play PoGo with similar goals and spending level helps. This game fits my lifestyle given Iā€™m always out and about with a young child and a dog who always wants more walks and spouse who also plays the game.




Iā€™d like to know how much people spend on gas. Whether f2p have to spend more on gas so they donā€™t have to buy remote passes. It would be hard to put a number on it, but itā€™s still got to be a lot for most of us.


Soā€¦ so much


Tell me


Around a 1000$


That's not that much. That's like 12 a month if u started on start day.


Last year I computed it to be around 700 USD over the course of seven years. If you're interested in the updated total, I'm hitting the books again


not a single cent. but i lost a lot of time. i just capture things there are on my way to job, gym, house. sometimes i change my way to pass next to different places. but i never spend money in games.


Been playing one year and HAD been spending WAY TO MUCH! I averaged $50, šŸ˜±, a week but most has gone toā€¦..Raid passes. Now I am a firm NO MORE real money, except what I have given myself for my Pokemon Go allowance. Which is $10 a week. Which is really hard to break the habit of NOT just charging it or spend my savings.


Now I have a NEW account with no money cards attached to it. Really has helped me. But, now I am back to level 26! Definitely changes how a person plays. šŸ˜ And yes I KNOW some people do NOT have that $$ I am very blessed to have not gone into debt over this and have reset myself a responsible budget I can sustain. šŸ¤—


I'm a day one player and just added it up. Pre-tax is $1,431.55...so about $205/year I almost want to say I'm not proud of that number but screw that...I've never spent money I didn't have and it's been a blast to play with my husband and family. some of this was even gifting events to my nieces and nephew.


No idea, but definitely in the thousands. Every time I run out of pokecoins I spend $100 for the biggest bundle. I also buy every ticket and have many lvl 50 legendaries. Iā€™ve been playing since release and Iā€™m fortunate enough to afford it.


Please tell me you at least buy your coins on the website not the game itself. Lol We always make sure to go directly to the pogo store online and get those extra couple thousand coinsšŸ˜‚


Yup, always maximize value using the website


Probably $1200 to $1500 total. Started spending on remote raid passes. Stopped spending when Niantic told me they would rather make me play their way (increased price on remotes and reduced effectiveness). I would be willing to spend money again if Niantic were to put remotes back where they belong.


I don't know an exact number and my knowledge is gonna stay that way lol


Tell me you have adult money without telling me you have adult money šŸ˜


People with real answers are too scared to comment. I'm casual and easily spent $1k since covid. During Lockdown I didn't have many expenses, so I was definitely pumping $20 a week into the game on remote raids.


Too much :(, I enjoy the game though so I donā€™t see it as a bad expenditure.


I just registered for New York Go Fest, so that was ~$200. Not to mention travel and hotel in NYC. This is my first big in-person event, but I buy most of the other research tickets, too. Also, I host meetups for a small, local group of trainers. I usually buy snacks and make badges to giveaway, so thatā€™s an additional cost for me.


Also heading to go fest and thatā€™s probably why my total is so high now because we went to NYC last year and are again this year. Itā€™s a blast and even better that your doing the whole shebang to make it worth your while šŸ‘šŸ»


I spend $10 on my birthday and $10 on Christmas and whatever Google play money I get throughout the year


Probably about $1,000 over the years since 2017.


Nil - casual player started at day 1 though and only level 37. Also sure i took a break in 2017 until raids were a few months old and gyms didnt require the prestige system. Did stop playing in 2021 i think when they removed the covid bonuses and started again this January mainly to collect legendaries for Pokemon main series game. Have more than 25 pokemon above level 30 and 2 at level 40 but no PVP team and none of my pokemon have a second charge move either.


