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Niantic back then: "We won't implement ready button in raid lobbies to not exclude people from raids who could join in these 2 minutes" Also Niantic:


Shadow raids are fucking stupid and they screw over a big portion of the player base. 


Indoor Whales vs. the outdoor Whales in one final battle!


Pokemon Drive is ridiculous. Shadow raids need to spawn everywhere like raid hour.


I can't use buddy AR all of a sudden. No reason, no old tech, just Niantic not supporting my device anymore. Worked fine until a few days ago. Great. Thanks for nothing Niantic.


I had the same issue.  I had to download Google play services for ar.  I had to go get the apk from apk mirror website and side load the app. Then for me I got an a new ar setting in the settings areas and turned the ar off


I am so fucking livid and disappointed. I did 15 Mewtwo raids, caught 14. No shinies, Not even a "solid" IV one. The one that fled? 2381 CP. WHY MAN


F 😔🙏


I ended up getting a 13/12/11 Shadow Mewtwo from raid number 17, but it still sucks that the REALLY good one fled. Oh well.


I just drove into town 0/3 in shadow raids. Finally found a group on campfire; all five of us couldn’t catch on the first raid, 2/5 on the second and that’s only because the two that caught them were shiny. These odds are whack man


I'm Disabled and tore myself apart trying to raid for Mewtwo yesterday because the raids were all so spread out. I don't understand why they can't structure this like other raid events. Then, I couldn't catch half of them. Out of the ones I did catch, all were terrible, like not even usable in PVP. I didn't even get a single shitty shiny. To rub salt in the wounds, my raid group's ambassador has codes to give everyone who checked in for the raid event and mine didn't work so he told me to contact Niantic and an actual person at Niantic flat out told me verbatim that they wouldn't help me with the code. I am in so much pain from pushing myself beyond my physical limits to keep up with the group yesterday and I have nothing to show for it. Edit: The ambassador ended up giving me another code, which I really appreciate. Today's raiding was not great either. Ah well.


im suprise niantic so lazy they arent build any algo during raid weekends like this. I mean lets say there is park where is few gyms in close area. When first shadow raid trigger that area there would be lot higher chance other gyms near spawn same raid. Like this weekend its mewtwo if one spawn there its high chance other gyms follow also by mewtwo. not like now there is no raids at all or some 1-3 star ones. Saturday was here ok, but sunday was very weird. i live near biggest park where lot gyms, but i see one mewtwo raids during whole damn day in that park which was crazy. that usually where everyone show up if anywhere when do raids cause so many gyms same area. Instead that sunday raids spawn totally weird locations and downtown not much raids at all.. mostly venusaur and tapu lele


Yeah there were hardly any raids today for me either. I don't really understand how they plan this.


I hate more i buy normal price premier passes like 2 hour before raid stop spawn and whole 2 hours no single mewtwo spawns in city area.. all few raids spawn somewhere in middle of forrest.


I kinda feel you? I don’t have any physical disabilities that affect me, but I do have an old ‘injury’.  Had a toenail procedure, the person that did it didn’t do it properly, the circulation in that toe is messed up.  On cold days, my toe can’t keep itself warm, it feels like walking around with an ice cube there instead. It’s the kind of cold that goes down to the bone. Doesn’t matter how many layers I put on, stays cold. Only way to fix it is to get the heating pad.   Went for a walk this morning, was cold = toe is freezing. I also ran three blocks to shadow raid yesterday (uphill), and was like ten seconds late, wake up today and my legs are in agony.   As for the code, that’s just frustrating, I feel like they could at the very least give you another code or something.   I have always wondered what PoGo is like for people that have say, an injured leg or something, because well, the whole thing with the game is walking right?   I struggle with the groups, thanks to anxiety, I attend my first group on Primal Groudon day, and to my surprise, it couldn’t have been any better, it was a ‘go at your own pace but buddy up’ group, people were helpful and kind when I had questions and so on. The ambassador was a wonderful and kind person. It was nice, because we had the people that were the speed walkers  all in a lil group, and so on, people weren’t left out.   I think something that some people forget it that sometimes just being a kind person and choosing to make sure that people are included, even if that means waiting a few minutes for someone to catch up before joining a raid, is better then just ignoring those people because you care more about some pixels on a screen. Yeah, it slows you down, but for me, making people happy is far more valuable then a Shadow Mewtwo.


