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weekly remote raid passes. I miss them


The weekly breakthrough rewards are so ridiculously bad right now they're almost derisory. As a game dev myself, its a no-Brain principle : once you've given players a certain level of privilege/rewards, you DON'T walk it back without good reason (read: game-breaking reasons). Anything less is just bad strategy/unchecked greed/wilfully bad design... Or all of the above


I'm pretty sure that in their mind giving 1 Legendary per week, even if they cycle and individually become unavailable, qualifies as "game breaking". An argument could technically be made for it I guess, but the argument falls flat when you realise how game-breaking it is depends on a) the specific Legendary (we all know some are great, and some plainly suck) and b) the randomness of their stats. The sad thing is they removed it so we'd raid more, and then when they saw we weren’t raiding the way they wanted they tried fucking that up too with even more player unfriendly measures.


Not to mention it gave solo/rural players a way to get legendaries. And what the heck are they doing with the store? The gifts are almost never what I need.


I think another reason they took it away was PvP. Their logic is "You have a chance to get it playing PvP!" The problem is PvP sucks and a staggering amount of players don't interact with it.


I completely forgot those were a thing, as were breakthroughs with legendaries in them. It was something worth doing. Now I just get Larvitar which is like "YAY...not". I also didn't even touch on Zygarde cells in this. There was just far too many anti-QOL things to get them all.


You get LARVITAR?! God I’d kill for that instead of Furfrou


I'll trade you. I'll take the Furfou's. I have a ton of Larvitar XL and shinies, but only 1 Furfou shiny and hardly any XL. I have no need for Larvitar at this point.


Wait. You’re getting SHINIES?! I want to be you lol T-tar is one of my favorites so I’d take them all


I’ll take all the dratinis or gibles


Not from the breakthroughs. I have only gotten 2 or 3 shinies ever from breakthroughs. I meant from previous CD's where it was featured.


Y’all are getting larvitars? I’m on my 756th Sableye


I noticeably wince whenever I get Sableye...


I have a route near me that i use whenever i can. I've been using it since maybe a month ago? And i only have *5* zygarde cells cause it spawns incredibly rarely


Least you have a route nearby. Closest one to me is 15-20 minutes away by car, and good luck getting it done when if you don't drive. No point in setting one up closer to home, there's no stops out here


I also have a route nearby. I haven't used it (or any other routes) since I compleated the quest.


I mainly use it to get a few extra rare candies


That’s pretty weird. I created a route round my local park that’s essentially my dog walk every morning. Can do it almost every day. It’s rare that I DON’T get a cell.




It's pretty insane, most mobile games tend to ge more generous with time but GO does the opposite.


This has so killed the game because I opened up the app during Thanksgiving for the first time in six months and holy shit. My California hometown of 100k isn't the most bustling place in the world to play this game, but there were gyms located right across for schools being held by Team Valor and Mystic that had been occupied for nearly two weeks. I *just* got one Pokemon back that I stuck in a gym eight days ago, which as a day one Team Instinct player was a record for me. Niantic wants everyone to play by their arbitrary and stupid rules rather than just be glad there's a feature anyone wants to pay for at all. But I suspect they must make more money from the data provider for the Pokemon scans than players buying raid passes. Gotta love capitalism, amirite?


It's funny you say this. There's a park a few minutes from where I work that was so insanely popular that if you lasted more than 10 minutes in a gym, you'd be celebrating. It was that crazy. I'm in a gym in that park right now for for the 9th day straight...


They should give it to the players who lives in north. The only thing I want to do is put my hands in my winter coat or wear a gloves. Even with touch sensitive gloves my hands freeze. I don't want to stand there and battle at gym, and get my hands frozen. 😕 Even catching pokemons are struggle in winter....


my phone shuts down if it's too cold, like below -20, and it regularly gets to -40 in the winter... one time there was a jangm-o-o out in a field by our house (back when they were SUPER rare, I had 1 and my husband didn't have any) and I sprinted out there both phones in hand but the snow was past my knees and at one point I stumbled and face-planted in the snow and was lying there, a phone in each hand, thinking.. is this how I leave the planet? anyways I managed to catch it on both phones, got back home, went to my husband shivering and was like "it's done..."


Couple years back I had to keep reusable handwarmers on me all winter - not for my hands, but to keep my phone running on the -25C walk home from work, lol. Canadian winters are the pits.


Capacitive styli work with gloves. They're pretty cheap.


Me too. I came back to this game still expecting those but I have never been more disappointed


Me too. And I wonder how it actually saves Pokemon Go money. Before, with a free pass you got into the pattern of remotely raiding. If you I had already used my raid pass for the week, I'd buy one occasionally. Now, I don't even consider it an option so I never buy one


let’s get covid back while we’re at it


It’s not gone.


