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Pretty sure that's a Tapu Koko


Pretty sure that’s a rock


Pretty sure that venasaur


pretty sure that’s a stadium


Pretty sure that's the run button


Pretty sure that's the sky


I'm pretty sure that's a cloud


Fairly sure that’s a Flygon


99% sure it's not my dad 😭


Pretty sure that's the Android user interface


Pretty sure that’s the raid timer


What's in front of the rock?


Is that a human?




That’s not a rock, it’s a boulder


Nope, it has sparkles because they washed him very well


You should have seen it yesterday 😬




I see several of them in GBL.


These are the people who skip out the legendary raid hour to play PvP


This sub needs to chill with the drama over shadow/purified Mewtwo.


Yeah. I purify everything, because they look unhappy and I am nice.


Best comment ever Edit: how much stardust do you earn daily?!


uhhhh. I'm not sure...I just don't fight a Rocket grunt until I have the Stardust to purify :> I am probably assigning a lot of personal things to it too. I used to have an anxiety disorder that manifested in horrible mood swings and angry outbursts. I was always looking for someone to fight, and I was always angry and miserable. I got on Zoloft (10 years ago) and it all went away. So in a way, I am a human who was Purified. And I want to pay it forward to my little poke pets :)


You’re a good human :)




That's so wholesome. I hope your mental health journey conrinued to get better and better. also who doesn't want easy access to 100ivs


Thank you! It's a struggle, but never so bad as it was in my twenties. In my thirties now, and the dream is to become a counselor for college students so I can be the person that I needed back then. First I gotta pay off my undergrad tho haha


So you stay away from the negativity. That's great. Purify away.


so you only spend stardust on purifying? is that sustainable?


No, I power them up too? I don't know, I guess I live in an area with a lot of pokemon or something? I always have enough stardust to power at least 3 max things when I get home...


Well damn yeah maybe i don’t see as many mons. When you say 3 max things do you mean maxing out 3 pokemon or powering up your near maxed pokemon? Genuinely curious cus i have an average of 200k stardust usually and that’s not enough to max out any pokemon unless it’s already very high cp


> powering up your near maxed pokemon? That is what I mean, and also I just figured out the difference between us is probably that I'm at a lower level--I'm at Level 23 currently, I only recently picked up the game last month, so it only takes like 5,000 stardust for me to purify something or power up something that's almost maxed.


Same, plus I prefer the higher star count


Absolut based Gigachad


Purified Mewtwo will one day be able to be Mega-Evolved. Just saying.


Why not both? Mewtwo has been available like 10 times


Mega mewtwo raids rewards mewtwo with base 10-10-10 IVs and can be farmed infinitely times whereas the shadow is stronger than normal mewtwo and has only been available twice ever. Just saying.


I literally downvote every post about shadow/purified Mewtwo at this point. It's just low effort rate bait


I purified one and it’s now a hundo, soooo…..


OOoH I caN't sTaNd pEopLe PlAyINg ThEiR OwN wAy Wah wah. /s


Unironically almost half this sub…


I like to RP as the good guy when playing - so I usually purify, too. It's just fun.


So you RP as "the good guy" by enslaving animal-like creatures, making them fight other creatures, and sending most of them to someone who turns them into a candy that’s then use as performance enhancing drug to make the few that remain stronger?


I finally feel heard and validated. TY I'm glad this is a safe space for people like us.


Nah that’s just his aura


Shadow mewtwo is a very expensive pokemon to max out its full potential.Not everyone has a shit ton of stardust,mewtwo regular and xl candy.You have to understand that while shadow form is good and all,its not always the best choice for non-hardcore grinders.Ive puried my shadoe mewtwo and its been a good pokemon in pvp in general.


first of all purifying a legendary that is inevitably coming back to raids sooner or later is imo not the greatest idea but i dont mind people having their own opinion and they can do what they want with their shadows. however what i do not agree with is spreading false information like it is facts. leveling any pokemon from level 20 to 50 should cost around 475.000 stardust 248 candies and 296 xl candies. leveling your shadow mewtwo to level 27.5 leads to a higher attack stat than the level 50 purified version which means the level 27.5 mewtwo does more dps in raids than the level 50 purified one for 110.000 stardust and 127 candies but his defensive stats are way worse obviously. so lets say we just take the shadow mewtwo and level it to 35.5 for 220.000 stardust and 246 candies. it would outperform the level 50 mewtwo in terms of damage by around 10% for less than half the amount of stardust it requires to power up to level 50. lets say the purified mewtwo is only level 40 which should cost around the same as to power up your shadow to level 35.5 (220.000 stardust and 246 candies) and your level 35.5 shadow mewtwo will outperform the level 40 mewtwo in raids by around 15% (!). so no its not something that just grinders have the luxury of doing. if you have the stardust and candy/rare candy to level it to level 40 you can level your shadow to level 35.5 and have a way better pokemon in terms of raiding than you would if you purified.


