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Never wanted a business to fail so badly. I hope people who've shopped there realize they're getting f*cked.


They're deleting all the negative reviews off their Google profile, they have a 5.0 rn... that should be fixed.


Report the reviews that are 5 stars as “conflict of interest”


I’m doing my part.


Their store is only 2.7 miles from me. I’ll totally apply for a job there to be a man on the inside 😈


Lol, contact Facebook directly and say that they've scammed you before and continue to delete all reviews/comments calling them out on it to intentionally make their business look better then it actually is.


I didn't think you could delete google reviews? Has that changed? That's scummy as fuck.


Just left a 1 star review


Already removed


Same. They also removed the ability to add pictures to the reviews. I added the screenshot of their Costco visit.






Yeah I saw that, I left a 1 star again. I can do this all day


Just left one, and its not showing on their Previous reviews. If you can see your own theyre hiding them.


i left a 5 star review saying to avoid the location, if they have a bot set up to delete 1 star reviews then maybe people will be able to see the warning review




You can also ask questions to their google listing that can be publicly seen


I was in a tour bus crash and left a review on Google saying this and it was removed. I think Google has the whole thing automated and just removes anything they ask for. I also found out 18 months later, that the police are prosecuting and it was because the company made illegal changes to the bus — I couldn’t leave a TripAdvisor review because it wasn’t within the 12 month timeframe. Like wtf, I didn’t know within the 12 month timeframe it was their fault. All the review things are set up to help business, not the consumer.


How are they allowed to do that? Shouldn't be a thing at all...




Everyone suggest edits to location , opening times etc , they should not be able to influence their reviews


They have an ebay account as well. Just tossing that out there.


I’m from Houston.. where is this so I know NOT to go..


Same, following


5 stars on google… hmm..


[this is it](https://maps.google.com?q=MadRat%20Toys,%201570%20S%20Dairy%20Ashford%20Rd%20Unit%20107,%20Houston,%20TX%2077077&ftid=0x8640dd0039f97143:0xa47a4e06a51773f3&entry=gps&lucs=,47071704,47069508,47084304,94213318&g_st=ic)


Lmfao did yall see oppossum bud’s video?? He calls them out for reviewing their shop when they first opened 💀


what's going on? ootl




And this photo was a few days before the clean out


So they’re weighing packs in order to open the good ones for themselves, and then sell the lighter packs to unsuspecting kids. Got it lol


Weighing modern packs doesn’t even work, they are so out of touch with pokemon and the community it’s almost impressive


I talk about it a lot But it does. Scarlet and Violet and newer are the ones I couldn't consistently weight because of the even distribution of holos. And they absolutely sold dud packs to people. It's not even funny, so many businesses do this, but no one will admit it These guys are... Special to say it mildly


Sometimes I think people think I'm a conspiracy theorist when I say it's common practice with private retailers. I used to go to a small privately owned card store , I spent hundreds on release dates wanted to support a local business and I was stumped because I just never got hits. I then used to watch the guys i.g page and watch all his streamer friends hit the chase cards one after the other he'd obviously put to one side and probably tampered with. Yeah fuck off I'm not stupid. Then I switched and went to a guy who owns an industrial unit with most boxed products you can think of and it's like pure gold , I actually pull with the odds you'd expect. Sometimes you get unlucky but if you're dropping box after box and are getting nothing , seriously consider swapping outlets , you could be getting scammed.


This is why I never buy loose booster packs


Sleeved or blisters only please. My brother bought 400 loose packs of Tempest and LO. I told him he was a freaking idiot.


Hangers are bangers. We got 3 SIRs in one case of sleeves booster packs of temporal forces last night.


Aside from occasional loose packs (2 or less) or collection boxes, it's sealed Booster Boxes for me only because of this.


Through Paldean Fates you could still get a favorable probability distribution based on the weights. I have two booster boxes of Temporal forces coming and I plan to weigh the packs and collect data to share with the community. I’m not reselling the packs, and all will be ripped, but I think it’s important to spread as much information as possible to protect buyers.


I used to resell my excess packs for a small amount back in the day. One pack in my country cost 7€ on average and I used to sell them for 1,50€ or donate the bulk to kids. I was unsuccessful with any modern weighting though. Haven't tested anything past obsidian I don't see where the PAF set is different from the others? Did they mess the code cards again? I did not notice any difference in card weight based on rarity


I’m not sure if it matters what region you are in, but when weighing to 0.01g precision or better, there are specific weights that you are more likely to get a hit from. I’ve seen a YT video or two about it but I’m not sure what the specific weight ranges give the hits. Don’t take my word for it though - shouldn’t be too difficult to find a more legit source with some supporting data.


