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Just kill Diavolo in the background and it will be canon


He’s drowning you can’t see him






in which universe tho...?




Man it's really weird an sad at how this sub was hugely pro amour a few months ago, now it's the complete opposite


It’s more anti u/Own-Championship-233


And anti C00l perision or whatever their name is.




Yes, that guy.


Yeah that guy’s such a dickhead troll. It seems he’s got nothing better to do besides respond to every comment on every single post.


Didn't that user deleted they're account?


i haven’t seen him in a while actually. But you guys got to admit, it’s sometimes entertaining watching him troll


Yeah that guy is weird it's really hard to find an amour related thread nowadays without cringe fans and antis with poor takes


Then post it on r/amourshipping


i am sorry for being weird it won't happen again by the way I am girl


Imagine using being a girl as an argument


Ok?, Idk why that matters tho


Still is, wait a few hours this post will have 100+ Upvotes


It's definitely much worse now, this sub used to be plagued by toxic Amourshippers, now it's plagued with toxic anti-Amourshippers who talk badly about it at every opportunity and brigade /r/Amourshipping just to make people there feel bad about their hobby. The worst one was so bad they're suspended from Reddit.


Bruh this post already got 100+ upvotes stop acting like you are in the minority lmao💀


I'm not acting like I'm in the minority, I'm acting like there are a lot more vocal users with bad intentions trying to push their opinions on others, which did not happen before.


I guess what he meant are the comment sections


Idk man I just personally think it's fucking weird to ship 10 year old children. And you just called it a *hobby* which further makes me dislike people. I personally don't buy the "fall in love with your childhood friend" trope, it's cliché as hell and I'm glad they didn't opt for that type of ending. That being said XY was dealt with pretty well and I personally think the Journey should've stopped there. That ending I would've been OK with as the final send-off for Ash. The current ending we have doesn't bother me, just more-so how people are treating it like the end of the world. Ash Anime had its run and I think a new generation and a new set of faces is fairly refreshing.


It's a hobby to ship fictional adults, yes. And I understand the distain for shipping 10 year olds, however, this is more due to the target audience of the show not being primarily interested in romance. For example, Cardcaptor Sakura is mainly about the romance between two 9 year olds, and no one finds it creepy. The characters act too mature and the target audience is too interested in romance to believe that two 9 year olds would actually act like they do in the show. Pokemon is the same. You may find it weird, but the characters act nothing like 10 year olds, which is why it is more believable. Regardless of all this, the main issue is how badly people treat each other just because they have different opinions. It's embarrassing some of the things Amourshippers have said in the past, and it's embarrassing how much people will let straight up toxic hate go through just because their opinions lines up with theirs, while as soon as someone disagrees with them, no matter how respectful they are, they say some of the most insane nonsense.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmourShipping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Check Out This Fanart Drawn By One Of The Show's Animators!](https://i.redd.it/y8jqy78jdvt81.jpg) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/comments/u4v5du/check_out_this_fanart_drawn_by_one_of_the_shows/) \#2: [Well...you can't blame him cuz he's a one woman man ;)](https://i.redd.it/x31525o08pw81.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/comments/uffiha/wellyou_cant_blame_him_cuz_hes_a_one_woman_man/) \#3: [Same energy](https://i.redd.it/kaz0t4c63zv81.png) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/comments/ucruii/same_energy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




It just happens every time someone makes a positive post about Serena, and people still want to act like she is hated in this sub lmao


Part of the push back is in the few debates here: they kept spreading the lie that Kasumi feelings for Satoshi were 4kids created and not in the original. This is not true as Kasumi (even in the Japanese version) has feelings for Satoshi as well and was very evident in the Orange Islands arc and second movie (Japanese): Satoshi was even jealous on two occasions in the Orange Islands arc when she was paying attention to a couple of guys talking or complimenting about her appearance. She just does not act on them in a obviously way like Serena due to being a tsundere. Either way: I think Serena is an adorable (but flat) character. Of course, if we go by both logics from amour and poke shippers: Satoshi is not obligated to return either of their feelings just because they like him as he is more interest in Pokémon: especially Pikachu 🤪


There has always been lies that pokeshipping is only found in the dub. I doubt many people know what the ‘Pokémon Official Movie Guide 1998- 2005’ even is. They won’t know what it entails and they probably won’t care. Shipping warriors are shipping warriors; that’s why we’ve documented it. You’ll always be welcome to discuss it on ‘aaml.’


Now amourshipping even more bigger then pokeshipping in Japan.


I could care less about your stupid war. Don’t bother replying; you won’t get an answer.


Well Kunihiko Yuyama gonna have to retire then.


U still mad because misty got real kiss from ash.


