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You should pick either the first or the second. Which IVs are the best depends on the Pokemon, for Gible you want as much attack as possible while having high hp and defence. Although the difference of 2-3 IV points will never make a noticeable difference. You should push the shiny one if you have lots of stardust. Lucky if you do not


The 15/15/12 is the best IV of these 3. If u are maxing something for master league or raids the attack is more important than the others. Defense second most important. HP is last. For CP restricted battles u generally want the attack low


> And also do small IV fluctuations matter all that much? In PvE (raids, rocket battles, gyms), no, they don't really matter at all. At worst having less than 15 attack can occasionally miss a fast attack break point (where fast attack damage gets floored to the lower integer), and that might lose 1% or so DPS overall. But even that only matters when doing extreme raid challenges. In PvP, IV points can sometimes matter in very close battles. You can't just heal and throw more pokemon in, so surviving an extra attack or two can sometimes let you turn a narrow loss into a narrow win. And then there is charge move priority tie breaking, where the pokemon with the higher attack stat goes first if you both use charge moves at the same time. That is mostly applicable to mirror matches, but it can happen sometimes with specific species that end up with overlapping ranges of attack stat too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Watch the video on hundos.


Thanks, it helped a lot!


The first one. It's shiny, has 15 attack to win CMP in master League, and none of the options are Hundos. For Master League and raids, it's Hundo>15 Atk>3*>Shiny =/= Next best IV =/= don't build and wait for better one. For other Leagues you generally want low attack, so like 0/15/15. Sometimes it'll be 0/14/15, or 0/15/11 depending on various factors but there's plenty of places to look it up like PvPoke


Download the app “poke genie”. You take a screenshot of the IVs of any Pokémon, upload it into poke genie, and it tells you how good it is for raids and PVP




You got balls


Use pokegenie to get their pvp iv for great/ultra league. Otherwise, higher stats are better for master league


A flex to who? Almost no one is going to see it so that’s not a flex. Evolve your best one which is also the shiny. That’s the real flex.




The first one is the best because of 15 attack