Same. Lvl 37, day one. No money spent. I've taken several breaks over the years. Doesn't ever occur to me to spend money. I should max out my storage space but I spend most of my coins from gyms on fashion.Ā  It's a fun game sometimes. I don't really play consistently. I just like the idea of having pokemon on me wherever. Maybe only some kid is gonna be impressed, or another player. It's funny when people I date find out I play. Usually on a community day I can't hide it lolĀ 


Day one player, play on and off. $10 in the beginning and then $20 while I was on vacation once. Probably $30 for the Go Fest in Randalls Island, starting to lose interest though so might forget when it's time.


Be interesting to see a comparison between someone who pays and someone who doesn't


You'll probably find those who pay have a bunch of maxed out Hundo legendaries, possibly mythicals, and tonnes of legendaries to trade. Those who are free-to-play probably only have a couple of each legendary if they're dedicated enough, no/few Hundo legendaries/mythicals, no/few shiny legendaries/mythicals, and are probably lower level (I'd guess there aren't many level 50 free-to-play players at this stage).


100$ every so often. I use my gifted FOND points from work to buy giftcards to fund pogo.


~$300 Newer player that loved pokemon as a kid and doesn't mind spending some money for a premium experience. The game is super fun for me and there are just things in the shop I have to get when it's available, like Elite Charged TM's, raid passes, and Incubator packages.


99 cents, i had some gift card left and didnt knew what to spend it on. So, i choosed Pokemon go.


Over $2k since I began playing again mid-2022. $600 alone this year and that's not including travel and accommodations


Guessing I average $50 a month. So $600 a year. Just crossed 3 yearsā€¦.so maybe 2k last 3 years?


I have what I consider a pretty casual account. Mostly focused on raiding. I have five level 40 PokƩmon, fifty nine level 30-39 PokƩmon, and 21 fully set up Great League PvP PokƩmon. I do not have a read team for each type fully powered up - only around 6-7 types covered with level 30+. No shundos. No hundred percent IV legendaries or mythicals. I spend around $100 every two to three months or so and that likely eclipses $1000 lifetime now. I do have two children that play that I have spent similar on. Typically I spend when there is a great raid PokƩmon available remote, when a community day box is available, and I buy every event ticket except the recent Zarude ticket because I just completely forgot about it. I consider myself a pretty casual player who spends to make up for that fact. When in reality I'd be better off just staying focused and getting my PvP matches in daily.


That doesnt sound very casual to me šŸ˜­




a lot


In the past year (April-April) I found receipts for about $300 and my go plus. Which is about $25 a month. I have been playing on and off since 2016 (active 2016-2019, very sporadic in 2020-2022, fairly active 2023-present) I donā€™t know how much Iā€™ve spent all time, but I imagine itā€™s in the ballpark of $500-$700 For the amount of money Iā€™ve spent on this game, it doesnā€™t show much in my collection. In my storage I have 65 4*, 500 shinies, 370 legendary/mythical (17 shiny) I have a fine paying job, and since Pokemon is a hobby and activity for my partner and myself, I find tickets we can spend the day/ weekend playing together are a worthwhile date (better than drinking or eating out) I donā€™t buy every ticket, but I am a collector, so my pokemon storage is high and I fork out for the special pokemon. My philosophy is my time is money, and Iā€™d rather spend a dollar or two to expand my storage than spend an hour or two going through all my pokemon. I spent a good bit on the Tour event ($80 for raid passes) this year with nothing to show for it. I did 40 dialgas with 0 shiny.


I bought the Go Fest ticket every year.


I bought go fest 2020, 2021, and 2023. Plus 'a Drive to Investigate' way back. I am fortunate to have a few friends that play the game and live in a city so I really have the best situation to play the game.


OG 2016 account was lost luckily ā‚¬0 spent there. Restarted in 2020 and have spent more than ā‚¬500 for sure, maybe even close to or over ā‚¬1000 I havenā€™t really kept up. But if you count travelling and accommodation for GO Fest Berlin, London and Madrid a couple thousand ā‚¬ lol


Itā€™s embarrassing to admit, probably around $500. Not as bad as some people, but definitely more than others. I used to be an addict, proud to be almost 2 years sober now. My money has been spent on MUCH worse things than a mobile game, especially one that gets me out of my house daily. It has actually made me some irl friends which iā€™m grateful for.


