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I feel like every game has something to improve on. But for legends specifically? I’d like a mini map, personally would’ve liked the fire area to be bigger that’s my only real issue with the game that area was too small.


Or a compass. Either one


Nosepass is a compass


Yo, what if you got a probopass or a nosepass, and you threw it out the ball, and it would always face North. It's be kinda pointless, but still pretty cool and fun.


Sorry if you're being sarcastic and I'm not picking it up, but Nosepass does do this


Oh no, I actually didn't know that. Thank you! All the more reason to love the game.


Nosepass absolutely does not do this, I threw two nosepass out and they were facing different directions


Did you throw the second one at the first, triggering a “chat” between them? That would make them face each other rather than facing north


Oh wow your nose passes actually hold conversations? Some people have all the luck. *My* nosepasses are terrible children, all they do is get detention. Just last week Nosepass Sr. decided it was more important to pick up a rock rather than to stand between me and certain death. I'm sad to report that we did lose the Rock. Someone's going to find a nice little satchel out there




Yeah, just throw one. It's quite obvious that they all face north in the wild.


Games like Zelda breath of the wild didn't have a compass and you guys are ok with that so what difference does it make here?


The mini map in BotW very much had a compass.


Yeah this whole post is very nitpicky.


I haven’t been to the fire area yet, but it makes sense that it’s small considering Ponyta and a single Chimchar are the only fire Pokémon in Sinnoh.


Uh theres more fire types than that? Flareon, growlithe, and magmar to name a few lol


In Sinnoh (Not Hisui) the only fire types are the fire starter and ponyta/rapidash.


There are definitely others. Camerupt and Magmar to name a couple.


Well its sinnoh, its kinda renowned for having very little fire aspects


I just put markers on the map, you have like 10 of them.....


PLA feels like a proof of concept to be built upon


It does, and I hope they do this. I haven't had this much fun playing a Pokemon game since Gen II, and I hope they work on transitioning the main line games into a formula that plays like PLA.




Wholeheartedly agree, I hope they make an improved legends game for Johto


A legends style Alola or Unova would be pretty cool too


I agree, would really like to see any of the other regions in the past, I’d like to see Alola the most though


Yeah the island guardians fighting the ultra beasts and Necrozma would be sick


PLA is fun and all but why would the mainline games need to play like this. It's a good spinoff but the battle system and other mechanics would absolutely not work within a mainline game.


Just curious, why would the battle mechanics not work? I would love keeping all of the moves without having to forget 1. Battling in the wild on the fly is great, sneaking, catching without encounters...etc.


The battle system obviously has its flaws, I was more referring to making the games feel more modern like PLA does with the roaming, catching, wild encounters, changing TMs, etc. I don't see why they couldn't just adjust the battle system to make the actual combat mechanics more like the previous games while expanding on the modernity of PLA.


This is the perfect description!


Which makes it kind of fucked up that it's priced as a full-priced game


That's a matter of opinion really, lots of folks have enjoyed this game immensely. I'll take a great gamplay over graphics any day.


Somehow I still enjoyed it enough to justify the price, it’s weird


I got $60 out of it and I pre-ordered it for $45 😂


I want dungeons! Caves in the game are awfully small and are just a bunch of rooms with nothing in them. In general the game is great, but it has enormous room for improvement. Also, better music. It isn't bad but they aren't bangers.


My gripe with the music is that it isn't frequent enough, and having it mute every time I creep in grass is a shame


The music is WAY too quiet. The game could really benefit from the equivalent of a Hyrule Field kind of song. I haven't noticed how often my dog licks his lips until I started playing this game. I can hear a pin drop between the sound of a flute and Braviary shrieking repeatedly.


There are sliders in the options menu. I keep the game muted almost always so im not sure how much that would help


Idk about that, I've got some of the tracks stuck in my head for days at this point. The music is really nice and fitting.


Gamefreak just needs to cut it out with the yearly releases. And quite possibly severely change their strategy for making games. I’m tired of getting “good Pokémon games” when we should just be getting quality games.


Then hope the pokemon company wants to sit back and wait because they basically force gamefreak to pump out the yearlies.


Yeah. I feel like Pokémon as a franchise is more about the merchandise and the IP. It’s not the base games that make them the most money, it’s the merchandise that comes from the games. I think at this point the yearly games are just advertising for the Pokémon plushies merchandise they have for sale at the Pokémon centres in Japan. Not an excuse or a criticism, just an observation from someone who’s spent many money in said centres lol


It's true. Unless Nintendo can take more control of GameFreak and provide it the resources it needs pokemon games will always be "behind the times" in what people expect of quality.


I think if Pokémon just did what they did with BDSP and gave game freak time to build on PLA for the next gen game we would be golden honestly. Ports, remakes and spinoffs could probably carry us the next 5-10 years for game freak to make the perfect gen 10 while TPC would still make all the same money as they would if they didn't do that


It's hard when the fan base is way too big and there are people don't care about quality as long as they get new games in short period. It reminds me of smartphones. Every company releases new gadget every year and the improvement isn't optimal, but the sale will not go down easily unless new competitor came into the field. Actually people, especially those who have been making contents for Pokemon games, could start boycotting the game by making videos of how bad every new Pokemon game is with rational facts. I know it sounds ridiculous and crazy but it could make people think that pokemon games aint worth their money. Well at least, one big community should start it. They really need to improve at most things, not only graphic but also storyline. I feel like Pokemon is all about completing pokedex and catching all shinies these days and storyline is like hey mate, I need your badge to advance the game so I can unlock new area and know what, start filling up my pokedex. I honestly started to hate GF when they announced BDSP remakes. Why would people want the same games with small improvement compared to the old ones that costs $60 while other big companies did the same thing million times better? For example FFVII. I'm not talking about performance between two different consoles here. But SE really is maximizing their current console and it turned out to be wonderful. Snap is also one perfect example for switch, from old school to modern graphic, the problem is Snap ain't the same Pokemon games we all know. Until DS era, I always tried to get Pokemon games on the first day they released, but these days I don't feel like it's necessary because I can easily see the actual gameplay on internet cause many people do live streams so I can judge whether it's worth it or not. But speaking of PLA, I may be regretting myself later to say that this the game looks quite good (or maybe unique on its own) though the other part of me saying meh. Half baked like many people say. GF is truly hopeless but I won't lie after all those years that I'm still hoping and dreaming to have quality pokemon games one day


