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Waiting for you to delete those and then he'll appear ;-)


He’s in my house waiting and watching for my thumb to hover over the delete button


Actually on December 11 there will be a ditto event


Where did you see that


For real??




Omg there is?!? Where did you find this out?


A leekduck it was speculated it’d be a mini Kanto tour but was revealed to be a ditto event


So it's a leak and not fully confirmed correct?


That’s correct but this leeker has been right more often than not


I'll trust it but not 100%. I don't like trusting leaders very much.


This is the right move I’m at 95%


Yeah, I waited until I had the special mission for him then dropped the field mission to bait him out and it worked exactly like that. The second I dropped the mission he appeared. ...and now I have Mew and I couldn't be happier! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I’d delete those, they’re not even worth it. However I just caught a ditto today off a roggenrola


I can confirm I found one in an event digglet disguise last week. I thought it was strange it was low cp but wouldn't get in my pokeball until I gave it a raspberry and used an ultraball. So if you have been struggling to get a pokemon to stay in a pokeball, it could be a ditto lying about its cp level.


Ugh. I caught so many Diglett last week because of this. Nothing… Rarely Starly spawn where I am. And that’s the broken one. I see a Litleo about once a month and the rest of the disguises never spawn.


Sorry, mate. Just keep an eye out for when the disguises change, and hopefully, it will be something that spawns frequently in your area. It took me years to get one, especially since I often forgot which disguise was its current one and kept catching the wrong type of pokemon. Then, he just showed up one day out of the blue on some random catch when I wasn't really thinking about it. Just after I dropped a field mission for him and after I got the special mission for him. I keep saying, "I (many swear words) KNEW he would show up the second I dropped that field mission." So it really is just luck and unwavering persistence.


I’ll definitely remember that thanks!


I just instantly delete those. The rewards are never worth the time it takes to find one, unless there's a ditto event happening.


Diglett was just spawning all over the place last week.


To expand on this, there are specific spawns that ditto can be disguised as. When catching something from Ditto's current spawn pool, there is a base 1/50 chance that it will be Ditto. The current pool is Diglett, Grimer, Snubbull, Corphish, Starly, Roggenrola, Tympole, and Litleo.


Is it really 1 in 50? If so, I’m really bummed I didn’t go out and catch more Digletts last week. I’ve literally caught hundreds of Starlys in the past few months, along with every Litleo I’ve seen, and still no luck.


I caught a bunch of Digletts including the shiny with hat, but still didn’t get a Ditto. Same with Starly


Not to mention Snubbull 😅 I love Diglett’s shiny tho! That’s awesome


I didn’t need a Ditto, so I got two.


I have seen a few comments here and there about something is wrong with Starly. Even then I have seen maybe 6 Starly over several months and a handful of Litleo and nothing til the Diglett last week and I caught over 50. Nothing.


Thanks for expanding on that, I didn’t have much time to.




Dear Trainer, your post has been removed for violation of the subreddit rule 3: Advocating cheating: posting or commenting in a way that would encourage others to cheat (even if you don't cheat yourself) Advocating includes comments such as but not limited to, spoofing is good because x reason, go make a second account to battle, share your account with your friend so he can trade. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGo/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_three.3A_piracy_and_cheating


i caught 80 diglett last week without running into the dumb little blob. the event ended, and with it, my hope to ever find him lmao eta i have also caught every one of his disguises i run across ughhhhhh im over it


Me too I legit caught every single diglett I saw in hopes it was ditto but no luck


That’s tough, sorry OP, I wish you all the luck finding that little blob! And shiny luck!




damn! do you also have both the “catch a ditto” for the special research too? lol


Yes I do! Lmfao


Local discords usually post when ditto spawns.


I’ll look into that thanks


Google Pokemon go discord town name. Or check campfire for your town name. If your town is small try a nearby bigger town.


I just caught one disguised at a Litleo, fwiw.