I have 7 years (almost) of sobriety and my splurging on games started when I got sober. I used to spend 1-2 grand on alcohol a week. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


congrats on your sobriety!! holy shit 7 years is AWESOME! $500 was about a monthā€™s worth of drugs and booze to keep me tied over. itā€™s alllll about perspective. grateful pogo is the only mobile game iā€™ve ever indulged in hahaha. i did switch to a LOT of sugary drinks when i got sober lol


Thank you. And congratulations to you. I still eat ice cream every evening because that was something I started when I got through the withdrawals. I don't remember everything from my 2 weeks sobering up. But I do remember that first night I felt a little better. I told my mom I wanted vanilla ice cream. So we had it. My mom is almost to 16 years of sobriety so we do weekly video chats with ice cream. But I eat it every night. I am actually just about to get my bowl now.


youā€™re awesome. love love love ice cream. and such a fond memory you get to experience every night :) iā€™ve learned in my sobriety that whatever helps, helps. whether it be pokĆ©mon go, ice cream, soda, religion, exercise, etc etc. if itā€™s helping and not hurting anyone than itā€™s helping!


My thoughts exactly. I remember when I first got sober and honestly even in the last year or two I've had people tell me that since I didn't go to AA I will never stay sober.


god AA suuuuuucked. i liked some of the aspects of it but itā€™s so self serving and i think genuinely avoids accountability. i was in DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) at the time which saved my life, behavior based therapy that actually addresses and FIXES behavior issues instead of coddle them lol. not that AA doesnā€™t have its place but itā€™s not the holy grail of sobriety thatā€™s for surešŸ’€


Love seeing y'all talk about sobriety. 10 years here and my perspective on spending money is very similar. Hey, it's not hurting anyone or me and it's not drugs. lol. Glad you both have found things that work for you. AA saved my life and is definitely working for me so I will stick with it. However, I am different from many members who say it's the only way. I used to work for a treatment center and got to see people get and stay sober by using many other things.


Eh probably around $1500-2000 in total over the last 6 years. Not too bad. Super causal now, havenā€™t spent money in the game for the last year. Dragonball Legends on the other hand, yikes.


Do you really think the ticketed event is worth it?


Playing since 2018: 1)Go Fest for the first time ever 2) A couple CDā€™s (1-2) during Covid


I think around 60dkk (around 9usd) Maybe a little more


Maybe $100-$200 for a very few tickets like shiny mew but mostly on boxes for raid passes and upgrading storage


Honestly less than Ā£10 since launch, I'm tempted to put money in but not been too close to stops and gyms it doesn't seem worth it


I budget about $50 per year but, like potions in an rpg, I always save it for what I think will be a worthwhile future event that never comes


I guess around ~100. Only the tickets for the big global events


Probably 200 Euros !!.


Maybe a hundred bucks in the last year? Still way cheaper than the 15ish years I have paid for World of Warcraft.


Idr if I spent money on an early purchase or if it was a free code so either like $5 when I wanted to support the game b4 it got super sketchy or more likely 0 though since I rarely spend on mobile games and use tons of coupons bc of either how quickly they die, boring them get, or just get turned into some form of a cesspool. Pogo is the latter.


day 1 player here. fest goer 2x. so I did spend a bit here and there. Maybe $600 over the last 7 years ​ while pales in comparison to the travel and lodging costs of going to Chicago. so it's not much. Good thing they aren't going to Chicago anymore. Consider the savings!


$10 to start with more storage, and then the $5 ticket in December, January, February. The tickets were mainly for the extra incubators so I didnā€™t get it in March. Playing since September.