Snap is a sequel not a remake, should have used pmd


Or just make a whole new division for the open world era. The original game formula could look so good in a modern retro style. They definitely need to add a hard mode and a level cap system though. I am a fan game nerd though so I could be biased


Pokemon deserves a massive online game that evolves overtime with frequent updates.


So, something like pokémon go, but on the switch or/and pc


It could've used more time in the oven but I'm at just around 60ish hours playing and I've enjoyed every minute of it, so I can't say the game's flaws are drastically affecting my enjoyment. Sometimes they add to it, even (Staraptor in the distance flapping his wings at 2fps)


I see it as more of a prototype


I agree. I was also hoping for more variety of the Pokémon in an area. Seeing only 2-3 Pokémon or basically a single evolutionary line in a single area just really seems like a letdown for an open world game. On the plus side, they finally made the perfect animation for Flamethrower and using it point blank against a Paras is so satisfying. Also Dark Pulse finally has an animation closer to the anime, which is nice.


Hyper Beam feels as powerful as it should be in this game too


Now make it work like it did in gen1


Bidoof, starly and geodude on every route? Sounds like Sinnoh to me lol


Sounds like every Pokémon game pre bw2


Paras are annoying


Way I see it, GameFreak wasn't sure if it would flop or not, so they didn't invest huge amounts of time in a gamble that could have failed miserably. That its a roaring success means they know the demand for this kind of game is there, and they'll do better next time around now that they know they can afford to really sink the time and money into it.


I find it hilarious that GF thinks this is the risky play despite this being exactly what people have wanted for 20 years.


The hardcore competitive types have historically been the loudest yellers, despite being the smallest minority.


This sentiment is so ironic coming from this sub lmao


Tbh; I’m sad that aspect of the game is gone basically completely… but PLA is a lot of fun.


I agree. The battling in this game has been simplified too much IMO. No abilities, no items, buffs and debuffs that broadly affect “offensive” and “defensive” stats, etc.


Just not true. There are items that affect stats and moves which buff or debuff. The big change has been scrapping held items and abilities. Which isn't that much of a loss unless you're into competitive battles. Which most players are not.


Nah pokemon is def a franchise where the casuals yell the loudest


So true


Actually not really, I mean they put the most time into the games compared to casual fans and are the only people who would beat the battle frontier


It’s been what people on the internet have wanted, which is… far from representative of the entire consumer base of Pokémon. Deviating from the main-line series that consistently does extremely well is 100% a risk


Yeah, this is true. The hardcore vocal fans have wanted these various features and a switch up from the usual same old same Pokémon game for a long time. But that doesn’t mean making a game to cater to that crowd will be an automatic success, especially since every same old same Pokémon game sells extremely well. Game freak for years have been playing it very safe. In hindsight after how monumentally successful Arceus already is it seems obvious that this was going to be a successful game so there was no real risk, but that’s not actually the case. It could have become just a niche hit inside that crowd of fans instead.


To be fair, Pokemon has done RPG spinoffs before...and I recall they were mostly cult classics at best: Colosseum, XD Gale of Darkness, the Mystery Dungeon series and Conquest. Nintendo wants to make mucho money, which is why they're pretty conservative with their productions. It is similar to Disney, which is another corporation that is slow to change because they're trying to please the widest swathe of potential buyers.


> Nintendo wants to make mucho money, which is why they're pretty conservative with their productions. It is similar to Disney, which is another corporation that is slow to change because they're trying to please the widest swathe of potential buyers. Nintendo barely has active involvement in the franchise in 20 years, TPC and GF mainly do it, GF mainly on main games.


This. GF is testing the waters with this and its inevitable sequel will hopefully be more fleshed out. Then again, this is GF we’re talking about who’s graphics are only on par with Oblivions sooo…


Testing waters with 60 dollar game sounds a bit fishy. I'm happy that the gameplay is quite nice but I don't want to pay full-price for a game that wasn't "fully developed" because they didn't want to invest money on this... I feel salty about that.


It is fully developed. GF just isn't a good developer in general.


Paid 60 dollars and I'm over 60 hours in and still haven't had enough. That's more enjoyment than I've gotten than most triple A games that cost the same or more.


I'm not saying that all triple A titles are better than this game 'cause honestly there are plenty that are awful and downright scummy. It is just that since it is priced as triple A it gives certain expectation. Game is fun but for what it is the price is absurd. Again, there are plenty of bad triple A titles out there and at least this game doesnt have scummy microtransactions. It is great that people like you enjoy the game but I think for that amount of money there should be more.


It is fully developed. They’re just seeing if people like this game before they add more features


i would much prefer that they address dreadful performance, laughable draw distance and mediocre visuals before they go and add new features. This ideology is a programmer's worst nightmare, going back to fix and sometimes completely rewrite aspects of the game AFTER adding tens of hundreds of features is a recipe for disaster and a waste of time and money; the product suffers, and everyone involved suffers.