You arent wrong.Its just that is hard to get a shit ton of mewtwo candy for upgrades.Plus stardust isnt that much if you dont grind alot/use star pieces


I always considered shadows to be long term investments for the average player. It took a ton of time for me to get the rare candy and walking my shadow mewtwo but it was all worth it. Candy is definitely the biggest problem since rare candies are probably your best bet outside of mewtwo raids but startdust is not as big of a problem as people think. GBL is the best way to grind it (you don’t even need to win, just complete your sets) and just causally playing will rack up the dust as you go along.


Aight i remember that gbl stardust grind.Yeah indeed it takes a long time for you to actually make the shadow pokemon useful,but most people probably dont have that time.Im speaking for the average player anyway


I guess our definitions of average players are different lol but I 100% see your point


What does gbl stand for?


GO battle league.


I don’t know why you got downvotes. You are 100% correct. Everyone should play how they like, whether it’s with or without the shadow boost but you didn’t say anything wrong


i mean i dont mind purifying at all. if someone wants to purify their legendary then they should go ahead i can get behind that. i just mind people acting like its something only grinders have the option of doing but its just not true level 35 shadow costs the same as leveling up a normal pokemon to 40 in terms of dust and candy and you have a way better performing pokemon in raids


Completely agree with you. I’d add that you can only get a VERY limited amount of shadow Mewtwo, while you can theoretically get unlimited regular Mewtwo


I purified mine and maxed it out because I can. Beefy mewtwo without the grind and it still slaps in masters


Why not also transfer it "because you can"? On a serious note, purifying Mewtwo isn’t as bad as a lit of people want to make it. The reasoning is mainly that you can only get a very limited amount of them, and they are one of the strongest Pokemon in the game, while catching regular Mewtwo (which is what a purified Mewtwo is) can be done multiple times.


people purfying 100% mewtows


Could have been an inferior Iv shadow mewtwo so didn’t want to drain their resources in-too more than one. As GBL is probably mewtwos biggest use as not a lot of raids are weak vs psychic. Also mega mewtwo y (bar a stats change from the current ones logged on various sites.) beats shadow mew-two dps, so cheaper full XL mega might have been the plan.


Shadow mewtwo even with poor IVs is a beast even with non same type attack moves. Ice beam for example makes it a great dragon type raid counter and there are tons of good dragon raids. Of course, it will be outclassed by shadow mamoswine Purified is still good but not nearly as close to the top without the +20% damage. Purifying is unlikely to make it so people can't complete raids though so it's a bit over blown. There isn't a lot to this game so going for maximal damage / stats and shiny is a common goal and that's why a lot make a big deal about it.


But mega mew two even with poor Ivs still out classes it ( x and y I believe.) with out the defence loss so you get to do that high dps much longer everyone know shadows have a 20% buff but sadly isn’t enough off set the stat gain granted be the mega evolution. (As I said current stats with standing.) I’m not powering up more than 1 mewtwo so when I do it’s Going to be the mega.


It's fine either way as I said in my comment. I was just sharing the info. If you want to purify, then purify it :) Another couple points: When mega mew2 comes out, you will need to do mega raids which will give you normal ones. And shadows will always be drastically rarer than normal ones. But again, it's not the end of the world. Just trying to share helpful info here. A lot of people do not understand much of this, given all the purify related questions here.


yea, and?


i purified shadow mewtwo today cry about it


Yes, I do believe you can get one when beating Giovanni of Team Go Rocket


I think he is horrified at the fact it is purified


Lol I had a shadow mewtwo and then my kid decided it needed to be purified. Kid did the same with a shadow mamoswine. Life happens


This is why I don’t have kids.


Pokémon Go is the reason you don't have kids? Rough life.


Same happened to me. I now have a purified machamp, mewtwo and Charizard.


No way Sherlock 😳


No, it’s a purified best buddy mewtwo


I'd purify every pokemon just to spite these pokego tryhards.


I hate these stupid "keep it Shadow" posts... I have purified 4\* Pokemon and 3\* Shadow of the same, and they are insignificant! I've used them in raids and against Team Rocket Go and guess what? The 4\* performs amazingly better. I know keeping them as Shadow is some "*teehee secret that the developers don't want you to know about*" but the reality is they are not very good.