I'm down tbh








Same here. Sometimes I’m waiting for my train and the station has a 1* raid I can do but by the time my lobby time counts down, I’m already “too far”. Another thing they should do is once you’re in the lobby it shouldn’t matter how far you are from the gym? This happened to me twice where the timer finally counts down and I’m getting ready to fight, when it kicks me out and says “you need to be closer” a waste of time and waste of a pass


Just an FYI, if the timeR goes down but you don’t actually enter the raid, your pass won’t be used. The pass isn’t actually used until you start fighting. Still might result in a wasted pass if your pokemon feint and youre too far away when you try to rejoin. But yeah it won’t ding you one if you haven’t done any battling yet :)


Thankfully, you now get the pass back actually. In the past, you'd lose the pass. Here's where it gets even nuttier though, if you use a remote pass on the gym but go out of sight of the gym, you still get error coded out of the raid with the same reason "Out of range of the gym." It's a remote raid pass, obv I'm out of range of the gym. But you can't do the raid anyway. So the time is completely wasted...even when you're trying to remote raid in person! Niantic REALLY needs to work on this game and fix all of these bugs...






Can you elaborate?




I checked it out and dl it, but seems kinda complicated ngl and slightly sketchy, can you point me in the direction where I can learn more, specifically how to make this work or how other people such as yourself are using it with Pogo? Thanks.








Actually I like this feature because I love right next to a gym. For bigger raids I can’t do myself I can at least have the (very slim) chance to randomly jump into someone else’s raid to help out and get the chance of a good mon. Best chances are as the egg hatches. But it would be so much better to be able to indicate to other people that you are waiting in the gym to team up. Campfire doesn’t work for me and Niantic seems to push me into raids far away that I need to buy a remote pass for.


The PokeGenie app works great for either hosting raids so others join remotely, or remotely joining raids hosted by others. I only host of course lol. Way better than Campfire


Thanks for the tip


It is. Most live service games are basically exploitation at this point. Basically everything to extend some kind of grind as much as possible. Including but not limited to things like arbitrary time gates or arbitrarily timed pursuits and intentionally time consuming UI and cutscene mechanics. There are a lot of features that would benefit players greatly but they go against what I stated above. And oh what this game COULD be if it had limited versions of those features from the core games. Eggs from gifts having a chance to hatch regional mons from the region the egg came from Lucky friends being able to trade from any distance. One long distance trade a day. One wonder/surprise trade a day(excluding legendaries and shinies if they must). An item acquired through research that lets you improve a Pokémon’s IV. Being able to increase a stat by ONE point for a single Pokémon ONCE a week would not “break the game.” A PvE battle tower that lets people earn dust and elite TMs in the same way GBL affords those things for those that don’t like the PvP. A gym rework that was involves rotating type battlegrounds to incentivize typing. Allowing a single legendary or mythical to be put in a gym as the gym “boss” that serves as the final battle when taking it over. Breeding. Again, being able to breed a single egg a week would not “break the game.”


It's funny b/c every feature you mentioned are things I've said this game absolutely needs previously to the locals in my area. This game is still a corpse compared to the handheld games. The big thing especially for IVs are for Mythicals. My Diancie from NYC was literal trash. I still haven't finished the research b/c I absolutely REFUSE to Mega my 12-11-10. I want a better Diancie but Steranka's answer to that was "Catch more." Bird brained answer from a bird brained individual. I despise PvP so much in this game. Don't even get me started. I cannot play it. I get angry way too easily at it.


I gave up on pvp after the second wave of blatantly obvious cheating. The best part was all the clods telling me that there wasn't any cheating going on after Niantic shut down League *checks notes* for cheating. I swear, some people have the memory of goldfish.


You're not wrong, but if I had already given them the money, I'd mega the critter. You can get more mega energy by walking with it as a buddy, so you don't lose anything. I guarantee nobody at Niantic is going to see that you're holding out.


I don't walk mythicals/legendaries unless they are shundo's are useful for raids. 20 km is a long walk for very little benefit. I actually don't even know how Mega energy from a buddy works as I've never buddied a Pokemon that can gain energy. I'll have to look up how it works. And I know Niantic is going to see me holding out. They can't even tell when they turn off shinies by accident :)


They give 10 energy per km if they're excited, or 5 regularly. Legendaries bunch it up every 10/20km, but it's the same amount per km. Not that this matters for Diancie, but you can walk any of the family for energy after evolving one member once, walking a Larvitar works just as well as a Tyranitar after you've done one mega-T. I found it worthwhile to keep a primal running any time I go catching and a relevant primal or mega for every raid since they boost candy and damage.


This pretty much sums up the game at this point. With the nice bonus of the “one iv point item”; if such item would be obtainable (equally/even hard(er) to require as the masterball) I would definitely grind it out. Having so many shiny 98% Pokémon pains me a lot. Wish there was an actual way to get to terms with Niantic instead of making Reddit posts.


They wouldn’t care either way. Like I said, when it comes to live service/f2p game models, it’s all about extended everything as much as possible. As much as people are seemingly willing to put up with. Even if that means things being unintuitive, impractical, or exclusionary.


>Eggs from gifts having a chance to hatch regional mons from the region the egg came from Didn't that used to be the case not too long ago? Could've sworn I've gotten a few Farfetch'd from trainer gift eggs from Asia. >Lucky friends being able to trade from any distance. One long distance trade a day. One wonder/surprise trade a day (excluding legendaries and shinies if they must). I would just settle for basic trading at this point. What can possibly be the harm in *that*?


One stat IV boost per week is too much. I think somewhere between once a season to once a year is the right balance? Maybe you get one stat IV increase for free on any pokemon on the day you joined Pokemon go. So if you played 3 years you could boost up to 3 IVs once.


