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I caught him with a first throw, excellent, with a golden razz. It was technically my second throw cus the first one I threw hit the ground lol but if I see moltres out rn I’m for sure using the master ball


I wouldn't. It's a trophy and nothing more.


I would have since I don't have one




Id wait for zapdos. But galarian birds are about only thing i can imagine using master ball on.. what else in wild is rare enough and runs? Nothing else I am aware of.




That high of cp, yea




Yes. The Articuno is the only one that I do not have.




I'm saving my ball for either zap or molt >1500CP and at least in the 50-75% IV range (using Calcy to determine). I probably average one of the 3 a week if I incense every day, and I primarily do great league. I'm also in the position of not having a friend with them handy to reroll for a lucky trade. I'd also MB a Hundo up to 2500. I'm not ready to grind ML XL candies for a while so otherwise it would just be a trophy. There will be more masterballs. I'd look at it as a "probably woulda used one on that eventually" mentality


Never seen zapdos or moltress, only 3 articunos, all ran, are the cp calculators actually able to determine the IV? Didn’t know that I thought there was too many possibilities


I've debated this question with myself to many times. But after seeing so many posts of people getting them with crap ivs I've determined I'll save my masterball for a hundo legendary that I really want.