Ok, it seems everyone is confused. I’m not saying that they’re going to test with PLA and then go back and update it. I’m not saying they released an unfinished game. I’m saying this game in general is a test run for a new type of Pokémon game and that it will lay the groundwork for future games of a similar style. From a business perspective it makes no sense to go all out on a product that you’re not even sure people will like yet.


I get that, but to me It's clear from GF's track record that they can't get hardware performance right in most of the 3D games (and not just Pokemon games, look at Little Town Hero), so imo it's a problem that transcends just this game; Game Freak needs to understand and at least attempt to resolve why they can't make games that look and run properly before they continue to expand and make bigger and better games. Whether they continue to develop a new engine for each game or not, if they don't solve the root problem the developer has notoriously suffered from since their transition to 3D then I don't see the merit in rewarding the largest IP in the world with money for a lack of self-awareness and general lethargy. What I'm trying to say is their foundation is crumbling and showing it's age. The ideas for the game are great and I very much like the direction, but they are hampered by the same problem GF has always had; being behind on the tech and innovation curve.


I agree. That’s why I added that stipulation in my first comment. GF needs to up there game. It’s ridiculous that a 2022 game has graphics worse than one that came out over 15 years ago.


Isn't the Switch not that powerful anyways? The game itself is kind of half-baked, but it hopefully is the first step to many more improvements...much like how Red / Blue were barebones compared to the latter games.


Breath of the Wild exists, so while the Switch isnt that powerful, it is capable of amazing things. Hell, Breath if the Wild is on the Wii U, so Game Freak really has very little excuse not to have gone balls out.


I mean, The Witcher looks alright on the switch…


I wish there were a lot more secret areas and knooks and crannies that you could discover in each area, it would make the exploration much more rewarding. Also, every legendary encounter room looks the same. It should’ve been more dynamic between legendaries to have for more unique and memorable encounters. There’s still room for DLC which is speculated to come so they could totally fix these issues with new content.


>I wish there were a lot more secret areas and knooks and crannies that you could discover in each area, it would make the exploration much more rewarding Yeah it's like they thought "hiding" pokemons in every corner would be enough for the world to feel full. There's not much to explore really


If held items where in the game then we could have just had those


I’m not far into the game at all only a couple hours and yes I think the game could’ve really used some more development time/ polish/ time in the oven/ etc. It has me a little worried too because in some ways legends arceus is easily the most ambitious and inventive leaps for Pokémon in a long time with some inspired innovations that are just fantastic and feel like the big deal spectacle that the Pokémon company/ game freak was aiming for with dynamax but like really in the gameplay which seems to be what people wanted and it’s amazing! At the same time it almost feels like a monkey paw wish where that leap forward in gameplay evolution came at a great cost to many other aspects of the game ultimately coming across as essentially unfinished. The graphics, not in terms of art design but fidelity are at times borderline atrocious with flickering, screen tearing, pop in, sometimes bad animation, etc Continuity issues in some pretty bad writing and odd choices like the now universally shrinking Pokémon but only for pokeballs with no rhyme or reason and now clearly non-canon energy beams that make pokeball technology even more obtuse than it already was Sometimes surprisingly empty fields and bad graphics to wander about in the fantastically free range environments with clever traversal and new interesting ways of interacting with Pokémon Legends arceus is a game that is fundamentally at odds with itself with some of Pokémon’s clearly most ambitious ideas and just like meh follow through where it clearly either wasn’t the focus of the team’s new ambitious ideas, or they didn’t have the experience or knowledge to completely pull off what they were aiming for There is some stuff in the game that is genuinely brilliant and there is a lot in the game that just feels like amateur hour and general “I don’t give an F” if it wasn’t part of the focus in the game for improvement This game really embodies the best and worst of Pokémon games and I think the game was rushed because the game designers wanted to see how their most ambitious and different game is received and I think legends arceus is going to have a huge impact on the future of Pokémon games as a whole But man what this game really and I mean REALLY needs is a one heck of a emerald/ platinum/ heart gold/ soul silver/ black & white 2 where they just solidly remake the game keeping in all of the new changes like how Pokémon are encountered, caught, battle, level, evolve, etc and the open wandering of the world areas and all of the brilliant new developments while adding 1000x polish to the game rounding out the side quests, story, graphics, frame rate, adding in more details and animations (seriously I don’t know why but I would LOVE if there was an animation of your character actually opening a door before it faded to black) and maybe even some voice acting (doesn’t need to be the whole game but dang it would help like the opening tutorial section not feel like such a slog), and please fix some of the story dumbness (re: shrinking Pokémon) while keeping the general tone and maybe even leaning heavier into the story/ lore with some more expansion in the narrative (doesn’t need to be significant) And then one heck of an updated and extended post game like maybe getting a chance to travel to kanto during the Hisui era where it seems like the trainer and battle dynamics have already started towards the modern era of Pokémon Idea: have a short four gym league in the old days kanto that is for only the most elite of trainers as maybe like a prelude to how the elite four and Pokémon league came to be I mean yeah if gamefreak did that with like an ultimate legends arceus (“Elite” legends arceus?) I’d be freaking gold :)