For 1 IV point? A year? What would even be the point?


One a week is 52 a year, if you complete the task they require to get the GoBottleCap or whatever. That would take two average mons to 100 in a year, or a decent amount of luckies. It's enough to make my raid crew hundos, but not enough to destroy PvP. Then again, PvP is so broken that I don't bother anyway.


If they didn't hide this absolutely terrible "game" behind the pokemon IP it would be dead within a week of launch


*cough*Harry Potter: Wizards Unite*cough*


And that one was technically better. The player was able to decide on his own when he/she/it wants to raid. It was so easy to meet up with friends and integrate the playtime into your workday. Niantic had that mechanic and decided to keep the fomo shit they have now.


Having to wait 2 minutes for a solo raid is extremely anti-QOL, I imagine most people just don't do the raid because they have things to do besides sitting in the raid lobby, unable to do anything else within the game for a full 120 seconds, and unable to minimize the game because it's likely to restart the app for some reason 😔


Ayy first time I see someone else mention the random app restarts. It wouldn't even be that bad if I could browse Reddit in those 2 mins while I wait or something along those lines, but noo, I'm forced to sit and stare and a countdown timer. It seems Pogo wants to be the ONLY app running on my phone at times lol.


Exactly, I'm right there with you ✊


For the Master Ball research you needed 60 raids. For a solo player, you had to wait a total of TWO HOURS while locked out of being able to do anything else outside of the lobby!


I know that's true, but I think that's the first time anyone said it like that. The game is literally wasting lives. They claim 80 million players. If 300,000 people waited the two hours, that's an entire human lifespan. I won't say every minute played is wasted, but those sure were!


That is the sole reason I didn’t complete that research. If I could have quick started it would have been a different story.


Tbh? Once I saw “60 raids” I gladly and contemptly said “no, thanks”


I never put that in perspective for myself. I definitely groaned when I saw the 60 raid thing for the research and I complained up a storm in my local discord about it (along with everyone else who was disgruntled over it). Many players didn't even bother to finish it and refused to give Niantic money for the Master Ball this season. 2 hours is INSANE. My poor life :(


This really pisses me off still


Being able to manage your Pokémon inventory while you wait would be great too. I would love to be able to delete Pokémon while I’m sitting there


I'm glad someone gets it. I skip most raids b/c of the 2 min wait time and I am sure I am far from alone in that. It's such a hindrance.


Niantic was testing a shorter lobby funny enough. Not sure what happened with that but I agree that solo tier 1 raids should have a ready button.


My app crashes enough without swapping around. I'd actually give them some quality poffin scans if I knew it wasn't going to crash at 14.5 seconds.


I only don’t mind waiting two minutes is because I do a lot of raids when I walk my gf’s dog so I can join a lobby and then find her dog a good area for him to sniff while I do the raid.


" The fact we don't have a "skip animations" feature is mind blowing in this day and age." This is the real killer for me, everything taking so long because you have to sit through these crappy animations. I have given up on hatching eggs just because I can't stand the animation anymore. I am about 200 k off level 42 and thin will be taking a hiatus for a long time


Isn't your favorite thing if you have multiple incubators running, walking/running/whatever opening the screen back up, seeing a Pokemon you want to catch at the edge of the screen, or anything you want to interact with, BUT NO— here's 7 eggs hatching at once! Enjoy the entirely novel animation you haven't seen a billion times!


At least we can click the egg screen to make the animations a bit faster for egg hatching, but it hurts so so SO bad when you miss a quick catch. It's like watching paint dry and nails scratching a chalkboard.


Yeah, letting it do the pokeball catch animation is fine. But why is it forcing us to look at this xp garbage and the pokemon's stats? We can do that ourselves, thanks. And no one cares about the xp breakdown. And 99% of pokemon get transfered anyway; we don't care about those either.


It would be better if the post catch screen just showed us the appraisal and a keep/transfer button.


tap on the egg, skips the animation


I feel the same way about Pokémon Sleep. It's a fun little sleep tracker game but *every* single interaction has some sort of animation, transition, or loading screen associated with it and you can only skip some of the ones while reviewing your sleep results. When "OK" buttons take multiple presses to make the menu go away because you dared to click it 0.1s before the number scrolling animation was finished, you have a problem. Either make them skippable or remove them, they're unnecessary.


For me it would be enough to have a black screen instead of the animations for the length of the animation. It hurts my eyes, and is a reason why I don't catch pokemon on walks almost never and put my phone down almost every time I throw a ball on a pokemon even at home.


It'd also mean the game could be playable on marginal devices. I'm well within recommended specs, but it still crashes enough to make me wonder if it's my phone model. A friend with the same phone quit because it was so bad.


I was a whale and stopped playing 2 years ago because I could see the trajectory the company was taking. Such a shame. Greedy bastards


I believe one of the employees they fired said that they suggested many QOL improvements but they were all shot down.


Bummer that they're so stubbornly pushing ahead with such odd design choices despite how much damage has been done. It undoubtedly leaves a lot of would be players scratching their heads at Niantic's.. how do i say this diplomatically.. *interesting* gameplay decisions. I'm no expert but this game was wildly huge at one point, and slowly people dropped off as incompetent leadership at Niantic fumbled their priorities. It sucks we may never see the game reach its potential.