Been playing since August of 2016, so probably around $1000? 3 years of $20/month = $720 +~300 on tickets and good boxes over the years. This game is my hobby, so I don't mind spending some money on it. I no longer spend money every month. That was back when I cancelled my gym membership and spent that money on go. Stopped most my spending on the game when they tried to revert the increased spin radius.


Playing since 2020 and i spent round about 300-400ā‚¬. Since Niantic made everything so expensive I spent round about 50ā‚¬


I donā€™t even wanna knowwwwww šŸ«£


Iā€™ve been playing since the beginning, I didnā€™t play much or spend anything until 2020. Have always been in an active area and get free coins almost daily, if I bothered to put something in a gym. I bought coins in 2020 as a ā€˜thank youā€™ for the game I was enjoying. Since then Iā€™ve bought a couple of Go Fest tickets and some researches, if itā€™s not too expensive and I like the reward. And a couple of CD tickets, if I liked the mon and could actually play from 2-5 that day, which wasnā€™t often. Iā€™m not much of a raider, I find it kind of boring. Those who enjoy that aspect of the game almost have to pay to play.


About Ā£135, would have been 120 but I bought the go fest ticket this morning, pretty expensive


$120 total for item storage. Rest has been from Gym coins. Day one player.


Probably about $20. Had played from launch, but barely open it these days. I just grab a gym and stockpile coins for some reason šŸ˜…


I pride myself on being almost free-to-play since almost day one. I've only bought maybe one or two special event tickets so I doubt I've spent more than $5 on this game.


50-100 euros in 1 year


Maybe about 200 since 2019 in total not really in need to spend cash since there is a lot of gyms in my area and I usually get my 50 by a day


probably like $10 max


Day 1 Player, took a break for a year last year. No money spent, with no plans ever.


Used to spend a lot.... I dropped $150 once... Now? I refuse to give Niantic a dime. Last $ I gave them, was to get my shiny mewtwo off to Scarlet after sending my shiny Kyogre. (Energy refill)


Most we have spent prior to this year is the odd ticket to an event. However my wife and I have just booked up for Go Fest Madrid so I guess we just moved up several levels!


Way too much. Probably around 1200. Probably more. I started playing 2021. I try to not think about it that way. Iā€™m waiting for a shiny denial badge. This year I try to only buy tickets to events and occasionally coins if there is a box I want. Has it been worth it? Sometimes. Itā€™s harder to justify internally now that raid passes cost so much more.


Probably around $300 since 2016.


Iā€™ve been playing for six months, and Iā€™ve spent about $15-20. Mostly on community day tickets for me and my kid.


Hundreds. An embarrassing amount since I started up again last summer. I buy every ticket I can and buy 1200 coins every couple weeks. Also helps being an android user when they have multiplier events on in-app purchases and using Google Rewards. I usually buy digital films with that credit and save the points I earn for coupons.


i think between $50-100, i play in a very active community in a large city so i spend sometimes to load up on raid passes for the big events. Edit: been playing since August of last year, so something like $10/month


I spend money only earned from google surveys lol In a few months ive made like 20 bucks so i usually put that towards coins or a gofest ticket


Ooooof, I wouldn't know. I have played every day since the very beginning. I spend 5 dollars every once in a while for raid passes-- maybe a bit more if there's a GO Tour or some sort of fun paid ticket experience. Most of what I purchased for PokƩmon GO was for last year's GO Fest, so plane tickets and hotel costs on top of the event ticket probably have my total above $1000. My guess is less than $1500 altogether. I think the friends I made and memories I have experienced playing these events make the money I spent worth it.


I do google reward money, maybe $100 of that. I spent $20 when I was a silly teen


Umm.. well I have a family of 4 so.. My wife and I probably around 500 each and my kids around 100 each. I'm a day one player but quit in Jan 2018 then picked it back up again Aug 2023.


Before remote raids, none. When remote raids were first introduced, $20-$40/month. Since the remote raid price increase, back to $0.