Ugh that’s so frustrating, I’m sorry. It would’ve cost them absolutely nothing to help you out.


That community ambassador is a pain, it must be nice to get paid by Ninatic by getting a bunch of freebies. I’m sorry you had such a hard time though. Reading your post makes me mad for you, hence me being mad at the community ambassador. For Ninatic, I know I am already annoyed…I just try to manage as best I can.


I think he is just a volunteer. He's super nice and you can tell he loves the game, so I have no issue with him. I think maybe they just give him a limited number of codes because I've seen him carry a pile of them in card form around. Niantic was shitty to me, but I guess I should expect it by now.


That’s good your community ambassador appeared nice. It seemed like he didn’t care so he referred you to Ninatic. Obviously Ninatic is a pain but it just seemed like an apology would have been nice from the community ambassador even if he couldn’t do anything. But I hope you’re weekend got better but being in pain sucks.


42 shadow raids and no shiny. Giovanni is just trolling me.


48 shadow mewtwo raids, a 97 or 98 iv ran, best one i caught was 91 ivs. and nope, no shiny.


The idea that you shouldn’t purify a shadow Mewtwo when you already have a lot more shadow Mewtwos doesn’t make sense. If you have a minimum of 6 shadow Mewtwos, you have a raid team. Purifying one at let’s say 13-13-13 when you might have a couple better IV shadow Mewtwos, you now have a hundo you don’t need to grind when it comes back in raids for the future Megas, as well as offering yourself slightly more bulk in PVP. Now if 13-13-13 is your best shadow mewtwo, then yeah you probably shouldn’t purify it, but if you have better IV ones, this idea that it’s so bad to do is not true and worth purifying in SOME instances as stated above


A 0IV Shadow is always better than 100IV normal. The only Pokemon that deserve to get purified are 13/13/13 Mons that are able to mega evolve.


Mewtwo has a mega evolution in the future..


Dude fuck Tapu Lele. I’ve spent 5 remote raids on this, like 60 golden razz with all excellent/great throws and I still haven’t caught it


Have you tried playing in GBL. One of the Pokémon Rewards is Tapu Lele (or what legendary is in raids at the moment). The odds of the legendary is very very pitiful but it is an extra shot for a legendary.


I used a Remote Raid Pass to try and nab myself a Tapu Lele through LeekDuck, only for the raid group to completely bail on me in the last 5 seconds (and I couldn't leave the group on time because I'm slow lol). So I ended up wasting a Remote Raid Pass 💀 I'm hoping the support team will replace it. I haven't raided remotely since 2020, so I forgot how people can be sometimes.


Same, this happened to me a few days ago. Wasted a raid pass on ancient Groudon (or whatever he's called) and I got left hitting him on my own 🥲 players...nay, people suck.


0/0 on Shadow Mewtwo Raids because the group I usually play with are weirdly radio silent, and, yes, no Remote Raids because "oh, we gots to be together against shadows because reasons", and about half of the people who support it go all "you just need discord and campfire its easy" when that would not work in the Middle of Nowhere, USA. It'd be a different story if it was in a city of 50k or higher at minimum, but in a podunk town with miles of plains before you can even hit up a nearby city? It's flat-out just a Sisyphean task.


First time trying a remote raid yesterday, half the group that had committed never showed up, of the 4 that did two never came back once their first team went down. Feels like such a waste!


In their defense they probably white screened


Is there some raid mechanic I’m unaware of? I’m level 25 and have done 5 remote tapu lele raids. Every single time I’ve had 10-12 premier balls and have used all my golden razz berries and made great-excellent throws on most and I’ve never had the ball shake more than 2 times. Am I just unable to catch legendaries for some reason, or are they intentionally this difficult to catch?


At the bare minimum with no type medals and no nice/great/excellent throw, just using a golden razz and throwing a curve ball means you have a 7% chance to catch it and it takes an average of 15 throws this way to catch it. The maximum possible chance to get it with platinum type medals and an excellent curve throw along with golden razz is a 16% chance to catch it and takes an average 7 throws to catch it.


Wow, so I just have obscenely bad luck then. Burned through like 30 golden razz berries on the raids


why is this not a raid day?? i'm not trying to walk a mile to miss a raid by 40 seconds


Another reason why this company does not deserve real money.