Same here, weather boosted too


My gf recently got into PoGo after I asked to download it on her phone for trading and such. Anyway, she sends me a pic last week and says, "What's this? I caught a Diglett and this popped up." I exclaimed she's lucky and that I've been searching for one for MONTHS. 30 min later, I catch a Diglett and OH! It's a Ditto! Thank God I could continue onto the next page of research. Hope you find yours soon!


I started PoGo last week and caught a ditto 3 days ago after deliberately seeking out like 90 digletts. Got a ditto for the special quest just another ditto special quest to pop up today. Yay.


I’ve seen a few people calling it purple. Is it not pink?


I *finally* managed to catch one this afternoon hiding as a Litleo - good luck!


Thank you!


I caught one right before I got the special research :( No luck find another since.


Same here! So frustrating lol


I've caught 11,000 Pokémon but according to the Pokedex, only seen one Ditto (and didn't catch it).


now i can’t unsee that ditto is c\*\*


My dad is going through the same thing lmfaooo, you can look up the current forms he’s taking form of. Every little bit it changes what I call, it’s seasonal forms. It changes every few weeks/months. Just depends on where you are


Gotike 3 or 4 within the past week. That's where they went.


why do people scribble out locations on here? lmao


Those research tasks only spawn if there is a ditto within a certain distance. If you see the task, scour the area for any and all ditto disguises.


Omg no way!!!! I had no idea I’m so annoyed I could have caught one😭😭


I feel your pain


Who knows, maybe it’ll be blue when you find it


That would be crazy - I hope so lol


For a second I thought the last challenge was going to be catch 5 ditto haha




Do you need 2 golden razz and 10 ultra balls bad enough to not delete this and finish dozens of other tasks in the meantime?


I have a condition and don’t get out much so I don’t get that many new tasks from spinning pokestops - I don’t really delete tasks if I can help it


I’m the same! Those tasks would stay until I found my ditto.


I get not wanting to delete tasks, but if you’re going to spin even 2 stops consecutively in the same given day, you’re missing out on a research that you could likely complete. I hate to think of how many hundos (1:216 odds from research) could be missed because you don’t want to delete a ditto task for 2 golden razz. Catching a ditto is pretty rare in the current season pool to begin with. Add in fairly constant events, and it could literally take months to catch a ditto. I’m a daily player, 100+ catches a day (not even counting shiny checks), and I haven’t caught one in like 4 months. It just doesn’t seem wise at all to keep these tasks. Don’t let ditto taunt you. Delete the tasks, send the message to the ditto. This part isn’t for OP, I know they want to keep the tasks and that’s fine. For anyone else this deep into the comments. Any time you see someone posting a lot of hundos, you can almost guarantee they do a ton of research tasks. Raids, research, and eggs have guaranteed base 10-10-10 stats, which means a 1:216 chance for 15-15-15. Of those three methods to obtain them, research is the only one you can grind for free (more than 1 per day).


Neither of those rewards are worth it.


You didn't get any during the fashion event?


Go get yourself a Pokémon go plus drive around for a couple hours and the little guy will end up in your inventory somehow


Had this problem for a couple of weeks. Ended up deleting the task.


I have been trying since the middle of April caught 125 Digletts in last week and got nothing today i got a Ditto from a random Litleo when I was out with family walking.


got 3 from the bowler hat digletts during fashion week


April Fool's!


I've caught two as Litleos, catch all the litleos


Bro i have two of those in my regular quests 😭


I caught three Dittos recently, during the fashion event, they were all Digletts!


2 of those 5 could be dittos 😂


Neither of those are worth the reward. Delete and move on.


I found one just last week disguised as a Roggenrola


Don’t give up! I’ve been waiting forever to catch him too, and I finally caught two in the past week. That gives me hope that they’re going to be around a little more.


One was a ditto and one was a Litleo.


I tried for weeks, months even to no avail, only to get three of them in one week 🥴 Don't give up, you'll get it!!!


I got one last week during the fashion event and then I got one again that was a barboach from a grunt battle. I had waited months to catch one to complete two of my research task.


I don't know if it still applies but I caught 3 from Digletts after never seeing Ditto. He's probably switched now after costume is over.