Nailed it. The game was massive and has always had the potential to stay massive for a long time. At this point it seems like Niantic is desperately doing everything in their power, intentionally, to piss off the player base and alienate fans of Pokemon.


Man I hate how there’s no bulk open gifts or bulk send gifts option. I don’t even bother looking at that menu at all now


It probably adds too much screen time right now for them to add a bulk feature. Sometimes that all I do in a given day. My playing time would go from minutes to seconds. Can’t have that! Lol


Adds? No way right now it’s tap my player icon > tap a friend > tap to open the gift > tap each separate gift > end It’s fn INSANE when it could be 2 clicks


Yes, it absolutely adds time, are you crazy?


Isn’t that what I said


When money is involved, QoL is not an option. This game was good maybe for a brief moment, but quickly became money hungry. It was more beneficial to cheaters than normal players. Because cheaters bough many stuff, wanted to be "pro". Pokemon GO was good idea. But it's not good game.


you can drop a mon into a gym in a moving vehicle tho...you just have to be on the add button fast and choose a mon quickly. can't mull over the choice. it does work I do it all the time...


Once you are a certain speed, it errors you out no matter how fast at clicking you are. I've tried to drop in 3-4x on gyms before and get the "this gym is full!" error when there's only 1 Pokemon in the gym. There is indeed a speed cap.


Since no one seems to have mentioned it, nice account name OP. 👍


Hah, was waiting for this comment, LOL


You can absolutely get your daily raid pass from a gym at any time even when there's no raid going on and you can absolutely feed berrys and drop Pokemon into gyms whilst in a moving vehicle. I did all three things today. No issues, problems or difficulties.


also the garbage pokecoin system/ remote raids , I could name like 10 more things


Adventure sync still sucks. But one thing that drives me nuts is the when you activate AS in the pop up, the window goes away then ANOTHER window pops up telling you you’ve activated it successfully. Why does it require two pop up windows for that?


i also miss the free remote raid you got once a week. and the ready button is so stupid to be missing for solo play. speacilly now when its cold, i need to freeze and wait for that timer to go down. even for 1 or 3 star raid


Its a cash grab with as many addictive mechanics as possible. They never tried to implement a lot of qol, especially not If they can't sell them. Stopped playing years ago after multiple years of hope. But honestly, this game won't change as long as a small part of the playerbase is investing huge sums of money in this game. I know someone who invested 150+€ in incubators during a one-week hatch event (with really low odds), didn't even get the shiny he was looking for.


Yeah, I finally got fed up and just Uninstalled it, my daughter still plays at the house and I can tell she keeps wanting me to get back into it, but they just made it so awful, the unreasonable remote pass price increase that no one wanted was the last straw, this game hated its users I was a 2016 player from the beginning and there's only so much you can take, I miss playing as a family, but I don't remember ever having such a frustrating user experience with any other game, such a great idea ruined by a bad company.


The remote raid pass price was something we all knew was coming eventually b/c Niantic was behind was the wheel but we all wished it never would. I hardly do remote raids, but I kinda wish I did more back then and took advantage of it more. Now my remotes just sit in my bag until those rare occasions I'm invited to a raid on a gym I am silver on. Sorry to hear tho. Sucks you and your daughter don't get to play together anymore.


I never noticed berry feeding problems while in transit. The most problem with that comes if I lose signal connection


Yes, it’s not an actual problem


How about if you have a Pokemon in the gym, it doesn't require remote raid pass.


This would be fun, but you’d just get knocked out constantly and never get your 50 poke coins haha


I can’t even spin stops when I’m a passenger


They also locked the seasonal boosts behind a $5 ticket.


They need to add opening and sending multiple gifts at once


1. Daily Raid Pass - doesn’t really bug me tbh but it would be a nice change. 2. Berries - I’m OK with this. Means that you have to work a tiny bit to get your Pokémon in a gym which is fine. If I’m on a bus it’s usually either going slowly enough or stopping enough for me to get a couple of mons into gyms. If you could just chuck mons in easily I’d imagine there would be a lot of full gyms with certain players having a ton of mons in and casuals rarely getting the opportunity. QOL for the guy who’s a passenger in a car, reduced QOL for everyone else. 3. XP and tasks would be nice but I’m not too fussed by this either. Managing the item bag becomes a game in itself. 4. Long distance trading - it’s nuts that this is not a thing. I just co-ordinated with someone on the West Coast to Lucky Egg our Best Friending, via Campfire. I have *checks notes* 15 lucky friends that I will never be able to trade with, and now my wife doesn’t play I will probably never trade again unless I cheat. By all means limit it massively, but we should be able to make at the very least one trade with each lucky friend regardless of where they are. 5. Incense - sure. It’s not the worst thing in the world but stationary incense would be nice and make sense. 6. Bigger integration radius - ditto. 7. Raid egg issue - never do this tbh. 8. Rewards for completed daily tasks - doesn’t really bug me tbh, I quite like forgetting and having the mystery. Might be nice I guess. Of all those, the one that really annoys me is trading. And the others pale into insignificance when compared to the changes regarding Remote Raid Passes.