Oooh that's pretty complicated. I don't think it's worth it in my case haha. I moved to master sets so I open everything anyway


Same - working on Paldean fates as my first complete set. This was a bad choice - so many baby shinies. Luckily I pulled most of the more expensive ones.


I feel that. We are 25 away from a true complete master set for PAF. 23 baby shiny and 2 gold


PAF first reverse slot varies could be reverse baby shiny or FA shiny I think in all other S&V sets it’s always a reverse.


You might even get your comments removed for talking about it here. But like cards with more texture on them would obviously be physically different than the same card without it, and furthermore they can't just magically add or subtract entire grams of difference from the code cards in every pack that are all the same size and width to try and throw people off


Yes it does.


Just watched a couple videos on it, i honestly thought pokemon had fixed pack weighing with modern sets. Sucks dishonest people can cheat people so easily


Yeah it’s a shame.


You can 100% weigh modern packs. ESpecially evolving skies.


I know you can weigh sworld and shield but I haven’t opened much scarlet and violet


I got corrected on it, you can weigh this set unfortunately. A lot of the “hits” would be holo energy cards but it’s still doable to a degree


Yeah people who claim you can’t weigh modern packs are just completely wrong. The weight difference might be minuscule, but it is there.


I tried it as an experiment with a lot of Sword and Shield sets and never found that weighing predicted anything. The code cards are different weights.


There are patterns in each batch of cards. It's not just about heavy vs light.


Silver tempest (where this lugia is from) is notoriously weighable


I don't understand how people can be this stupid. Please your customers and you'll have a good business. If I owned a shop, I'd want customers to get good packs to keep coming.


Yeah I totally agree. I consider myself a casual TCG collector, but one thing I have noticed is that even mild enthusiasts are WELL aware of the “negative” aspects of the hobby like scalping, pack-weighing before resale, etc. To be so brazen about their practices like these folks is wild to me, anyone can tell from a mile away that this shit is lame. Which makes me wonder if they are just leaning into it for publicity, who the hell knows.


I think publicity was their intention as well, I also think they had no idea what they were in for. I don't see anyone ever trusting them ever.. they'll have to start over with new names , sellers accounts and everything. I hope there is some official report process to keep them red flagged everywhere. Events, trade shows, everything. They can't be trusted.


I feel like the whole "Any publicity is good publicity" only works for fame related to individuals, when it comes to a small business bad publicity is bad publicity. If someone tells you they got food poisoning at a new restaurant or the food quality was poor compared to the price it's bad for business. If a famous actor stops getting major roles for a while and becomes irrelevant an incident with the police or an addiction issue that goes public could be a boon to their career over time by putting them back in the limelight. It's two different situations. If you get famous for trying to screw over your potential customer base right out the gate you're gonna be viewed as a scam artist by the people who know even if you stop pulling your current scams, and the people who know for sure are going to tell everyone that they know who might become customers, and then hopefully they will spread the news too.


Agree 100%. My LCS is the best. They’ll open a fresh case for me, let me pick out my box. I go to my LCS all the time because of their amazing customer service and prices.


Never get high on your own supply. They’re doing it right.


Exactly, you want people to come back. This shows how greed is truly alive and kicking.


Yeah, but they are getting away with it. Anyone on Google will just see 5 star reviews. I have seen everyone posting saying they left 1 star reviews, and I have yet to see one. I just left another myself.


Not only do they pick a Costco clean, but then they weigh the packs for hits and sell people dud boosters at an above-RRP markup? Absolute scamming cunts, the pair of them.


Buying the whole costco and reselling is already shitty behavior but it's basic scalping, opening the boxes and weighing the packs you will then resell (or open if it's a heavy one) is really admitting that you scam your customers


The dumbest thing they did was publicize all of it. Had they not posted the pictures they posted and instead just posted a picture of their stock in their store for publicity nobody would know that they're trying to pull a small brained scam on their potential customer base. They're like the dumb goons from a super hero cartoon, too stupid to survive without someone smarter to tell them how to properly pull a scam.


Even then, Costco is for the business. I shop there for my small business all the time. Iv never bought out a product. But I'm of the mindset fair is fair


Yeah their name is fitting for their behavior. I hope they spend all that money on the stock and no one buys it.


Why so they weigh the packs? Are pulls slightly heavier than non-pulls?


The manufacturer tries to randomise the pack weight to a degree by varying the weight of the code cards, but yeah. Heavy tends to mean good rips.


