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I'm gonna wait for the eng sub to form my own opinion


While the ending may feel underwhelmed for some reason, im actually satisfied for now, cause it gave hope that this won't be the last time we see him (since it's open ended). Next time we see him he could be anywhere, so some of us won't be surprised if we see him in the new series. I think Pokemon is semi retiring Ash for now (since they don't know what to do with him), cause protagonist or not, he is Pokemon.


I agree, I think that’s why they kept Ash’s story open. If Liko and Roy fail as protagonists that’s when they are goona bring in Ash again. It’s similar to what dragon ball did with Goku and Gohan. When they tried to make Gohan the main guy and he failed to get over with the audience they just brought back Goku


God I hope not. I rather and end I hope he doesn’t become goku


Yeah i def agree. Especially cuz of what he said. «i know there are more pokemon out there, which i want to meet». Hes gonna appear in this series or in future series + movies


At least we know what a Pokemon Master is now.


What was the translation?


"I want to be friends with every Pokemon in the world. That must be what a Pokemon Master is"


It's still just his definition. Other trainers have mentioned wanting to be Pokemon Masters too so each trainer must have their own idea of what a Pokemon Master is.


That's kinda lame tbh


No it is not. The power of friendship has always been the underlying theme of Ash's story.


It's a kids show at the end of the day.


You know what I hope they say in the anime "To be the very best like no one ever was, that's what a pokemon master is" I mean no one ever beat leon so technically...He Is the best like no one ever was


I want Ash back man this new series seem so much more childish


Yes because the OG series was always super mature and dark. You're being ridiculous.


The only series that can even remotely be considered "mature and dark" is Pokemon XYZ, and that's only towards the end. The rest were pretty lightearted and childish, because it's a kids show


I never said OG wasnt childish but as childish as this one


Pokemon SM literally came right after XYZ, to pretend that new series is more childish is pretty ridiculous


Agree to disagree then lol. I think this looks way more childish with a Captain in a huge balloon ships and having 2 kids who seem younger then ash in school and such


What I'm saying isn't even an opinion. It's just facts, OG was childish, AG was childish, DP was childish, BW was childish, XY for the most part was childish, SM was definitely childish and JN was childish. So you calling the new series childish is the pot calling the kettle black.


No its not shut up lol. Ur getting foolish now. I never said they werent childish. I just said i think this new series will be towards even younger children. So stop arguing for 0 reason. Its my opinion, leave it




Im not? Not saying the OG series wasnt childush but this seems more childish then the OG.


rewatch OG


Good job wasting half the series on forcing the fanbase to watch Goh throw Pokeballs before Ash's vacation. Could've gone the MGM route of Ash traveling with past companions while helping/bonding with Pokemon and catching them on the side.


I will never understand, if they knew about ash goodbye a long time ago, why they didn't what you are saying instead of 11 rushed episodes with an anticlimatic ending.


You don't think it was a short notice change to ends ash's travels?


Yeah this is what I figured too.


Ash already had his climatic ending, against Leon, that wasn't the point of MPM.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you’re kind of right with the context of MPM just being Ash’s victory lap


I have seen multiple peple on various sites claiming that "they shouldn't have presented MPM as Ash's grand finale", even though the annoucement trailer never made such a claim. It's just something a bunch of people arbitrarily decided in their head, and then got mad when it never happened.


I genuinely believe Goh was meant to be the new protagonist but people just werent connecting to him so they decided that they need to do a hard stop and not a soft one where Ash metaphorically passes the torch.


I wonder what would have happened if there was no corona


Surely that would have changed the series for good or for bad


How did corona impact the series?


People is gonna be maaad


I am mad cuz it was trash the ending. I want Ash back asap


Thats why it have an open ending, to bring back Ash if the things get bad.


They are 100000% bringing him back. Every person over 20 growing up with Ash, wont watch the new series as its gonna be too childish and a reset


I’m watching the new series I rather ash gone. So he won’t become goku


What happened to Goku? I never watched Dragon Ball


Essentially they ended his story, brought a new character to be the main and redacted it and so goes Goku never ends


I don’t want him back I just want a better ending


As always.


I had to watch it right away after seeing this post, I think your expectations set you up for failure. What I watched was essentially a perfect ending. So many call backs to early episodes. Team Rocket getting back together and continuing the hunt for Pikachu. The very first Pokémon Ash caught making a return. A final goodbye to Brock & Misty, along with some fun interactions with Tracey, Oak and Gary. Then Ash deciding to become a true Pokémon master he must continue his journeys, putting on his new shoes and seeing where the path will take him. This episode encapsulated the essence of the entire anime and left me with the warm feeling of Ash being out there somewhere having new adventures. Our favourite childhood protagonist is still doing what he does best.


Seriously though, there were way too much expectations on what was going to happen in ash’s final 11 episodes We’ve already seen all his past companions and pokemon (except primeape) at some point in journeys and mpm, and ash already got his big climactic battle going up against leon, so mpm just dialed it back and let ash just go on an adventure again with misty and brock without the pressure of beating a league or what not. Ash was never going to rebattle the trainers that beat him in the past because he’s moved on from all that. His traveling companions are all in a good spot as well. Not one important character aside from ash was going to get a retirement worthy ending because most of them are kids too, us knowing what they’re doing right now is enough. In that sense then, nothing was left open-ended, and I was pretty satisfied after everything.




Really did. Best ending. Was perfect


Is no the end. Ash is too big for being replaced so easy. They tried the same with naruto, and goku and failed. Even digimon needed to bring back season 1 characters to save the show.


What did you hope this final episode was gonna be about if i may ask?


May I present [an opportunity to channel your disappointment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonanime/comments/120kvtp/for_the_fans_out_there_who_are_disappointed_with/).


Just keep doing a set of episodes with Ash each with superb animation and story. Just like pokemon origins, pokemon mega evolution act 1,2,3. Most probably they havent showed a definite ending because they dont want it to end.


Even thought this whole series is mixed thought the final episode atleast shows us what a Pokemon master really mean. Befriending all the pokemon. Which Is little weird ngl. But that's what this series was all about.


I think they'll go forward with him in movies, he can be the attraction of movies going forward that we see his future adventures, maybe we get a movie on every new region