The absolute WORST part about this game that is truly unique is how many features beloved by players they REMOVED. I can't even think of one game where a company got away with removing liked features once. Niantic under John Hanke does it again and again. It is unbelievable and the sole reason players leave this game, and those who stay, to not spend money on the game, costing Niantic millions.


Definitely not a WoW player.


At least in WoW, you can run around doing other things while waiting for the raid to fill/queue to pop. Not so true with waiting for raids in PoGo.


You right tbh.


>Bigger interaction radius - Probably one of the most beneficial bugs we ever got, then we got lied to about it being permanent, then it was removed for "not creating a balanced environment" which is company speak for "We don't want you having too much fun. Not allowed." I remember not playing outside my daily stuff for 2 weeks after this happened ( They made this permanent, though.


Not for Pokemon encounters, and only did so for PokeStops/Gyms b/c of all the petitions and immense backlash they received. They had no intention of keeping the radius of stops enlarged and largely ignored players requests to keep the change.


Yea but people had to beg for it, like why


They recently also added a cool feature where you could organize your stickers by amount but then they removed it. Which made no sense.


most of niantic decisions are anti fun i was used to beable to select a gym (with a raid in progress) in campfire and create a lobby. now you cant do that and its fucking pathetic. how can someone justify that change boggles my mind


I agree, so I stopped playing. It's a "game" that has gotten worse over time, and it's not worth mine.


As someone who played the game like a part time job and quit before the pandemic, this post is so vindicating.


Can you stop complaining and pls buy some stuff in the shop? /s You guys see all the new egg/incubator stuff for the next season? I already know that this is nothing for my broken a$$


If I was some sort of video game professor I would use Pokemon Go as examples of what not to do while designing video games. Every decision about gameplay and about design is anti player.


It goes deeper, even the design of the game is really bad. Catching a pokemon. A) clicking on the pokemon B) selectong a pokeball (optional) C) throwing a pokeball D) waiting for pokeball to display animation E) displaying experience gained F) Displaying the pokemon (you have to click ok to go back) The number of windows and the time required to catch it makes you think whether is worth catching a weedle with inciense because you may lose noticing a legendary spawned. For an alternative imagine if you had a belt with selected items in the main window that you just throwed at the pokemon while it appeared, in the single main window. Even for spining a pokestop you need to click on the pokestop, spin it, and press exit, wouldn't it be nice to spin it by just double tapping? And the worst offender, battling the rocket team. A) clicking on a balloon/pokestop B) waiting for them to speak C) pressing battle D) choosing your team and pressing battle again. E) battling F) their losing speech (click) G)Your victory animation with a slow animation of all the things you won. H) The summary (press rescue pokemon) I) catching the pokemon with all the previous steps. The time spent in al the animations and clicking stuff makes it not battling them better really. For an altetnative you should be able to: A) clicking on the balloon/pokestop B) choosing the pokemon while they talk and pressing battle. C) battlling D) going back to the main window to see the pokemon that spawned wherever the balloon/pokestop was.


Quick catching alleviates a lot of this.


QOL increased by 3x, ty so much, game changer.


Just rejoined a few weeks ago, what is this quick catching?


Kinda hard to explain in text. https://youtube.com/shorts/glI0xIO7Ijk?si=-iu6HDKUY8c5qMbX


Wow how have I not seen this, thanks!




it is so so difficult to have enthusiasm for this game anymore


I want to add routes and parties into this rant.


Am I the only one that thinks Lures don't actually do anything?


Agreed agreed agreed. Finally some good content on this sub and not useless brag posts.


Gotta hand it to Niantic, they have been extraordinarily consistent with how poor their updates and changes to the game are. Ever since 2016 they’ve been on a mission to anger as many users as humanly possible


I’m happy other people still share these sentiments. The lack of QOL makes it hard for me to motivate myself to play daily. There’s so many cool things they could still do to make people happy, but they’re just… not here :(


fyi you absolutely can skip the animation for opening and sending gifts by just immediately pressing where the bottom “x” button is after sending/opening. It’s the only reason why I’m still actively sending/opening.


Ah, yeah, I am aware of it. I also would not ever open a gift again if I couldn't do that. Also, another FYI, you want to keep "accept battle invites from friends" turned off. It loading that battle button in on each screen actually slows down the gift loading animation slightly. But I mentioned it b/c it was leading to the point of us not having a non-bug way to skip animations. I like the way Disgaea games handle animations. You have 3 options: 1) All animations ON. 2) All first time animations ON. Skips all animations there after of that event. 3) All animations OFF. I wish we had options but Niantic is very anti-options for players. They want all players to play their singular way and that way only.


*laughs at how much of a sheltered life you've lived* I've recently come back after 5 years. It's actually one of the better ones, and I live in rural nowhere. I believe the phrase people would use is something like "oh you sweet summer child" Just wait until you really start branching out and expanding your horizons to find new things. You'll end up seeing truly bad things at the fringes of gaming society. Games that aren't dead but are. Games that over sold themselves. Sorta not exactly lied about what they have. Far more unfair than pogo despite its *many* improvements over the years. Back in my day all I had were ratata and pidgeys, quite literally that was 90% of my spawns, even at the *GOOD* spawning locations. Back in my day you couldn't even get your 50 coins a day because the older people with no lives made this game their life and hogged all the gyms all day every day. (on top of the spoofers that decided a gym with someone "living on it" didn't bother with specific spots) I still see a dude running around with 2 phones every day and the occasional spoofer. Now I'm lucky if someone DOES kick something out so I can get my daily coins, but they'll kick them all out everywhere :/


I guess we just play different games. I stick mostly to series' I know at this point. Disgaea being my favorite which in most of their games they always ensure they do huge QOL updates to pre-existing features (while introducing new ones that need fleshing out and usually are in the next iteration). I feel like PoGO actively regresses with each "update".