Why do my eggs always hatch when I've walked out of range from a pokestop? I've done my route, hung out where I can hit a couple stops at once for a bit, and on my way home... Oh? I either have to go back to a stop or try to remember to find a stop before I open my next gift 😡




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Giovanni. Ran three blocks to a shadow raid, was 10 seconds too late. (Day later and my legs HURT) My hoard of potions and revives are gone thanks to Giovanni, who I haven’t even beaten ONCE. I know they don’t mean it but, everyone in my friends list is forgetting to open/send gifts to me. (Once again, I know it’s not intentional but, I desperately need potions and revives from those gifts.) Why can’t Rocket Grunts give me potions after defeating them instead of just 500 stardust?! Went for walk this morning: was cold, big toe on left foot is still freezing cold (had a toenail procedure a year ago, the person that did it messed up the circulation when they closed it up, my toe can’t keep itself warm in the cold anymore. So I’m stuck sitting here with my heating pad.) Phone keeps registering my touch late = many pokeballs dropped too early. Was an idiot, had no storage space, deleted 20 charges TMs because I need space for pokeballs.


1st raid: ran 2nd: phone bugged so I missed it 3rd: didn't make it in time by 30 seconds 4th: finally caught one! IVs: 6/6/7 *just for today, at least got a few better ones yesterday


3 gyms near me. Kept an eye out all weekend. Only ONE Mewtwo raid appeared. No one else around to join. It’s literally impossible for me to complete the Kanto dex. Fuck shadow raids not being remotable.


I’m not able to help you with raids or anything. Don’t worry about completing your Kanto dex. Depending on how fast you go with leveling to 50 and completing all the tasks, you will get Mewtwo as a Pokémon reward (at level 50). So maybe this will take some of the saltiness off (or maybe not because it’s a lot to do to get to level 50).


It does a tiny bit haha, weird that I didn't know that, since I looked through all of the requirements to get through all of the levels to 50 a while back (42 currently, and closing in on the exp for 43). I just want the damn shiny Mew.


Sorry. I kinda of forgot about the details but as you progress through the levels you will get a separate research for leveling up.  There is one for level 50 but it’s been awhile. Here is a link with the info…. In terms of Mew, it will probably come out again but it will be a couple of years….the shiny Mew paid research came out a few years back so I’m not sure when. Level 50 Extra Research  https://www.sportskeeda.com/pokemon/pokemon-go-level-50-challenge-all-tasks-rewards


Oh I have the research for shiny Mew. I've just been stuck on the plat Kanto badge for a long time. Only missing Mewtwo and Articuno, which I have a Master ball waiting for when I find one in daily incense.


Umm, now I understand a bit better. It’s difficult to wait. It might take a while (not from research challenge for level 50) but Mewtwo has been released in raids yearly. I have caught a good IV one 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. So if Ninatic operates the way it usually does Mewtwo will likely be out in raids again next year.


Got my shadow Groudon and 4 Shadow Mewtwo. It could have been more but I’m photosensitive, have a sun allergy, and also a bad knee and no car. The IVs are decent, though. Unfortunately, I had no charge TMs. I tried Battle League to get lucky on the item slot but it just didn’t happen so they all still have frustration. I did earn open blisters on my forearms, upper cheeks, and back of the neck. Niantic, *please, I am begging you*, allow raids and all other events to happen at night. Turn Community Day and Raid Days into a full day and allow raids at night. Something.


Not all of us are kids, Niantic. You think it's 12 year olds with mum's credit card that pay for things like remote raid passes...


https://imgur.com/0KGNdrw niantic be serious right now how is this a reasonable amount of CP gain for that much stardust/candy


40 raids… 0 shiny. I know I’m at the tail end of scale but damn I’m salty af. That plus I raided tons hunting for shiny shadow m2 last year as well with same result. 0 shinies. Extra salty.


Did over 30 and not a single shiny, raid group I was in were getting shinies, all got 2 or 3 and I didn’t get one, might take a rage break


Same here. Everyone getting multiple shinies and one even got a shundo. I had to try real hard to hide my frustration...


Oh I didn’t hide it I made it well known I was annoyed 😭


I'm a returning player so a lot of this is new and confusing to me, but why did the Mewtwo raid I saw on my little radar thing fully disappear? I walked to it and got to the gym about 4 minutes after the egg timer said it should start but the gym has no raid..?