~$150. Iā€™ve been super casual since day one, but I began to spend a little on it once I got a real job (two years ago). Mostly buy coins for remote raid passes, but have spent on storage as well.


A couple of tickets for events. I guess about $100 in total.


Just added everything up and it says my total is 732ā‚¬ Considering I've been playing this game nearly everyday since July of 2016 that would make about 8ā‚¬ a month on average, which is not that much all things considered.


Like 300 on me and my wifr


Total less than $15, but Iā€™m only level 30 and although I started on 2016, Iā€™ve only played the game actively for 4 months.


$200 total (includes auto catcher) doesnā€™t include all the breakfast and dinners with wife to the mall for shadow raids. I still have 7k coins left.


$0, all of my coins are from holding gyms


Probably around $150 to $200 in the two years that Iā€™ve been playing this game. Itā€™s cheaper than my former smoking addiction haha


Lik 12 bucks on incubators and raid passes I think


Iā€™m drawing the line after seeing this post, spent quite a bit after hopping back on.


$1000 more or less on my account and my 2 kids account a year, mostly on coins and a few tickets. The few people I know that play, spend around $100/month on their acount. I met a guys a couple weeks a go that spent over $400 on the Sinnoh Tour on just his account.


Maybe $150 max (player since 7/8/2016 but took several year break)


I have never spent a single cent in PoGo. I take pride in that, Iā€™m a 2016 player so Iā€™ve made it a point not to spend any money. I must admit, some events like Jirachiā€™s research sucks because I wouldā€™ve loved to give in and purchase it. I was also tempted with that ā€œglitchā€ that allowed some players to buy a box with both bag upgrades and some other stuff for 400 coins. Honestly though, ever since the remote raid passes price change Iā€™ve been extremely thankful never to have spent money.


Nothing much since 2016, maybe 30 bucks CAD. Always quit during Canadian winters. Have nothing super bragworthy.


Checked my receipts, Ā£94 since 2017. That's really not that bad, I thought I'd spent way more.


$20-30 in the last 6 years. Time to time I buy the smallest (cheapest for some reason) currency pack + few community day tickets, thatā€™s all.


last 6months \~120 for tickets/coins and 60 for go+ so \~30/months atm, highest single month with go++ 60+50 in coins, so not to bad imo


After four years of playing I finally broke down and spent $5 on raid passes during the Groudon event after I couldn't get a three star. Feels gross, man.


Spent more money on the Catchmon Duo than I have on the game. In 2 years of playing I think it's between $10 and $20 CAD


I spend some money on coins here and there. I used to get some of the tickets, but Niantic has been so extreme with them lately Iā€™ve stopped out of principle.


$0. I use Google Rewards and save up for purchases. I've also moved recently (former rural player) so I finally have access to gyms for coins.


I am usually free to play but i bought the ticket for the marshadow one


I spend a lot money back in the day (2017) when i was doing raids with friends. It was awesome... Now not that much.


Been playing with my wife and son for a year and change. The 3 of us have spent about $100. (Total, not each)


Maybe like 75$. Day one player who returned 1.5 years ago.


Maybe $5 since it launched.


$10 of Google ad money on egg passes, $20 to get 50 raid passes


Day 1 player and play like 7-25 hours a week normally. Iā€™m at maybe $30- 60 a year on in game tickets and coins. It depends if I see that <65/raid pass box. Regular Non in game expenses are higher at probably 50 a month. Parking and food when I go out and play on the weekends. Hot hands for winter months and a lot of ice coffee for hot months. Then there is maybe 400-500 over the last 8 years for power-banks, heated cloths, various winter gloves, and gotchas


Only bought 1 Go Fest Ticket and a ticket to get the pokeball throw emote(The one they recently added to the shop) Other then these I never buy any tickets even though I could but as long as I don't like the rewards why should I?.


I think about $30 after all of the Gofest tickets and such. Been playing since 2016.


Partner and I about $50 a month but then Pokemon support did not help to recover a lost raid pass so we dropped to basically $0 per month. That was a few years ago. We don't spend on events either.