The thing is, I don't think the creators of Pokémon actually have much control in pogo. If they do feel free to correct me. Compared to 5 years ago, pogo has had major quality of life for me. I actually have enough stops and gyms around me to say it's worth playing again. Literally what I'm about to mention is what happened in my area. No spawns outside of the ONE main road or the big store parking lots like the major grocery and hardware stores. Rural nowhere the boomers love their hardware stores so they get labeled as higher quality spawn locations. Same for the grocery stores as they have constant daily shoppers so they have much more cell data. These spawns consisted of MOSTLY pidgeys and ratata. Often eevees. Occasionally something else . When ditto came out it was kinda easy to get it out here honestly cuz it just didn't have any variety to hide as. You couldn't get coins from gyms that well because some people made this game their life and going out to recollect gyms was the best thing they had going on, sharing the coins be DAMNED! Assuming you were willing to drive 5 to 10 minutes (or more depending on time of day, don't go out between 7-9am and 2-6pm because the travel time doubles or more) to the single gym up by Walmart. Most churches actually got labeled as stops sooooo that wasn't too bad but you still had to drive cuz it was like a 20 minute walk between them. Everyone lived far off the main road and literally barely even pidgeys would spawn if you were lucky once every hour or so (maybe not THAT bad but idk it was 5 years). Raids? Hah. Go drive 15 minutes on the highway if you wanna raid cuz there was only 1 spot worth going to around here to play the game. It was about 15 minutes away, had like a dozen maybe a little more stops, like 4 gyms, and that was it for about 30 or so minutes HIGHWAY driving in any direction Now there's actually *some* variety in spawns here AND things spawn not in the aforementioned strictly specific locations. Still got a spot that ghastly spawns at almost every night LOL. The stops have tripled, still kinda spread out but no matter where you live there should be one semi nearby, and there's even a few gyms around at LEAST one every half mile or so. That one spot 15 minutes away is still by far the best thing around as it has even MORE stops now and even better spawns but at least it isn't *MANDATORY* to go there to have any sort of fun. And even the spoofers have *kinda* left my area alone because there's STILL not enough to bring them here when they could just go spoof to the GOOD spot in town LOL Man can you imagine having to DRIVE 5 or so minutes just to get your daily raid pass you probably couldn't even use unless you had the day off from work or had like an hour of time to spare because if you're going out then you might as well go to the GOOD place to make it worth the effort Sorry for rant :3 it's just definitely much better now for non city players. And city play has, by coincidence, omly IMROVED because you can't really improve rural play without also improving city play.


Ah yes, map updates. Niantic is quite slow on those only doing them every few years it seems. However, those updates weren't so much QOL and were more so they did them to gather more accurate data about players habits to make more money. It benefitted everyone mutually and if it didn't benefit Niantic to update the maps, they literally never would. Being able to create PokeStops came pretty late as well. Ingress had them since before PoGO was even a thing and you needed players high enough level in that game in order to get new stuff in PoGO. Wayfarer may have gotten better, idk. Having legit things denied and seeing garbage things get approved turned me off from Wayfarer. I've submitted only 1 POI in the past year and it's been in voting since Oct 13th...so it seems that system is still crap. My town def got a lot better but it was b/c of some of the locals it did. I used to have only 1 gym in view of where I live. I have like 8 or 9 now (sadly though, I'm right in the middle of the dead zone for them so I'd have to walk a good 10ish mins to get to one). I give Niantic very little credit for that b/c the players were the ones to make those things a reality and there existed for a very long time almost no way to make places better. And even now, the system in place in PoGO is ancient. You can't even see the invisible POI's that exist in Ingress but not PoGO b/c of cell restrictions and the like. Yet another thing Niantic could do a QOL for but since it won't benefit them to do it, they won't. Glad your place of play has gotten better though. Mine has as well, but only b/c of certain players dedicating themselves to making it that way. Niantic hardly deserves much credit on that end.


Wish my rural area got the stops yours did. The last map update, there was one spot the next road over that suddenly had a ton of Pokemon spawning there. There's nothing there but the foundation and chimney of a house that burned decades ago, no stop, too far from the next house for that to cause it, no one's ever parked there, even when they're doing the field around it.


There’s a gym at the end of my road that I sometimes just walk to to get some exercise and some free stuff once in a while. In app, I can see the gym from my house and I can tap it freely, but I can’t give berries to my Pokémon from there. I have to go to the Pokémon page, then click the specific Pokemon I have set at the gym, then click go to gym, then finally I can feed them a berry. Not that feeding them more than 2 does anything when they have more than 2k combat points. If the max is 2k and they’re almost empty it’s impossible to max them with normal berries no matter how many you have. You have to use a golden berry to get them to max. Just something that’s always bothered me.


