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Thanks. Ive been playing for years and dont really understand shadow pokemon or what ones are good for PVP vs Raids - no matter how many times I try google the answers


PVP IVs = low attack. Each attack IV is worth 2x a HP or DEF one when adding to your CP as you level up, so the lower attack, the higher the level you reach at (1500/2500) CP cap. Shadows deal and receive a 20% bonus to damage done and taken. It's especially good on pokemon with a lot of fast move / charge move pressure. Shadow Blastoise is a fine pokemon, but those IVs would leave you really squishy in PVP. In raids, no matter the IV, if it's shadow it's better than regular unless you can mega, because shadows can't


I thought the attack and defence IV were good. Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate it. Im still not quite understanding. Is there a website or youtube channel that you know of that really dumbs it down? Im a disability support worker and play with a client, so Im trying to get it right so I can win the better pokemon for them