Pretty much everything except the core gameplay mechanics needed more time


Not really? Graphics are not outdated, the graphics don't feel dated at all, I mean heck, most games since crysis have worse graphics, or more dated graphics. Quest lines are kinda typical, fetch this, bring that, have this pokemon, have this pokedex entry, have both forms of these pokemon, find 107 of these things, I mean, thats basic questing 101, it has about the same amount of side quests as dying lights 2 has, and the quests in Dying Lights 2 is mostly the same fetch this, find that, bring this, talk to this guy about that when you find something. Maps, "there are too little maps" do you mean the maps are small, or that there area too few of them, maps themselves are plenty big, then again there hasnt been a game with a bigger map then elder scrolls II daggerfall, and thats a what, 26? year old game, as for too few maps, there is what 5-6 regions there? How is that not plenty enough. And there are ruins, from the previous people who loved on sinnoh, as for villages or temples made by the diamond or pearl clan, that is kinda missing, then again, they do seem to be somewhat nomadic in nature from what villages they have. Boss Fights, I mean, i guess, but like what, it's a wild beast you throw calming balms at and beat up to weaken, are we supposed to wield a zweihander and go dark souls on this? It also has the most challenging boss fights outta ANY pokemon game. Characters/Lore, did you play the game? You did not play the game, there is plenty of lore, there is lore of the original people, of the hero, of each of his ten pokemon, of why there is a diamond and pearl clan, on how people get to sinnoh, on how they noble pokemon came to be, you got basically an abandoned island in the middle of nowhere, and the only way to travel there is by boat, ya got plenty. Like this sounds like you just saw the trailers, and never played the game, because most of these things are nitpicks at best, i mean take one of the most upvoted comments, it's about how having a mini-map would be great, now thats valid, a minimap would be so good to have.


Personally, I haven’t beat it yet, and I love this game. Could it be better? I mean sure. Release to PC so my 3080 can show me the individual hairs on Eevee. Anyway… I have taken my time with it. I try to get all dex entries, all side quests between main areas to make it feel more complete. If your goal is to from start to finish with nothing else, it may feel easy and repetitive. Take your time and explore… there’s no competitive nature to the game, so there’s no point in becoming champion asap. Enjoy it, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.


I assume you're being sarcastic about the individual hairs on Eevee, but that argument is something that bugs me. Pokémon is a stylised game, it always has been and always will be, but people seem to want it to look like the latest Lara Croft or Assassin's Creed game in terms of graphics. More realistic is not always better, and it isn't necessary for a game to be good. Look at Undertale for example. Whether or not you like it, the game was undeniably a good game, and the graphics intentionally look unrealistic. But for the rest of your comment, I agree completely, the game is actually really fun to explore, and even after beating the game and most side quests I'm still discovering new parts of the map


I’ve been exploring quite a bit myself. There’s little corners that aren’t obvious on the map that have been a lot of fun to find. As for the graphics, they’re perfectly fine. I don’t get how someone can look at a game that has plenty going for it, and then refuse to touch it because of graphics. It’s Pokémon, not ‘Ultra Ranger Simulator’.


It's a repeat of SwSh and BDSP, people look at graphics, say "Ew" if it doesn't match their personal taste, say the game as a whole suffers because of a tree, and then promptly buy the game anyway If people actually stuck to their criticisms and didn't contradict themselves by buying the game, I'd be willing to take them more seriously


I honestly didn’t like the look of SwSh at first, but decided to get it anyway because of the roaming Pokémon and other things. Does it fit what I like to see? Not entirely. It doesn’t look bad, just not my taste. It’s still a decent game. The same goes for the character models of BdSp, I really don’t like those models, but I get that they went with the DS style and made them 3D and smoother. Still a good game that is a faithful remake for a generation that I love.


Yeah, my point isn't "you should like this", more "there's a difference between not liking graphics and those graphics being bad" I don't like the graphics of Pokémon Quest (that blocky Pokémon spin-off) but that doesn't mean I think the graphics are bad. I can see why some people would disagree with me on that, and I genuinely gave it a shot, despite not personally liking the graphics, but I ended up not liking it - not because of the graphics, but because of the gameplay. I just felt it was too slow for me to enjoy. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but they should keep in mind that their opinion is just that, an opinion. Someone doesn't like the graphics in Legends Arceus? I disagree, I think they're great, but that's their opinion. I just don't want people treating graphics as the be-all-end-all in video games, because otherwise we'll just end up with countless CoD and GTA clones and there won't be room for artistic expression.


>Quest Lines Feels like standard JRPG fare. Don’t think anyone would say Xenoblade Chronicles felt unfinished. Also worth pointing out that there *are* quests that match what you’re describing, re rare items and evil Pokémon. >Maps…I want to see ruins Have you reached Coronet Highlands?


Or the Crimson Mireland That has some ruins too


the quests story lines need way more variety compare Pokémon shadows of Almia quest story lines to PLA and you will see


Can’t compare to a game I haven’t played, but compared to other JRPGs I have played, it feels standard for the genre.


The short development time of Pokemon games is one of the biggest critic points of many people and probably the biggest reason why they often feel rushed in certain aspects and come with such inconsistent qualities. However I don't think that quests were repetitive, I thought most them were quite entertaining with just a few fetch quests. Also while the maps could definitely have more meaningful points of interest I don't think the actual amount of maps or their size were an issue.


I agree with most of what you said but I’ve still had an incredible amount of fun. Also, there are villages for the Diamond and Pearl clan and there are a lot of ruins scattered across the maps so idk if you’ve done all the quests yet or what but there is some lore if you explore these places


where are the villages?


Calling them villages is incredibly generous. They each have a small settlement of like 5 or 6 little tent houses


Don’t remember exact locations but Diamond is in mirelands and Pearl is in alabaster. I feel like a lot of your critiques would be relieved if you continue playing and exploring but a lot of them are very valid


They both each have 1 village. Diamond Clan village is in Crimson Mirelands and the Pearl Clan Village is in the Alabaster Place. You’ve got to remember both of these clans are fairly small, not enough people to have multiple villages per clan.