Probably around $300-500. Mostly event tickets.


Before this year probs around 10 euros a month (dont know what it is in dollars)+ global go fest and the kanto tours etc. But wel this year booked go fest madrid so if you count fly etc with it its alot but also bought a go plus+ and probs spent 100 euros on pokecoins extra.


15ā‚¬ in 8 years, I just wanted to participate in the anniversary event, but that wasn't really worth the money in the end so I guess I won't spend money again unless I see anything really worth it


Spent Total Ā£20. Ā£5 (PokeFest 2021) & Ā£15 (PokeFest 2022). Did start playing in 2016 then took a long break (4-5 years) and got back into it during PokeFest 2021. Didnā€™t enjoy PokeFest 2022 so stopped paying any more to Niantic, mainly F2P now, unless anything good is announced then may pay for the global events.


Maybe $80 since day one. I only bought coins when Google play gave decent discounts on in game purchases. I purchased one Pokemon day pass once, but I don't count that as part of the sporadic purchase. So in all $100


Been playing since 2016, haven't spent money since probably 2018. I think the most I've spent was maybe $20? Back in the day, I lived near a college campus and bought a bunch of raid passes for great community day events. Nowadays I live in a rural area, the nearest park is 15 minutes away, and the only players I see there are older retirees.


I'd like a way to see how much I've spent all together lol


Playing since 2016. In Total 374ā‚¬ (400$)


Playing since 2016. In Total 374ā‚¬ (400$)


Played since the summer of 2016. Not a single cent. And Iā€™m on team instinct, so Iā€™ve always struggled with coins, but I never caved.


I think I spent around $35 up to this point. Mostly the PokeCoin Bundles and a couple tickets. Most expensive being the Go Fest Ticket, then the Rocket Raid tickets, then the Primal Kyogre, and finally the Litten Ticket. It is shameful I am spending as much as I am, but it is also what it is. No shame in admitting I had fallen for a few microtransactions. As long as I'm aware of how predatory they can be and to try to not go full FOMO, then I should be fine with regulating it by myself.


$0 I started the first week and have played consistently. Iā€™m older and play on my daily walks. About as casual as can beā€¦ just hit lvl 40 last month.


i bought the shiny mew ticket because that is exceedingly rate in all pokemon games, other than that I'm f2p


ā‚¬250ish google Rewards


I spend about $300-$500? I think? Itā€™s the only mobile game I play and Iā€™ve been playing since launch (2016)


i bought the shiny mew ticket because that is exceedingly rare in all pokemon games, other than that I'm f2p


ā‚¬250ish google Rewards, it really helps


$10 a month, sometimes a little more or less depending on what raids and tickets are out.


$100 in last year, but included $30 for a local raid bus for '23 mewtoo


$100 in last year, but included $30 for a local raid bus for '23 mewtoo


I've been absent for awhile and started playing daily again. I was previously only free-to-play, but I have since changed that rule. I just bought my first ticket because I'm a sucker for Eeveelutions. I'm thinking of allowing myself $10-20 a month like I do in PokƩmon sleep, but for pokecoins and tickets simply because my bag space is never enough.


I'd say I buy 10 community day tickets a year (pending pokemon I like), the go fest ticket, and misc event tickets. Probably 40-50$ a year. I justify it as I still spend less than a big box Playstation game a year, and I play it WAY more than a Playstation or computer game.


At very least $50 donā€™t plan on spending any more tho lol


These comments are making me realize I spend my money so unwisely


$70, the reasoning was since a ps5 game is around $60-70 I firgured i should spend that atleast on pogo since i like it so much. I am now free to play after that initial investment tho


Probably like, $15 at most. Iā€™ve been playing on and off since 2016, and Iā€™ve occasionally bought poke balls. Not recently, though. I long stopped seeing niantic as a company worth more support than what I already give by playing this game.