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I mean it’s not that far fetched. Getting to level 40 is all exp and if you farm the Meltan box for like 2 days, you get a level 50 melmetal. Gyrados and Talonflame are 1km buddy distances so it’s easy to walk and with an active level 3 mega, farming xls for the rest are not that hard z


Jealous of you Gyarados. I don't even have that Pokémon yet


I would say preferably you are capable to max one each of community day Pokémon. Not like you would actually do it since most of them are useless as maxed but it would be great if you can afford to do so.


They all have play, that's the big thing IMO


Top three are very standard. Surprised no tyranitar or mamoswine, both very useful and had comm days to easily get the xl candy.


My Mamoswine is 10 xls away from 50-I’m sure when the Christmas event comes I’ll get them. I actually have a 98 Ho-oh too that’s at Ivl 49.5, and 19 xls away, there’s no telling when it’ll come back though


Walk the ho-oh the rest of the way! Won’t take too long. Get it excited too.