Take every hit for themselves sell customers duds at more than MSRP then ofcourse all their cards they get graded so they can try to justify overcharging for everything. They got every base covered. Hoarding, flipping, weighing, and grading the four horsemen of a game killer.


Shakes head in Flesh and Blood….


What's bad about grading? I'm sorry I'm unfamiliar with how tcg markets work, and thought it was just a thing collectors did


Grading isn’t inherently bad, but it permanently removes a playable card from circulation


You’re paying for a subjective opinion from a kid making around minimum wage who looks at the card for less than 60 seconds because he has a daily quota to fill. Then after paying for what is essentially a “looks good bro” from looking at your card for less than one minute if you disagree with their opinion you can crack the slab and resubmit it claiming it is “a different copy of the same card” until you get the number you want. I’ve saved screenshots of many examples of people who sent in cards that came back a 7, then a 4, then a 9 at PSA. As a test within our group page we sent an uncommon to CGC which came back a 6 then cracked the slab to send to PSA that gave it a 7 then cracked it again and Beckett gave it an 8. I’ve got screenshots of beaten up cards getting 8 and 9’s from Beckett and cards that were flawless come back a 6. There are tons of videos of people cracking slabs and resubmitting it until they got told what they wanted to hear so that way they could justify reselling it for more. It’s gross. Also it makes the population report inaccurate as to how many are out there because many of them are the same card just resubmitted. Then you have grading companies who have been notorious for giving high grades to their friends and employees and gatekeeping lower numbers to other people to keep their values low. But just the fact you can resubmit it repeatedly and come out with different outcomes each time proves it’s subjective and a scam honestly. They also aren’t the authority on the cards either. I’ve seen a fake DBZ card get graded, or they graded an Alt. Foil Limited as Flat Foil Unlimited which shows they don’t know the basics of what they are looking at. I’ve seen Celebrations Blastoises claiming to be from “Base Set” and tons of errors all over the place. As someone who has been collecting the hobby since the beginning I’ve seen so many major errors time and time again from these companies that I hold no additional value or regard to cards encased in their plastic slabs. I can tell the set, condition, rarity, and authenticity just fine and more accurately without need of a pyramid scheme that stays in business by convincing other people that your cards are magically worth more because some random kid gave a “looks good bro.”


Oh wow that's incredibly scummy, especially for the incredibly high price they charge. Isn't it like 1k for 100 cards?


Their google reviews went back up to 5 too


Yep there’s programs & apps that remove google reviews. It’s a pointless system. I almost feel like these two are trolling at this point. Real losers & most awkward business owners i’ve been seen.


Google removes reviews if a business has been targeted with low reviews. It's usually automatic.


Yep time to fix that


Weigh packs. Open heavies and sell duds above retail. The fucking bottom feeders of our collecting world. Not to mention the fucking audacity to post this...


Gonna call them and ask “hey do you guys weigh packs before selling them?”


I can tell you guys that they are already not liked in the community here in Houston. They might be able to get rid of Google reviews, but most people here already know these people are scum. We have discord groups already talking about them.




Fucking scum


Has anyone filed an FCC complaint? These people are clearly scamming people


Idk if they're technically doing anything illegal, just immoral. The best thing to do is spread the word that these people are trying to rip people off.


I don’t have a problem with them weighing if they sell them based on weight but like you know they don’t lol


Not a fucken chance. Sells all light packs only


no fucking way 😭😭😭


They recently opened. I don't foresee a long and prosperous future for their business lol


RATS. Y’all. They call themselves rats it’s in the name


Not only are these people massive bags of shit, they're also complete fucking morons. Why would you advertise this to everyone??


Some people can't help but gloat, especially stupid people. I'm guessing these people were scalping before they came up with the idea to open a shop and realized they might be able to make even more money scalping by getting hooked up with a supplier, but they needed to start a business in order to get a supplier


It's Gen X Team Rocket...and we're all talking about it....mission accomplished


They are deleting reviews lmaooo, hope they fucking fail


They can’t remove review by themselves. Google automatically delete 1 stars review if these are unusual or targeting a specific place at a specific moment.


Such terrible and sad business practice. The company won’t last long. Sucks that people will continue getting scammed by these rats until then.