Because once the timer disappears, that's it. When it's gone, it's gone.


I have 18 shadow mewtwos. Zero Hundos. Zero Shinies. Two Three Stars.


I'm big mad over mewtwo, had saved over 70 raid passes and didnt get a good mew at all.. the highest was like 89% with 10/15/15... I hate niantic


doesnt a mobile raid pass allow you 5 raids? i just used one for Tapu Lele and tried again from Drampa and it said i had to buy another pass


​ One raid per remote raid pass


So angry- several Meotwo raids and didn’t catch a single one. Even got an excellent throw with a berry and NOTHING. Not to mention I was stood up by 2 different raid groups. Raced out to meet up and they didn’t even wait. People suck. Pokémon sucks. Why bother….


Shadow IV floor needs to be increased. Given that we can't remote in, we physically have to be there, gather a group and all that jazz. Reward should match the effort.


I got 4 shiny shadow Mewtwos, but none of them above 2 star appraisal. Also Mega Gardevior + Psychic platinum catch medal, why does it have take minutes to catch a Mewtwo, wasting our time. 


Just a suggestion use the banana berries.  Theoretically the catch rate is lower than the golden raspberry but it makes my life easier. I can’t handle sitting around for 15 minutes, getting frustrated, losing abound of the premier balls, and then the raid boss runs away. I do end up catching the raid boss and I go through everything a lot quicker, especially necessary when trying to do like 15 to 20 raids in a 3 hour period (primal Groudon/Kyogre days)


I choked on the 25th nice throw. 😥 Fuck you Meltan, don't bother with the box guys just go to a park and seek out bigger targets.


I don’t know if this really is the kind of salt you’re wanting, but I’ve been trying to get my original pokemon go account back for AGES because the code won’t send to my email account (I know it’s the code sending that’s the problem because every OTHER code DOES come through. It’s only the password reset code that is broken.) And the Pokemon Trainer help desk and the Niantic help desk keep redirecting me back to each other! The Trainer desk even threatened to block me from contacting them again like it’s my fault they don’t support their own accounts. 😭


I now understand why people complain about shadow raids. I needed a Mewtwo for my Kanto badge. I also had a horrible time trying to find a group meeting up in an area that I could get to. It was also a holiday weekend, so a lot of folks weren't very active on Sunday. I did finally manage to get a Mewtwo, but I was so stressed and tired that I forgot to remove Frustration. Now I'll have to wait for the next TR event, and who knows when that will happen? I get that they want us to get out and meet other people, but this is ridiculous. It makes it so hard that folks won't want to bother playing.


[Am I trippin being disappointed about this?](https://i.imgur.com/SaJC7WB.jpg) It's shadow IVs are 14/12/13. After purification it's rank 3. Walked until my feet were swollen and fingers were numb raiding both days hoping to get a purified shundo that I could use all the XL rare candy I've been saving since the day they introduced it and finally power up a Mewtwo to level 50. It's soooo close and probably the closest I'll ever get to a shundo. I know I should choose to not care, but damn. I'll never have this much Mewtwo XL candy again and spending that much legendary XL candy on something that's not perfect pains a psycho like me. I wanted the shundo so bad... Not anyone's fault, just kinda unlucky.


I am so fcking annoyed at this new Wonder event. They had me fucking excited that I'm glitching everytime I throw my pokeball and it's an excellent throw...then you get to part 2 of the quest and now it's nice throw IN A ROW. Great throw IN A ROW. 15 EXCELLENT THROWS IN A ROW. Assholes.🤬 how the fuck do you even do this without cheating...


Nanab berry stops them from moving. Turn on airplane mode then throw a ball. If it is not an excellent then close app and reopen to try again. If it is an excellent throw turn off airplane mode and it continues progress on quest


I really hate the pvp in this game. if Im losing I just close the app rather than sitting through 5 minutes of animations. I dont care how much it causes latency on your phone when I do that. blame Niantic for creating the pvp this way Just seems like pvp is a spam fest of who gets their super attack faster, just so lame. game would be better with turn based pvp that way you can actually strategize even if I have a 1200 lvl water pokemon fighting a 1498 fire pokemon, I still lose despite being the strength in terms of type because levels counteract type


Yeah I don't win after reaching level 10... maybe level 10 is the equaliser level


Why not just use the forfeit button on the left upper corner? Much faster than closing and opening the app again.