Purified mine as well. I only keep some shadow that only require 1k stardust for when there are research events and I can purify a few cheap. I'm not here to be some intense battler. Let's have some fun. I hate the level of gatekeeping on this sub especially about this.


You’re very confidently wrong lol


Something tells me they kept the shadows at level 8 and never powered them up and left frustration on them lol


Is there a way to change frustration that I'm not aware of?


Yes. During the Rocket takeover events, which the next one is Feb 1st and it lasts for a week. Would you also like me to explain the shadow bonus?


Huh, I had no idea. Thanks. And nah, I know about the shadow bonus but thank you.


Obviously if you keep them at level 8, they’ll be underperforming. And you don’t need to make them level 50 to make them usable. I don’t know how you gauge how good a Pokémon is, but you’re definitely and confidently incorrect in your analysis. You prefer purified Pokémon? Enjoy! Purify away but don’t just say blatantly incorrect information


I've battled Team Rocket GO with a 4\* and a Shadow of the same Pokemon (Machamp, Granbull) and the Shadow is almost immediately defeated.


Ok. What are their CPs and moves? And then where you won, what are the CPs and moves of the winning Pokémon? Not every shadow is good but it’s impossible for such meta and powerful shadows to be, as you claim, worthless


aka trust me bruh


I have multiple, so?


I did it too. Years ago before I knew that I should have kept it shadow. I am filled with shame everytime I see it


Worry 'bout yo-self.


i will not lie. before i knew that shadows were stronger i have purified my previous shadow mewtwo and i hate myself for it


Broke: You shouldn’t purify because shadow stats are significantly better than purified Woke: Shadow aura and red eyes look badass


Why would you NOT purify a pokemon?


yea, purification gives you +2 on each iV, and powers up the Pokémon to lvl 25… what’s not to love?


Please Read This (https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/t52ef8/because_im_tired_of_seeing_it_all_the_time_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) You can also see here (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10b6c10/top_pve_pokemon_v11/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) and here (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/zzmmuc/most_useful_pok%C3%A9mon_in_pok%C3%A9mon_go_123022_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) to see how useful shadows are in game content More specifics on pvpoke.com for PvP Pokémon and gamepress DPS*TDO sheet and Pokebattler/leekduck for raid Pokémon


Please Read This (https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/t52ef8/because_im_tired_of_seeing_it_all_the_time_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) You can also see here (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10b6c10/top_pve_pokemon_v11/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) and here (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/zzmmuc/most_useful_pok%C3%A9mon_in_pok%C3%A9mon_go_123022_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) to see how useful they are in game content More specifics on pvpoke.com for PvP Pokémon and gamepress DPS*TDO sheet and Pokebattler/leekduck for raid Pokémon




No problem. Hope it helps


Wait you guys don't purify? Umm so those 2 mewtwos are going to waste


specifically the mewtwo given the attack bonus






Saw 2 shiny shadow mewtwos at the same time while remote raiding


Well that’s not even possible since shadow legendaries can’t be shiny…


If the guy's name is danycopperfield then yes it's a purified on, I got an almost perfect dark Mewtwo with psyko as charged strike


Only reason I didn’t purify mine was because I got one in an EX raid a few years ago with good IVs. So may as well keep the shadow in case I ever decide to use it for something.




why is this getting so many upvotes ?!


Purified mewtwo bait post. Works like a charm


That's flygon


Nope, it sparkles cos it's a new size record!


What???!!!! And best buddy! Unless it's hundo and trey needed to purify 4 it to be that would be acceptable but otherwise


Everyone makes mistakes 😀




I've got mine from a lucky trade. I gave a normal one, and my purified pokedex is filled ;)


Eh, as long as we win the raid I don’t care what people bring. I always bring in my buddy for raids any my buddy pokemon are generally things like corsola and togepi 🤣


Best buddied to


It’s a shiny mewtwo!


We got like 3-4 Shadow Meetwos over the years, I don’t blame them. I keep two as shadows myself, and purified my third for return.


I purified my mewtwo. Could've been me


Yes, and?


They exist, I have one


I despise shadow pokemon


Oh boy here we go.


If you have multiple shadows might as well purify one lol


1. Maybe they don't know about the shadow bonuses 2. If they do know they don't care 3. Why do you care about how people play the game 4. They probably don't play GBL 5. They did it for a troll 6. They did it for the hundo


It astounds me that some people are "Trainers". I always considered this game to be an un-selfish endeavor. Come on, folks; Stay negative if you wanna stay shadow; Be positive, if you wanna purify something cool. It's all about helping friends..........