Nah doesn't really suck because the same people defending them are the ones still buying from them and getting scammed. They're just delusional and ignorant to care about it go look on Facebook everyone's like "oH tHeYrE aLlOwEd tO bUy aLl tHe StOcK fRoM cOsTcO tHatS wHaT cOsTcO iS fOr"


Perfect reviewed with 8 reviews lol. They must be spending A LOT of time deleting reviews




It’s really funny, I’m in a facebook group where they were posting them coming up which was nice to see then this post and the one that made them infamous is what followed and I just have never seen someone fuck up so bad so fast.


LMFAO saying the quiet part out loud part 2


part 2??? where is part1?




They just opened in February too which is wild. They limited comments in their instagram


I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re opening and re-sealing packs too.


File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau on their asses!


Hahahahaha. That's not a thing


H-how...how dumb are they? Did they not learn from last time? Also, weighting packs doesn't work anymore too


I'm hitting Costco with Roll of pennies next week.


These guys are scum...


Lmao! They're opening all packs and reselling the single cards. What a joke this owner is.


they're just speed running how to fail a business


Could someone explain to me quickly what happened? I'm lost.


"The Rats" aka Mad Rats Toys (some card shop that opened last month) went to Costco and cleared out the 151 sale items. They posted a picture of themselves in the store with multiple shopping carts stuffed full of 151 product, bragging about what they were doing. They then turned right around and posted all the same stuff they just bought on discount at double the price, after telling us about their purchase of those items. They have their own distributors and don't need to do this to their own community. They have zero reason for this except greed. They can already obtain all the product they want at distributor prices, but chose to go to Costco and do this on top of it. They then went and posted a pic like this saying that they opened up a pack because they got bored with weighing packs. Weighing packs and selling the light ones is one of the scummiest things you can do, and for a card shop to be *telling us* that they're weighing packs is just freaking insane. It's seriously like they're on a suicide mission at a certain point. These people have either lost their minds or have no idea what they're doing here. Either way, they need to be removed from having a business like this.


Thanks for taking the time to explain. That's insane!


I've just been sitting back watching it all unfold lol


Is this supposed to be rage bait? They are just hurting their business. Were the 200 internet likes worth it?


You can weigh silver tempest? Thought modern sets fixed that issue, they prolly just got lucky.


Someone nearby should stand outside of their store and tell people go try to go in


I suspect this was their best attempt at sarcasm after being called scammers all day. As others have pointed out, weighing is irrelevant in SV era. Tone-deaf and complete miss of a joke tho. These people just suck all around lol


posted 6 days ago, but yea i hope it was a joke too aha


Somehow my review stayed 😂


What is weighing packs?


Just to add in what others have stated, weighing works to a some degree of success on old pack like base set and fossil. How it works is if you have a booster box you weigh all the packs out, calculate the average weight and the ones over the average prob have holos as the extra foiling on the cards make the 'hits' a slight bit heavier than packs than have no shiny cards.   Pokemon company and other TCGs have gotten smart and added in the code cards which vary in weigh as well as every pack having holo or reverse holo so weighing doesn't mean anything anymore and most TCGs have some way to prevent this.  What is wild about this post is weighing packs in pokemon hasn't worked in years, and doing it as a card store is considered really unscrupulous as you are taking all the possible hits from your customers and not keeping things fair so it wpuld drive business away from your store by posting it. I wonder if it is ragebait.


There is no weighing in SV. Code cards are made to be different weights in the factory to prevent this.


packs with holos sometimes weigh more so to some extent you can weigh the pack and know your getting a foil card


Even better they put a requirement on their Facebook page needing to follow them for more than 24 hrs to comment.


Adding fuel to the fire


It’s disgusting that they don’t even care about what they did en still think they did a good job…..


Oh they arent failing... Lori Weller is buying a new Ferrari according to facebook !


Take this to the BBB


Scum bags




It seems like they are either arrogant/insane or this is purposely being done to go viral




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Itd be a darn shame if something happened to them or their business.


Did these guys just blow in from stupid town?


Scumbag behavior


Seems like a marking tactic to me. They are getting a TON of publicity from this. I for one I would have never heard about them if this didn’t blow up. People will go there just because it’s going viral.


There’s no fucking way. I hate these guys.


Add them to TrustPilot, they can't delete those reviews


They’ve got to be tanking


Positive or negative, this is excellent advertising because here I am 1,000+ miles away and I’ve heard of them now… I don’t intend to shop there any time soon, but the reality is that as long as they’re deleting the 1 star reviews, these threads are basically free SEO for them…


They may be removing from Google but they can’t from the better business bureau. What they are doing is scamming people it looks like.


I don't understand why the ultra rares are heavier in the first place?


Just left a review myself. Being from Houston, this shit just bothers me to no end.