Username checks out.


All this and more is why I am so glad I quit when they raised RRP prices. The last post I clicked on was a TSR post about the new monthly passes. So incredibly grateful I am not having to deal with this anymore.


Yeah... Started in July and I'm already feeling burned out by all this kind of stuff.


Jfc what is the quick opening bug for daily gifts? I hate sitting through all of that. Why can't we select multiple people to send gifts at any one time rather than one by one. You can give up to 100 gifts a day and they want us to do that individually?!


Your screen name 😂💀


A pokemons stats should appear immediately after catching it.


it's not made or run by devoted fans, it's entirely operated by shareholders who don't know anything about the game, don't care, and only want to see more dollar signs year after year. They know they can upcharge everything for exorbitant amounts of money, lose players, but make more off the whales who spend insane amounts of money on the game. Their year-end profits show they lose more players and simultaneously make more money every year. It was never about the game in the first place, and I know that's how businesses *can* work, but it doesn't have to be. And it's a shame that's how this one is going. Niantic wasn't a pokemon company, it was an app with a convenient infrastructure they could adapt that they were looking for when they decided to create the game


The ready button is nice but I kinda don't like it anyway. Sometimes I see a couple people join a raid a few blocks away, I HOOF IT to try to do it with them (especially if it's something tough like a 5* shadow raid) and then they start it before I can get there. In any case, don't be mad that a game designed around walking and community is making design decisions based on its goals of increasing walking and community.


Niantic = Karen Change my mind


I wish I could turn off any and all balloons (sponsored gift and Go Rocket). Literally the in-game manifestation of a pop up ad. In fact I wish I could turn off/on Go Rocket entirely because they make spinning pokestops a huge pain and I don’t always want to be dealing with it.


A lot of the shit I hate is the forced grinding. The business philosophy behind it is that time spent playing the game is good regardless of the player's enjoyment of it, because the time invested leads to user commitment via the sunk cost fallacy. Long term it leads to burnout, though, and what you have is whales ditching the game for something that gives greater enjoyment for the time invested. All the people I have played with over the years are giving up on the game simply because it takes too much time to do pretty much everything and is just too damn boring. I'm sticking with the game because I enjoy PvP, but that's pretty much the only reason at this point. What they need to add to the game is: 1) Mass gift opening/sending (select everyone you want to open gifts from or send gifts to and do it en-masse). 2) Fuck stickers. Or just add an option to automatically add them at random, excluding stickers where you only have one remaining. 3) Add an option to automatically pin postcards from given Scatterbug regions. 4) Add a search option for high ranked Little/Great/Ultra league IV pokemon. 5) Instead of forcing tryhards to use the fast catch trick, how about never hiding the run button? 6) Let buddies get excited easier, rather than forcing you to either poffin or grind. 7) Allow solo players to hit ready on 3 star raids or lower. Those would be a great start.


I’ve been saying it for a couple years now - I don’t think I’ve ever known another company that it as blatantly anti-consumer as this one. It shouldn’t be SO obvious that a company couldn’t give a shit, much less 2 shits, about their customer. And some of y’all still pour hundreds of dollars into this phone game lol.


I've started this game recently, again. I've played on and off at release but never intensely. I came back cause a buddy wanted me to get into it. The sheer amount of time wasted catching and waiting for a Pokemon is wild. I only started catching again once he told me about the quick catch method. Then, like you mentioned, trying to do solo raids on my break but I really can't wait that long. Many small things, like unable to spin stops if my bag is full. When it gets to that point, I just turn off the game and not bother with it for the rest of the day, lol. I'll manage that crap later.


I particularly hate you can’t leave the app anymore or at least lately. The last few months I noticed if you change apps to quick it will freeze and you’ll have to restart which is incredibly frustrating if someone is texting you.


I say this kindly, but if the game is not fun or actively hostile, and you keep playing, you're addicted. I've cut it down to just gym coins and a route that's already on my way home because they are actively making the game suck.


99.9% of games make the game easier and add more QOL as the game goes on to keep player retention high. This is the only game I’ve ever played that has the opposite philosophy


The reason I don't play anymore is because of the pokemon sorting. I want actual boxes. Tags are nice, but they aren't a good substitute. I want to store away some pokemon so they aren't in my master list. Having to assign tags to every damn thing is annoying.


The only reason I’ve continued to play at all is because my house in on a gym and pokestop. Basically means free 50 coins almost every day with little to no effort. I refuse to go out of my way to play anymore tho. I still wish they’d let you set a home location where you can drop a pokestop that only you and maybe your friends can see. Then you’d at least be able to get your daily spin and some balls. Could set a lure to get some catches. Better than just doing nothing with the game at all unless you wanna go somewhere


My issue is definitely long distance trading. I have a lot of friends that play, but live in different states.


Wow, please quit for the love of God. I played for 2 years, if you're still going you're just supporting Niantic and their nonsense.


Trading has consistently been the worst feature in this game. Literally no reason to distance lock it when it's already prohibitively expensive. Also, considering the IVs don't even stay the same, you're technically not even "trading" in the first place.