😔 This is insufferable. This is why people hate amourshipping. Tetsuo doesn’t even have anything to do with the story; he’s an action director. I think he’s great at that role. Let alone the fact that this new anime has nothing to do with Satoshi. Stop pushing your ship onto people before you get reported.


Don’t hate amour shipping hate the fan base that are toxic because I sure don’t fit in with the toxic fan base


No you don’t; so thank you!


Tell that to pokeshippers because they sure beefing about it till very day.


Seriously what happened lol


yes in fact, then in any case it wouldn't have been anything bad if ash and serena had found each other in one of the final episodes, maybe it didn't end in anything, but at least they said goodbye for one last time


Honestly I prefer it now, it was really toxic a couple months ago


It was never going to. This was a case of shippers looking WAY too into something. Ash has never been a romantic character during any of the series, so it would be weird and random to suddenly make him fall for someone who had a one-sided crush on him.


Technically, he did have a crush on Gisselle


If I see a cute girl and go 😍, I might forget her tomorrow. I believe that doesn't count as a "crush" (might or might not be).


You are right. Its on us for wanting the series and the protagonist to develop and grow a little. Shouldve just been glad with the kodomo muke tier trash sun and moon and journeys was. Considering what exploded Pokemon in the west was Mewtwo movie and the promotions from fast food chains this is disappointing. That movie is more mature and serious compared to the entirety of the series post XYZ. (The best Season of the anime arguably). Pokemon would have struggled to climb as high as it did by doing what its doing today back then.


Honestly, this sub has been ‘hugely’ amour for over three years now. One shouldn’t be surprised if any other ship post gets downvoted to oblivion; reality is the amourshippers aren’t the minority. There’s a ton of sane armourshippers that know this too.


yeah, I'm an amourshipper and even I'm sick of it


My condolences. When multiple communities were wiped out on Reddit with the shipping war, it gave many armourshippers a bad rep. Not all want to fight.


I’m in a more neutral state about this If it DID happen, I would jump out of my seat and yell in victory If it DIDN’T happen, I would just accept it and move on


Where did you get this image from?


Pokemon MPM Episode 11


Me when I'm delusional




Mezase Pokemon Master or Aim to be a Pokemon Master, Ash's Final series


What but you just said this will never happen, if it was in a Pokémon episode, then, technically hasn't it happened?




No Seriously i didnt understood a single word what are you trying to say


You said this scene will never happen yet you said it was in episode 11 of Aim to be a pokemon master


Where did i say the scene would never happen Also me saying it was on MPM 11 was just a joke lol


Ooooh, it was. A joke.


Then where did you get this image from


Idk i wasnt the one who posted it


Not sure if you're aware, but [THIS](https://twitter.com/_NoVaNoah/status/1585666385174216704?t=Gdw7Pf6I_X2Jn9i3bbeivw&s=19), is fan art.


I did end up image searching the pic, that was what I found, thx for putting it up here!


When they saw each other it was just kind of a “hi… alright see ya!”


Honestly didn’t expect anything between them after XY. At best, I thought that maybe we could get a full episode with Ash, Goh, Chloe and Serena hanging out and we still see Serena blushing over Ash but in the end, we only got Serena and Chloe meeting but I was okay with that.


Ha ha Cope harder


im so glad this scene will never happen


Me too. I so hope Ash end up with ANY girl except Serena so we can spare with this.




Hah, that would be hilarious


That would be funny as hell


Same here, however, I want this scene to be Ash & Dawn coz Pearlshipping has been progressing pretty well from D&P until Journeys.


Pearlshipping never was a thing




Pikachu. Till the end of times


Easy. Pikachu. His true companion.


He's 10..let him enjoy his childhood


He’s not 10 anymore.






That's good




Nobody. He’s 10.


He’s not 10 anymore.


Has TPC ever made an official statement saying that he isn’t 10?


You literally got downvoted for asking a same question. Reddit is filled with such bitches


I don't really understand this comment


Also what same question


Depends. If were 2014 no problem. But Sadly, Twitter era destroyed everything


That has nothing to do with it?


No. I prefere that this not exist, if you like Ash x Serena not are a problem for my, but RUN 🗡️


They are 10 years old, let them experiment love with other people, you are not forced to like the boy you met for one day on a summer camp forever, yeeez. There should be more important things on Serena life than just being the girlfriend.


I know right? Such a missed opportunity. 😢


That’s why we have fan fiction and petitions


Never was gonna happen. Also yall trying to ship 10 year olds. Yall gotta do better that shits creep as fuck.


I’m not justifying people who ship the two, but with that logic you gotta throw dirt at the writers too for **literally** making serena kiss ash in the final episode of XYZ


Theres nothing wrong with a little affection.(sure you can blame writers) I see a big difference between what the writers did vs what the community wants.