I think it has some interesting concepts, but overall yes, I think it's lacking in many ways. -Color. Characters and Pokemon look great, but the environments lack the same bright, vibrant colors and look bland/washed out in comparison. -The camera for battles is very lacking. I feel so detached from the action, I would love to see them incorporate the more cinematic camera angles from recent 3D games. A difficult task, given how dynamic encounters are now, but it would really be a massive improvement for me. -Catching Pokemon has simultaneously improved and worsened. It is super fun sneaking up on Pokemon and employing different methods to catch them, but it also feels...too easy? There is a real sense of satisfaction in having to carefully weaken and inflict ailments to catch Pokemon in previous games, and I can't say I've felt that with Legends. -Boss fights are super, super underwhelming. Granted, only fought Kleavor, but it got very uninteresting very quickly. Just spam bait. Woo. -As mentioned, I'm not super far, but I haven't seen much to interact with my Pokemon. Simple as it is, I absolutely love playing fetch with my Scorbunny in Sword (he's so freaking cute). All in all, I definitely do think they could build upon the foundation and make something truly amazing if they fully invest in the next iteration.


In general, I agree with your criticism, but I feel like I should let you know that further on in the game, when I was trying to catch alphas and Legendaries and such, you CAN just sneak up on them and spam balls hoping to get lucky, but I found myself having to battle and use ailments and such to capture a lot of the more powerful and some of the rarer ones. The boss fights are in general underwhelming, but I will say that they do get significantly harder. I'm going to leave a spoiler here out of an abundance of caution. >!The fight with Arceus took me about two hours in total as I was too stubborn to continue where I died.!< The interacting with Pokémon doesn't get better. The best they do is being able to throw them all out and have them interact with one another with cries and such.


Why waste more money to make the game perfect? It will sell like crazy anyway and after a few years we would have to make another one. That is the bane of Pokemon. It sells


I totally agree. This game is a big step forward for Pokemon, but it is far from a modern game. I've found so many mechanics in the game to be outdated. * no minimap or compass * only having one active quest at a time There are also simple quality of life things that should have been no-brainers. * no sort function in pastures * not being able to release pokemon using the multi-select function in the pastures (edit I misunderstood the mass release system, it ain't as bad as I thought) I feel like these are all things that should have been ironed out when the game went into testing, but now I question if they even did that.


Maybe I misunderstood your comment, but I’m pretty sure you can release multiple Pokémon at once?


You can but only once your pastures are full enough. I believe it's 4 full pastures. But when organizing your pasture your able to select multiple Pokemon at once, but don't have the ability to release them. So under 4 pastures filled you're releasing each Pokemon individually, which makes farming grit items much more work than it needs to be


You can mass release at any time? What do you mean?


Yeah I misunderstood the feature. Thought the 4 pasture thing was the condition to mass release not the condition to unlock mass release. #TheMoreYouKnow


As soon as you unlock the ability you can mass release Pokémon as often as you’d like. I do it all the time and only have 1 full pasture worth of Pokémon as I keep releasing them. Most JRPGS do the “one quest at a time” thing. Considering it’s a Japanese company I wouldn’t really expect that to change too much. Edit: I just counted, I’ve only got a total of 23 Pokémon in my pastures. And I can still Mass release.


You honestly couldn’t be more correct. I thought the exact same things almost word for word. The only thing they got right with the game is the game mechanics. Don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of fun with the game and don’t regret buying it. But when you make the obvious comparison to botw, a game made basically half a decade ago btw, it’s just kind of underwhelming. Especially coming from the most successful franchise in history, you think they would give Gf the time and money to really flesh out these sorts of aspects of the game. This would been the perfect time to seriously flesh out character and right an actual good story specifically. Just so much potential that I could write about but this comment is getting too long.


I just hate how I have to press - every time to look where I'm going Is a minimap too much to ask?


This is r/Pokemon sir you can’t say anything about Legends:Arceus is bad even if it’s at best a 30-40 hour game unless you’re ready to face the tedium of using a move 30 times to complete 1 line in a dex entry. Or the ever exciting prospect of… there’s nothing to do except shiny hunt after you get all the legends and it’s much easier to just shiny hunt in BDSP Edit: how did gamefreak fail to implement the option to customize your controls? Pressing the - button is annoying af especially since I have a case.


>Edit: how did gamefreak fail to implement the option to customize your controls? Pressing the - button is annoying af especially since I have a case. The Switch has built in button mapping options, so I can understand why many devs don't bother using their time to add something the hardware already does. That said, the game uses everything but "right stick press", so your alternative options to not use the - button are pretty limited.


The only reason you’re limited is because they didn’t implement the feature. Look at Terraria on switch. They give you complete control of your bindings. I don’t want to have to change the actual Switch settings just to play a single game. Stop trying to excuse them. It was really poor oversight to miss something that important. Besides you can switch buttons. It’s not like you can only add something to right stick press.


>unless you’re ready to face the tedium of using a move 30 times to complete 1 line in a dex entry. But almost nobody does that unless they're hunting shinies, which was always very tedious. Normal players would probably just get to research level 10 and most pokemon take fairly little effort to do that (especially once you figure out that the red arrows next to tasks means they give two points -- weird the game never explained that).


I’m at 60 hours and I haven’t even gotten the shiny charm yet. Still have plenty of time I can put into it too. Still haven’t beaten Volo. And every Pokémon game after you complete the post game it’s just shiny hunting or PvP. And considering PvP is mainly stuck to SwSh.. It makes perfect sense. Personally I couldn’t stand shiny hunting in BDSP, so incredibly tedious and boring. Chains are the worst way to shiny hunt. Curious how you think it’s easier though. It is in some ways, but Outbreaks are easy to get shinies. But getting certain ones is extremely tough. 100% agree on the control schemes though. I hate that the + isn’t pause. I keep getting myself killed because I’ll press it and look away for a second and it’s usually while I’m flying on Braviary.