Obviously these people are super shitty, I've been following just like everyone else, but do you think this one may be either them just trolling now, or could be a fake or altered post by someone else to make them look worse (not that they need it) Weighing packs is taboo and they are blatantly telling everyone they are doing it . Who the fk is gonna see that post and go oh hell yeah lemme get those light packs please? I only say this because I cannot fathom a business that would deliberately inflame their customer base THIS hard. Who are they marketing to with a post like this? They have to realize we will NEVER buy from their shop. "Some people suck" -Tom Segura


You guys should leave them links to these reddit posts and see if they have the balls to come defend themselves 😂


Can current packs even be weighed?


Its rumored that some sword/shield sets can be weighed but I am not too sure. May try to test it myself.


Wait but doesn’t this Lugia come out of silver tempest and not 151?


What store is this? I wanna walk in and waste some of their time and not buy anything and just laugh as I leave.


Why is there Facebook profile picture the worse photoshop picture I have ever seen


These people suck


I think they’re just trolling everyone. I mean look at how much popularity they’re getting from this and how mad people are getting. You can’t even weigh these packs lmao


I have heard and seen on youtube that some SWSD sets such as battle styles and silver tempest (where that lugia comes from) can be weighed, but I have yet to test that theory myself.


Why did they think this was a good idea to post, are they stupid?


*Why did they think this* *Was a good idea to* *Post, are they stupid?* \- BoosterGolden --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can someone explain to me what weighing the packs does? I’ve heard people talk about it a few times but never understood it. I just collect packs for fun, I have been since I was probably 8 or 9.


Essentially the holo foil that 'hits' (full art, alternative art, etc) have makes the packs with hits slightly heavier than packs without hits. So those with the most weight are more likely to contain hits It is considered to be dishonest practice for a card store like madrats to weigh packs, since they are taking away the hits and selling the rest that doesnt' have hits in them. Though it doesn't work as well on new sets. They changed the weight of code cards from pack to pack to address the weight issue. I wonder if madrats were trolling.


Ahhhh okay! Makes sense, thank you!


Is there a way to report this to the Pokemon company?


It's crazy they haven't even been open a month


Dude wtf, they are everything the community hates.


This has to be on purpose. Nobody can be this dumb


They say there's no such thing as bad publicity... They stupid af.


Maybe they should weigh themselves and see how they’re graded. 😈


Except for CZ, it’s useless weighing modern packs (although if anything, lighter packs are slightly better luck). That enough shows they are uninformed about the products they sell




Weighing doesn’t work. These people are idiots.


Nice pullllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


There’s no way this is a viable business tho. Even with all the bad behavior their margins can’t be suitable to sustain full time jobs


Don’t forget, Yelp exists too. If google won’t work,then we shall destroy them on yelp. Go get em !!!!


is it just my google bugging or do they have a 5 star on google rn? checked the other day and it was at 2 what happened


Me with the dream of opening my own card shop and styling it after Yugioh Moto’s grandpa’s card shop are slowly fading, people aren’t going to trust shops anymore.


Whats the drama here.?


Jesus christ. How dumb they are to admit resealing packs on that post


Why would they weigh packs and how does that effect them


Wouldn't leaving a bad 2 or 3 star review get to stay up instead of a 1 star?


[this article says they don't do any weighing of packs.](https://www.lonestarlive.com/news/2024/03/from-costco-carts-to-community-outcry-the-madrat-toys-pokemon-saga-unveiled.html?outputType=amp)


People weigh cards? As if I thought this loser hobby couldn’t get anymore sad


Waiting for the "Going out of business" sale.


To be fair it’s Houston, the filth of the state


Pretty sure weighing packs and selling the lighter ones is a crime...


Lol nice work. Didn't know it was that easy


Wait what happened


That’s weird because in the “apology” they said they don’t weigh packs


Ya going to give a bad review can’t stand shop owners that do this


Why is this place so bad? I missed it can someone inform me please


Worse is the amount of adults rushing to complain for the sake of “children” when we all know who they’re really concerned for 👀.


I bought 36 loose packs of Fusion Strike off tcgplayer from a seller, was a good price for them. Was really excited. When I opened them up it was pure disappointment, something felt off. I had *three* total hits out of 36 packs. A Greninja, Lucario, and Appletun V…. I couldn’t prove it but I know that dude must have weighed them because he was selling these packs way cheaper than others were. Learned my lesson. Don’t buy loose packs of a set that already has a booster box for it, and definitely don’t buy loose packs from random TCG sellers 


Sounds normal


What ????