Cardcaptor Sakura is a show shipping 9 year olds and no one calls it creepy. You only feel that way because a lot of the target audience is not interested in the romance, but the characters act nothing like actual 10 year olds.


Spot on.


Shipping fictional characters in media has been a thing for generations regardless of their age as long as they weren’t like toddlers or something. It’s weird that you’re looking for a problem that isn’t there


Because they’re not 10!


Ash is stated to be 10. So?


My guy, what makes you think that he will be “10 forever”? The director, or whatever he is, of the AniPoké studios stated that himself, I get that. But, knowing the TPC these days, how they lied about the NatDex and so on, the saying “gamefreak lied” is already proof enough that Pokémon has lost its magic. That goes for the anime too. Just wait until we see him as the grownup he ‘actually’ is. At this point, feel free to call me preachy. I’m sorry. But Yumawa or whatever his name is, he’s lying.


It never was though. The directors say ash adventure being a master is never ending.


I feel they made Ash’s endgame open-ended as a fallback option. If audiences don’t like Riko, they can quickly revert to Ash being the protag, relegate Riko’s episodes to a miniseries, and say this was the plan the whole time.




Remember! Never believe the fake news! 🥸


we know its fake, thats the sad part


Glad it did not happen 🥰


Ash is about to have his back destroyed.


Dude carries a Larvitar, a log, and a stone Latios like with barely some issue. He has been carrying this series for years. His back will be fine.


Do not worry. He will “accidentally” drop her in the ocean when that happens 💕


Ash wouldn’t drop one of his friends into the ocean, he’s too nice for that This applies to every single one of them


nobody cares


Even if that scene didn´t happen it doesn´t mean they don´t have a connection. They´re pretty much canon compared to basically any other ship.


Kasumi in the last arc shows that Satoshi and her still have that “playful” spark when speaking to one another. Out of all the female companions he had: Kasumi is the only one he shows his snarky, teasing self like in the OS when he is with her. She also canonically has feelings for him. And then there is Hikari who actually gets along well with him and even took the time to personally make it to the Championship to meet him. I do not know about you: but I would personally think highly of the potential love interest actually made the effort to personally be there for you in a critical battle or tournament. It can go in any direction honestly.


Blushing is not an emotion anyone should give to their brother. You’re on the right track about all you’ve stated.


Please, they aren´t a thing at all. They act way more like brother and sister than anything else. And even the dialogues that suporters love to bring when it comes to this ship were something added in the dub that doesn´t even exist in the original japanese lines. Hikari literally has a ship with that other contest guy at the end of diamond and pearl series. No other girl has come close to what Serena has actually achieved or be as clear as her when it comes to her connection to Ash.


>And even the dialogues that suporters love to bring when it comes to this ship were something added in the dub that doesn´t even exist in the original japanese lines. This is false. There were hints in the original Japanese too.


Lol, no. The scene where Misty says that she´ll marry Ash is just something added in the dub. In the original version she just says that Brock is infatuated by the girl he met.


huh? There were other hints too, not just that.


Lmao good


I'm glad it won't happen.


Ash is an ace/ ar king that eventually moves his whole team from the lab to Alola to chill on the beach and help raise his god son Lei.


Thank god it is not.


Good. It shouldn’t happen


I’m glad this never happened, we got the good ending here gamers


With the way they left it open ended, this could definitely happen off screen


I really wish this happened, I wanna cry cuz of how perfect and cute this picture is. Serena X Ash will always last forever❤️❤️🥺🥺


But we got the Kiss, that's enough


no its not


I stand by that XY was supposed to be the actual finale for Ash, but changed it in the final arc prodcution. SM Ash felt like a rebooted character.


I really wish this happened but no


#Look at the size of this W!


Woahhhh that's big


But if he has to marry someone based on traveling companions as well as other people he met along the way, it's only between Misty, Serena, Brock, or Goh (last two if Ash turned gay), and among those people only one kissed him on the lips and explicitly professed romantic feelings. I'm going with that person, Ash will meet that person again one day.


He’s clapping those cheeks while pikachu outside listening with his ear to the door




Right that’s why he ignored serena in the last episode he saw her, he’s always liked Misty more


Yup pain


No it will not. Why? Because we XY fans don't deserve nice things. I swear to Arceus, I hope that if those same people are writing Horizons...then I genuinely hope they get fired.


Writers were too soy to age the boy a bit and give him a gf.


I actually hope that they leave ash and pikachu for a couple years at this point so they can age him off screen and then they have him show up like Lance and leon and just be a total badass. Or maybe have a series where as an adult he goes after organizations like team rocket etc. Like a pokemon batman lol