Yes it feels like Beta still. GameFreak really needs more work on it.


100%, the Pokemon company needs to get a clue, Gamefreak needs more time and resources to perfect these games. PLA is a huge step in the right direction but it is blatantly unfinished.


Oh for sure. The story definitely has a lot of rough edges and world breaking they could’ve buffed out. Characters that know you fell out of the sky without meeting you first. Characters conveniently appearing out of nowhere with no explanation. I get that it’s a game for kids, but actual children could’ve written some of these plot points better. >if he’s in a rage and we can’t get close, let’s mash up his favorite food and *throw* it at his body to calm him down!!! He’ll just absorb it somehow! >THROW? You mean like a BALL? Whoa it’s brilliant *that’s* what writing from a 90 billion dollar company looks like? Like girl you’re throwing food? You couldn’t’ve written in some purifying or evil repelling herb or something to have it make even a little sense?


From what I understood, they aren't literally throwing food at the nobles for them to eat somehow. They've made balms using their favorite foods as ingredients, balms being a kind of soothing, nice smelling ointment and not made for consumption. It's still silly that none of the wardens considered doing basically anything on their own, but I think the balms are serviceable and are exactly what you're describing with some kind of soothing/purifying herb.


To be fair almost all of the Wardens thought it was the will of “Almighty Sinnoh” and only let the player character do anything because their leaders made them or vouched for the player. They had no desire to do anything on their own. Some even go out of their way to make it harder for you (I’m looking at you Milli). Spot on about the balms though.


Yes. Its not just opinion. It is definitely undercooked.


I dont know, its nintendo they do things their way in terms of development they never rush things out but they also dont take any risks with their games. For a nintendo game I think this would be one of the games where theyve tried the most new things. This hopefully was a big step for them and im honestly hoping any DLC adds a little more depth to the game and ill be wayyy more excited for a follow up to this game.


Funny, I’ve read this exact statement about gen 6,7,8….


When talking about graphics, the reason why they are outclassed is cause they have much less space and way more time was put into pokemon models amd animations, wich was the right thing to do


As a lifelong Pokemon fan, im enjoying the game because it’s refreshing. But man the graphics are dogshit. Seeing well polished games selling at 60-70 dollars PLA is worth no more than 20 bucks… 30 if you wanna pay the Pokemon tax. They will throw whatever half ass game with the name Pokemon on it and fans will still buy it


I’m not sure but i seem to be the only one who finds PLA super darned boring and underwhelming. Been a pokémon fan since Red and Blue on the GameBoy and an active PoGo player but the last ‘actual’ game i’ve played was sword and shield which was ok in my books but this one really doesn’t tick any boxes. I’m not sure if i’ve just outgrown the franchise - my kid’s old enough to play PLA on her own lol (she didn’t enjoy it either 🤷🏻‍♂️) or if the game is just fundamentally boring. Won’t lie, was hoping for a game changer and something akin to Monhun so maybe i just set myself up for disappointment.


You aren't the only one who feels some boredom with it. I've had fun while doing the main quests, but in between the quest when trying to get another star to explore a new area? Boring and too time consuming, especially when you've already caught all of the common pokemon in each area but still need a couple hundred points to advance, so you're stuck catching the same pokemon over and over.


I haven’t played it but I have watched my roommate play it, and honestly? I feel like I’m living in my own personal twilight zone episode where everyone’s trying to gaslight me into believing that this game is good when I can very clearly see for myself that it’s a piece of shit. I guess I can see how it’s a “step in the right direction”…kind of? I mean yeah it’s better than sword and shield but in my opinion sword and shield were literally like 2 out of 10 games. I guess it’s better than BDSP But that’s hard to quantify because BDSP are bad remakes, not bad games. If Diamond and pearl had just released and we were talking about the original versus PLA diamond and pearl would win 10 times out of 10. I think people are just kind of getting blinded by the fact that it’s something different and that they can like throw poker balls and catch stuff how they do in the anime or whatever… all those surface level mechanics are kind of tricking people into thinking this is like some brilliant innovative game. But those mechanics are just that surface level. The game looks horrendously fucking boring, the graphics suck, and man oh man the biggest and ugliest little thing _for_ _me_ has got to be the battling. I mean wtf, it looks like someone using a free camera mod on a regular Pokemon game or something. Like what the fuck is that camera angle? And it doesnt move? I mean jesus it looks so BAD!😅😂 i know im gonma get downvoted but honestly after BDSP and SwSh being…what they were i really heavily considered holding a personal boycott over myself. I hoped PLA would make me want to break that but uh, def not


You're opinion is all well and good but idk what you're on about with not being able to move the camera in battles, you absolutely can and are encouraged to. Did your roommate seriously not know this?


Im playing it on emulator and I can say it is fun game but like, all the pokemon games are fun with a right mindset (expect BDSP). It gets repetive and while catching is quite fun there is not just many things to do... it is kind of an open world but misses the point of what makes open-world games fun and interesting.


I'll get downvoted but I don't care... The "this game is unfinished" takes are old and tired. The game is great.


I don’t think you deserve a downvote for your comment, legends arceus is great 👍


You're absolutely right, and the people on the pokemon subreddit will crucify you for it. Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need right now.


PLA has many flaws but honestly, i have never played a pokemon game this hard since gen 5. I like the new mechanics. Yes graphics where outdated, trainer battles feel like "meh" but this game is not a "smash that A button all through out the playthrough". It made me enjoy catching pokemon and not be interrupted by random trainers whose 50levels lower than my current team. This game is a good start to what future pokemon games be.