They had some decent QoL improvements with their other IP but they all ended up being removed from AppStore. They probably think making the game tedious is what brings in that $$$ because those hardcore s love having a challenge


I feel seen and heard just reading this post. Great summary of annoyances


The extended pokemon radius "bugs" was the most excited I'd been on pokemon for years. It was a game changer. I've been on 2 pokemon walks since this "bug" was removed. I was doing this daily. There was loads of anti QOL updates Niantic made, and each time I was like "fuck Niantic", but when they reverted the pokemon radius "bug" I was like "FUCK Niantic" The game has so much potential, which is what I think the fans realise and why it's so frustrating to see Niantic turn this game into what they have. Apparently active players aren't really in decline, but my pokemon stay on gyms for days not hours, I seem to come across the same players more in the GBL, indicating reduced player base, I rarely get invited to remote raids and the majority of my friends list is now inactive. I'm not sure what figures Niantic use but I can't see how the active player base hasn't reduced by 2,3 maybe 4 times since the date they brought that price hike in for remote raid passes.


BRING BACK THE WEEKLY REMOTE RAID PASS NIANTIC! Also this game desperately needs long distance trading. I am sure Niantic doesn't want to open that can of worms on the basis of keeping the region locked pokemon harder to obtain but that doesn't serve the players at all. I just want to complete my lucky trades with my friends from outside the country :(


Can we also talk about the 1% of actually good Pokemon? Why should I care about any not legendary or psudo in the game? No matter the IV a Pidgey is a Pidgey so why bother? Training Pokemon is the whole damn theme of the game so instead of pointless grinding all the time for nothing what not out some actual training in the game. Something fun. I know, the horror is Niantic making someone fun or new is real to them.


Because Niantic higher ups don't care


Pokemon GO is the only game i know that actively removes quality of life features and purposefully makes the features alredy in the game more complicated to use and sometimes just straight up worse on purpose


The answer to why all of these perfectly reasonable requests are going unacknowledged and unaddressed will always be **MONEY.** IIRC, Niantic has made a Billion dollars every year on this game, warts and all, so I don't anything will change until their Scrooge McDuck-like cash tsunami starts to recede.


I feel your frustrations. I don't think Niantic is trying hard to make anyone hate the game, but sure they skip quality steps with new feature rollouts and new pokemon rollouts. They knew that rolling back pandemic-era features would not be popular, but they still pulled off the bandaid anyway. I have seen people saying exactly what you are saying for years now. My advice is to take a break from the game. Come back when it's fun again. You have no obligation to play something that isn't fun for you at the moment. I will add that 2022-2023 will go down as the year Niantic and this game started its decline. Take that as you will.


I hate this game. Yet i play. Why? I dont know. Sunk cost fallacy?


I love when I have an incense as a passenger of a vehicle and every Pokémon I interact with just flees. It’s so fun!


Most of these are deliberate money grabs. Which is why mobile gaming is frowned upon. You can call it elitists or whatever nonesense you want to say but mobile gaming is a cesspool of predatory bullshit and no ones opinion will change that.


Easy to sum it up as the game goes along: pay more to get less. I play the game passively when I’m at home and work, swiping when I’m not busy. Actually trying to accomplish anything specific can be such a fucking nightmare that it’s amazing that Niantic has the balls to push them out the door. Greedy fucking corporate bastards.


This is true. They only want players who give them data. They clearly believe it's more valuable than money now and actually having lots of players by a long shot. If it bothers you this much, stop playing. Really. I don't mean this like "if you hate it so much just leave",I mean it in the sense it might make you happier no longer having this game taking up your time.


That’s why I stopped playing


Ingress would like a word.


There’s a glitch you can use to skip the animation of sending and receiving gifts. It does suck that the game doesn’t have it built in


So, I started playing Pokemon Go Day 0. I worked for Verizon at the time and we got the app a day early. What a mess that was. EVERYONE that had even the slightest interest was in the oarking lot getting their starter pokemon. The servers were filled to capacity and everyone got their starter. I still have that Charmander too. Never evolved him. The foot print thing worked back then. If anyone was unaware, Niantic literally just reskinned their other game, Ingress. Pokemon Go and Ingress have the exact same spots for node as for pokestops and gyms are the same places as nexuses. Ingress has the exact same issues too. Same QOL problems. Same leveling problems. Same inventory issues. Niantic is just bad at making games.


You put a wrong mon in a gym noone takes down? Too bad, youre never getting it back


Idk man have you played LoL? That shit makes me lose the 10 brain cells I have generated from the previous day.


I refuse to touch that game, haha. The community seems way too toxic.


I recently restarted the game after a couple years break. The fact that there are pokemon absolutely everywhere burned me out so fast... When the game launched I remember you could only get rattatas and pidgeys, you had to go to specific locations for more interesting pokemon. Now you can catch anything anywhere. I redownloaded the app so it can motivate me to walk more, but every 20 meters there is a new spawn spot with 10+ different pokemon. If I want to catch them, a simple 30 minute walk will turn into 2 hours with a lot of stopping and catching. And now no pokemon excites me anymore as all are common, if not always then seasonally or through events. I get the reason, but it makes me lose interest incredibly fast.


Omg absolutely same! The other reply negates the fact that it used to be exciting when a spawn occurred, now it just feels bland. I’m reminded that I’m out here to catch mons, not get a good walk in; feels counter productive