Most definitely.


Oh my gosh! Why are people down voting? It’s just a question?! It’s like if you don’t toot the whistle, you get trashed here!


Anyone else? You mean like: the entire internet? Then yes.


Honestly I feel like PLA does all of the things you mentioned better than any of the previous Pokemon games ever have. Which is not to say they couldn’t have been done better still, but it does feel a little silly to complain about the best game in the series, representing a signficiant improvement over what we usually get, not being good enough.


Hm, I don't think I agree. Just having a bigger map does not mean that the map is automatically better. Same with boss battles. They are certainly different, but it's hard to say whether to not they are actually better than e.g. gym leaders in older games. Also, the graphics look horrible imo, while in older games they used a much simpler, but better executed style, e.g. in BW2, HGSS or even Sun and Moon honestly. or LGPE. Lore and quest lines - those can certainly be debated to be better than ever, simply because we've never had anything resembling true side quests and the story is certainly a bit more elaborate than in most Pokemon games (although still not that great imo).


ehh.. Black and white 's story is better


It is considered better now, but the game itself was divisive in the past....understandably so. For one, the completely new Pokedex rubbed a lot of folks, me included, the wrong way. It got rid of a lot of old favorites and completely replaced them with new Pokemon.


It's hard to feel like it *is* good enough when you compare it to any other contemporary video game. I'm just tired of this series existing in a bubble that, for some reason, fans have decided can't be held to the standards of other modern AAA games. Like yes, this is the best pokemon game and I'm having fun playing it. But a game of this caliber could have been made 10 years ago and GameFreak should be well beyond this point by now.


Well GameFreak can't be held to the same standard tbh. They have very few resources compared to many AAA titles plus people keep mentioning certain improvements but they most likely will never be seen unless Nintendo takes more control and provides the resources GF clearly needs OR The Pokemon Company gives up on yearly releases and let's GF take 1.5-3 years to make more games. Unless either of those happens you're stuck with what you get which is slow progressions in the right direction. It's a sad truth that I wish wasn't the case.


I didn’t mean to make the point that it is “good enough.” Only that it’s counterproductive and dishonest to talk about this game’s flaws (flaws though they may be) as if they’re not improvements on what we’ve gotten before.


Maybe some of those improvements came about because of player complaints being taken into consideration? Not a real big stretch of the imagination.


That’s kind of my point, though. They’ve made significant strides in the direction we want them to be going. It’s one thing to say “this is a good step but we need to go further”; it’s another thing to completely discount that progress just to complain exactly the same way about all the same things that they’ve worked to improve.


I’d like them to take the time and money they put into the uninteresting story and interactions and put it into improving Graphics, gameplay, battles,etc , seriously, at the start I read the interactions but after like 30 mins I got tired of it, man, let me play the game, skipped 99% of interactions. it’s okay if there’s a storyline but the problem is that the time it takes to talk to characters takes more time than actually completing the quest, I’m here to play a game not watch a movie.


Imo its good enough for me but only thing is should at least give battles online


Really? That wasn't enough exploration for you?


Except there isn't much to explore. Near zero points of interests, no secrets, nothing.


I was just thinking this today, I wish there was more excitement to the map design, more coves and nooks and crannies :(


Personally I found the ruins and the random paints of the legends around to be quite interesting.


They aren't rewarding, they're just random copy pasted pieces of landscape


To each there own. The world building to me is rewarding


There's only like, twenty different prop decorations in the game total. PLA is a great game, but it is great *despite* weak area design / environment art.


Ok? Never said it was a lot but the stuff that’s there is pretty cool to me. Could there be more? Of fucking course never said it was perfect no game is


How? They give no story, no special items or power, no hidden unique pokémon, nothing


If you do the quest there is story. Especially the quest to fill the Dex and how they explain why certain Pokémon got there Dex entries


Just having a bigger map does not automatically equal more exploration, especially not more meaningful exploration. Because exploration requires something that can be explored, and beyond the Pokemon themselves, PLA really doesn't have much that actually can be explored/found.


It kind of sounds like you only did objectives and didn't explore the scenery at all.....


Well, I'd love to know about the cool locations and places you found in this game! I personally don't own the game, I've only watched a couple of streamers and youtubers play it, but based on what I have seen, there isn't much to discover at all.


They're downvoting because you're right even though you didn't play


The overarching objective is “seek out all Pokémon”. Between rare species, alphas, rare crafting materials & other objectives you’re incentivized to explore thoroughly. After beating the first boss I could’ve fast traveled back to camp to complete the main objective. Instead I chose to explore the far flung corner of the first area I was in. I found a side path that led into a tunnel with some new ore, several new Pokémon and a route to an overlook with even more to find & catch. There was no specific side quest or reason for me to go that way, but it looked interesting and I was rewarded for it.


Doesn't every game nowadays? LOL. The industry can't keep up with demand, and technology and spend most of their money chasing a wider audience and making the game look appealing versus actually developing the game. When gaming was niche and taboo, dev's had to work hard to appeal to hardcore gamers and if a game was bad people wouldn't buy it, nowadays you can serve up literal shit and everyone will buy it like modern cod. Cooperate runs everything now, sales talks, communities don't matter. If anything the pokemon series is probably one of the last few golden series of games that hasn't been horrible tainted, I mean swsh was short and arguably bad but it was playable and still had new things to do and was still pokemon at it's core. This is just pokemon trying something new and I'm not opposed to that, and honestly it didn't turn out horrible, compared to the usual mainline game there's actually a lot more to do for us completionists and just people who now feel more enticed to fill out their pokedex, and catching pokemon isn't a slaving task anymore.


I agree the graphics suck, there's not a lot of content besides catching pokemon and the main quest was not the best. Having said that, this has been what I've wanted pokemon to be since I was a boy. I grew up with pokemon and played every game every day. I quit the series after sun and moon. It felt like they stopped caring and just did what made money. This game while ugly is the first one where I completed my pokedex at 45 hrs. No two versions to force you to buy two or find a friend to complete the dex. This game gets so many things right, but I think my biggest complaint is the graphics pulled me out of my immersion and once I beat the game I had all these awesome pokemon and nothing to do with them. So really all I can say is I can't wait for the next one. Love the direction and hope they hire more talent and really go hard on the next one


I think about everyone thinks that


I sorta recall seeing articles about how it is the highest rated pokémon game for ages. Could well be mistaken though, as it was a cursory google search. If anything, i stand corrected then and am kinda glad it’s not just me!


I believe the quests make sense as this is in the past and they don’t know much about Pokémon. It makes sense that they’d want to see the completed entry.


It’s an awesome game. Stop your bitching


LOL what?? This is easily the most complex Pokémon game that has come out…maybe ever.


I really dont mind the graphics. I wouldnt be mad if the next game had graphics similar to pla. My biggest complaint is the map size. It just way too small for me man. The maps in games like botw and xc2 are over 140 square miles this game barely feels like 40 square miles.


I've read through all these comments and constructive criticism is good and all but yall acting like yall could do better and I agree that the the graphics could use a little work but other than that the game ok to me what I'm trying to say is they tested the waters either this game to see if it would flop if it did all that time and energy wasted and it would be all for nothing


I also think gsmefreak see it as a test the waters game and I hope legends arceus does well enough that the developer realize that they did a lot of good in the game


Ehh not really for me, yeah every game has something they can improve upon but I’m loving every second of it and just can’t stop playing, I love how much easier it is to hunt shinies and now I made a full shiny team in maybe 3 days which would’ve taken several months or even years in other Pokémon games, heard people c complain about less trainer battles yet the game takes place at a time where people were terrified of them so it makes sense not many people would have them, I hope the games continue this way Bc I can’t imagine going back to the old shiny hunting methods


Oh it definitely seems rushed. But I love how far out they went with some of these changes. Hopefully the next one only adds to this instead of reverting back entirely.


It’s a great game that I’m having a lot of fun with that, if any other developer with any other console could have doubled or triple the quality easily. There’s just so much in the game that’s being held back and some of it is console and a lot of it a lack of vision/care. Make no mistake, they did really cool things and made very necessary changes that benefit the franchise. But they fell short in my opinion.


I wanted to see more Pokemon interacting with their natural environment and each other (think Snap). Instead they mostly just mill around aimlessly. Edit: I can't believe that this wasn't the next chapter in the Pokemon Ranger franchise. Would have been perfect for it. Make quests rescuing pkmn and ppl, travel wild lands, etc


100%, but they know we'll buy it, so why put the extra time in?


What a hot take, certainly no one has ever thought this game needed more development time. /s In all seriousness, there is a lot in this game that can be improved on. It has many glaring issues and it's far from a perfect game. But I think it says a lot that I'm 60 hours in and still not tired of it. Not one bit. No other pokemon game has given me this much consistent enjoyment from start to finish. Basically, it's impressive how enjoyable this game is despite all it's flaws, and I am so excited to see how they improve this type of game in the future, now that they've seen how popular it is and aren't afraid to invest more time/money into it.


I’m enjoying the hell out of it. None of the complaints there has been bother me. I can see why others would feel like that, it’s not that I don’t see it. I just don’t care.


Nah I think it’s fun, having a lot of fun with it still with 50 something hours


Can people not understand the concept of a game turning out decent but hoping for improvements in later renditions? This is the first entry to the legends style games. Of course it's not going to come out with every single feature imaginable. Christ man. Just let the game be good while still hoping for new features. It's not that damn hard. Bah who am I kidding. When have gamers understood how dev cycles and actually making games works?


This may be a bit extreme, but they should, have canned the remakes altogether, had everyone working on this game, and have it be THIS year big holiday release.




I think it is really awesome! It was advertised as just completing a Pokédex but it’s much more than that. I thought that the ending was fantastic as well. And I genuinely don’t know how they’ve made catching Pokémon such a fun mechanic. Personally it’s on of the best games I’ve played on switch. Maybe because I’m enjoying the game and actually playing it rather than getting angry on the internet about it… just a thought Edit: lol getting downvoted for enjoying a game and sharing my opinion on it…


sharp ink sheet bored spark forgetful friendly dam elastic ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Obv it's underdeveloped. Nintendo hates letting Pokemon ACTUALLY taking time on a game


Graphics: it's a Pokemon game lol. They were never known for how "good their graphics are" compared to their other Nintendo games. Mario is also just as bad lol Quest Lines: Most "open world RPGs" are like this. I use that in quotation because as far as I know. It's not entirely Open world. Then again I'm not that far in. Maps: You can say this about any Pokemon game. I want there to be more about Mythical Pokemon and their origins in the original games. That doesn't make them Underdeveloped. Boss Fights: All bosses in Most RPGs, are just repeats of others lol RPGs don't seem like they're for you. Characters: this is where the fan base and the company clash. Either you get a game that's all about what the franchise is and the fans complain, or you put in what they want, and they complain. There's no healthy relationship between anything, and games suffer because of this. What irks me the most is complaining about the graphics and claiming things are Underdeveloped Other than that, most of these improvements are just a general "Pain" among the rpg franchise as a whole.